Breaking: House GOP To File Criminal Charges Against Lois Lerner In IRS Scandel

I already know the answer...Nothing.
There is no need for white groups of the same nature because whites in America have never been denied access to society.,

Are they being denied now?
Do you know any people who were once slaves?
Do you know anyone who has owned slaves?
They need to STFU,get a job and join the rest of working Americans
You cast a false standard. Now simmer down, buckaroo.

Why do you always throw out some meaningless blather when you dont have an answer?
You are turnspeaking because you cannot ethically or morally or logically answer my point: you cast a false standard.

There ya go again....
Find a new slogan FakeMalarky....that one's stale.
Because white folks were never denied access to society for centuries.

What are they being denied today?

Good question.
You should find out.

I already know the answer...Nothing.

^ Happily, willfully ignorant.

The 12 key highlights from the DOJ’s scathing Ferguson report

Do you really expect me to believe anything that came out of barrys DOJ?

Nope. I expect you to play dumb forever.
What are they being denied today?

Good question.
You should find out.

I already know the answer...Nothing.

^ Happily, willfully ignorant.

The 12 key highlights from the DOJ’s scathing Ferguson report

Do you really expect me to believe anything that came out of barrys DOJ?

Nope. I expect you to play dumb forever.

I expect to look the otherway no matter what crimes your party commits.
You notice how they will just admit it straight up and not even hide it anymore, it's after the fact.. The ends to them justify the means just like with Obama/gruber care.. And what was happing with the junk science of man made climate change. It's all about social economic change

June like temperatures in April yesterday in Chicago... nothing to see here.
Check history, idiot. Chicago frequently gets temps in the 80s mid April.

Ave. April temperatures: low 42 - high 59
Records: Low 13 ('82) - high 91 ('86)

April 15 record temperatures:
Low 29 ('62) - high 82 ('76)
You notice how they will just admit it straight up and not even hide it anymore, it's after the fact.. The ends to them justify the means just like with Obama/gruber care.. And what was happing with the junk science of man made climate change. It's all about social economic change

June like temperatures in April yesterday in Chicago... nothing to see here.
Check history, idiot. Chicago frequently gets temps in the 80s mid April.

Ave. April temperatures: low 42 - high 59
Records: Low 13 ('82) - high 91 ('86)

April 15 record temperatures:
Low 29 ('62) - high 82 ('76)

I told him a million times I was born in Chicago and left in 2003 one year in January I was running to my dads car carrying a "Risk "game and dropped it pieces all over the place, I said fuck that and left it...

The next year around 1980 we were playing softball in shorts in January....

That's just Chicago's weather..

She lives in Bethesda Maryland. Sessions can file charges there.

No, he can't. You have to file charges where the "crime" (not really) as actually committed... and that would be at IRS HQ.

What you're admitting is that the system is rigged against Republicans, so all the leftwing gloating about how many Republicans have been convicted in this Republican administration or that is simply an admission that Democrats condone Democrat corruption.

Well, no, I just think that people who are pragmatic enough to vote Democrats (For their own interests instead of those of the rich) are also pragmatic enough to realize that selling weapons to the Ayatollah is a crime but lying about a blow job isn't.

That's why your boys get convicted.
Wrong, lying about a blowjob is a crime when you do it under oath.
Well, that's a start I guess. If true. Call me a pessimist, but I don't believe that the GOP has the balls to do it.
I don't believe that the GOP has the balls to do it.

Or the standing to do it. The possibility of criminality has already been assessed. There was none found.

There was none found by the criminal Obama administration. There's a new sheriff in town, snowflake. Now we will get a more honest evaluation of the evidence.
There was none found by the criminal Obama administration.

The FBI found no criminal wrongdoing and the report from the Republican led House Oversight Committee came to the same conclusion.

Neither is the "Obama administration", dumbass.

We have no such statement from the FBI. We only have what some Obama flack in the DOJ said about the FBI's investigation, and that was a joke.

DOJ: No Criminal Charges Against IRS's Lois Lerner - Breitbart

Kadzik said the DOJ, the FBI, and the Treasury Department performed an “exhaustive probe” but determined that neither Lerner nor other IRS officials attempted to obstruct justice.

