Breaking:House Intel Chair: Trump and team spied on during transition

You guys areally so lame. It was like 4 threads started 20 min ago trying the same bait and switch.

Tap phones means general surveillance.
Trump Tower means anywhere on earth.
And when you say Trump and your link says transition membees that too is the same thing.

Basically whatever the news is Trump was right if you can switch around words and their meaning.
Kind of the way you Democrats always try to change the meaning by changing words.

Fact: Obama's administration spied on Trump after the election. We already knew this from the leaks.

End of story, fucker.
Ya mean like changing...?

"Phone" to "server"

"Wire tapp" to "surveillance"

"Trump Towers" to "Russian embassy"

"Before the election" to "after the election"

"Being surveilled" to "incidental collection"

"Obama" to "GHCQ"

Yeah, Trump got it right!

Wire-tapping is a colloquialism.
Your problem is you never want to admit you're wrong even when the truth is kicking you in the balls.

Tapping my phone in Trump Tower isn't colloquialism lol. That's what he claimed. Before he said claimed he meant other things.

Oh this is far worse than a direct wiretap on just Trump's phone. BTW the actual definition of wire tap can mean surveillance of a telegraph as well. Now the term is just used broadly.

You can try to change the meaning of words like wire tap or phones or Trump tower...but it doesn't work here buddy.
So there was perfectly legal surveillance of Trump's criminal enterprise, which thus must have been based on legitimate suspicion,

and the Trumptards still think this reflects favorably on Trump?

lol, good one.

So was there surveillance is was trump making it up?

Noone seems to be able to keep this story straight. It's annoying

This is brand spanking new. Yes there was very wide surveillance that had nothing to do with Russia, the Russia investigation not even anything to do with foreign intelligence.

This is from the press conference after the House intel chair briefed the President. It's an update. Basically they were spying on him and disseminating the information and unmasking the participants on the Trump transition team.

"Nunes briefed President Donald Trump at the White House this afternoon, speaking to reporters immediately after the meeting.

He confirmed that the new intelligence had nothing to do with the FBI investigation into Russia, but that it was picked up in normal intelligence efforts.

“What I’ve read bothers me, and I think it should bother the president himself and his team, because I think some of it seems to be inappropriate,” he said.

Nunes said that Trump was “concerned” by the news, “And he should be.”

“I don’t think the American people would be comfortable with it,” he said when asked to characterize the nature of the intelligence."

More at link:

Chairman Devin Nunes: ‘Cannot’ Rule Out Senior Obama Officials in Intelligence Leaks - Breitbart
Kind of the way you Democrats always try to change the meaning by changing words.

Fact: Obama's administration spied on Trump after the election. We already knew this from the leaks.

End of story, fucker.
Ya mean like changing...?

"Phone" to "server"

"Wire tapp" to "surveillance"

"Trump Towers" to "Russian embassy"

"Before the election" to "after the election"

"Being surveilled" to "incidental collection"

"Obama" to "GHCQ"

Yeah, Trump got it right!

Wire-tapping is a colloquialism.
Your problem is you never want to admit you're wrong even when the truth is kicking you in the balls.

Tapping my phone in Trump Tower isn't colloquialism lol. That's what he claimed. Before he said claimed he meant other things.

Oh this is far worse than a direct wiretap on just Trump's phone. BTW the actual definition of wire tap can mean surveillance of a telegraph as well. Now the term is just used broadly.

You can try to change the meaning of words like wire tap or phones or Trump tower...but it doesn't work here buddy.

I always took it as surveillance. Really doesn't matter. The intel community is going to be investigated as well it should be.
If Comey Is Going To LIE About Obama Spying On Trump... He Will DAMN SURE Lie About Trump Being Connected To Russia.

Devin Nunes = HERO
Ya mean like changing...?

"Phone" to "server"

"Wire tapp" to "surveillance"

"Trump Towers" to "Russian embassy"

"Before the election" to "after the election"

"Being surveilled" to "incidental collection"

"Obama" to "GHCQ"

Yeah, Trump got it right!

Wire-tapping is a colloquialism.
Your problem is you never want to admit you're wrong even when the truth is kicking you in the balls.

Tapping my phone in Trump Tower isn't colloquialism lol. That's what he claimed. Before he said claimed he meant other things.

Oh this is far worse than a direct wiretap on just Trump's phone. BTW the actual definition of wire tap can mean surveillance of a telegraph as well. Now the term is just used broadly.

You can try to change the meaning of words like wire tap or phones or Trump tower...but it doesn't work here buddy.

