BREAKING: IDF Launches Ground Operation into Gaza


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
Let's hope that the IDF not only destroys the tunnels, but exterminates some of the Hamas sewer rats who are in these tunnels.

BREAKING: IDF Launches Ground Operation into Gaza

By Staff Writer July 17, 2014 , 11:21 pm

According to the official IDF Twitter account, a large IDF force launched a ground operation in the Gaza Strip at 10:41 pm. A new phase of Operation Protective Edge has been announced and follows 10 days of Hamas attacks on Israel by land, air and sea – and repeated rejections of offers to deescalate the situation.


BREAKING: IDF Launches Ground Operation into Gaza | Breaking Israel News
Israel starts Gaza ground offensive

BBC World News - 17 July 2014 Last updated at 22:25 ET


Smoke rises from flares in Gaza as Israel announces a ground offensive

The Israeli military has begun a ground offensive against Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip, stepping up its 10-day-old military operation.

It said it was in response to continued militant rocket fire and to strike a "significant blow to Hamas", which controls Gaza.

Hamas said Israel would pay a high price for the ground offensive.

There had been a five-hour humanitarian truce on Thursday, but exchanges of fire resumed when it ended.

Gaza's health ministry says 247 Palestinians have died since since the Israeli operation began on 8 July. It says more than three quarters of them were civilians.

One Israeli has died as a result of rocket fire from Gaza and several have been injured.

At least five Palestinians were killed on Thursday evening after the start of the ground offensive began, Palestinian authorities said.

They included a five-month-old in the town of Rafah, medical officials told AFP news agency.

Israel withdrew ground troops from the Gaza strip in September 2005, and last mounted a major ground operation in 2009.


In a statement, the Israeli military said: "Following 10 days of Hamas attacks by land, air and sea, and after repeated rejections of offers to de-escalate the situation, the IDF (Israel Defense Forces) has initiated a ground operation within the Gaza Strip."

It said the goal was to "establish a reality in which Israeli residents can live in safety and security without continuous indiscriminate terror, while striking a significant blow to Hamas' terror infrastructure".

Military spokesman Gen Moti Almoz said: "I ask the residents of Gaza to evacuate the areas in which the army is operating. This operation will be extended as much as necessary."

Israel approved the drafting of 18,000 more reservists on Thursday evening, bringing the total of extra troops called up since 8 July to 65,000.

Hamas chief Khaled Meshaal said that the Israeli ground operation was "destined to failure".

"What the occupier Israel failed to achieve through its air and sea raids, it will not be able to achieve with a ground offensive", he said.

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas said the ground operation would lead to "more bloodshed" and called on Israel to stop.


BBC News - Israel starts Gaza ground offensive


I can just see Hamas now, shitting its pants...

Let the games begin...
Let's hope that the IDF not only destroys the tunnels, but exterminates some of the Hamas sewer rats who are in these tunnels.

BREAKING: IDF Launches Ground Operation into Gaza

By Staff Writer July 17, 2014 , 11:21 pm

According to the official IDF Twitter account, a large IDF force launched a ground operation in the Gaza Strip at 10:41 pm. A new phase of Operation Protective Edge has been announced and follows 10 days of Hamas attacks on Israel by land, air and sea – and repeated rejections of offers to deescalate the situation.


BREAKING: IDF Launches Ground Operation into Gaza | Breaking Israel News

A refugee camp with sealed borders. Bomb them out of existence.

And afterwards... what?

What next for the Jews?

Jews are SO good at shooting fish in a barrel.

And when the barrel is gone- where will the Jew go next? :dunno:

They will eventually meet their match.

They can't even conquer their own back yard.

Jews = pussies.
seems the prezbo was blind sided by the ground offensive

learned about when you did

in the news

[ame=]ABC: White House seemed 'blindsided' by Israeli invasion of Gaza - YouTube[/ame]
Let's hope that the IDF not only destroys the tunnels, but exterminates some of the Hamas sewer rats who are in these tunnels.

BREAKING: IDF Launches Ground Operation into Gaza

By Staff Writer July 17, 2014 , 11:21 pm

According to the official IDF Twitter account, a large IDF force launched a ground operation in the Gaza Strip at 10:41 pm. A new phase of Operation Protective Edge has been announced and follows 10 days of Hamas attacks on Israel by land, air and sea – and repeated rejections of offers to deescalate the situation.


BREAKING: IDF Launches Ground Operation into Gaza | Breaking Israel News
Will someone please nuke Israel, I'm sick of their heartless aggression!

This is a "false flag" operation designed to break up the unity government. This latest round of aggression is based on the claim Hamas had something to do with the kidnapping of the 3 teenagers, yet to date, no evidence has been provided indicating as such.

Israel is a cancer to all of humanity!
Let's hope that the IDF not only destroys the tunnels, but exterminates some of the Hamas sewer rats who are in these tunnels.

