Breaking:House Intel Chair: Trump and team spied on during transition

This thread is now fake news bullshit since Nunes has walked back his claim!
You trumpfluffers can celebrate how he's saved you from getting sick of winning anytime soon, eh? Getting his ass handed to him over his promises to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act has to make you feel like it's all Obama's fault.
Do you snowflakes need a refresher course on the 3 Branches of Govt, what they each are responsible for doing, and the Separation of powers? you must because you seem to be blaming the President for the legislative Branch failing to write and pass a bill into law.

Umm, the ACA is Obama and the Democrats' legislation - they rammed it into law.

By your post I would say you aren't very smart...but then again, I will not judge your intellect by 1 post.

Have a nice weekend.

Of course this falls on Trump's shoulders. He said he's not signing any healthcare bill now since Congress didn't get him a bill to sign today. So even if Congress were to get s bill on his desk next weeks, he's not signing it.

Apparently, he thinks he gets to dictate timetables to Congress.
The big-fucking-dealer-in chief likely used his best threat, "Hey if this goes down, we all go down."
Which proves again, he's a con man and a buffoon up to his ass.
Which means he's way over his head.
Watching these twinks fluffing him is hilarious.
What are you talking about? It has already been established that the Intel leaks to the press ARE ILLEGAL. that is not even in questions. Comey was just asked if the leaks to the press are considered 'Espionage', which he answered 'YES'


Leaking Flynn's name to the press was illegal, but utterly justified

Gregg Jarrett: The leak of Flynn's conversations is a crime

Nice try to spin, but FAIL!

You're as fucking insane as the come. :cuckoo:

You said, the heads of the FBI and NSA (Comey and Rogers) have said Obama or his people committed espionage....

I challenge you to quote them since neither of them actually said that...

You then cheer for yourself as you post three links, supposedly as evidence of your delusions.

But do any of your links contain quotes by either Comey or Rogers claiming Obama or his people committed a crime?

of course not. :eusa_doh:

Your first link is Trump claiming a crime was committed.

Your second link is an op/ed from Maclellan and Palamar and doesn't even say Obama or his people were the leakers.

Your third link is again the opinion of Trump.

You lose because you're a natural born loser.


In order to continue to deny that Obama and his cronies did not break the law you are having to do some un-paralleled spinning of epic proportions.

CNN has already reported Obama broke the law. Criminal Activity Established.
-- Once the NSA / FBI said there was no crime / no foreign intel value in their collections the personal info collected should have been immediately destroyed as it was PROTECTED CLASSIFIED information. it was not. Instead it was used to facilitate illegal leaks for political gain.

It has already been declared that providing the 16 Intel agencies with protected, secret personal information on Americans that did not consist of any foreign Intel value was a CRIME. Criminal Activity Established.

The leaks of the personal information has already been considered illegal - criminal activity established.

NONE of this is up for debate - it has been proven.

Comey was asked if the leaks to the press - already proven to have been perpetrated by Obama holdovers, consisting of the illegally obtained/kept and disseminated info from Obama - constituted Felony Acts of Espionage: Comey declared YES!

Only a snowflake could could continue to argue that no criminal activity has been perpetrated by the leakers, which was illegally facilitated by Obama in his last days as President.

Only a snowflake could argue that a President and his administration that has already illegally spied on Americans, illegally spied on reporters, illegally spied on the media, illegally spied on Congress, and lied about it under oath did NOT engage in illegal activity in this case when the fact that information illegally obtained/kept was illegally shared and illegally released to the press.

Dude, you have no more credibility on the subject, and dealing with your spinning and rants is pointless as you are obviously delusional / dain bramaged. Consider yourself ignored at this point.
Imbecile, first and foremost, I have not said Obama or his people have not committed s crime. That you think I said that is yet more evidence of your struggles with reading comprehension. What I did say is that I have not yet seen any proof that they committed a crime.

You see, this is yet another wonderful example of the differences between us. I am waiting for proof to establish a conclusion; whereas you are throwing out false accusations without knowing exactly what the evidence is.

Even worse for you ... you lied and claimed the heads of the FBI and NSA had claimed Obama or his people committed a crime; and when challenged for a quote from them saying that, you actually posted a quote from Trump saying that.

