BREAKING: House Republicans Locate Emails and Text Messages Implicating Pelosi in Failed Jan 6 Capitol Security Operation

Fake news.

It was Donald Trump's attempted coup and Buffalo Robe boy and all his other demented, deplorable retards that stormed the Capitol were his (so called) "soldiers."
Although he did request another 10,000 National Guardsmen for his own "personal protection" and that of his "army" as they stormed The Capitol.
It had to be explained to him by his military commanders why this was impossible.

It's all there in the report.

The Jan. 6th Committee has proven it with milliins of pages of documentation and over 1,000 sworn interviews from members of Trump's inner circle (and remember....he only hures the BEST people).

All your other narratives and attempts at deflection are moot now.
The report is in.

You look ridiculous at this point trying to argue anything other than what the committee has found.

There is NO "other side" of the story.

Sure there is and it just came out. The Communists refused to have the Capitol protected plain and simple. Trump never once told the attendees at his rally to break the law, invade the Capitol, or riot. What the Communists are trying to do is blame Trump for the actions of other people.
They jump all over the site name without checking the story and/or the source.

They feel they don't have to read any stories. CNN told them what CNN told them, and that's all they're going to believe no matter how much concrete evidence you show them.
And the riot at the Supreme Court happened because of Schumer. And the attack at the baseball field Republican reps were practicing at were because of Sanders. And the plan to assassinate Judge Kavanaugh resulted from Garland not enforcing the law prohibiting protests at the homes of Supreme Court justices.

Should I go on????
There was no riot at the Supreme Court.

None of your response has any rational basis.
So you think that the riot would have occurred if Trump had conceded the election and never had a rally on Jan 6th?

I don't know. I don't have a crystal ball like you leftists claim to have. What I do know is I place responsibility where it belongs--with individuals. Trump could no more be responsible for people rioting than I can be for saying I really needed money and you try to rob a bank for me. The cops won't come after me, they will arrest you because you're the one that tried to rob the bank. So stop the blame shifting already.
You said repeatedly they rioted because of Trump. How do you know they wouldn't have shown up if Trump wasn't even there? So yes, you claim you can read minds too.
I don’t have to read their minds. The rioters told us everything we need to know.
Show me the documents then.
Better make sure they are "official" too.

Also you've contradicted yourself here.
"Trump authorized up to 10,000 troops," you say in one sentence.
But then you follow that with "Trump can not deploy troops in D.C.
So which is it?
Did he "authorize" them.....or is he in fact (as you say) prohibited drom doing so?

Then you say that troops were "requested and denied."
By whom?
Because you've just said he does not havw the authority to do that.
Right after you first said that he DID in fact do it.

Let's face it.
You're just throwing shit against the wall hoping something will stick...aren't ya?
Kinda making it all up as you go along huh?
It's has been posted on this forum in previous J6 threads. Go look, not posting them twice.

Never said Trump can deploy, only has authority to authorize them to be activated.....someone else is responsible for deploying them. Can you tell us who?
USCP requested and was denied NG. Pelosi and others didn't like the 'optics' after BLM burned down several American cities. Sensitivities, you know.
There was no riot at the Supreme Court.

None of your response has any rational basis.

Sure there was when Kavanaugh was getting sworn in. Oh, that's right, you watch MSM instead of Fox, so you're only informed with the information they decide to tell you about.
Those folks were forced to implicate Trump to get a lighter sentence.


The Chewbacca dude was one of the first.
You know the answer. Every rational person does.

You just don’t want to admit it. Trump’s rally turned into a riot.
So you admit it wasn't an insurrection?

Trumps rally and the riot were two different events.

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