Breaking:House Intel Chair: Trump and team spied on during transition

One law enforcement official said the information in hand suggests "people connected to the campaign were in contact and it appeared they were giving the thumbs up to release information when it was ready." But other U.S. officials who spoke to CNN say it's premature to draw that inference from the information gathered so far since it's largely circumstantial.
First it was "Incidental" surveillance that resulted in the recording of private citizen Flynn. Now it turns out that SEVERAL Trump people were under this "incidental" surveillance between Election Day and the inauguration. Obviously, this was all being directed by Obama people.

There is a big storm brewing. Before it is all said and done many Democrat pols are going to prison.

GOP chairman: Surveillance was collected about Trump transition team

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Incidental and accidental...and the leaks were accidental toooooooo.
It is like how you accidentally fall down on a knife 52 times.
Or beat yourself to death with a baseball bat.
You guys areally so lame. It was like 4 threads started 20 min ago trying the same bait and switch.

Tap phones means general surveillance.
Trump Tower means anywhere on earth.
And when you say Trump and your link says transition membees that too is the same thing.

Basically whatever the news is Trump was right if you can switch around words and their meaning.
Kind of the way you Democrats always try to change the meaning by changing words.

Fact: Obama's administration spied on Trump after the election. We already knew this from the leaks.

End of story, fucker.
Ya mean like changing...?

"Phone" to "server"

"Wire tapp" to "surveillance"

"Trump Towers" to "Russian embassy"

"Before the election" to "after the election"

"Being surveilled" to "incidental collection"

"Obama" to "GHCQ"

Yeah, Trump got it right!

Wire-tapping is a colloquialism.
Your problem is you never want to admit you're wrong even when the truth is kicking you in the balls.
You guys areally so lame. It was like 4 threads started 20 min ago trying the same bait and switch.

Tap phones means general surveillance.
Trump Tower means anywhere on earth.
And when you say Trump and your link says transition membees that too is the same thing.

Basically whatever the news is Trump was right if you can switch around words and their meaning.
Kind of the way you Democrats always try to change the meaning by changing words.

Fact: Obama's administration spied on Trump after the election. We already knew this from the leaks.

End of story, fucker.
Ya mean like changing...?

"Phone" to "server"

"Wire tapp" to "surveillance"

"Trump Towers" to "Russian embassy"

"Before the election" to "after the election"

"Being surveilled" to "incidental collection"

"Obama" to "GHCQ"

Yeah, Trump got it right!

Wire-tapping is a colloquialism.
Your problem is you never want to admit you're wrong even when the truth is kicking you in the balls.

Tapping my phone in Trump Tower isn't colloquialism lol. That's what he claimed. Before he said claimed he meant other things.
Duh. Typically when investigating a criminal, you... uh........ have to investigate the criminal

...and since you don't like Trump, and the investigation is mostly being done by democrats, Trump must be a criminal.
He probably is. You don't get to the top of real estate in New York without ties to the mob, as evidence by Trump being seen partying with know mobsters. Is he a Russian stooge? I guess we'll find out. Maybe he thought to get the Presidency he needed to get in with the global mob.
You guys areally so lame. It was like 4 threads started 20 min ago trying the same bait and switch.

Tap phones means general surveillance.
Trump Tower means anywhere on earth.
And when you say Trump and your link says transition membees that too is the same thing.

Basically whatever the news is Trump was right if you can switch around words and their meaning.
Kind of the way you Democrats always try to change the meaning by changing words.

Fact: Obama's administration spied on Trump after the election. We already knew this from the leaks.

End of story, fucker.
Ya mean like changing...?

"Phone" to "server"

"Wire tapp" to "surveillance"

"Trump Towers" to "Russian embassy"

"Before the election" to "after the election"

"Being surveilled" to "incidental collection"

"Obama" to "GHCQ"

Yeah, Trump got it right!

Wire-tapping is a colloquialism.
Your problem is you never want to admit you're wrong even when the truth is kicking you in the balls.

Tapping my phone in Trump Tower isn't colloquialism lol. That's what he claimed. Before he said claimed he meant other things.
You sound like Clinton when he said what "is" is.
Parsecting words, black/white thinking. Doesn't matter Trump was being spied on the overwhelming dem community in the FBI, and DOJ.
Getting better by the freaking minute! :) Be still my heart. I swear I can hear the pitta patta of little Democrat feet running for Extra Strength Immodium AD. Oh life is good.


Chairman Devin Nunes: ‘Cannot’ Rule Out Senior Obama Officials in Intelligence Leaks


by Charlie Spiering22 Mar 2017801
22 Mar, 2017 22 Mar, 2017
House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes did not rule out Senior Obama administration officials being involved in “incidental” communications of President Donald Trump’s transition team that were “widely disseminated.”
When asked by Breitbart News if he could rule out any involvement of senior members of the Obama administration, Nunes replied, “No, we cannot.”
Nunes briefed President Donald Trump at the White House this afternoon, speaking to reporters immediately after the meeting.