You truly are fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

Did you say something? All I hear is your continued bullshit spin. The fact is Obama's cronies broke the law by 'outing' Flynn when that information was legally protected. Leaking that information to the press is a crime - not only a crime. Comey declared it constitutes 'Felony ESPIONAGE'.

What Obama did was repeat his past performances, when he illegally spied on Americans, illegally spied on reporters, illegally spied on the media, and illegally spied on Congress. As Nunes stated, 'Obama hid under the cover of legitimate foreign Intel Collection', even though he already KNEW from the FBI and NSA that there was there was no crime and NO GOREIGN INTEL VALUE'

Waste of are the permanent spin-master. (How much is Soros paying you, anyway?)
Speaking of bullshit spin.... you claimed both Comey from the FBI, and Rogers from the NSA, said Obama or his people broke the law.

That you can't actually quote either one of them saying any such thing is all that is needed to know you're either lying, crazy, or both.

Rep. Gowdy: I thought it was against the law to disseminate classified information. Is it?

Director Comey: Oh yes. It’s a serious crime.
But the illegal compilation of data specifically on Trump and his team make Trump the target. Who authorized that? The dissemination of unmasked conversations and transcripts is strictly forbidden and is a felony. Again who authorized that?

Trump and or his afiliates are still the secondaries.
Not any more. Once they began collating specific information and disseminating pointed and focused reports on TRUMP and his people they made him the target of an illegal investigation.

I want to know who ordered that retasking as it violated the fourth amendment and was illegal. Fruit of the poisonous vine then entraped everything they have done.
Where do you get this shit from? So far, not even Nunes has said anything was done illegally.

Hang on to your ass..

NSA set to release logs of incidental collections during wire tapping and produced transcripts, including who ordered the unmasking of Trump and his team. Information has come to light, provided by the NSA, that the Obama admin ordered the collection, correlation, and dissemination of raw data including the logs showing who was given the information...

This is scheduled to be released to Chairman Nunes tomorrow.

IF this is true, you now have cold hard evidence of treason, illegal surveillance of an opponent, the president elect and the opposition political party.

This is about to get very ugly. Proof of INTENTIONAL "reverse targeting" which was done absent a warrant for the reverse target and are multiple felonies by Obama and democrats..
So, dumbfuck?

What bombshell did Nunes drop today?


You're as fucking insane as the come. :cuckoo:

You said, the heads of the FBI and NSA (Comey and Rogers) have said Obama or his people committed espionage....

I challenge you to quote them since neither of them actually said that...

You then cheer for yourself as you post three links, supposedly as evidence of your delusions.

But do any of your links contain quotes by either Comey or Rogers claiming Obama or his people committed a crime?

of course not. :eusa_doh:

Your first link is Trump claiming a crime was committed.

Your second link is an op/ed from Maclellan and Palamar and doesn't even say Obama or his people were the leakers.

Your third link is again the opinion of Trump.

You lose because you're a natural born loser.


In order to continue to deny that Obama and his cronies did not break the law you are having to do some un-paralleled spinning of epic proportions.

CNN has already reported Obama broke the law. Criminal Activity Established.
-- Once the NSA / FBI said there was no crime / no foreign intel value in their collections the personal info collected should have been immediately destroyed as it was PROTECTED CLASSIFIED information. it was not. Instead it was used to facilitate illegal leaks for political gain.

It has already been declared that providing the 16 Intel agencies with protected, secret personal information on Americans that did not consist of any foreign Intel value was a CRIME. Criminal Activity Established.

The leaks of the personal information has already been considered illegal - criminal activity established.

NONE of this is up for debate - it has been proven.

Comey was asked if the leaks to the press - already proven to have been perpetrated by Obama holdovers, consisting of the illegally obtained/kept and disseminated info from Obama - constituted Felony Acts of Espionage: Comey declared YES!

Only a snowflake could could continue to argue that no criminal activity has been perpetrated by the leakers, which was illegally facilitated by Obama in his last days as President.

Only a snowflake could argue that a President and his administration that has already illegally spied on Americans, illegally spied on reporters, illegally spied on the media, illegally spied on Congress, and lied about it under oath did NOT engage in illegal activity in this case when the fact that information illegally obtained/kept was illegally shared and illegally released to the press.

