BREAKING: Hunter Biden’s Business Entity Owasco Made DIRECT Monthly Payments to Joe Biden – WITH RECEIPTS!

$ flowing from China to President Joe Biden?

Seems fine to me. How could anyone possibly think anything nefarious is occurring here?
Alll you people have a year old story about three payments made in 2018.
Bribery, you stupid fucking idiot. Where have you been the past 3 years? :cuckoo:

You have no proof that and without proof you ain't got shit. 3-Payments on truck is NOT bribery.
So Tater has records of his payments to the finance company?
Why would that be a requirement. He (Hunter)borrowed the truck for three months and picked up the payments during that period
Moderna had been working on SARS2 "vaccine" for over a year (Modern patent, Feb 2016, [Huff, The Truth About Wuhan]) when Hunter's chron is broken down for 2017:

Post #280
Why would that be a requirement. He (Hunter)borrowed the truck for three months and picked up the payments during that period
I just looked up “gullible” in the dictionary.

It says: See Lesh.
Trump can not pardon himself. This was already reviewed by the same DOJ legal counsel that said a president can not be charged while serving, (which is bullshit imo)...

The same DOJ legal counsel at the time determined that Nixon COULD NOT pardon Nixon wanted to do...

And this is why, it was up to President Ford.

Man, y'all Trumpers are making a huge mistake....

His presidency will be nothing but court cases and chaos.... He will accomplish NOTHING good, for this nation! He is the DESTROYER of this Nation and our constitution and our laws, and he is the DIVIDER.... as Satan is the divider....

Divide and conquer, and the blinded by hatred you, will let it happen, with a smile on your face, and scream childishly, that you WON! YAY, YOU WON! You won by destroying this once great, United states...
Bidens court cases are going to make Trumps cases look like parking tickets. Im not sure why anyone in their right mind would want a corrupt man like Joe in the White House. That guy is doing incredible damage to our nation and he is making perplexinhlg moves that hurt the US and help China. It seems rather apoarent why he is doing these odd things. That is the danger of electing people like Joe who have been bribed by our enemies, who now blackmail Joe as a result
What was Joe being bribed to do, by the Chinese?
Joe was bribed to get rid of Shokin in Ukraine, which is precisely why you added that little part in the end where you said, "by the Chinese". Your childlike debate tactics are obvious to anyone with an IQ above 75, and it shows how dishonest you are in these discussions.

If you want to know more about the bribery in China, how about waiting for the investigation to end first?
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