Breaking:House Intel Chair: Trump and team spied on during transition

Mud tries to change meanings by changing the words. Where does it say Obama wire tapped Trump?

"Members of the Donald Trump transition team, possibly including Trump himself, were under U.S. government surveillance following November’s presidential election, House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) told reporters Wednesday."
Who was the O.I.C., Jake? The man with the pen and the phone and the rubber stamp.
Comey said very clearly to the commitee that "no President can order a wire tap."

Hoss, you know what we have for a president: a megalomaniac in character.

He is dangerous to our republic.

I am quite sure you would rather have Pence as president, as I do.

He didn't have to "order" it. He had his appointees illegally forward him information from FISA wiretaps. Same effect, he was trying to collect dirt on Trump and using government assets to do it. So of course there will be no official "order" from Obama, because he knew gathering that information was illegal. But we do know that the White House was fed information from those FISA wiretaps (thanks New York Times), and that info was leaked to the press in order to damage Trump and his staff.

Trump is now fully exonerated.
Mud tries to change meanings by changing the words. Where does it say Obama wire tapped Trump?

"Members of the Donald Trump transition team, possibly including Trump himself, were under U.S. government surveillance following November’s presidential election, House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) told reporters Wednesday."
Who was the O.I.C., Jake? The man with the pen and the phone and the rubber stamp.
Comey said very clearly to the commitee that "no President can order a wire tap."

Hoss, you know what we have for a president: a megalomaniac in character.

He is dangerous to our republic.

I am quite sure you would rather have Pence as president, as I do.

No, but someone in Obama's corrupt DoJ can sign an affidavit to procure a warrant from the FISA court, moron.

Starkey is trying to Jake-off on everyone again.

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Rob the Chuckles is going with an absolutely insane suggestion: "someone' is ginning up forged FISA warrants. And Trump rides a flying dragon.

What or who is Chuckles' source? Himself of course.
Not forged, you ridiculous challenged nitwit...false. esides, it only takes an affiant stating facts that, if true, constitute probable cause, which is a very low standard. Warrants are sworn out and later dismissed all the time when they do not pan out. Why do you not know this, you retard? Are you certifiably stupid? Sent from my iPhone using
Thank you, Chuckles, for backing off the forged. Now you are saying the affidavit could be false? How would you know, you dolt? You probably think, like theBawk, the color of Trump's dragon is pink.
I love all these elaborate lies and bull shit you liberals wrap yourselves in like a security blanket. You need to feel safe, we get it.

I'll give you this, you never run out of creative lies ready to immediately spin any situation.

What lies?

Did you just cut and paste the OP without reading it?

No, I read it. What's your problem? Please explain...

It's a security blanket based on lies that you use to make yourselves feel better. Must have been my post that you didn't read.
"If the Republican Party wants to do what is best for this country and its national security, they will remove Devin Nunes as Intel Chairman." - 'Conservative' Trump Hater Joe Scarborough
Scarborough is a true conservative, and he sees clearly how dangerous to the Republic is Donald Trump.

Man Tasked With Investigating Trump’s Ties To Russia Makes Friendly Visit To White House

Rep. Devin Nunes’ bombshell disclosures about surveillance on Trump associates raise more questions than they answer.

WASHINGTON ― Investigators don’t normally brief the people they’re investigating. But on Wednesday afternoon, Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), the Republican who’s leading a congressional investigation into whether President Donald Trump’s team colluded with Russia to interfere in the 2016 election, went to the White House to talk to the president.

U.S. intelligence agencies had intercepted Trump associates’ communications ― and perhaps those of Trump himself ― in the final three months of the Obama administration, Nunes said he told Trump.

Nunes, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee and a close Trump ally, said the intercepted communications didn’t mention Russia and were therefore unrelated to his investigation. But the subject matter ― the intelligence community’s investigation of Trump and his associates’ connections to foreign powers ― overlapped. And Nunes’ objective appeared political: Deflect attention from Trump and his associates’ ties to Russia, and back up Trump’s claim that he is a victim of “deep state” loyal to former President Barack Obama.

Nunes’ gambit failed. In attempting to put out the Trump-Russia fire, he made much of it worse: In two press conferences on Wednesday, he confirmed that Trump’s surrogates ― and maybe the president himself ― were subjects of legal surveillance, implied that they may have had suspicious contact with agents from a country other than Russia, and potentially disclosed classified information.

And by choosing to brief the president, who’s so closely tied to the investigation, before sharing his new information with his Democratic counterpart, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), Nunes also raised doubts about his own ability to lead his committee’s probe.


