Breaking:House Intel Chair: Trump and team spied on during transition

Nunes admits that members of the Trump criminal enterprise were legally caught up in law enforcement wiretapping,

and somehow,

you conclude that vindicates Trump?

lol, good one.
Crooked Donny
Now the Alt Right chucke bozos are insinuating the FISA courts are on the take.
Video of his media briefing

First it was "Incidental" surveillance that resulted in the recording of private citizen Flynn. Now it turns out that SEVERAL Trump people were under this "incidental" surveillance between Election Day and the inauguration. Obviously, this was all being directed by Obama people.

There is a big storm brewing. Before it is all said and done many Democrat pols are going to prison.

GOP chairman: Surveillance was collected about Trump transition team

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Dems are so so so so fucked!!!!!

They're looking onto these felonies committed by Obama holdovers
They're asking how Flynn got unmasked and Comey thinks he can continue to protect Obama by not answering
Mr Trump: which part of "incidental" surveillance makes President Obama a "Bad or sick" person?
Can you imagine had Bush out Obama under this type of surveillance?
What type of surveillance?

electronic, phone calls and emails

You mean the type that Bush did of americans under the patriot act. Remember the warrant less wiretaps Bush did, that were highly illegal, but that congress made retroactively legal.

Yes, that's the exact kind that Bush should have used on Obama
They're asking how Flynn got unmasked and Comey thinks he can continue to protect Obama by not answering

Far as I can tell, unmasking somebody isn't a crime but disclosing (leaking) classified information to unauthorized personnel such as the press definitely is. The unmasking isn't supposed to happen and is considered inappropriate but apparently is not a crime. But information gained from a FISA surveillance of a foreign operative is considered classified information and that includes the identity of any American who was communicating with the subject of the surveillance. So, whoever leaked Flynn's name to the media broke the law and ought to face the consequences.
Nunes admits that members of the Trump criminal enterprise were legally caught up in law enforcement wiretapping,

and somehow,

you conclude that vindicates Trump?

lol, good one.

Really? He said Trump's criminal enterprises? Got a quote?
So, whoever leaked Flynn's name to the media broke the law and ought to face the consequences.

Do you feel the same way about the russians who illegally hacked the DNC?

If we can find out who they are guess we could kick 'em out of the country if they're here in the US, but we can't prosecute foreign nationals under our Constitution. But yeah, whatever we can legally do to 'em, I'm good with that.
You mean the type that Bush did of americans under the patriot act. Remember the warrant less wiretaps Bush did, that were highly illegal, but that congress made retroactively legal.

Yes, that's the exact kind that Bush should have used on Obama

Bush did use those on Obama, and every other US citizen. Thanks for playing.

Really? and he leaked it to the media like Obama just did? I must have missed that

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