I always took it as surveillance. Really doesn't matter. The intel community is going to be investigated as well it should be.

You can't take words as meaning other words. You're really trying hard tho. The Intel community is investigating your Russian pal Trump's connections.

Good luck on trying to make the leak the real story.
Of course. The Trump team's ties to Russia are being investigated, and you think the investigation should exclude the Trump team? Crazy.

Nunes is pissed. It is illegal to unmask any American. Oh and the information that was spread around and leaked had nothing to do with Russia for the most part.

"Nunes said he had viewed dozens of documents showing that the information had been incidentally collected. He said that he believes the information was legally collected.

Nunes said that the intelligence has nothing to do with Russia and that the collection occurred after the presidential election."
Nunes said he briefed House Speaker Paul Ryan
Paul RyanRepublican flips to yes on healthcare bill GOP chairman: Surveillance was collected about Trump transition team (R-Wis.) on the revelation and will inform the White House later today.

GOP chairman: Surveillance was collected about Trump transition team
47 daily briefings

Covering all of trumps travel plans, e-mails, phone conversations, itinerary, etc... Spanning the time between Oct 1 and Jan 20..

This is huge!

WHO re-tasked the FBI and CIA agents to compile/build and distribute these? WHo were the recipients?
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If Comey Is Going To LIE About Obama Spying On Trump... He Will DAMN SURE Lie About Trump Being Connected To Russia.

Devin Nunes = HERO
Comey clearly is not lying.

He leveled Clinton for bad stuff.

He is leveling Trump for bad stuff.

Hail Comey!
Of course. The Trump team's ties to Russia are being investigated, and you think the investigation should exclude the Trump team? Crazy.

Nunes is pissed. It is illegal to unmask any American. Oh and the information that was spread around and leaked had nothing to do with Russia for the most part.

"Nunes said he had viewed dozens of documents showing that the information had been incidentally collected. He said that he believes the information was legally collected.

Nunes said that the intelligence has nothing to do with Russia and that the collection occurred after the presidential election."
Nunes said he briefed House Speaker Paul Ryan
Paul RyanRepublican flips to yes on healthcare bill GOP chairman: Surveillance was collected about Trump transition team (R-Wis.) on the revelation and will inform the White House later today.

GOP chairman: Surveillance was collected about Trump transition team
Peter King: Trump Surveillance Report Shows 'Shameful' Intel Violations

Congressman Peter King (R-N.Y.) called the revelation that President Trump's transition team was identified during incidental surveillance activity "extremely significant."

King said the fact that Trump's name appeared in the reports obtained by House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) was one of a few violations that were committed.

Trump nor his associates were being wiretapped, King said. Instead the surveillance focused on foreign individuals who referenced them....

"Any time your [American's] name comes up, it's supposed to be masked. Reports were written with names of these people and details," King said, adding that the information was then spread around to different entities.

The surveillance could have been for legitimate purposes, King said, but the fact that Trump's and his transition team's names came up is "shameful".

King said Trump "overplayed his hand" by flatly accusing President Obama of wiretapping Trump Tower, but clarified that information pertaining to Trump was used and leaked illegally in the process of conducting other surveillance.

He said authorities must find who gave the order to "unmask" Trump or his associates and who allowed the information to be leaked out.​
Of course. The Trump team's ties to Russia are being investigated, and you think the investigation should exclude the Trump team? Crazy.

Nunes is pissed. It is illegal to unmask any American. Oh and the information that was spread around and leaked had nothing to do with Russia for the most part.

"Nunes said he had viewed dozens of documents showing that the information had been incidentally collected. He said that he believes the information was legally collected.

Nunes said that the intelligence has nothing to do with Russia and that the collection occurred after the presidential election."
Nunes said he briefed House Speaker Paul Ryan
Paul RyanRepublican flips to yes on healthcare bill GOP chairman: Surveillance was collected about Trump transition team (R-Wis.) on the revelation and will inform the White House later today.

GOP chairman: Surveillance was collected about Trump transition team
Peter King: Trump Surveillance Report Shows 'Shameful' Intel Violations

Congressman Peter King (R-N.Y.) called the revelation that President Trump's transition team was identified during incidental surveillance activity "extremely significant."

King said the fact that Trump's name appeared in the reports obtained by House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) was one of a few violations that were committed.

Trump nor his associates were being wiretapped, King said. Instead the surveillance focused on foreign individuals who referenced them....