OMG, this is unbelievable! Nunes must be removed from the House Intelligence Committee and prosecuted.
just listening to the EXPERTS on surveillance procedures on the news...


So you admit to knowing no more than anyone else, so you will for now on reserve such widespread conclusions before seeing the documents?
And will you have the courage to join in on the outrage and support legal and criminal punishment for ALL who took part?
i have no idea what you are upset about? What do you think or imagine in your head, was done wrong? speak English this time....;)

I didn't know I was upset.
What was done wrong?
1) We KNOW that the intelligence community released data and findings to the media. No one is arguing this, the proof is in the headlines of the very stories they leaked.
But what the left on committee is doing is trying to cloud the issue by this whole argument of "masking" and "unmasking", as well as to point fingers at the chairman IF he shared the info with Trump. But no mention of the community SHARING THE INFO TO THE PRESS. In other words Dems are "outraged" by the possibility the house chair shared into with Trump...but not outraged that the data was released to the PRESS in the first place!! Nor that the information even exist!!
leaking to the press or basically to us in the public was bad, and even criminal perhaps!!

but in no way should this deflect from the ACTUAL INVESTIGATION in to the cyber theft and the Russian influence in to our election process and if any, Trump campaigner connections or involvement in the dissemination of the stolen goods/emails....or anything else they may find.
To claim that the Trump administration is not a criminal enterprise is like claiming that Trump University was not a con game.

Republicans site proof of Bill Clintons perjury, by the fact he paid a $25,000 fine, and lost his law license.

Yet they don't accept proof Trump University was a criminal scam, when Trump paid $25 million to the victims, and a $1 million fine.

Man Tasked With Investigating Trump’s Ties To Russia Makes Friendly Visit To White House

Rep. Devin Nunes’ bombshell disclosures about surveillance on Trump associates raise more questions than they answer.

WASHINGTON ― Investigators don’t normally brief the people they’re investigating. But on Wednesday afternoon, Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), the Republican who’s leading a congressional investigation into whether President Donald Trump’s team colluded with Russia to interfere in the 2016 election, went to the White House to talk to the president.

U.S. intelligence agencies had intercepted Trump associates’ communications ― and perhaps those of Trump himself ― in the final three months of the Obama administration, Nunes said he told Trump.

Nunes, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee and a close Trump ally, said the intercepted communications didn’t mention Russia and were therefore unrelated to his investigation. But the subject matter ― the intelligence community’s investigation of Trump and his associates’ connections to foreign powers ― overlapped. And Nunes’ objective appeared political: Deflect attention from Trump and his associates’ ties to Russia, and back up Trump’s claim that he is a victim of “deep state” loyal to former President Barack Obama.

Nunes’ gambit failed. In attempting to put out the Trump-Russia fire, he made much of it worse: In two press conferences on Wednesday, he confirmed that Trump’s surrogates ― and maybe the president himself ― were subjects of legal surveillance, implied that they may have had suspicious contact with agents from a country other than Russia, and potentially disclosed classified information.

And by choosing to brief the president, who’s so closely tied to the investigation, before sharing his new information with his Democratic counterpart, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), Nunes also raised doubts about his own ability to lead his committee’s probe.


OMG, this is unbelievable! Nunes must be removed from the House Intelligence Committee and prosecuted.

This would make a GREAT "Onion" Spoof, Lakhota:

"We've uncovered secret emails proving
the Liberals and Media don't like you..."
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Isn't it funny how the redskin girl is laughing about this? No wonder her people never had a word for wheel prior to civilized people showing up here.

Another day another disaster for the liars and petulant children on the left.

Say, they have any proof of russians fixing the elections that their kuuuunt lost? No? Thought not.

LOL at the losers.
"HOW COULD THIS HAVE HAPPENED....AGAIN?" they're wailing. The suicide hotlines will be doing a brisk business tonight, comfort foods will be dragged out of the cupboards, Hello Kitty pajamas broken out.....Kleenex sales skyrocket. Weeping turns into primal screams as Trump, once again, dances into the End Zone.

He didn't have to "order" it. He had his appointees illegally forward him information from FISA wiretaps. Same effect, he was trying to collect dirt on Trump and using government assets to do it. So of course there will be no official "order" from Obama, because he knew gathering that information was illegal. But we do know that the White House was fed information from those FISA wiretaps (thanks New York Times), and that info was leaked to the press in order to damage Trump and his staff.

Trump is now fully exonerated.

Actually Trump was given the same briefings that Obama was. Or at least they tried to. Trump refused nearly 6 out of 7 presidential daily briefs.
Obama admin spied on Trump transition team incidentally.

Incidentally, Comey forgot to mention that during hearings.

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