In a statement responding to the DOJ, Goodlatte
said, “At every turn President Obama and administration officials have repeatedly and publicly undermined the investigation into the IRS’s targeting of conservative groups yet today’s announcement from the Department of Justice is still very disturbing.”

The chairman continued:

I repeatedly called on then Attorney General Holder to appoint a Special Counsel to conduct the investigation to ensure a fair and thorough process but instead the investigation was led by a loyal Democratic donor. Even as far back as last year unnamed DOJ officials leaked information to the media suggesting that the Department did not plan to file criminal charges over the IRS’s targeting of conservative groups.

The Department of Justice investigation did conclude that the actions of IRS personnel involved in the scandal was “disquieting” and in that we all agree. However, the American people should be concerned that this kind of politicization continues to go unchecked by this Administration and a Justice Department charged with pursuing wrongdoing. You can be sure this will be a major issue during the Committee’s DOJ oversight hearing with Attorney General Lynch next week.
According to Fox News, Rep. Darrell Issa, who chaired the House Oversight Committee during the hearings that focused on Lerner and the other IRS officials’ activities, said the DOJ’s announcement marks a “low point of accountability” for the Obama administration.

“Giving Lois Lerner a free pass only reinforces the idea that government officials are above the law and that there is no consequence for wrongdoing,” he said.

Democrats, like Rep. Elijah Cummings, chalked up the DOJ announcement as evidence of Republicans’ desire to spend more taxpayer money on witch hunts and “all kinds of investigative rabbit holes.”

When an Inspector General’s audit found that IRS agents had targeted Tea Party and other conservative groups during the 2010 and 2012 elections in their applications for tax-exempt status, a firestorm ensued. Multiple investigations by congressional committees focused primarily on Lerner’s part in the activities, with investigators discovering her emails that denigrated Republicans. Subsequently, the House voted to hold Lerner in contempt of Congress in 2014 following her refusal to answer the Oversight Committee’s questions.

In response to the DOJ’s announcement, Tea Party Patriots CEO and co-founder Jenny Beth Martin said, “By failing to indict Lois Lerner, the Obama Justice Department – or, should we say, the Obama Injustice Department – is making a mockery of this ‘investigation,’ when countless American citizens, by Ms. Lerner’s own admission, were persecuted by the Internal Revenue Service.”

“This is a woman, after all, who looked into the camera at a national television audience and directly at a congressional committee and refused to answer their questions for fear of incriminating herself,” Martin continued in her statement. “This is just the latest evidence that the Justice Department, whether under Eric Holder or Loretta Lynch, has simply become the political hatchet-men for President Obama and his cronies throughout the administration.”

Mark Meckler, co-founder of the Tea Party movement and president of Citizens for Self Governance—a group that continues its class lawsuit against the IRS—said, “Lois Lerner made an entire career out of attacking conservatives and Christians starting with her time at the FEC. There is a reason the majority of Americans fear their government, and Lerner is the poster child for that reason.”

Meckler added that, via the DOJ’s decision not to file charges, Lerner “has been rewarded for abusing her government positions to attack her fellow citizens. And until the Department of Injustice once again becomes the Department of Justice, Americans will live in fear.”

Kadzik said the DOJ, the FBI, and the Treasury Department performed an “exhaustive probe” but determined that neither Lerner nor other IRS officials attempted to obstruct justice.

That's the pertinent part, dope.
The rest is Breitbart nonsense.

It's over.

Yeah, an Obama hack performed an "exhaustive probe." No one is surprised you want to ignore the rest of the article that proves otherwise.
Or the standing to do it. The possibility of criminality has already been assessed. There was none found.

There was none found by the criminal Obama administration. There's a new sheriff in town, snowflake. Now we will get a more honest evaluation of the evidence.
There was none found by the criminal Obama administration.

The FBI found no criminal wrongdoing and the report from the Republican led House Oversight Committee came to the same conclusion.

Neither is the "Obama administration", dumbass.

We have no such statement from the FBI. We only have what some Obama flack in the DOJ said about the FBI's investigation, and that was a joke.

