Breaking:House Intel Chair: Trump and team spied on during transition

So, whoever leaked Flynn's name to the media broke the law and ought to face the consequences.

Do you feel the same way about the russians who illegally hacked the DNC?

I'll believe that the Russians hacked the DNC when someone in the US intel agencies would finally take the time to examine the DNC servers.

Otherwise it's just a freaking fairy tale that CrowdStrike and their employers, the DNC made up.
Obama administration spied on Trump late in campaign 2016 when it began to look like Trump might win.
They're asking how Flynn got unmasked and Comey thinks he can continue to protect Obama by not answering

Far as I can tell, unmasking somebody isn't a crime but disclosing (leaking) classified information to unauthorized personnel such as the press definitely is. The unmasking isn't supposed to happen and is considered inappropriate but apparently is not a crime. But information gained from a FISA surveillance of a foreign operative is considered classified information and that includes the identity of any American who was communicating with the subject of the surveillance. So, whoever leaked Flynn's name to the media broke the law and ought to face the consequences.

So, whoever leaked Flynn's name to the media broke the law and ought to face the consequences.

For the 9999999999999 th time, NO BODY LEAKED FLYNNS FUCKING NAME!

Write that down, and pass it around.
Nunes is really really pissed. He's going to investigate the intel community now. As Biden would say this is a big f'n deal.

Check this out. What he is saying here is that the Trump transition team was being spied on.

Ruh roh!

Devin Nunes: Trump and Transition Team Members Surveilled–Not In Connection to Russia

Win McNamee/Getty
by Michelle Moons22 Mar 201783
22 Mar, 2017 22 Mar, 2017

House Intelligence Committee Chair Rep. Devin Nunes announced Wednesday that members of President Donald Trump’s transition team, including the President-elect, were “incidentally” surveilled by the intelligence community, additional names of the transition team were “unmasked,” and that the information was not obtained in relation to Russia.
Nunes recalled his recent confirmation that information on members of the Trump transition team had been incidentally collected by the intelligence community on numerous occasions. “Details about U.S. persons associated with the incoming administration, details with little or no apparent foreign intelligence value, were widely disseminated in intelligence community reporting.”

“Third, I have confirmed that additional names of Trump transition team members were unmasked,” said Nunes. When later asked by reporters if the President was also included in the incidental collection of information, Nunes replied, “Yes.” In response to another reporter, Nunes said “it’s possible” that Trump’s personal communication was collected.
Rep. Nunes later went on to say of “dozens” of reports he has seen thus far, “I have seen intelligence reports that clearly show that the President-elect and his team were, I guess, at least monitored and disseminated out in intelligence in what appears to be…intelligence reporting channels.” He added that he is, however, awaiting further information.
The representative’s fourth point was emphatic, “…none of this surveillance was related to Russia or the investigation of Russian activities or of the Trump team.”
He made clear that the House Intelligence Committee will investigate surveillance of Trump associates and subsequent dissemination of information gathered. He stated that the goal is to determine:
Who was aware of it

Why it was not disclosed to Congress

Who requested and authorized the additional unmasking

Whether anyone directed the intelligence community to focus on Trump associates

Whether any laws, regulations, or procedures were violated

Nunes said that he believes the collection was done legally, but questions remain as to unmasking and the dissemination list of information collected during the transition during the months of November, December, and January.

Rep. Nunes characterized the information that was collected as “A lot of it appears like it was…it was essentially a lot of information on the President-elect and his transition team and what they were doing.”

AKA spying.

Devin Nunes: Trump and Transition Team Members Surveilled-Not In Connection to Russia - Breitbart
They're asking how Flynn got unmasked and Comey thinks he can continue to protect Obama by not answering

Far as I can tell, unmasking somebody isn't a crime but disclosing (leaking) classified information to unauthorized personnel such as the press definitely is. The unmasking isn't supposed to happen and is considered inappropriate but apparently is not a crime. But information gained from a FISA surveillance of a foreign operative is considered classified information and that includes the identity of any American who was communicating with the subject of the surveillance. So, whoever leaked Flynn's name to the media broke the law and ought to face the consequences.

So, whoever leaked Flynn's name to the media broke the law and ought to face the consequences.

For the 9999999999999 th time, NO BODY LEAKED FLYNNS FUCKING NAME!

Write that down, and pass it around.

So how did the media get his name for talking to a Russian?
So, whoever leaked Flynn's name to the media broke the law and ought to face the consequences.

Do you feel the same way about the russians who illegally hacked the DNC?

I missed where the DNC let the FBI examine their server.

You're a fountain of new information

I'm having a great day CF. And you? It's a lot of fun to watch the left wing whackos flip out all while trying to stick to their talking points that Putin, Boris Badenov, Natasha, Fearless Leader stole the election for Trump.

Odds are the intel community back doored the warrants IF there were warrants. I'm trying to get a handle on it.

GOP chairman: Surveillance was collected about Trump transition team

Of course Obabble spied on Trump. He spied on EVERYONE.

But you're not supposed to get caught. So WTF happened?

Obabble signed an order allowing 16 agencies to share raw intelligence data. He created a massive sieve through which leaks can be used to attack political opponents. That is how Flynn was taken out.

IOW, the Prog embeds overplayed their hand. It's pretty easy to connect the dots.
Obama administration spied on Trump late in campaign 2016 when it began to look like Trump might win.
Damn...if you only had proof of that you could call Obama a "bad or sick" person
Every US intel agency has said Russia hacked the DNC.

Even Russian officials have openly admitted this was the case because it's clear they meant to take credit for disrupting America's democracy.

And yet here we are in a nonsensical thread where Trumper morons are denying reality, as usual.

Russia has even admitted to launching what turned out to be a massive disinformation campaign to go along with the hacks, but you idiots are like, "Nope, don't believe it."

I'll take US intel corroborating what Russia has already admitted over know-nothing Trumpers expecting us to just believe all their baseless bullshit talk.
Odds are the intel community back doored the warrants IF there were warrants. I'm trying to get a handle on it.

GOP chairman: Surveillance was collected about Trump transition team


The Russian Government Phone Lines were tapped. Never the PUSSY GRABBER'S . That is what the report says, and your lying about it.


Seig Heil der GroppenFuhrer.

Seig Heil?
I see you've been triggered by all this. Excellent!!!!......Most Excellent!!!!!!
They're asking how Flynn got unmasked and Comey thinks he can continue to protect Obama by not answering

Far as I can tell, unmasking somebody isn't a crime but disclosing (leaking) classified information to unauthorized personnel such as the press definitely is. The unmasking isn't supposed to happen and is considered inappropriate but apparently is not a crime. But information gained from a FISA surveillance of a foreign operative is considered classified information and that includes the identity of any American who was communicating with the subject of the surveillance. So, whoever leaked Flynn's name to the media broke the law and ought to face the consequences.

So, whoever leaked Flynn's name to the media broke the law and ought to face the consequences.

For the 9999999999999 th time, NO BODY LEAKED FLYNNS FUCKING NAME!

Write that down, and pass it around.
So how do they know about Flynn?
What do you know, democrats say it was "legal" but they all knew that the Obama administration was spying on the Trump campaign and they never said a freaking word until they were cornered.

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