BREAKING: IDF Launches Ground Operation into Gaza

Maybe Billo will get lucky and his dream of marines going to Israel to attack the IDF and kick them out if the West Bank will come true lol!
If the marines kicked the IDF out of the West Bank, they would not be going into Israel to do it.

I wonder why Billy comes to this forum and just obsesses over Israel as is his habit. Since he claims to be Catholic, I think he should contact the following organization that will apprise him of what is happening to fellow Catholics in the Middle East. Maybe then Billy can shift his focus onto something else once in a while when he visit the Middle East forum.

Catholic Online (Catholic Online)

Bill is attracted to jews------he enjoys and relishes his hatred-----every living thing seeks
stimulation of some kind..........babies seek ---(as demonstrated experimentally) warm
soft places. They actively seek it. As the baby matures its sense of gratification sometimes becomes
very perverted because it is frustrated------he becomes focused on his only sense-----resentment
and hatred
Silly man, Israel has discovered huge gas pockets off their coast, By the way, since you felt you had to come to the Middle East forum, how come you never mentioned the oil fields seized by ISIS which will help them continue murdering many innoc4ent people on their way to establishing their new Caliphate. Perhaps you close your eyes to what this group of terrorists are doing because you can't drag the Jews into it.

How come you cannot admit the truth--this is a resource war, not an ideological one? Those oil fields are not the topic of this thread---the IDF launching ground operations into Gaza is. I would be just as happy if all sides ceased to exist as I would for any side to win. None of them are worth the damage their existence cause.

Why can't you see the truth??? The Muslims can't stand to see the Jews govern one square inch of land in the Middle East -- they want it all. Look at a map and see how much land they do control. Many people on this forum want the Israelis just to roll over and take every rocket or missile that is shot at them. Well, people do fight back. If a group of radicals wanted the U.S. to give back the Southwest to Mexico and started shooting rockets into Chula Vista or any other city along the boarder, I would hope the America would fight back.

I can see the truth. You are the one with blinders on. There is nothing different now than before except Israel wants the Gaza gas reserves so it is using this kidnapping as a pretext to invade, and the people fighting back are the Muslims who have escalated rocket fire. As for the US, Mexican gangs have been crossing our borders murdering people for years, but we don't blow up civilian apartment buildings in Mexico City because of it.

This is nothing but a charade to grab natural resources. But like I indicated before, I wouldn't care if they all ceased to exist. We just need to keep US forces and treasure out of this never-ending immoral fighting.
How come you cannot admit the truth--this is a resource war, not an ideological one? Those oil fields are not the topic of this thread---the IDF launching ground operations into Gaza is. I would be just as happy if all sides ceased to exist as I would for any side to win. None of them are worth the damage their existence cause.

Why can't you see the truth??? The Muslims can't stand to see the Jews govern one square inch of land in the Middle East -- they want it all. Look at a map and see how much land they do control. Many people on this forum want the Israelis just to roll over and take every rocket or missile that is shot at them. Well, people do fight back. If a group of radicals wanted the U.S. to give back the Southwest to Mexico and started shooting rockets into Chula Vista or any other city along the boarder, I would hope the America would fight back.

I can see the truth. You are the one with blinders on. There is nothing different now than before except Israel wants the Gaza gas reserves so it is using this kidnapping as a pretext to invade, and the people fighting back are the Muslims who have escalated rocket fire. As for the US, Mexican gangs have been crossing our borders murdering people for years, but we don't blow up civilian apartment buildings in Mexico City because of it.

This is nothing but a charade to grab natural resources. But like I indicated before, I wouldn't care if they all ceased to exist. We just need to keep US forces and treasure out of this never-ending immoral fighting.

You might think you are fooling everyone here, but when a person crawls out of the woodwork onto the Middle East forum just when Israel is involved, but conveniently has overlooked this forum when so many innocent people were being murdered and are still being murdered in the Muslim Middle East, it tells an awful lot about the poster no matter what he blabbers about..
Why can't you see the truth??? The Muslims can't stand to see the Jews govern one square inch of land in the Middle East -- they want it all. Look at a map and see how much land they do control. Many people on this forum want the Israelis just to roll over and take every rocket or missile that is shot at them. Well, people do fight back. If a group of radicals wanted the U.S. to give back the Southwest to Mexico and started shooting rockets into Chula Vista or any other city along the boarder, I would hope the America would fight back.