DOJ: No Criminal Charges Against IRS's Lois Lerner - Breitbart

Kadzik said the DOJ, the FBI, and the Treasury Department performed an “exhaustive probe” but determined that neither Lerner nor other IRS officials attempted to obstruct justice.

In a statement responding to the DOJ, Goodlatte
said, “At every turn President Obama and administration officials have repeatedly and publicly undermined the investigation into the IRS’s targeting of conservative groups yet today’s announcement from the Department of Justice is still very disturbing.”

The chairman continued:

I repeatedly called on then Attorney General Holder to appoint a Special Counsel to conduct the investigation to ensure a fair and thorough process but instead the investigation was led by a loyal Democratic donor. Even as far back as last year unnamed DOJ officials leaked information to the media suggesting that the Department did not plan to file criminal charges over the IRS’s targeting of conservative groups.

The Department of Justice investigation did conclude that the actions of IRS personnel involved in the scandal was “disquieting” and in that we all agree. However, the American people should be concerned that this kind of politicization continues to go unchecked by this Administration and a Justice Department charged with pursuing wrongdoing. You can be sure this will be a major issue during the Committee’s DOJ oversight hearing with Attorney General Lynch next week.
According to Fox News, Rep. Darrell Issa, who chaired the House Oversight Committee during the hearings that focused on Lerner and the other IRS officials’ activities, said the DOJ’s announcement marks a “low point of accountability” for the Obama administration.

“Giving Lois Lerner a free pass only reinforces the idea that government officials are above the law and that there is no consequence for wrongdoing,” he said.

Democrats, like Rep. Elijah Cummings, chalked up the DOJ announcement as evidence of Republicans’ desire to spend more taxpayer money on witch hunts and “all kinds of investigative rabbit holes.”

When an Inspector General’s audit found that IRS agents had targeted Tea Party and other conservative groups during the 2010 and 2012 elections in their applications for tax-exempt status, a firestorm ensued. Multiple investigations by congressional committees focused primarily on Lerner’s part in the activities, with investigators discovering her emails that denigrated Republicans. Subsequently, the House voted to hold Lerner in contempt of Congress in 2014 following her refusal to answer the Oversight Committee’s questions.

In response to the DOJ’s announcement, Tea Party Patriots CEO and co-founder Jenny Beth Martin said, “By failing to indict Lois Lerner, the Obama Justice Department – or, should we say, the Obama Injustice Department – is making a mockery of this ‘investigation,’ when countless American citizens, by Ms. Lerner’s own admission, were persecuted by the Internal Revenue Service.”

“This is a woman, after all, who looked into the camera at a national television audience and directly at a congressional committee and refused to answer their questions for fear of incriminating herself,” Martin continued in her statement. “This is just the latest evidence that the Justice Department, whether under Eric Holder or Loretta Lynch, has simply become the political hatchet-men for President Obama and his cronies throughout the administration.”

Mark Meckler, co-founder of the Tea Party movement and president of Citizens for Self Governance—a group that continues its class lawsuit against the IRS—said, “Lois Lerner made an entire career out of attacking conservatives and Christians starting with her time at the FEC. There is a reason the majority of Americans fear their government, and Lerner is the poster child for that reason.”

Meckler added that, via the DOJ’s decision not to file charges, Lerner “has been rewarded for abusing her government positions to attack her fellow citizens. And until the Department of Injustice once again becomes the Department of Justice, Americans will live in fear.”

Kadzik said the DOJ, the FBI, and the Treasury Department performed an “exhaustive probe” but determined that neither Lerner nor other IRS officials attempted to obstruct justice.

That's the pertinent part, dope.
The rest is Breitbart nonsense.

It's over.

Yeah, an Obama hack performed an "exhaustive probe." No one is surprised you want to ignore the rest of the article that proves otherwise.

It proves nothing. It's partisan nonsense.
The Republican led House Oversight Committee came to the same conclusion as well, dope.
There was none found by the criminal Obama administration. There's a new sheriff in town, snowflake. Now we will get a more honest evaluation of the evidence.
There was none found by the criminal Obama administration.

The FBI found no criminal wrongdoing and the report from the Republican led House Oversight Committee came to the same conclusion.

Neither is the "Obama administration", dumbass.

We have no such statement from the FBI. We only have what some Obama flack in the DOJ said about the FBI's investigation, and that was a joke.