BREAKING: IDF Launches Ground Operation into Gaza

By Staff Writer July 17, 2014 , 11:21 pm

According to the official IDF Twitter account, a large IDF force launched a ground operation in the Gaza Strip at 10:41 pm. A new phase of Operation Protective Edge has been announced and follows 10 days of Hamas attacks on Israel by land, air and sea – and repeated rejections of offers to deescalate the situation.


BREAKING: IDF Launches Ground Operation into Gaza | Breaking Israel News
Will someone please nuke Israel, I'm sick of their heartless aggression!

This is a "false flag" operation designed to break up the unity government. This latest round of aggression is based on the claim Hamas had something to do with the kidnapping of the 3 teenagers, yet to date, no evidence has been provided indicating as such.

Israel is a cancer to all of humanity!

Rot in hell you disgusting Nazi
Israel goes in to Gaza to destroy rockets and their storage areas and Billo is already claiming a conspiracy theory and says. Israel is a cancer to humanity and calls for the nuking of Israel.
What did I say about how sick and deluded anti Zionists are??
...Will someone please nuke Israel, I'm sick of their heartless aggression!...

Send your photoshopped battleship after 'em.

Or call your buddies the Iranians or Pakistanis and tell 'em it's their Islamic duty to the Ummah to lob a nuke at Israel, and that any holocaust they bring upon themselves from both Israel and the United Sates by way of retaliation, will accord their entire nation the coveted status of 'martyr'. Go ahead. Go over there and ask 'em. Then let us know when they release you from the local insane asylum.

...This is a "false flag" operation designed to break up the unity government. This latest round of aggression is based on the claim Hamas had something to do with the kidnapping of the 3 teenagers, yet to date, no evidence has been provided indicating as such...

Fun, ain't it?

Next slide, please.

...Israel is a cancer to all of humanity!
That's odd ...folks say the same thing about Militant Islam, and Palestinian terrorism.

The world seems disinclined to lift a finger to save Hamas this time.


A 155mm shell up the kazoo of Hamas leadership ought to fix 'em right up.

Somebody pass the popcorn.
...Will someone please nuke Israel, I'm sick of their heartless aggression!...

Send your photoshopped battleship after 'em.

Or call your buddies the Iranians or Pakistanis and tell 'em it's their Islamic duty to the Ummah to lob a nuke at Israel, and that any holocaust they bring upon themselves from both Israel and the United Sates by way of retaliation, will accord their entire nation the coveted status of 'martyr'. Go ahead. Go over there and ask 'em. Then let us know when they release you from the local insane asylum.

...This is a "false flag" operation designed to break up the unity government. This latest round of aggression is based on the claim Hamas had something to do with the kidnapping of the 3 teenagers, yet to date, no evidence has been provided indicating as such...

Fun, ain't it?

Next slide, please.

...Israel is a cancer to all of humanity!
That's odd ...folks say the same thing about Militant Islam, and Palestinian terrorism.

The world seems disinclined to lift a finger to save Hamas this time.


A 155mm shell up the kazoo of Hamas leadership ought to fix 'em right up.

Somebody pass the popcorn.

Maybe Billo will get lucky and his dream of marines going to Israel to attack the IDF and kick them out if the West Bank will come true lol!
...Will someone please nuke Israel, I'm sick of their heartless aggression!...

Send your photoshopped battleship after 'em.

Or call your buddies the Iranians or Pakistanis and tell 'em it's their Islamic duty to the Ummah to lob a nuke at Israel, and that any holocaust they bring upon themselves from both Israel and the United Sates by way of retaliation, will accord their entire nation the coveted status of 'martyr'. Go ahead. Go over there and ask 'em. Then let us know when they release you from the local insane asylum.

Fun, ain't it?

Next slide, please.

...Israel is a cancer to all of humanity!
That's odd ...folks say the same thing about Militant Islam, and Palestinian terrorism.

The world seems disinclined to lift a finger to save Hamas this time.


A 155mm shell up the kazoo of Hamas leadership ought to fix 'em right up.

Somebody pass the popcorn.

Maybe Billo will get lucky and his dream of marines going to Israel to attack the IDF and kick them out if the West Bank will come true lol!
The same US Marines who fought our first foreign wars, under President Jefferson, against Barbary Pirates (the Muslim Berber states of Tripoli, Algeria and Tunisia)?

The same US Marines whose own signature Hymn includes the famous tag line "...To the shores of Tripoli..." ???

The same US Marines who are just now coming off of two separate wars against Muslim countries - Iraq, and Afghanistan?

Those US Marines?

Ol' Billy-Boy would need to get very lucky indeed, for that to happen.

My guess is, that pigs will fly, first.
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Let's hope that the IDF not only destroys the tunnels, but exterminates some of the Hamas sewer rats who are in these tunnels.