I can see the truth. You are the one with blinders on. There is nothing different now than before except Israel wants the Gaza gas reserves so it is using this kidnapping as a pretext to invade, and the people fighting back are the Muslims who have escalated rocket fire. As for the US, Mexican gangs have been crossing our borders murdering people for years, but we don't blow up civilian apartment buildings in Mexico City because of it.

This is nothing but a charade to grab natural resources. But like I indicated before, I wouldn't care if they all ceased to exist. We just need to keep US forces and treasure out of this never-ending immoral fighting.

You might think you are fooling everyone here, but when a person crawls out of the woodwork onto the Middle East forum just when Israel is involved, but conveniently has overlooked this forum when so many innocent people were being murdered and are still being murdered in the Muslim Middle East, it tells an awful lot about the poster no matter what he blabbers about..

You must be one of those posters Israel pays to defend it on message boards since you cannot refute the argument presented and keep trying to make it a personal thing.

How about you explain to readers what the Israeli military's Dahiya Doctrine is? Intentional targeting of civilians is unacceptable in civilized society, so don't expect to be treated as civil when you use it. Both sides are an embarrassment to humanity and neither side will guilt one second of sympathy from me.
I can see the truth. You are the one with blinders on. There is nothing different now than before except Israel wants the Gaza gas reserves so it is using this kidnapping as a pretext to invade, and the people fighting back are the Muslims who have escalated rocket fire. As for the US, Mexican gangs have been crossing our borders murdering people for years, but we don't blow up civilian apartment buildings in Mexico City because of it.

This is nothing but a charade to grab natural resources. But like I indicated before, I wouldn't care if they all ceased to exist. We just need to keep US forces and treasure out of this never-ending immoral fighting.

You might think you are fooling everyone here, but when a person crawls out of the woodwork onto the Middle East forum just when Israel is involved, but conveniently has overlooked this forum when so many innocent people were being murdered and are still being murdered in the Muslim Middle East, it tells an awful lot about the poster no matter what he blabbers about..

You must be one of those posters Israel pays to defend it on message boards since you cannot refute the argument presented and keep trying to make it a personal thing.

How about you explain to readers what the Israeli military's Dahiya Doctrine is? Intentional targeting of civilians is unacceptable in civilized society, so don't expect to be treated as civil when you use it. Both sides are an embarrassment to humanity and neither side will guilt one second of sympathy from me.

My, my, right away if you are for Israel, you just have to be paid. Is anything saying that Dhimmis like you are being paid by ignoring what your new Muslim friends are doing to others in the rest of the Middle East? The bodies have piled higher and higher, yet you crawl over to this forum only when you can involve Israel. The Israelis actually go out of their way and warn the civilians to get out of the area. Do you really think your Muslim friends are doing the same when they are busy murdering innocent civilians any place in the Muslim world?. If you had any sympathy at all for innocent people, you certainly would have been on this forum a long time ago telling what is happening to the civilians in the rest of the Middle East.
I can see the truth. You are the one with blinders on. There is nothing different now than before except Israel wants the Gaza gas reserves so it is using this kidnapping as a pretext to invade, and the people fighting back are the Muslims who have escalated rocket fire. As for the US, Mexican gangs have been crossing our borders murdering people for years, but we don't blow up civilian apartment buildings in Mexico City because of it.

This is nothing but a charade to grab natural resources. But like I indicated before, I wouldn't care if they all ceased to exist. We just need to keep US forces and treasure out of this never-ending immoral fighting.

You might think you are fooling everyone here, but when a person crawls out of the woodwork onto the Middle East forum just when Israel is involved, but conveniently has overlooked this forum when so many innocent people were being murdered and are still being murdered in the Muslim Middle East, it tells an awful lot about the poster no matter what he blabbers about..

You must be one of those posters Israel pays to defend it on message boards since you cannot refute the argument presented and keep trying to make it a personal thing.

How about you explain to readers what the Israeli military's Dahiya Doctrine is? Intentional targeting of civilians is unacceptable in civilized society, so don't expect to be treated as civil when you use it. Both sides are an embarrassment to humanity and neither side will guilt one second of sympathy from me.

You did not present an argument-----You came up with a fantasy that the conflict in the Middle east between jews and musims centers on some natural gas resources and left out 1400 years.
For the record----the middle east is not "muslims" except in the minds of disgusting stinking meccaist
islamo Nazi pigs. You are disgusting and belong in the cosmic toilet THE CALIPHATE
You might think you are fooling everyone here, but when a person crawls out of the woodwork onto the Middle East forum just when Israel is involved, but conveniently has overlooked this forum when so many innocent people were being murdered and are still being murdered in the Muslim Middle East, it tells an awful lot about the poster no matter what he blabbers about..