DOJ: No Criminal Charges Against IRS's Lois Lerner - Breitbart

Kadzik said the DOJ, the FBI, and the Treasury Department performed an “exhaustive probe” but determined that neither Lerner nor other IRS officials attempted to obstruct justice.

In a statement responding to the DOJ, Goodlatte
said, “At every turn President Obama and administration officials have repeatedly and publicly undermined the investigation into the IRS’s targeting of conservative groups yet today’s announcement from the Department of Justice is still very disturbing.”

The chairman continued:

I repeatedly called on then Attorney General Holder to appoint a Special Counsel to conduct the investigation to ensure a fair and thorough process but instead the investigation was led by a loyal Democratic donor. Even as far back as last year unnamed DOJ officials leaked information to the media suggesting that the Department did not plan to file criminal charges over the IRS’s targeting of conservative groups.

The Department of Justice investigation did conclude that the actions of IRS personnel involved in the scandal was “disquieting” and in that we all agree. However, the American people should be concerned that this kind of politicization continues to go unchecked by this Administration and a Justice Department charged with pursuing wrongdoing. You can be sure this will be a major issue during the Committee’s DOJ oversight hearing with Attorney General Lynch next week.
According to Fox News, Rep. Darrell Issa, who chaired the House Oversight Committee during the hearings that focused on Lerner and the other IRS officials’ activities, said the DOJ’s announcement marks a “low point of accountability” for the Obama administration.

“Giving Lois Lerner a free pass only reinforces the idea that government officials are above the law and that there is no consequence for wrongdoing,” he said.

Democrats, like Rep. Elijah Cummings, chalked up the DOJ announcement as evidence of Republicans’ desire to spend more taxpayer money on witch hunts and “all kinds of investigative rabbit holes.”

When an Inspector General’s audit found that IRS agents had targeted Tea Party and other conservative groups during the 2010 and 2012 elections in their applications for tax-exempt status, a firestorm ensued. Multiple investigations by congressional committees focused primarily on Lerner’s part in the activities, with investigators discovering her emails that denigrated Republicans. Subsequently, the House voted to hold Lerner in contempt of Congress in 2014 following her refusal to answer the Oversight Committee’s questions.

In response to the DOJ’s announcement, Tea Party Patriots CEO and co-founder Jenny Beth Martin said, “By failing to indict Lois Lerner, the Obama Justice Department – or, should we say, the Obama Injustice Department – is making a mockery of this ‘investigation,’ when countless American citizens, by Ms. Lerner’s own admission, were persecuted by the Internal Revenue Service.”

“This is a woman, after all, who looked into the camera at a national television audience and directly at a congressional committee and refused to answer their questions for fear of incriminating herself,” Martin continued in her statement. “This is just the latest evidence that the Justice Department, whether under Eric Holder or Loretta Lynch, has simply become the political hatchet-men for President Obama and his cronies throughout the administration.”

Mark Meckler, co-founder of the Tea Party movement and president of Citizens for Self Governance—a group that continues its class lawsuit against the IRS—said, “Lois Lerner made an entire career out of attacking conservatives and Christians starting with her time at the FEC. There is a reason the majority of Americans fear their government, and Lerner is the poster child for that reason.”

Meckler added that, via the DOJ’s decision not to file charges, Lerner “has been rewarded for abusing her government positions to attack her fellow citizens. And until the Department of Injustice once again becomes the Department of Justice, Americans will live in fear.”

Kadzik said the DOJ, the FBI, and the Treasury Department performed an “exhaustive probe” but determined that neither Lerner nor other IRS officials attempted to obstruct justice.

That's the pertinent part, dope.
The rest is Breitbart nonsense.

It's over.

Yeah, an Obama hack performed an "exhaustive probe." No one is surprised you want to ignore the rest of the article that proves otherwise.

It proves nothing. It's partisan nonsense.
The Republican led House Oversight Committee came to the same conclusion as well, dope.

Really? Where's the evidence for that? The article I posted said they came to the conclusion the were being stonewalled by the Obama FBI and the DOJ
The FBI found no criminal wrongdoing and the report from the Republican led House Oversight Committee came to the same conclusion.