"Any time your [American's] name comes up, it's supposed to be masked. Reports were written with names of these people and details," King said, adding that the information was then spread around to different entities.

The surveillance could have been for legitimate purposes, King said, but the fact that Trump's and his transition team's names came up is "shameful".

King said Trump "overplayed his hand" by flatly accusing President Obama of wiretapping Trump Tower, but clarified that information pertaining to Trump was used and leaked illegally in the process of conducting other surveillance.

He said authorities must find who gave the order to "unmask" Trump or his associates and who allowed the information to be leaked out.​

47 daily briefings

Covering all of trumps travel plans, e-mails, phone conversations, itinerary, etc... Spanning the time between Oct 1 and Jan 20..

This is huge!

WHO re-tasked the NSA, FBI and CIA agents to compile/build and distribute these? WHO were the recipients? WHO AUTHORIZED THIS?
Trumpfluffers defending this treasonous administration are a cult: Exposing the treason is the real criminal activity? It's all Obama's fault? He's the bad guy?
It's looking like they'll drink any Kool-aid dear leader Hairclown asks of them.

Cult45'ers...Time to give it up twinks, it's only bitter if you keep swallowing.
Will Manafort get raped while he is in prison?

No. He actually stands to make a fortune suing the DNC and their paid operative who colluded with the Ukrainian government who lied about Manafort being under investigation for corruption.

They smeared him so he would resign from the campaign. I hope he gets millions.
Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire

Manafort will sing
Why should he cover for Trump?
What will Manafort "sing" about, exactly? That he had a job representing the Russians on particular issues? Politicians do that kind of work all the time, Jethro.
Will Manafort get raped while he is in prison?

No. He actually stands to make a fortune suing the DNC and their paid operative who colluded with the Ukrainian government who lied about Manafort being under investigation for corruption.

They smeared him so he would resign from the campaign. I hope he gets millions.
Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire

Manafort will sing
Why should he cover for Trump?
What will Manafort "sing" about, exactly? That he had a job representing the Russians on particular issues? Politicians do that kind of work all the time, Jethro.

I've noticed that the lefties never want to address Tony Podesta lobbying for the Kremlin's bank during the election campaign.

Crickets. Gee, I wonder why?
Will Manafort get raped while he is in prison?

No. He actually stands to make a fortune suing the DNC and their paid operative who colluded with the Ukrainian government who lied about Manafort being under investigation for corruption.

They smeared him so he would resign from the campaign. I hope he gets millions.
Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire

Manafort will sing
Why should he cover for Trump?
What will Manafort "sing" about, exactly? That he had a job representing the Russians on particular issues? Politicians do that kind of work all the time, Jethro.

I've noticed that the lefties never want to address Tony Podesta lobbying for the Kremlin's bank during the election campaign.

Crickets. Gee, I wonder why?
They also forget about Bill Clinton lobbying on behalf of an Arab group to be awarded a ports authority security contract, which occurred at the same Time Hillary was in the Senate opposing this.
During an appearance on MNSNBC, Nance said, “But to say that someone went on our little intelligence Internet and saw a reference to Donald Trump in intelligence product, which can be coming from all over the world including news media reports. At the end of this program, I’m sure Brian Williams will show up in someone’s intelligence product, but that is not collection. That will not validate or give you cover for the charge that you were wiretapped. There was no wiretapping going on here, and there certainly wasn’t this report of intelligence product with Donald Trump’s name on it is just about exactly what we would expect to see in everything. Barack Obama probably has about 20,000 references in our intel pd and all the rest of our products there too. But I think he is doing this to give him cover, and I think he’s just disqualified himself from being involved in any investigation.”

What Rep. Nunes did was actively engage in potentially leaking classified information to help Donald Trump potentially cover-up any crimes that occurred during the presidential campaign. Devin Nunes has disqualified himself and made a case for why there must be an independent investigation into the Trump/Russia scandal.

Instead of helping Donald Trump, Rep. Nunes’s stunt backfired. It revealed that the scandal isn’t limited to the White House. The Legislative Branch of the US government has been compromised by a Trump campaign transition official who is using his power as House Intel Committee chair to help the President Of The United States engage in a cover-up.

Thanks to Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA), Russia has gone from a Trump scandal to a Republican Party scandal.

Malcolm Nance Explains How Devin Nunes's Russia Stunt Has Backfired On Trump
Will Manafort get raped while he is in prison?

No. He actually stands to make a fortune suing the DNC and their paid operative who colluded with the Ukrainian government who lied about Manafort being under investigation for corruption.