He confirmed that the new intelligence had nothing to do with the FBI investigation into Russia, but that it was picked up in normal intelligence efforts.

“What I’ve read bothers me, and I think it should bother the president himself and his team, because I think some of it seems to be inappropriate,” he said.

Nunes said that Trump was “concerned” by the news, “And he should be.”

“I don’t think the American people would be comfortable with it,” he said when asked to characterize the nature of the intelligence"

Chairman Devin Nunes: ‘Cannot’ Rule Out Senior Obama Officials in Intelligence Leaks - Breitbart
So there was perfectly legal surveillance of Trump's criminal enterprise, which thus must have been based on legitimate suspicion,

and the Trumptards still think this reflects favorably on Trump?

lol, good one.

So was there surveillance is was trump making it up?

Noone seems to be able to keep this story straight. It's annoying
Duh. Typically when investigating a criminal, you... uh........ have to investigate the criminal

...and since you don't like Trump, and the investigation is mostly being done by democrats, Trump must be a criminal.
He probably is. You don't get to the top of real estate in New York without ties to the mob, as evidence by Trump being seen partying with know mobsters. Is he a Russian stooge? I guess we'll find out. Maybe he thought to get the Presidency he needed to get in with the global mob.
You mean real estate deals like White Water, and Obama's Rezko deal.
So there was perfectly legal surveillance of Trump's criminal enterprise, which thus must have been based on legitimate suspicion,

and the Trumptards still think this reflects favorably on Trump?

lol, good one.

So was there surveillance is was trump making it up?

Noone seems to be able to keep this story straight. It's annoying
It's Thursday. Shouldn't you be playing co-ed volleyball with the ward tonight?
Duh. Typically when investigating a criminal, you... uh........ have to investigate the criminal

...and since you don't like Trump, and the investigation is mostly being done by democrats, Trump must be a criminal.
He probably is. You don't get to the top of real estate in New York without ties to the mob, as evidence by Trump being seen partying with know mobsters. Is he a Russian stooge? I guess we'll find out. Maybe he thought to get the Presidency he needed to get in with the global mob.
You mean real estate deals like White Water, and Obama's Rezko deal.
Picture those as if the conspiracies were actually true, and now imagine them on a far larger scale of corruption with some treason sprinkled in.
You guys areally so lame. It was like 4 threads started 20 min ago trying the same bait and switch.

Tap phones means general surveillance.
Trump Tower means anywhere on earth.
And when you say Trump and your link says transition membees that too is the same thing.

Basically whatever the news is Trump was right if you can switch around words and their meaning.
Kind of the way you Democrats always try to change the meaning by changing words.

Fact: Obama's administration spied on Trump after the election. We already knew this from the leaks.

End of story, fucker.
Ya mean like changing...?

"Phone" to "server"

"Wire tapp" to "surveillance"

"Trump Towers" to "Russian embassy"

"Before the election" to "after the election"

"Being surveilled" to "incidental collection"

"Obama" to "GHCQ"

Yeah, Trump got it right!

Wire-tapping is a colloquialism.
Your problem is you never want to admit you're wrong even when the truth is kicking you in the balls.

Tapping my phone in Trump Tower isn't colloquialism lol. That's what he claimed. Before he said claimed he meant other things.
You sound like Clinton when he said what "is" is.
Parsecting words, black/white thinking. Doesn't matter Trump was being spied on the overwhelming dem community in the FBI, and DOJ.

Yes, no matter what Trump said you can turn it into something he didn't say to claim he's right. That's a cool trick.
You guys areally so lame. It was like 4 threads started 20 min ago trying the same bait and switch.

Tap phones means general surveillance.
Trump Tower means anywhere on earth.
And when you say Trump and your link says transition membees that too is the same thing.

Basically whatever the news is Trump was right if you can switch around words and their meaning.
Kind of the way you Democrats always try to change the meaning by changing words.

Fact: Obama's administration spied on Trump after the election. We already knew this from the leaks.

End of story, fucker.
Ya mean like changing...?

"Phone" to "server"

"Wire tapp" to "surveillance"

"Trump Towers" to "Russian embassy"

"Before the election" to "after the election"

"Being surveilled" to "incidental collection"

"Obama" to "GHCQ"

Yeah, Trump got it right!

Wire-tapping is a colloquialism.
Your problem is you never want to admit you're wrong even when the truth is kicking you in the balls.

Tapping my phone in Trump Tower isn't colloquialism lol. That's what he claimed. Before he said claimed he meant other things.

Oh this is far worse than a direct wiretap on just Trump's phone. BTW the actual definition of wire tap can mean surveillance of a telegraph as well. Now the term is just used broadly.

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