Neither is the "Obama administration", dumbass.

We have no such statement from the FBI. We only have what some Obama flack in the DOJ said about the FBI's investigation, and that was a joke.

DOJ: No Criminal Charges Against IRS's Lois Lerner - Breitbart

Kadzik said the DOJ, the FBI, and the Treasury Department performed an “exhaustive probe” but determined that neither Lerner nor other IRS officials attempted to obstruct justice.

In a statement responding to the DOJ, Goodlatte
said, “At every turn President Obama and administration officials have repeatedly and publicly undermined the investigation into the IRS’s targeting of conservative groups yet today’s announcement from the Department of Justice is still very disturbing.”

The chairman continued:

I repeatedly called on then Attorney General Holder to appoint a Special Counsel to conduct the investigation to ensure a fair and thorough process but instead the investigation was led by a loyal Democratic donor. Even as far back as last year unnamed DOJ officials leaked information to the media suggesting that the Department did not plan to file criminal charges over the IRS’s targeting of conservative groups.

The Department of Justice investigation did conclude that the actions of IRS personnel involved in the scandal was “disquieting” and in that we all agree. However, the American people should be concerned that this kind of politicization continues to go unchecked by this Administration and a Justice Department charged with pursuing wrongdoing. You can be sure this will be a major issue during the Committee’s DOJ oversight hearing with Attorney General Lynch next week.
According to Fox News, Rep. Darrell Issa, who chaired the House Oversight Committee during the hearings that focused on Lerner and the other IRS officials’ activities, said the DOJ’s announcement marks a “low point of accountability” for the Obama administration.

“Giving Lois Lerner a free pass only reinforces the idea that government officials are above the law and that there is no consequence for wrongdoing,” he said.

Democrats, like Rep. Elijah Cummings, chalked up the DOJ announcement as evidence of Republicans’ desire to spend more taxpayer money on witch hunts and “all kinds of investigative rabbit holes.”

When an Inspector General’s audit found that IRS agents had targeted Tea Party and other conservative groups during the 2010 and 2012 elections in their applications for tax-exempt status, a firestorm ensued. Multiple investigations by congressional committees focused primarily on Lerner’s part in the activities, with investigators discovering her emails that denigrated Republicans. Subsequently, the House voted to hold Lerner in contempt of Congress in 2014 following her refusal to answer the Oversight Committee’s questions.

In response to the DOJ’s announcement, Tea Party Patriots CEO and co-founder Jenny Beth Martin said, “By failing to indict Lois Lerner, the Obama Justice Department – or, should we say, the Obama Injustice Department – is making a mockery of this ‘investigation,’ when countless American citizens, by Ms. Lerner’s own admission, were persecuted by the Internal Revenue Service.”

“This is a woman, after all, who looked into the camera at a national television audience and directly at a congressional committee and refused to answer their questions for fear of incriminating herself,” Martin continued in her statement. “This is just the latest evidence that the Justice Department, whether under Eric Holder or Loretta Lynch, has simply become the political hatchet-men for President Obama and his cronies throughout the administration.”

Mark Meckler, co-founder of the Tea Party movement and president of Citizens for Self Governance—a group that continues its class lawsuit against the IRS—said, “Lois Lerner made an entire career out of attacking conservatives and Christians starting with her time at the FEC. There is a reason the majority of Americans fear their government, and Lerner is the poster child for that reason.”

Meckler added that, via the DOJ’s decision not to file charges, Lerner “has been rewarded for abusing her government positions to attack her fellow citizens. And until the Department of Injustice once again becomes the Department of Justice, Americans will live in fear.”

Kadzik said the DOJ, the FBI, and the Treasury Department performed an “exhaustive probe” but determined that neither Lerner nor other IRS officials attempted to obstruct justice.

That's the pertinent part, dope.
The rest is Breitbart nonsense.

It's over.

Yeah, an Obama hack performed an "exhaustive probe." No one is surprised you want to ignore the rest of the article that proves otherwise.

It proves nothing. It's partisan nonsense.
The Republican led House Oversight Committee came to the same conclusion as well, dope.

Really? Where's the evidence for that? The article I posted said they came to the conclusion the were being stonewalled by the Obama FBI and the DOJ

Did you not live through that period, retard.
Have you never read their report?

