Breaking:House Intel Chair: Trump and team spied on during transition

Odds are the intel community back doored the warrants IF there were warrants. I'm trying to get a handle on it.

GOP chairman: Surveillance was collected about Trump transition team

Of course Obabble spied on Trump. He spied on EVERYONE.

This is why I put up this thread yesterday pointing out that if the CIA had the balls to spy on the Senate Intelligence committee, hell's bells the sky is the limit for intel.

And after the NSA scandal where they spied on even Merkel over 100 world leaders and over 1,000 global businesses they made a lot of enemies so Russia wouldn't be the only suspect wanting payback against the D's.
The surveillance was part of FISA Warrant. The people under surveillance were NOT the GroppenFurer, his family or anyone on his campaign or his transition staff. The FISA Warrant was for Russian Government Personnel.

The O.P. is a liar.

But then again he is a Conservative and all they know how to do is lie.
They're asking how Flynn got unmasked and Comey thinks he can continue to protect Obama by not answering

Far as I can tell, unmasking somebody isn't a crime but disclosing (leaking) classified information to unauthorized personnel such as the press definitely is. The unmasking isn't supposed to happen and is considered inappropriate but apparently is not a crime. But information gained from a FISA surveillance of a foreign operative is considered classified information and that includes the identity of any American who was communicating with the subject of the surveillance. So, whoever leaked Flynn's name to the media broke the law and ought to face the consequences.

So, whoever leaked Flynn's name to the media broke the law and ought to face the consequences.

For the 9999999999999 th time, NO BODY LEAKED FLYNNS FUCKING NAME!

Write that down, and pass it around.

So how did the media get his name for talking to a Russian?

Im not real sure you're capable of understanding it, no other RussianWingers are, so I doubt it would do me ant good to explain it ... but ..

The Us constantly monitors Russia just like they've been doing for decades ... Flynn got caught talking to Russia ... stupid bastard should have known about that.
Every US intel agency has said Russia hacked the DNC.

Even Russian officials have openly admitted this was the case because it's clear they meant to take credit for disrupting America's democracy.

And yet here we are in a nonsensical thread where Trumper morons are denying reality, as usual.

Russia has even admitted to launching what turned out to be a massive disinformation campaign to go along with the hacks, but you idiots are like, "Nope, don't believe it."

I'll take US intel corroborating what Russia has already admitted over know-nothing Trumpers expecting us to just believe all their baseless bullshit talk.

You've got one big problem on the "every US agency". Not one of them has examined the server.

CrowdStrike an employee of the DNC issued the report that the hackers were Russian.

Like hell I'm going to believe a DNC employee claiming that Russia did it without any evidence.

Talk about basic bullshit.

Now if you had taken the time to read what the House Intelligence Committee Chair is fuming about and now about to launch an investigation into the Intel community is that the information that was disseminated and people unmasked in the transition team had nothing nada zip zilch to do with Russia, the Russia investigation or any foreign intelligence value.

AKA they were just spying on the Trump transition team.

There is a big storm brewing. Before it is all said and done many Democrat pols are going to prison.

Since it appears to be legal surveillance, which would require a valid FISA search warrent request, the ones more likely to be going to prison are members of Trump's campaign who were being surveiled.
The surveillance was part of FISA Warrant. The people under surveillance were NOT the GroppenFurer, his family or anyone on his campaign or his transition staff. The FISA Warrant was for Russian Government Personnel.

The O.P. is a liar.

But then again he is a Conservative and all they know how to do is lie.

Ah you little wanker why don't you run along and tell the Intelligence Committees that you know better than they do because they are taking this so seriously they are going to investigate the investigators.