Dude, you have no more credibility on the subject, and dealing with your spinning and rants is pointless as you are obviously delusional / dain bramaged. Consider yourself ignored at this point.
Imbecile, first and foremost, I have not said Obama or his people have not committed s crime. That you think I said that is yet more evidence of your struggles with reading comprehension. What I did say is that I have not yet seen any proof that they committed a crime.

You see, this is yet another wonderful example of the differences between us. I am waiting for proof to establish a conclusion; whereas you are throwing out false accusations without knowing exactly what the evidence is.

Even worse for you ... you lied and claimed the heads of the FBI and NSA had claimed Obama or his people committed a crime; and when challenged for a quote from them saying that, you actually posted a quote from Trump saying that.

You truly are fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

Did you say something? All I hear is your continued bullshit spin. The fact is Obama's cronies broke the law by 'outing' Flynn when that information was legally protected. Leaking that information to the press is a crime - not only a crime. Comey declared it constitutes 'Felony ESPIONAGE'.

What Obama did was repeat his past performances, when he illegally spied on Americans, illegally spied on reporters, illegally spied on the media, and illegally spied on Congress. As Nunes stated, 'Obama hid under the cover of legitimate foreign Intel Collection', even though he already KNEW from the FBI and NSA that there was there was no crime and NO GOREIGN INTEL VALUE'

Waste of are the permanent spin-master. (How much is Soros paying you, anyway?)
Speaking of bullshit spin.... you claimed both Comey from the FBI, and Rogers from the NSA, said Obama or his people broke the law.

That you can't actually quote either one of them saying any such thing is all that is needed to know you're either lying, crazy, or both.

Rep. Gowdy: I thought it was against the law to disseminate classified information. Is it?

Director Comey: Oh yes. It’s a serious crime.

You morons crack me up.

Of course it's a serious crime -- but that's not saying Obama or his people disseminated classified material.

Murder is also a serious crime -- but there's no evidence that Obama or his people killed anyone.

It's like you conservatives just can't comprehend English.
ROFL! There's plenty of evidence. Who would be doing it if not Obama's handpicked stooges?

Trump insiders who don't like what Trump is doing, or how he's doing it.
"Trump insiders" were working for intelligence agencies before he was inaugurated? How would that work?

Ask the FBI. There were disgruntled Trumper agents.
The FBI isn't making that claim, douche nozzle. You are.
In order to continue to deny that Obama and his cronies did not break the law you are having to do some un-paralleled spinning of epic proportions.

CNN has already reported Obama broke the law. Criminal Activity Established.
-- Once the NSA / FBI said there was no crime / no foreign intel value in their collections the personal info collected should have been immediately destroyed as it was PROTECTED CLASSIFIED information. it was not. Instead it was used to facilitate illegal leaks for political gain.

It has already been declared that providing the 16 Intel agencies with protected, secret personal information on Americans that did not consist of any foreign Intel value was a CRIME. Criminal Activity Established.

The leaks of the personal information has already been considered illegal - criminal activity established.

NONE of this is up for debate - it has been proven.

Comey was asked if the leaks to the press - already proven to have been perpetrated by Obama holdovers, consisting of the illegally obtained/kept and disseminated info from Obama - constituted Felony Acts of Espionage: Comey declared YES!

Only a snowflake could could continue to argue that no criminal activity has been perpetrated by the leakers, which was illegally facilitated by Obama in his last days as President.

Only a snowflake could argue that a President and his administration that has already illegally spied on Americans, illegally spied on reporters, illegally spied on the media, illegally spied on Congress, and lied about it under oath did NOT engage in illegal activity in this case when the fact that information illegally obtained/kept was illegally shared and illegally released to the press.

Dude, you have no more credibility on the subject, and dealing with your spinning and rants is pointless as you are obviously delusional / dain bramaged. Consider yourself ignored at this point.
Imbecile, first and foremost, I have not said Obama or his people have not committed s crime. That you think I said that is yet more evidence of your struggles with reading comprehension. What I did say is that I have not yet seen any proof that they committed a crime.

You see, this is yet another wonderful example of the differences between us. I am waiting for proof to establish a conclusion; whereas you are throwing out false accusations without knowing exactly what the evidence is.