Playing dumb only makes you look dumb.
We have no such statement from the FBI. We only have what some Obama flack in the DOJ said about the FBI's investigation, and that was a joke.

DOJ: No Criminal Charges Against IRS's Lois Lerner - Breitbart

Kadzik said the DOJ, the FBI, and the Treasury Department performed an “exhaustive probe” but determined that neither Lerner nor other IRS officials attempted to obstruct justice.

In a statement responding to the DOJ, Goodlatte
said, “At every turn President Obama and administration officials have repeatedly and publicly undermined the investigation into the IRS’s targeting of conservative groups yet today’s announcement from the Department of Justice is still very disturbing.”

The chairman continued:

I repeatedly called on then Attorney General Holder to appoint a Special Counsel to conduct the investigation to ensure a fair and thorough process but instead the investigation was led by a loyal Democratic donor. Even as far back as last year unnamed DOJ officials leaked information to the media suggesting that the Department did not plan to file criminal charges over the IRS’s targeting of conservative groups.

The Department of Justice investigation did conclude that the actions of IRS personnel involved in the scandal was “disquieting” and in that we all agree. However, the American people should be concerned that this kind of politicization continues to go unchecked by this Administration and a Justice Department charged with pursuing wrongdoing. You can be sure this will be a major issue during the Committee’s DOJ oversight hearing with Attorney General Lynch next week.
According to Fox News, Rep. Darrell Issa, who chaired the House Oversight Committee during the hearings that focused on Lerner and the other IRS officials’ activities, said the DOJ’s announcement marks a “low point of accountability” for the Obama administration.

“Giving Lois Lerner a free pass only reinforces the idea that government officials are above the law and that there is no consequence for wrongdoing,” he said.

Democrats, like Rep. Elijah Cummings, chalked up the DOJ announcement as evidence of Republicans’ desire to spend more taxpayer money on witch hunts and “all kinds of investigative rabbit holes.”

When an Inspector General’s audit found that IRS agents had targeted Tea Party and other conservative groups during the 2010 and 2012 elections in their applications for tax-exempt status, a firestorm ensued. Multiple investigations by congressional committees focused primarily on Lerner’s part in the activities, with investigators discovering her emails that denigrated Republicans. Subsequently, the House voted to hold Lerner in contempt of Congress in 2014 following her refusal to answer the Oversight Committee’s questions.

In response to the DOJ’s announcement, Tea Party Patriots CEO and co-founder Jenny Beth Martin said, “By failing to indict Lois Lerner, the Obama Justice Department – or, should we say, the Obama Injustice Department – is making a mockery of this ‘investigation,’ when countless American citizens, by Ms. Lerner’s own admission, were persecuted by the Internal Revenue Service.”

“This is a woman, after all, who looked into the camera at a national television audience and directly at a congressional committee and refused to answer their questions for fear of incriminating herself,” Martin continued in her statement. “This is just the latest evidence that the Justice Department, whether under Eric Holder or Loretta Lynch, has simply become the political hatchet-men for President Obama and his cronies throughout the administration.”

Mark Meckler, co-founder of the Tea Party movement and president of Citizens for Self Governance—a group that continues its class lawsuit against the IRS—said, “Lois Lerner made an entire career out of attacking conservatives and Christians starting with her time at the FEC. There is a reason the majority of Americans fear their government, and Lerner is the poster child for that reason.”

Meckler added that, via the DOJ’s decision not to file charges, Lerner “has been rewarded for abusing her government positions to attack her fellow citizens. And until the Department of Injustice once again becomes the Department of Justice, Americans will live in fear.”

Kadzik said the DOJ, the FBI, and the Treasury Department performed an “exhaustive probe” but determined that neither Lerner nor other IRS officials attempted to obstruct justice.

That's the pertinent part, dope.
The rest is Breitbart nonsense.

It's over.

Yeah, an Obama hack performed an "exhaustive probe." No one is surprised you want to ignore the rest of the article that proves otherwise.

It proves nothing. It's partisan nonsense.
The Republican led House Oversight Committee came to the same conclusion as well, dope.

