Breaking:House Intel Chair: Trump and team spied on during transition

Since there is statute of limitations on treason, why not take another look at Bill Clinton selling the chi-coms our missile telemetry secrets for campaign funds. Remember algore playing the bag man at the chinese monastery in California? Every ICBM that China has aimed at us, will hit us thanks to Willy. I'd consider it a great honor if they let me throw the switch on the electric chair that piece of shit would be sitting in.

Impressive recall.
Nunes is a NaziCon who was on the Trump transition team. Why in the hell is he leading any investigation into Trump/Russian shenanigans? And why is he leaking intel directly to Trump - without even sharing it with his House Intelligence Committee? Nunes must be investigated and prosecuted.

CNN BOMBSHELL: FBI Intel Suggests Trump Team May Have Coordinated With Russians...

‘More Than Circumstantial Evidence’ Of Collusion...

EARLIER: GOP’s House Intel Chief Tipped Off Trump...

What Nunes was dealing with today had nothing absolutely nothing to do with Russia nor the Russian investigation and not even foreign intelligence.

Nunes will be leading the investigation into the investigators. Positively alarming that the Trump transition team was spied on and the communication disseminated and leaked. And Americans were unmasked.
The massive deflection by Nunes means nothing.

Comey out Trump, and that can never go away.
The massive deflection by Nunes means nothing.

Comey out Trump, and that can never go away.

It's not a deflection Jake. He's alarmed at what he found in the documents and he's launching an investigation into the spying.

As to Comey, how can I respect the word of a man who claims the Russians hacked the DNC and the bloody fool hasn't had the FBI examine the server?

There is no proof the Russians hacked the election.
Comey is a government official with an impeccable record.

All you have are stories no facts.

He took down Clinton, and he is going to bring down Trump.
Comey is a government official with an impeccable record.

All you have are stories no facts.

He took down Clinton, and he is going to bring down Trump.
Comey's record is quite tarnished after his disastrous handling of Clinton and her classified emails.

jakestarkey said
Comey is a government official with an impeccable record.

All you have are stories no facts.

He took down Clinton, and he is going to bring down Trump.
Comey's record is quite tarnished after his disastrous handling of Clinton and her classified emails.You were cheering Comey on in taking down Clinton.

You don't get it both ways.

It would be hard folks to find more contradictions in so few words in all of literature.
Trump is not psychic, he is just strategic. We see the puzzle pieces but he has the box...

Odd strategy to destroy the credibility of the very committee he would need to investigate any possible "spying" by the Obama admin.

There is no strategy.
So there was perfectly legal surveillance of Trump's criminal enterprise, which thus must have been based on legitimate suspicion,

and the Trumptards still think this reflects favorably on Trump?

lol, good one.

So was there surveillance is was trump making it up?

Noone seems to be able to keep this story straight. It's annoying

This is brand spanking new. Yes there was very wide surveillance that had nothing to do with Russia, the Russia investigation not even anything to do with foreign intelligence.

This is from the press conference after the House intel chair briefed the President. It's an update. Basically they were spying on him and disseminating the information and unmasking the participants on the Trump transition team.

"Nunes briefed President Donald Trump at the White House this afternoon, speaking to reporters immediately after the meeting.

He confirmed that the new intelligence had nothing to do with the FBI investigation into Russia, but that it was picked up in normal intelligence efforts.

“What I’ve read bothers me, and I think it should bother the president himself and his team, because I think some of it seems to be inappropriate,” he said.

Nunes said that Trump was “concerned” by the news, “And he should be.”

“I don’t think the American people would be comfortable with it,” he said when asked to characterize the nature of the intelligence."

More at link:

Chairman Devin Nunes: ‘Cannot’ Rule Out Senior Obama Officials in Intelligence Leaks - Breitbart
This is brand spanking new. Yes there was very wide surveillance that had nothing to do with Russia, the Russia investigation not even

^Perfect example of how even easily discredited information can be used to fool the intellectually vulnerable.

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