Even worse for you ... you lied and claimed the heads of the FBI and NSA had claimed Obama or his people committed a crime; and when challenged for a quote from them saying that, you actually posted a quote from Trump saying that.

You truly are fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

Did you say something? All I hear is your continued bullshit spin. The fact is Obama's cronies broke the law by 'outing' Flynn when that information was legally protected. Leaking that information to the press is a crime - not only a crime. Comey declared it constitutes 'Felony ESPIONAGE'.

What Obama did was repeat his past performances, when he illegally spied on Americans, illegally spied on reporters, illegally spied on the media, and illegally spied on Congress. As Nunes stated, 'Obama hid under the cover of legitimate foreign Intel Collection', even though he already KNEW from the FBI and NSA that there was there was no crime and NO GOREIGN INTEL VALUE'

Waste of are the permanent spin-master. (How much is Soros paying you, anyway?)
Speaking of bullshit spin.... you claimed both Comey from the FBI, and Rogers from the NSA, said Obama or his people broke the law.

That you can't actually quote either one of them saying any such thing is all that is needed to know you're either lying, crazy, or both.

Rep. Gowdy: I thought it was against the law to disseminate classified information. Is it?

Director Comey: Oh yes. It’s a serious crime.

You morons crack me up.

Of course it's a serious crime -- but that's not saying Obama or his people disseminated classified material.

Murder is also a serious crime -- but there's no evidence that Obama or his people killed anyone.

It's like you conservatives just can't comprehend English.

Someone in the Obama administration disseminated the information, moron. Whoever did it is obviously one of Obama's hand picked stooges. Who else would take a chance at going to prison for 10 years just to embarrass Trump?
Is your definition of 'wiretapped' hooking into a copper telephone wire? If so, I think the veracity of your assertion may be valid in this case.

"Obama tapped my wires"

That's pretty self explanatory.
Explanatory of you, yes.

You're deep in denial.

As you can see in MY text above, If you are strictly referring to 'tapping' as the joining of x2 copper wires. YES I concede that you may be correct... Can I be more plain than the first time I said it?

The danger here is semantics and not seeing the forest through the trees... what does "tapping" mean today vs 1930's?
They cling to this semantic argument because they've got nothing else. Their messiah is guilty as hell. People are going to jail for this, and it won't be Republicans.

The semantic arguments are all yours.
Tell us about the various possible meanings of
"Obama tapped my wires".

I'm not going to waste my time debating an obvious point with a lying douche nozzle like you. You cling to a particular definition so you can accuse Trump of lying. That point is irrefutable.
Do you snowflakes need a refresher course on the 3 Branches of Govt, what they each are responsible for doing, and the Separation of powers? you must because you seem to be blaming the President for the legislative Branch failing to write and pass a bill into law.

Umm, the ACA is Obama and the Democrats' legislation - they rammed it into law.

By your post I would say you aren't very smart...but then again, I will not judge your intellect by 1 post.

Have a nice weekend.

Of course this falls on Trump's shoulders. He said he's not signing any healthcare bill now since Congress didn't get him a bill to sign today. So even if Congress were to get s bill on his desk next weeks, he's not signing it.

Apparently, he thinks he gets to dictate timetables to Congress.
The big-fucking-dealer-in chief likely used his best threat, "Hey if this goes down, we all go down."
Which proves again, he's a con man and a buffoon up to his ass.
Which means he's way over his head.
Watching these twinks fluffing him is hilarious.
And now, Obama's legacy remains intact.

Thanks, Donald! :thup:

He and the Dims will get all the credit when it implodes

Trump, with all his political inexperience, fucked up royally with this.

a) ACA repeal was a yuge issue for his voters -- he just spit in their faces.

b) He campaigned on repealing it, so that's now a broken promise.

c) He told America he had a better plan that would have saved Americans money; so you rightards can't complain about healthcare costs anymore because trump just took away your chance to save money.

d) Obama's legacy lives on. And the longer it lives, the harder it is to repeal.

e) Now if ObamaCare implodes, Trump gets the blame for failing to replace it with the "better" plan he claimed to have ready to roll out.

Today was a big win for Democrats and America.


