Breaking:House Intel Chair: Trump and team spied on during transition

Is your definition of 'wiretapped' hooking into a copper telephone wire? If so, I think the veracity of your assertion may be valid in this case.

"Obama tapped my wires"

That's pretty self explanatory.

Only a retard believes Trump was referring to actual copper telephone wires.
Show where wireless phones were listened to
You still need a warrant
THE CURRENT FISA WARRANT for global surveillance is still good you moron. Every phone and electronic transmission in the US is recorded and stored. THE WHOLE DAMN COUNTRY IS BEING WIRE TAPPED/SURVEILLANCED!

Nunes is now trying to find out who correlated, unmasked, and distributed information they had no targeted warrant to compile, unmask or distribute.

The "tweet" from Trump means nothing because HE IS RIGHT! its a fucking non-issue!
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Just like with wiretapping, those are examples of Trump going totally batshit, only to have his defenders claim he didn't mean what he literally said, but some alterative fact version of reality.
Trump stated wiretap in quotes, which normally means he did not mean the phrase literally.

And welcome to my ignore list, idiot.

no quotes ...

Donald J. Trump


How low has President Obama gone to tapp my phones during the very sacred election process. This is Nixon/Watergate. Bad (or sick) guy!

6:02 AM - 4 Mar 2017
The original was in parenthesis, where are you getting this altered crap? Why are you misrepresenting (lying) and promoting a deception?
Is your definition of 'wiretapped' hooking into a copper telephone wire? If so, I think the veracity of your assertion may be valid in this case.

"Obama tapped my wires"

That's pretty self explanatory.

Only a retard believes Trump was referring to actual copper telephone wires.
Show where wireless phones were listened to
You still need a warrant
THE CURRENT FISA WARRANT for global surveillance is still good you moron. Every phone and electronic transmission in the US is recorded and stored. THE WHOLE DAMN COUNTRY IS BEING WIRE TAPPED/SURVEILLANCED!

Nunes is now trying to find out who correlated, unmasked, and distributed information they had no targeted warrant to compile, unmask or distribute.

The "tweet" from Trump means nothing because HE IS RIGHT! its a fucking non-issue!
THE CURRENT FISA WARRANT for global surveillance is still good you moron. Every phone and electronic transmission in the US is recorded and stored.

Absolutely wrong. There is no such thing.
Is your definition of 'wiretapped' hooking into a copper telephone wire? If so, I think the veracity of your assertion may be valid in this case.

"Obama tapped my wires"

That's pretty self explanatory.

Only a retard believes Trump was referring to actual copper telephone wires.
Show where wireless phones were listened to
You still need a warrant
THE CURRENT FISA WARRANT for global surveillance is still good you moron. Every phone and electronic transmission in the US is recorded and stored. THE WHOLE DAMN COUNTRY IS BEING WIRE TAPPED/SURVEILLANCED!

Nunes is now trying to find out who correlated, unmasked, and distributed information they had no targeted warrant to compile, unmask or distribute.

The "tweet" from Trump means nothing because HE IS RIGHT! its a fucking non-issue!
THE CURRENT FISA WARRANT for global surveillance is still good you moron. Every phone and electronic transmission in the US is recorded and stored.

Absolutely wrong. There is no such thing.
You are full of crap... There is or the NSA would be unable to do what it is doing.
"Obama tapped my wires"

That's pretty self explanatory.

Only a retard believes Trump was referring to actual copper telephone wires.
Show where wireless phones were listened to
You still need a warrant
THE CURRENT FISA WARRANT for global surveillance is still good you moron. Every phone and electronic transmission in the US is recorded and stored. THE WHOLE DAMN COUNTRY IS BEING WIRE TAPPED/SURVEILLANCED!

Nunes is now trying to find out who correlated, unmasked, and distributed information they had no targeted warrant to compile, unmask or distribute.

The "tweet" from Trump means nothing because HE IS RIGHT! its a fucking non-issue!
THE CURRENT FISA WARRANT for global surveillance is still good you moron. Every phone and electronic transmission in the US is recorded and stored.

