Breaking! IG Horowitz Finds Three FISA Renewals Were Obtained Illegally..... That's Right, Illegally

Different times back then. Barr is the boss now who works for President Trump!

So, an IDIOT like you "thinks' that Barr is just an employee of Trump and NOT the AG who took an oath to the Constitution and NOT an orange ass? ............LOL

(go back to bed.)
Barr works for the pleasure of the president since the DOJ is part of the executive branch.
Different times back then. Barr is the boss now who works for President Trump!

So, an IDIOT like you "thinks' that Barr is just an employee of Trump and NOT the AG who took an oath to the Constitution and NOT an orange ass? ............LOL

(go back to bed.)
Barr works for the pleasure of the president since the DOJ is part of the executive branch.
His oath was to the Constitution not the Orange Asshole
Barr works for the pleasure of the president since the DOJ is part of the executive branch.

ONLY if the AG choose to be a fucking whore for the president.....The OATH is taken to respect and uphold the CONSTITUTION ........NOT to any individual.....

More ethical AG under Nixon QUIT rather than become whores.....Barr IS a whore and will soon go down in disgrace.
Barr works for the pleasure of the president since the DOJ is part of the executive branch.

ONLY if the AG choose to be a fucking whore for the president.....The OATH is taken to respect and uphold the CONSTITUTION ........NOT to any individual.....

More ethical AG under Nixon QUIT rather than become whores.....Barr IS a whore and will soon go down in disgrace.
Obamagate is Worse Than Watergate!

Watergate was a third-rate burglary...this is TREASON. Watch Comey flip on his lizard buddies and beg for mercy....might save him some hard time but he will do time.
Obamagate is Worse Than Watergate!

Watergate was a third-rate burglary...this is TREASON. Watch Comey flip on his lizard buddies and beg for mercy....might save him some hard time but he will do time.

He's already throwing Strzok and Page under the bus.

COOPER: So do you acknowledge that this whole episode with Strzok and Page, that it damaged the reputation of the FBI and perhaps tarnished the investigation?

COMEY: Definitely. Yeah, very painful. It was important that it be investigated and important that there be discipline that follows it, but, yeah, it made us all look bad. Peter Strzok is a very talented agent. It’s a personal tragedy for him. But as much as I care about individuals, I care about the institution more. It hurt the institution.

Sperry: Mueller Paid $732,000 For Investigative Contractor Services….
Oh man! This is getting good. Folks, justice is about to be served.

Watch the video!

Does you rhalf brain know that IG Horowitz is the fuy that FULLY CLEARED Eric Holder from any wrong doings???

Do morons like you realize that Horowitz is not yet another fucking STOOGE like Barr?

So, does this statement mean that you'll accept the conclusions that IG Horowitz reaches in his current investigations?
Obamagate is Worse Than Watergate!

Oh yea? How to explain this?


Well Obama was fined for violating campaign funding issues, so he wasn't necessarily all clean.

Obama had tons of scandals. The difference between him and Trump is that the press covered up his scandals while they manufacture fake ones for Trump.

I wouldn't say "tons," but I think the worst thing he did was when he said he was good at killing people with drones.

- Fast and Furious
- Poisoning river in Colorado
- Illegal funding of Obamacare
- IRS abuses
- FISA abuses (before Obamagate)
- Spying on conservative journalists

...and then all of the Obamagate abuses of power.

It's going to be very ugly for the Dems when Barr and Horowitz complete their investigations.

You left out using the IRS against conservative organizations.
No dummy, your ass about to get burned again.

Joe Digenova is a Trumpster goon and not a credible source for ANYTHING going on in the DOJ.

DiGenova, who frequently appears as an analyst and commentator on Fox News, has accused FBI officials of trying to "frame" President Donald Trump for "nonexistent" crimes.[17] On March 19, 2018, he and his spouse, Victoria Toensing, were hired to serve on Trump's legal team for the Special Counsel investigation.[4] However, Trump backtracked the hires several days later due to potential conflicts-of-interest.[18] The president hoped diGenova could function as a stand-in for him on television and spearhead the attacks on Mueller and the investigation.[19]

In April 2018, DiGenova called for the firing of Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, said that special counsel Robert Mueller's team investigating Russian interference in the 2016 election were "legal terrorists" and called former FBI Director James Comey "a dirty cop".[3] In May 2018 tweet, Trump quoted DiGenova as saying "The recusal of Jeff Sessions was an unforced betrayal of the President of the United States."[20]

On February 21, 2019, DiGenova stated in the podcast of Laura Ingraham that the US is in a civil war and that he advises friends to prepare for total war by voting and buying guns.[21]

Joseph diGenova - Wikipedia
It's been known for some time that fake information was used for the FISA warrant.

Kind of explains why Hillary was too drunk to give a concession speech, doesn't it?
By the end of election day HRC had gulped two bottles of Bombay Gin.
She was passed out when the last EC results were announced.
Oh man! This is getting good. Folks, justice is about to be served.

Watch the video!

Does you rhalf brain know that IG Horowitz is the fuy that FULLY CLEARED Eric Holder from any wrong doings???

Do morons like you realize that Horowitz is not yet another fucking STOOGE like Barr?


People like you shouldn't be talking about anyone else being a stooge.

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