That's all lies, of course.
Imbecile, first and foremost, I have not said Obama or his people have not committed s crime. That you think I said that is yet more evidence of your struggles with reading comprehension. What I did say is that I have not yet seen any proof that they committed a crime.

You see, this is yet another wonderful example of the differences between us. I am waiting for proof to establish a conclusion; whereas you are throwing out false accusations without knowing exactly what the evidence is.

Even worse for you ... you lied and claimed the heads of the FBI and NSA had claimed Obama or his people committed a crime; and when challenged for a quote from them saying that, you actually posted a quote from Trump saying that.

You truly are fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

Did you say something? All I hear is your continued bullshit spin. The fact is Obama's cronies broke the law by 'outing' Flynn when that information was legally protected. Leaking that information to the press is a crime - not only a crime. Comey declared it constitutes 'Felony ESPIONAGE'.

What Obama did was repeat his past performances, when he illegally spied on Americans, illegally spied on reporters, illegally spied on the media, and illegally spied on Congress. As Nunes stated, 'Obama hid under the cover of legitimate foreign Intel Collection', even though he already KNEW from the FBI and NSA that there was there was no crime and NO GOREIGN INTEL VALUE'

Waste of are the permanent spin-master. (How much is Soros paying you, anyway?)
Speaking of bullshit spin.... you claimed both Comey from the FBI, and Rogers from the NSA, said Obama or his people broke the law.

That you can't actually quote either one of them saying any such thing is all that is needed to know you're either lying, crazy, or both.

Rep. Gowdy: I thought it was against the law to disseminate classified information. Is it?

Director Comey: Oh yes. It’s a serious crime.

You morons crack me up.

Of course it's a serious crime -- but that's not saying Obama or his people disseminated classified material.

Murder is also a serious crime -- but there's no evidence that Obama or his people killed anyone.

It's like you conservatives just can't comprehend English.

Someone in the Obama administration disseminated the information, moron. Whoever did it is obviously one of Obama's hand picked stooges. Who else would take a chance at going to prison for 10 years just to embarrass Trump?
Prove it.

And then share your "proof" with Nunes since he apparently lacks the evidence you wish he had.

Of course this falls on Trump's shoulders. He said he's not signing any healthcare bill now since Congress didn't get him a bill to sign today. So even if Congress were to get s bill on his desk next weeks, he's not signing it.

Apparently, he thinks he gets to dictate timetables to Congress.
The big-fucking-dealer-in chief likely used his best threat, "Hey if this goes down, we all go down."
Which proves again, he's a con man and a buffoon up to his ass.
Which means he's way over his head.
Watching these twinks fluffing him is hilarious.
And now, Obama's legacy remains intact.

Thanks, Donald! :thup:

He and the Dims will get all the credit when it implodes

Trump, with all his political inexperience, fucked up royally with this.

a) ACA repeal was a yuge issue for his voters -- he just spit in their faces.

b) He campaigned on repealing it, so that's now a broken promise.

c) He told America he had a better plan that would have saved Americans money; so you rightards can't complain about healthcare costs anymore because trump just took away your chance to save money.

d) Obama's legacy lives on. And the longer it lives, the harder it is to repeal.

e) Now if ObamaCare implodes, Trump gets the blame for failing to replace it with the "better" plan he claimed to have ready to roll out.

Today was a big win for Democrats and America.


That's all lies, of course.
Like the opinion of a nut like you matters.
I'm not going to waste my time debating an obvious point with a lying douche nozzle like you. You cling to a particular definition so you can accuse Trump of lying. That point is irrefutable.

Did we change definition of votes, as in Trump got 3 million fewer votes. Or the definition of crowd as in, Trump didn't have the biggest inaugural crowd in history. It wasn't just the wiretapping that Trump lied about, it was EVERYTHING
I'm not going to waste my time debating an obvious point with a lying douche nozzle like you. You cling to a particular definition so you can accuse Trump of lying. That point is irrefutable.

Did we change definition of votes, as in Trump got 3 million fewer votes. Or the definition of crowd as in, Trump didn't have the biggest inaugural crowd in history. It wasn't just the wiretapping that Trump lied about, it was EVERYTHING
What does any of that have to do with the wiretap issue?

