BREAKING: House Republicans Locate Emails and Text Messages Implicating Pelosi in Failed Jan 6 Capitol Security Operation

Thank you for proving my point, that had Pelosi and the Sgt.s-At-Arms called for the National Guard when they were 1st briefed of the potential for violence instead of waiting so long J6 would have never happened.

You also ignored FBI testimony of how tbey infiltrated the Oath Keepers (over a period of months), organized,planned, and had dedicated teams running 'Entrapment Scheme' operations against US citizens prior to and on J6, no less tban 28 undercover agents iutside and inside the Capitol...but they never once told how they took action to PREVENT J6.

DOT whisyle lowers have testified how the DOT has been targeting Conservatives - these 'Entrapment Scheme' operations run by the FBI jointly with the ATF were obviously operations which targeted Conservatives. Even an ignorant Democrat sac-licking snowflake such as yourself should be able to see that.

why didn't donny get them in there?
nobody said they would 'get off'. if they believed they were there because of donny's words - then that is what their lawyers are gonna use to minimize their sentences.

anyhoo - it also helps set up donny's culpability after he's indicted for inciting.

remember when you said no one would be indicted for insurrection because it wasn't an insurrection?

lol ... i do.
Not when the judge and prosecution killed it dead in its tracks.
Prosecutors said Thompson can’t show that Trump or Giuliani had the authority to “empower” him to break the law.

Prosecution saying this just killed any of your dreams of inciting anything.
why didn't donny get them in there?
Thank you for self-identifying as ignorant.

As pointed out by your fellow snowflakes, Pelosi and the Sergeants-at-Arms were responsible for the security of the House / Capitol.

Instead of the safety and Security of the House on J6, what was Pelosi focused on? Threatening the President with physical assault should he show up at the Capitol.

Fail. Educate yourself and try again.
Trump wanted to march to the Capitol with his mob, which everyone was trying to talk him out of doing. The idea of Trump going to the Capitol was kept secret from Congress and Capitol Police.

Trump was told that it would be a security problem and so he wanted 20k soldiers there to protect him (and his followers).

The military was immediately on edge about this idea. They didn’t want to be put in a position of being Trump’s personal army to be used for his corrupt political purposes. They wanted nothing to do with it.

At the end of the day, the greatest mistake the Capitol Police made was underestimating the violence of Trump’s mob. Sorry. We didn’t think you were such thugs.
What? Trump can secure the border with a wall but he cannot secure the capital against a gang of thugs? TRump sat on his fat ass watching it on tv and did nothing.
Trump was not in charge of the security of the House, Hillary/Jill.

Pelosi failed to provide the Capitol Police with the required resources (fencing), and she and the Sergeants-At-Arms rejected the Natl Guard because of 'optics' (and because if the National Guard had shown up they would have rendered all of the FBI's infiltrating the Oath Keepers and 'Entrapment Scheme' operations against conservatives moot).

Had it been liberals storming the Capitol and Biden Presidrnt he would have been declaring, 'The Capitol is secure' while CNN was reporting on the 'mosyly peaceful protest'.


Caused four BILLION dollars in damage.

Injured THOUSANDS of cops.

Tried to steal a fucking election.

Yeah man. No fooling around next time. You steal my election, I steal your head.
140 cops injured and dozens hospitalized and the Trump Humper response is


That’s what Trump did to the GOP
What? Trump can secure the border with a wall but he cannot secure the capital against a gang of thugs? TRump sat on his fat ass watching it on tv and did nothing.
Trump wasn't in charge of securing the capitol, dingbat.
140 cops injured and dozens hospitalized and the Trump Humper response is


That’s what Trump did to the GOP

Fuck you, shit for brains simpleton.

You stupid fucktards just don't get it.

I have nothing to do with the GOP. Not then, not now.

You dumbass fucktards really need to get a clue. Before this whole thing blows up in your face.
She's cold busted. None of what happened on January 6 was Trump's fault.

The Gateway Pundit (TGP) is an American far-right fake news website. The website is known for publishing falsehoods, hoaxes, and conspiracy theories.
The transcript of what he actually said proves you are a liar who just shat on any fragments of credibility you may have had left.
Testimony given under oath from multiple people in his administration proves that Trump was talking about marching with his supporters to the Capitol in the weeks leading up to his rally.

You are ignorant of facts because our masters keep you that way.
Can the president order the National Guard?

The Insurrection Act of 1807 is a United States federal law that empowers the President of the United States to deploy U.S. military and federalized National Guard troops within the United States in particular circumstances, such as to suppress civil disorder, insurrection, or rebellion. ~ wiki

the buck stopped with trump. he never called them in to protect the congress critters from his flying monkeys.

mike pence had to do it.
You need to do more research on these issues, this is all false. You haven't a clue about what you attempt to claim. The Insurrection Act only works in the United States, the capitol has unique territorial status unlike the United States.

President Trump can only authorize whatever amount of NG troops to active duty if so needed. That is the end of His responsibility regarding the defense of the Capitol. Only SECDEF is authorized to deploy NG in DC.

It's more complicated in D.C., as are most things around here.

Mayor Muriel Bowser does not have the same authority over the D.C. National Guard that governors have over their states. She can only request guard troops from the Secretary of the Army. That request then gets sent up the chain of command to the Secretary of Defense for approval.

Even then, Bowser's jurisdiction is limited. Because of the District's finicky federal status of not being a state, she can only request guard troops to land that belongs to the city. That excludes federal territory, like the Capitol and its environs. The Secretary of Defense needs to approve the deployment of National Guard troops from any jurisdiction at federal land like the Capitol complex.

Your Questions About How The National Guard Works In D.C., Answered

Executive Order 11485—Supervision and Control of the National Guard of the District of Columbia​

October 01, 1969

By virtue of the authority vested in me as President of the United States and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the United States and the National Guard of the District of Columbia under the Constitution and laws of the United States, including section 6 of the Act of March 1, 1889, 25 Stat. 773 (District of Columbia Code, sec. 39-112), and section 110 of title 32 and section 301 of title 3 of the United States Code, it is hereby ordered as follows:

SECTION 1. The Secretary of Defense, except as provided in section 3, is authorized and directed to supervise, administer and control the Army National Guard and the Air National Guard of the District of Columbia (hereinafter "National Guard") while in militia status. The Commanding General of the National Guard shall report to the Secretary of Defense or to an official of the Department of Defense designated by the Secretary on all matters pertaining to the National Guard. Through the Commanding General, the Secretary of Defense shall command the military operations, including training, parades and other duty, of the National Guard while in militia status. Subject to the direction of the President as Commander-in-Chief, the Secretary may order out the National Guard under title 39 of the District of Columbia Code to aid the civil authorities of the District of Columbia.

SEC. 2. The Attorney General is responsible for: (1) advising the President with respect to the alternatives available pursuant to law for the use of the National Guard to aid the civil authorities of the District of Columbia; and (2) for establishing after consultation with the Secretary of Defense law enforcement policies to be observed by the military forces in the event the National Guard is used in its militia status to aid civil authorities of the District of Columbia.

Executive Order 11485—Supervision and Control of the National Guard of the District of Columbia | The American Presidency Project

On a side note, notice in section two, the AG is to consult with SECDEF on law enforcement policies for any particular deployment in DC. This section kills all the spin about the evil restrictions placed on the NG by the media.

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