They smeared him so he would resign from the campaign. I hope he gets millions.
Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire

Manafort will sing
Why should he cover for Trump?
What will Manafort "sing" about, exactly? That he had a job representing the Russians on particular issues? Politicians do that kind of work all the time, Jethro.

I've noticed that the lefties never want to address Tony Podesta lobbying for the Kremlin's bank during the election campaign.

Crickets. Gee, I wonder why?
They also forget about Bill Clinton lobbying on behalf of an Arab group to be awarded a ports authority security contract, which occurred at the same Time Hillary was in the Senate opposing this.
That was treason fer sure. Better call your senator or Rush or someone, eh?
Will Manafort get raped while he is in prison?

No. He actually stands to make a fortune suing the DNC and their paid operative who colluded with the Ukrainian government who lied about Manafort being under investigation for corruption.

They smeared him so he would resign from the campaign. I hope he gets millions.
Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire

Manafort will sing
Why should he cover for Trump?
What will Manafort "sing" about, exactly? That he had a job representing the Russians on particular issues? Politicians do that kind of work all the time, Jethro.

I've noticed that the lefties never want to address Tony Podesta lobbying for the Kremlin's bank during the election campaign.

Crickets. Gee, I wonder why?
What is there to discuss? He applied and registered as a lobbyist for the bank. His brother was connected to the Clinton campaign. Does that make him ineligible to be a lobbyist? Did he break any laws or try to hide what he was doing? What is it that you think should be addressed?
During an appearance on MNSNBC, Nance said, “But to say that someone went on our little intelligence Internet and saw a reference to Donald Trump in intelligence product, which can be coming from all over the world including news media reports. At the end of this program, I’m sure Brian Williams will show up in someone’s intelligence product, but that is not collection. That will not validate or give you cover for the charge that you were wiretapped. There was no wiretapping going on here, and there certainly wasn’t this report of intelligence product with Donald Trump’s name on it is just about exactly what we would expect to see in everything. Barack Obama probably has about 20,000 references in our intel pd and all the rest of our products there too. But I think he is doing this to give him cover, and I think he’s just disqualified himself from being involved in any investigation.”

What Rep. Nunes did was actively engage in potentially leaking classified information to help Donald Trump potentially cover-up any crimes that occurred during the presidential campaign. Devin Nunes has disqualified himself and made a case for why there must be an independent investigation into the Trump/Russia scandal.

Instead of helping Donald Trump, Rep. Nunes’s stunt backfired. It revealed that the scandal isn’t limited to the White House. The Legislative Branch of the US government has been compromised by a Trump campaign transition official who is using his power as House Intel Committee chair to help the President Of The United States engage in a cover-up.

Thanks to Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA), Russia has gone from a Trump scandal to a Republican Party scandal.

Malcolm Nance Explains How Devin Nunes's Russia Stunt Has Backfired On Trump
The BS has splattered you..

The hyperbole and pipe dream lies of these left wing retards is funny as hell to watch. they are so desperate they will lie over and over again... Malcolm has the integrity of a lying sack of crap.
Will Manafort get raped while he is in prison?

No. He actually stands to make a fortune suing the DNC and their paid operative who colluded with the Ukrainian government who lied about Manafort being under investigation for corruption.

They smeared him so he would resign from the campaign. I hope he gets millions.
Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire

Manafort will sing
Why should he cover for Trump?
What will Manafort "sing" about, exactly? That he had a job representing the Russians on particular issues? Politicians do that kind of work all the time, Jethro.

I've noticed that the lefties never want to address Tony Podesta lobbying for the Kremlin's bank during the election campaign.

Crickets. Gee, I wonder why?
What is there to discuss? He applied and registered as a lobbyist for the bank. His brother was connected to the Clinton campaign. Does that make him ineligible to be a lobbyist? Did he break any laws or try to hide what he was doing? What is it that you think should be addressed?

Definitive ties to the Russians during the campaign. One profitting from the relationship with the Kremlin's bank lobbying for lifting the sanctions. The Clintons themselves have closer ties to the Russians than anyone on the Trump campaign.

As compared to anyone on the Trump team. After all these months there is still no evidence of jack shit. This is a witch hunt.
Since there is no statute of limitations on treason, why not take another look at Bill Clinton selling the chi-coms our missile telemetry secrets for campaign funds. Remember algore playing the bag man at the chinese monastery in California? Every ICBM that China has aimed at us, will hit us thanks to Willy. I'd consider it a great honor if they let me throw the switch on the electric chair that piece of shit would be sitting in.
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