Changing the subject is a favored snowflake tactic when they are getting their asses kicked.
He is holding a press conference right now and he categorically stated that TRUMP TOWER WAS NOT WIRETAPPED
But surveillance was done.
Trump’s Wiretap Allegation Was a Self-Inflicted Wound
The national review can go suck a root. This is purely opinion, not fact. Nobody gives a horses ass what liberal journalists think anyway.
They're neverTrumpers, so that kind of article is no surprise coming from them.
Shut up Fatman.

Say, how's your primary Ryan gofundme campaign going?

You're as fucking insane as the come. :cuckoo:

You said, the heads of the FBI and NSA (Comey and Rogers) have said Obama or his people committed espionage....

I challenge you to quote them since neither of them actually said that...

You then cheer for yourself as you post three links, supposedly as evidence of your delusions.

But do any of your links contain quotes by either Comey or Rogers claiming Obama or his people committed a crime?

of course not. :eusa_doh:

Your first link is Trump claiming a crime was committed.

Your second link is an op/ed from Maclellan and Palamar and doesn't even say Obama or his people were the leakers.

Your third link is again the opinion of Trump.

You lose because you're a natural born loser.


In order to continue to deny that Obama and his cronies did not break the law you are having to do some un-paralleled spinning of epic proportions.

CNN has already reported Obama broke the law. Criminal Activity Established.
-- Once the NSA / FBI said there was no crime / no foreign intel value in their collections the personal info collected should have been immediately destroyed as it was PROTECTED CLASSIFIED information. it was not. Instead it was used to facilitate illegal leaks for political gain.

It has already been declared that providing the 16 Intel agencies with protected, secret personal information on Americans that did not consist of any foreign Intel value was a CRIME. Criminal Activity Established.

The leaks of the personal information has already been considered illegal - criminal activity established.

NONE of this is up for debate - it has been proven.

Comey was asked if the leaks to the press - already proven to have been perpetrated by Obama holdovers, consisting of the illegally obtained/kept and disseminated info from Obama - constituted Felony Acts of Espionage: Comey declared YES!

Only a snowflake could could continue to argue that no criminal activity has been perpetrated by the leakers, which was illegally facilitated by Obama in his last days as President.

Only a snowflake could argue that a President and his administration that has already illegally spied on Americans, illegally spied on reporters, illegally spied on the media, illegally spied on Congress, and lied about it under oath did NOT engage in illegal activity in this case when the fact that information illegally obtained/kept was illegally shared and illegally released to the press.

Dude, you have no more credibility on the subject, and dealing with your spinning and rants is pointless as you are obviously delusional / dain bramaged. Consider yourself ignored at this point.
Imbecile, first and foremost, I have not said Obama or his people have not committed s crime. That you think I said that is yet more evidence of your struggles with reading comprehension. What I did say is that I have not yet seen any proof that they committed a crime.

You see, this is yet another wonderful example of the differences between us. I am waiting for proof to establish a conclusion; whereas you are throwing out false accusations without knowing exactly what the evidence is.

Even worse for you ... you lied and claimed the heads of the FBI and NSA had claimed Obama or his people committed a crime; and when challenged for a quote from them saying that, you actually posted a quote from Trump saying that.

You truly are fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

Did you say something? All I hear is your continued bullshit spin. The fact is Obama's cronies broke the law by 'outing' Flynn when that information was legally protected. Leaking that information to the press is a crime - not only a crime. Comey declared it constitutes 'Felony ESPIONAGE'.

What Obama did was repeat his past performances, when he illegally spied on Americans, illegally spied on reporters, illegally spied on the media, and illegally spied on Congress. As Nunes stated, 'Obama hid under the cover of legitimate foreign Intel Collection', even though he already KNEW from the FBI and NSA that there was there was no crime and NO GOREIGN INTEL VALUE'

Waste of are the permanent spin-master. (How much is Soros paying you, anyway?)
Speaking of bullshit spin.... you claimed both Comey from the FBI, and Rogers from the NSA, said Obama or his people broke the law.

That you can't actually quote either one of them saying any such thing is all that is needed to know you're either lying, crazy, or both.

Rep. Gowdy: I thought it was against the law to disseminate classified information. Is it?