BREAKING: IDF Launches Ground Operation into Gaza

By Staff Writer July 17, 2014 , 11:21 pm

According to the official IDF Twitter account, a large IDF force launched a ground operation in the Gaza Strip at 10:41 pm. A new phase of Operation Protective Edge has been announced and follows 10 days of Hamas attacks on Israel by land, air and sea – and repeated rejections of offers to deescalate the situation.


BREAKING: IDF Launches Ground Operation into Gaza | Breaking Israel News
Will someone please nuke Israel, I'm sick of their heartless aggression!

This is a "false flag" operation designed to break up the unity government. This latest round of aggression is based on the claim Hamas had something to do with the kidnapping of the 3 teenagers, yet to date, no evidence has been provided indicating as such.

Israel is a cancer to all of humanity!

Isn't it great how we see the losers on these forums so ready to become Dhimmis for their new maters, the radical Muslims, who are busy murdering innocent people right and left in many locations in the world. Billy, who claims to be Catholic, doesn't even care when his new masters murder other Catholics and destroy their churches. Does anyone think that Billy would take the time to read the news coming from Christian organizations working in the Muslim world telling what is happening to their brethren? Oh no, that is not important to Billy. His new masters can murder all the Catholics they want to while the loser Billy gets in his digs about Israel. Losers like Billy are actually a cancer to civilized people.
Let's hope that the IDF not only destroys the tunnels, but exterminates some of the Hamas sewer rats who are in these tunnels.

I think you meant, "Let's hope the IDF seizes the proven gas reserves so Israel can fuel their desalination facilities at a profit." :eusa_whistle:
Let's hope that the IDF not only destroys the tunnels, but exterminates some of the Hamas sewer rats who are in these tunnels.

I think you meant, "Let's hope the IDF seizes the proven gas reserves so Israel can fuel their desalination facilities at a profit." :eusa_whistle:

Silly man, Israel has discovered huge gas pockets off their coast, By the way, since you felt you had to come to the Middle East forum, how come you never mentioned the oil fields seized by ISIS which will help them continue murdering many innoc4ent people on their way to establishing their new Caliphate. Perhaps you close your eyes to what this group of terrorists are doing because you can't drag the Jews into it.
Let's hope that the IDF not only destroys the tunnels, but exterminates some of the Hamas sewer rats who are in these tunnels.

I think you meant, "Let's hope the IDF seizes the proven gas reserves so Israel can fuel their desalination facilities at a profit." :eusa_whistle:

Silly man, Israel has discovered huge gas pockets off their coast, By the way, since you felt you had to come to the Middle East forum, how come you never mentioned the oil fields seized by ISIS which will help them continue murdering many innoc4ent people on their way to establishing their new Caliphate. Perhaps you close your eyes to what this group of terrorists are doing because you can't drag the Jews into it.

How come you cannot admit the truth--this is a resource war, not an ideological one? Those oil fields are not the topic of this thread---the IDF launching ground operations into Gaza is. I would be just as happy if all sides ceased to exist as I would for any side to win. None of them are worth the damage their existence cause.
I think you meant, "Let's hope the IDF seizes the proven gas reserves so Israel can fuel their desalination facilities at a profit." :eusa_whistle:

Silly man, Israel has discovered huge gas pockets off their coast, By the way, since you felt you had to come to the Middle East forum, how come you never mentioned the oil fields seized by ISIS which will help them continue murdering many innoc4ent people on their way to establishing their new Caliphate. Perhaps you close your eyes to what this group of terrorists are doing because you can't drag the Jews into it.

How come you cannot admit the truth--this is a resource war, not an ideological one? Those oil fields are not the topic of this thread---the IDF launching ground operations into Gaza is. I would be just as happy if all sides ceased to exist as I would for any side to win. None of them are worth the damage their existence cause.

Why can't you see the truth??? The Muslims can't stand to see the Jews govern one square inch of land in the Middle East -- they want it all. Look at a map and see how much land they do control. Many people on this forum want the Israelis just to roll over and take every rocket or missile that is shot at them. Well, people do fight back. If a group of radicals wanted the U.S. to give back the Southwest to Mexico and started shooting rockets into Chula Vista or any other city along the boarder, I would hope the America would fight back.
Maybe Billo will get lucky and his dream of marines going to Israel to attack the IDF and kick them out if the West Bank will come true lol!
If the marines kicked the IDF out of the West Bank, they would not be going into Israel to do it.
What kind of aluminum foil do you wrap your head with?

If anything, the marines will be joining the IDF in kicking Hamas' ass.
Maybe Billo will get lucky and his dream of marines going to Israel to attack the IDF and kick them out if the West Bank will come true lol!
If the marines kicked the IDF out of the West Bank, they would not be going into Israel to do it.

I wonder why Billy comes to this forum and just obsesses over Israel as is his habit. Since he claims to be Catholic, I think he should contact the following organization that will apprise him of what is happening to fellow Catholics in the Middle East. Maybe then Billy can shift his focus onto something else once in a while when he visit the Middle East forum.

Catholic Online (Catholic Online)

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