He made clear that the House Intelligence Committee will investigate surveillance of Trump associates and subsequent dissemination of information gathered. He stated that the goal is to determine:

Who was aware of it

Why it was not disclosed to Congress

Who requested and authorized the additional unmasking

Whether anyone directed the intelligence community to focus on Trump associates

Whether any laws, regulations, or procedures were violated

Nunes said that he believes the collection was done legally, but questions remain as to unmasking and the dissemination list of information collected during the transition during the months of November, December, and January.

Rep. Nunes characterized the information that was collected as “A lot of it appears like it was…it was essentially a lot of information on the President-elect and his transition team and what they were doing.”

AKA spying on the Trump transition team.

Devin Nunes: Trump and Transition Team Members Surveilled-Not In Connection to Russia - Breitbart
You guys areally so lame. It was like 4 threads started 20 min ago trying the same bait and switch.

Tap phones means general surveillance.
Trump Tower means anywhere on earth.
And when you say Trump and your link says transition membees that too is the same thing.

Basically whatever the news is Trump was right if you can switch around words and their meaning.
Kind of the way you Democrats always try to change the meaning by changing words.

Fact: Obama's administration spied on Trump after the election. We already knew this from the leaks.

End of story, fucker.
Ya mean like changing...?

"Phone" to "server"

"Wire tapp" to "surveillance"

"Trump Towers" to "Russian embassy"

"Before the election" to "after the election"

"Being surveilled" to "incidental collection"

"Obama" to "GHCQ"

Yeah, Trump got it right!

There is a big storm brewing. Before it is all said and done many Democrat pols are going to prison.

Since it appears to be legal surveillance, which would require a valid FISA search warrent request, the ones more likely to be going to prison are members of Trump's campaign who were being surveiled.

The communications that were being disseminated had nothing to do with Russia, the Russian investigation or any foreign intelligence of any value.
They're asking how Flynn got unmasked and Comey thinks he can continue to protect Obama by not answering

Far as I can tell, unmasking somebody isn't a crime but disclosing (leaking) classified information to unauthorized personnel such as the press definitely is. The unmasking isn't supposed to happen and is considered inappropriate but apparently is not a crime. But information gained from a FISA surveillance of a foreign operative is considered classified information and that includes the identity of any American who was communicating with the subject of the surveillance. So, whoever leaked Flynn's name to the media broke the law and ought to face the consequences.

So, whoever leaked Flynn's name to the media broke the law and ought to face the consequences.

For the 9999999999999 th time, NO BODY LEAKED FLYNNS FUCKING NAME!

Write that down, and pass it around.

So how did the media get his name for talking to a Russian?

Im not real sure you're capable of understanding it, no other RussianWingers are, so I doubt it would do me ant good to explain it ... but ..

The Us constantly monitors Russia just like they've been doing for decades ... Flynn got caught talking to Russia ... stupid bastard should have known about that.

He was doing his job. There was no wrong doing. Flynn screwed up by not telling Pence the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

That's why he had to resign. BTW its not against the law to talk to the Russian Ambassador.
Trump is not psychic, he is just strategic. We see the puzzle pieces but he has the box...
So there was perfectly legal surveillance of Trump's criminal enterprise, which thus must have been based on legitimate suspicion,

and the Trumptards still think this reflects favorably on Trump?

lol, good one.
So there was perfectly legal surveillance of Trump's criminal enterprise, which thus must have been based on legitimate suspicion,

and the Trumptards still think this reflects favorably on Trump?

lol, good one.




The fucking intel community cannot transcribe the comments of a non-targeted person in a wiretap. Their comments have to be purged. They did not do this. They identified Trump's people, transcribed their comments, put it all in intel reports, and circulated these reports throughout the federal government. They did this ALL UNDER OBAMA.

This is intel out of control. What's more, there are numerous counts of felonies here. If you don't get this then you are fucking doomed.
So there was perfectly legal surveillance of Trump's criminal enterprise, which thus must have been based on legitimate suspicion,

and the Trumptards still think this reflects favorably on Trump?

lol, good one.
You fucking moron, there was no criminal enterprise! LOL!

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