Director Comey: Oh yes. It’s a serious crime.

What's your point?
ROFL! There's plenty of evidence. Who would be doing it if not Obama's handpicked stooges?

Trump insiders who don't like what Trump is doing, or how he's doing it.
"Trump insiders" were working for intelligence agencies before he was inaugurated? How would that work?

Ask the FBI. There were disgruntled Trumper agents.
The FBI isn't making that claim, douche nozzle. You are.

Are you a native speaker?
Your comprehension is awful, comrade.
I'm not going to waste my time debating an obvious point with a lying douche nozzle like you. You cling to a particular definition so you can accuse Trump of lying. That point is irrefutable.

Did we change definition of votes, as in Trump got 3 million fewer votes. Or the definition of crowd as in, Trump didn't have the biggest inaugural crowd in history. It wasn't just the wiretapping that Trump lied about, it was EVERYTHING
What does any of that have to do with the wiretap issue?

Changing the subject is a favored snowflake tactic when they are getting their asses kicked.
What wiretap issue?


Last edited:
Imbecile, first and foremost, I have not said Obama or his people have not committed s crime. That you think I said that is yet more evidence of your struggles with reading comprehension. What I did say is that I have not yet seen any proof that they committed a crime.

You see, this is yet another wonderful example of the differences between us. I am waiting for proof to establish a conclusion; whereas you are throwing out false accusations without knowing exactly what the evidence is.

Even worse for you ... you lied and claimed the heads of the FBI and NSA had claimed Obama or his people committed a crime; and when challenged for a quote from them saying that, you actually posted a quote from Trump saying that.

You truly are fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

Did you say something? All I hear is your continued bullshit spin. The fact is Obama's cronies broke the law by 'outing' Flynn when that information was legally protected. Leaking that information to the press is a crime - not only a crime. Comey declared it constitutes 'Felony ESPIONAGE'.

What Obama did was repeat his past performances, when he illegally spied on Americans, illegally spied on reporters, illegally spied on the media, and illegally spied on Congress. As Nunes stated, 'Obama hid under the cover of legitimate foreign Intel Collection', even though he already KNEW from the FBI and NSA that there was there was no crime and NO GOREIGN INTEL VALUE'

Waste of are the permanent spin-master. (How much is Soros paying you, anyway?)
Speaking of bullshit spin.... you claimed both Comey from the FBI, and Rogers from the NSA, said Obama or his people broke the law.

That you can't actually quote either one of them saying any such thing is all that is needed to know you're either lying, crazy, or both.

Rep. Gowdy: I thought it was against the law to disseminate classified information. Is it?

Director Comey: Oh yes. It’s a serious crime.

You morons crack me up.

Of course it's a serious crime -- but that's not saying Obama or his people disseminated classified material.

Murder is also a serious crime -- but there's no evidence that Obama or his people killed anyone.

It's like you conservatives just can't comprehend English.

Someone in the Obama administration disseminated the information, moron. Whoever did it is obviously one of Obama's hand picked stooges. Who else would take a chance at going to prison for 10 years just to embarrass Trump?
^Simply retarded.
"Obama tapped my wires"

That's pretty self explanatory.
Explanatory of you, yes.

You're deep in denial.

As you can see in MY text above, If you are strictly referring to 'tapping' as the joining of x2 copper wires. YES I concede that you may be correct... Can I be more plain than the first time I said it?

The danger here is semantics and not seeing the forest through the trees... what does "tapping" mean today vs 1930's?
They cling to this semantic argument because they've got nothing else. Their messiah is guilty as hell. People are going to jail for this, and it won't be Republicans.

The semantic arguments are all yours.
Tell us about the various possible meanings of
"Obama tapped my wires".

I'm not going to waste my time debating an obvious point with a lying douche nozzle like you. You cling to a particular definition so you can accuse Trump of lying. That point is irrefutable.

Sure you won't. You'll only look foolish if you do.
I cling to the actual definition. You only want to change the meaning because reality makes you sad.
The only thing that's irrefutable is your weakness.
Can't speak for anyone but my self.... I concede the point a third time because I care so much about your fragile feelings. You are likely correct, If Trump has a copper telephone wire it likely wasn't physically connected to another copper wire.

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