Really? Where's the evidence for that? The article I posted said they came to the conclusion the were being stonewalled by the Obama FBI and the DOJ

Did you not live through that period, retard.
Have you never read their report?

Playing dumb only makes you look dumb.
In other words, you can't support your claim.
Check history, idiot. Chicago frequently gets temps in the 80s mid April.

Ave. April temperatures: low 42 - high 59
Records: Low 13 ('82) - high 91 ('86)

April 15 record temperatures:
Low 29 ('62) - high 82 ('76)

It's actually unusual for it to be this warm in April. Just like the temps in the 70's we got back in February were just downright strange.

Nothing to see here, though. the oil and coal companies told you that there's no global warming... So I know you need to believe that.
Wrong, lying about a blowjob is a crime when you do it under oath.

a lot of things are technically crimes. Give me 70 million to investigate you, threaten your associates with jail, ruin a bunch of people's lives, and don't worry, I will find something you did that was a crime.

Except most people with common sense realized Starr went too far.

Not to worry, we got Bush in. He didn't lie about a blow job, he lied about why we went to war with Iraq. And that's cool, because he wasn't under oath when he did it.

Do you realize how fucked up your thinking is, bud?
IOW, all the House can do is yell.

She committed no crime and will never face charges in federal court.
Lois is a Republican, to boot!

Are all liberals this stupid?
I don't think they are stupid. I think they are Evil. Obama for instance was not incompetent. Everything he did to phuck up the Middle East was intentional. He tried to overthrow, Libya, Egypt, and Syria using Terrorists. How is he not in jail for Treason?

We have had a policy of Not Negotiating With Terrorists since 9-11! What does this backstabbing traitorous piece of shit do? Negotiate with terrorists. Obama has sucked so much terrorists cock that he is the unchallenged gay porn star cock sucker of the century.

We paid Al Nusra, Al Queda, and The Muslim Brotherhood to stage Coups, and even armed them? Libya was a disaster. Benghazi being used as a weapons Depot and Al Queda found out about it through illegal sending of classified emails to Sid Blumenthal by Hillary Clinton, and the very people we were paying to kill Qaddafi turned and attacked Benghazi.

Iraq, Egypt, Yemen, Syria all Epic Foreign Policy failures that strengthened Terrorism in the region, and we funded terrorists who hate us and are trying to kill us with our own tax dollars?

Again, why isn't everyone that had anything to do with this not being tried for Treason.

And don't get me started on Iran.
Check history, idiot. Chicago frequently gets temps in the 80s mid April.

Ave. April temperatures: low 42 - high 59
Records: Low 13 ('82) - high 91 ('86)

April 15 record temperatures:
Low 29 ('62) - high 82 ('76)

It's actually unusual for it to be this warm in April. Just like the temps in the 70's we got back in February were just downright strange.

Nothing to see here, though. the oil and coal companies told you that there's no global warming... So I know you need to believe that.
It's best if you stay in your mothers basement in seclusion
IOW, all the House can do is yell.

She committed no crime and will never face charges in federal court.
Lois is a Republican, to boot!

Are all liberals this stupid?
You know something that we don't, asshole?
Most people know a lot of shit you don't know, you dilapidated bag of dumbfuck

TN's standard copy and paste insult. Incidentally, Lerner's lie about losing her hard drive and all of her emails exposes exactly why Hillary Clinton wanted to hide what she was doing on her personal secret email server, and why she had to bleach bit it before handing it over to Comey. Comey gave her the all knowing "Wink", as in "You deleted anything I could really bust you for, right?"

Check history, idiot. Chicago frequently gets temps in the 80s mid April.

Ave. April temperatures: low 42 - high 59
Records: Low 13 ('82) - high 91 ('86)

April 15 record temperatures:
Low 29 ('62) - high 82 ('76)

It's actually unusual for it to be this warm in April. Just like the temps in the 70's we got back in February were just downright strange.

Nothing to see here, though. the oil and coal companies told you that there's no global warming... So I know you need to believe that.
Lying again, JoeyB. Check the records; nothing unusual at all.
We are warmer and wetter in Utah and in Central Texas for this time of year.

blastoff is lying.
She's got some knockers on her... :eusa_shifty:


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