Absolutely wrong. There is no such thing.
You are full of crap... There is or the NSA would be unable to do what it is doing.
There isn't single FISA warrant that covers the entire world. If there were there would be no need for additional warrants.
Only a retard believes Trump was referring to actual copper telephone wires.
Show where wireless phones were listened to
You still need a warrant
THE CURRENT FISA WARRANT for global surveillance is still good you moron. Every phone and electronic transmission in the US is recorded and stored. THE WHOLE DAMN COUNTRY IS BEING WIRE TAPPED/SURVEILLANCED!

Nunes is now trying to find out who correlated, unmasked, and distributed information they had no targeted warrant to compile, unmask or distribute.

The "tweet" from Trump means nothing because HE IS RIGHT! its a fucking non-issue!
THE CURRENT FISA WARRANT for global surveillance is still good you moron. Every phone and electronic transmission in the US is recorded and stored.

Absolutely wrong. There is no such thing.
You are full of crap... There is or the NSA would be unable to do what it is doing.
There isn't single FISA warrant that covers the entire world. If there were there would be no need for additional warrants.

We don't need one for foreign countries only for US citizens.. Current FISA documents show they indeed do have warrants to cover US citizens world wide.

The top secret rules that allow NSA to use US data without a warrant
Just like with wiretapping, those are examples of Trump going totally batshit, only to have his defenders claim he didn't mean what he literally said, but some alterative fact version of reality.
Trump stated wiretap in quotes, which normally means he did not mean the phrase literally.

And welcome to my ignore list, idiot.

no quotes ...

Donald J. Trump


How low has President Obama gone to tapp my phones during the very sacred election process. This is Nixon/Watergate. Bad (or sick) guy!

6:02 AM - 4 Mar 2017
The original was in parenthesis, where are you getting this altered crap? Why are you misrepresenting (lying) and promoting a deception?

I'm in the middle of nowhere with no high speed available but I can still tweet from my keyboard. I only just started this and the language on tweeting is really different than posting on a message board. You only have 140 figures to cram your point in. Makes me crazy.

Trumps use of "wiretapping" makes perfect sense. And most understand quite well what he meant. The left wing whackos are driving this stupid name game because they know damn well that Obama put Trump and all his people under surveillance.

For crying out loud the bastards crawled thru the bank accounts of Ivanka / Jared / and Jared's freaking mother.

Just like with wiretapping, those are examples of Trump going totally batshit, only to have his defenders claim he didn't mean what he literally said, but some alterative fact version of reality.
Trump stated wiretap in quotes, which normally means he did not mean the phrase literally.

And welcome to my ignore list, idiot.

no quotes ...

Donald J. Trump


How low has President Obama gone to tapp my phones during the very sacred election process. This is Nixon/Watergate. Bad (or sick) guy!

6:02 AM - 4 Mar 2017
The original was in parenthesis, where are you getting this altered crap? Why are you misrepresenting (lying) and promoting a deception?

there was more than one dip ..


Just like with wiretapping, those are examples of Trump going totally batshit, only to have his defenders claim he didn't mean what he literally said, but some alterative fact version of reality.
Trump stated wiretap in quotes, which normally means he did not mean the phrase literally.

And welcome to my ignore list, idiot.

no quotes ...

Donald J. Trump


How low has President Obama gone to tapp my phones during the very sacred election process. This is Nixon/Watergate. Bad (or sick) guy!

6:02 AM - 4 Mar 2017
The original was in parenthesis, where are you getting this altered crap? Why are you misrepresenting (lying) and promoting a deception?

I'm in the middle of nowhere with no high speed available but I can still tweet from my keyboard. I only just started this and the language on tweeting is really different than posting on a message board. You only have 140 figures to cram your point in. Makes me crazy.

Trumps use of "wiretapping" makes perfect sense. And most understand quite well what he meant. The left wing whackos are driving this stupid name game because they know damn well that Obama put Trump and all his people under surveillance.

For crying out loud the bastards crawled thru the bank accounts of Ivanka / Jared / and Jared's freaking mother.

And all without a warrant...

This is why they recalled the heads of the FBI and CIA BEFORE they interview subjects who could be targets of treason and federal felonies. They have information that could put them behind bars and Nunes want to have his facts straight..
SSDD for RussianWingers,

too dumb to keep up but for some reason still want to play ..
Last edited:
Just like with wiretapping, those are examples of Trump going totally batshit, only to have his defenders claim he didn't mean what he literally said, but some alterative fact version of reality.
Trump stated wiretap in quotes, which normally means he did not mean the phrase literally.