You must be one of those posters Israel pays to defend it on message boards since you cannot refute the argument presented and keep trying to make it a personal thing.

How about you explain to readers what the Israeli military's Dahiya Doctrine is? Intentional targeting of civilians is unacceptable in civilized society, so don't expect to be treated as civil when you use it. Both sides are an embarrassment to humanity and neither side will guilt one second of sympathy from me.

You did not present an argument-----You came up with a fantasy that the conflict in the Middle east between jews and musims centers on some natural gas resources and left out 1400 years.
For the record----the middle east is not "muslims" except in the minds of disgusting stinking meccaist
islamo Nazi pigs. You are disgusting and belong in the cosmic toilet THE CALIPHATE

Regarding this, IRosie, I read this interesting piece the other day.

Israel Is the Victim of Mohammed?s War Against the Jews | FrontPage Magazine
You might think you are fooling everyone here, but when a person crawls out of the woodwork onto the Middle East forum just when Israel is involved, but conveniently has overlooked this forum when so many innocent people were being murdered and are still being murdered in the Muslim Middle East, it tells an awful lot about the poster no matter what he blabbers about..

You must be one of those posters Israel pays to defend it on message boards since you cannot refute the argument presented and keep trying to make it a personal thing.

How about you explain to readers what the Israeli military's Dahiya Doctrine is? Intentional targeting of civilians is unacceptable in civilized society, so don't expect to be treated as civil when you use it. Both sides are an embarrassment to humanity and neither side will guilt one second of sympathy from me.

You did not present an argument-----You came up with a fantasy that the conflict in the Middle east between jews and musims centers on some natural gas resources and left out 1400 years.
For the record----the middle east is not "muslims" except in the minds of disgusting stinking meccaist
islamo Nazi pigs. You are disgusting and belong in the cosmic toilet THE CALIPHATE

I take it you must be Sally's supervisor at the Israeli propaganda center who had to be called in for backup support.

No, I made nothing up, and I do not recall using the phrase "Muslims" once in my posts in this thread. You ratcheting the personal attacks just proves the veracity of what I have posted. For those other than the paid posters who want to read more about the natural gas thing, I suggest the following link:

Gaza: Israel's $4 billion gas grab - The Ecologist

For those wishing to know more about the human rights violation as Israeli military doctrine: second thoughts_ENG_WEB.pdf
You must be one of those posters Israel pays to defend it on message boards since you cannot refute the argument presented and keep trying to make it a personal thing.

How about you explain to readers what the Israeli military's Dahiya Doctrine is? Intentional targeting of civilians is unacceptable in civilized society, so don't expect to be treated as civil when you use it. Both sides are an embarrassment to humanity and neither side will guilt one second of sympathy from me.

You did not present an argument-----You came up with a fantasy that the conflict in the Middle east between jews and musims centers on some natural gas resources and left out 1400 years.
For the record----the middle east is not "muslims" except in the minds of disgusting stinking meccaist
islamo Nazi pigs. You are disgusting and belong in the cosmic toilet THE CALIPHATE

Regarding this, IRosie, I read this interesting piece the other day.

Israel Is the Victim of Mohammed?s War Against the Jews | FrontPage Magazine

all true, Sally-----but if there are people so dense in the world-----that they do not already KNOW---
they are unreachable
You did not present an argument-----You came up with a fantasy that the conflict in the Middle east between jews and musims centers on some natural gas resources and left out 1400 years.
For the record----the middle east is not "muslims" except in the minds of disgusting stinking meccaist
islamo Nazi pigs. You are disgusting and belong in the cosmic toilet THE CALIPHATE

Regarding this, IRosie, I read this interesting piece the other day.

Israel Is the Victim of Mohammed?s War Against the Jews | FrontPage Magazine

all true, Sally-----but if there are people so dense in the world-----that they do not already KNOW---
they are unreachable

You would think they would realize that is why the Muslims are so busy rioting against the Israelis right now all over the world, but they never seem to riot when their fellow Muslims have been busy murdering thousands and thousands. If a Jew murders one Muslim, they are up in arms. However, if Muslims murder tens of thousands, all is quiet on their front.

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