And welcome to my ignore list, idiot.

no quotes ...

Donald J. Trump


How low has President Obama gone to tapp my phones during the very sacred election process. This is Nixon/Watergate. Bad (or sick) guy!

6:02 AM - 4 Mar 2017
The original was in parenthesis, where are you getting this altered crap? Why are you misrepresenting (lying) and promoting a deception?

I'm in the middle of nowhere with no high speed available but I can still tweet from my keyboard. I only just started this and the language on tweeting is really different than posting on a message board. You only have 140 figures to cram your point in. Makes me crazy.

Trumps use of "wiretapping" makes perfect sense. And most understand quite well what he meant. The left wing whackos are driving this stupid name game because they know damn well that Obama put Trump and all his people under surveillance.

For crying out loud the bastards crawled thru the bank accounts of Ivanka / Jared / and Jared's freaking mother.

And all without a warrant...

This is why they recalled the heads of the FBI and CIA BEFORE they interview subjects who could be targets of treason and federal felonies. They have information that could put them behind bars and Nunes want to have his facts straight..

I want the hearings to continue. Personally I want to not only discover who the leaks were coming from, but especially to find out who was involved in paying that M16 agent on the fairy tale dossier.

Big $$$$$$$$$$$ involved because this charlatan Steele was paying informants who further paid other informants for dirt on Trump.

Talk about a bad joke.

And I really want to follow the chain of possession and how the dossier got into the hands of that old <used to be a war hero> son of a bitch McCain.

And why the FBI offered to pay Steele for more information till they figured it was a bad idea. Senator Grassley is going after that angle.
“The President has put in place an organization with the kind of database that no one has ever seen before in life. That’s going to be very, very powerful. That database will have information about everything on every individual on ways that it’s never been done before Maxine Waters Video Uncovered - Where She Admits Obama Has A Huge Database On People - Chicks On The Right
That should be a target of this investigation as well.
And how do you compile said info....unless you do it illegally
Nunes admits that members of the Trump criminal enterprise were legally caught up in law enforcement wiretapping,

and somehow,

you conclude that vindicates Trump?

lol, good one.
Trump lies roll off the backs of Trump supporters like water on a ducks back.

GOP Rep. Trey Gowdy Contradicts Trump On 'Informant' Claim | HuffPost

Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.), the chairman of the House Oversight Committee, said the FBI acted appropriately when it used an informant to gather information about Donald Trump campaign advisers who allegedly had suspicious contacts linked to Russia prior to the 2016 election.

“I am even more convinced that the FBI did exactly what my fellow citizens would want them to do when they got the information they got, and that it has nothing to do with Donald Trump,” Gowdy said Tuesday during an interview on Fox News.

Gowdy last week attended a classified DOJ briefing alongside other top lawmakers regarding the informant and the tactics the FBI had used during the 2016 campaign. The South Carolina congressman, who is retiring this year, is the first GOP lawmaker briefed on the informant to directly rebut Trump and his allies regarding the surveillance claims.

Trump has ratcheted up his attacks against the Russia investigation, the Justice Department and the FBI in response to the revelation. He claimed the agency “infiltrated” and “spied” on his campaign under the orders of President Barack Obama, and he demanded that the Justice Department investigate the accusations and turn over any relevant documents to Congress.

Trump again tore into the FBI during a rally in Nashville on Tuesday evening, insisting that his campaign had been “infiltrated” by his political opponents. “Can you imagine?” he said, to boos in the audience.

But Gowdy maintained the FBI was simply following Trump’s orders when it investigated his campaign’s ties to Russia.

“President Trump himself in the [former FBI Director James] Comey memos said, ‘If anyone connected with my campaign was working with Russia, I want you to investigate it,’” Gowdy said Tuesday on Fox News. “Sounds to me like that was exactly what the FBI did.”
We can't be too careful with these clever Russians. Trump needs to have the democrat Party under constant surveillance - for their own safety.
In you haven't noticed, the GroppenFuhrer's Goosesteppers love to be lied to. In act they need the lies and would rather be lied to.

If HRC had won the White Hous with the active Assistance and Support of Russia, the Cons would demanding Impeachment. But since 45 is Republican they do not give a shit.

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