Breaking: Intel Agencies ***REFUSED*** To Show up At Congress Hearing...WTF?


So called "Intel sources" have no problem disclosing to the Democrat Media Complex information that Russia interfered in our election process trough hacking.

BUT Those sources

1- REFUSED to testify UNDER OATH - UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY - at the Pennsylvania Federal Court Recount Hearing

2- REFUSED to testify under oath - UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY - at the Congressional Hearings - those "solid Americans" REFUSED to let Congress cross examine them

Inquiring minds want to know WHY


Because they're imaginary "sources". They exist only in the minds of establishment media.

And now in your mind as well.
Won't work bud. This is about how you don't think our Intel community know more than Donald "anyone but Putin" Trump is right.
Yeah, that's why the FBI and Obama were kept in the dark.

Repeat after me: Trump knows more than our US Intelligence Agencies. Everyone is lying except Trump.

Trump said he also knows more about ISIS than the military too.

He knows more than the generals. He has a secret plan to defeat Isis. He knows more than 17 Intelligence Agencies. What a guy!

Well according toe NewsMax, Comey called Trump to assure him that there is no evidence to prove that Russia hacked the elections... and that the director of National Intelligence agrees with him...

Comey to Trump: The Russians Didn't Influence the Election

HOWEVER, the FBI is about to get their asses handed to them over how they handled Weiner's laptop. They waited over two weeks to report that Huma had emails on it, which lead to Comey sending out his letter just a week before the election. And the FBI has failed to cooperate with requests as to what was going on with it. It is being reported that they are about to get investigated for trying to turn the election against Clinton as a way to get back at her for her not getting indicted for her server.

This is going to get real fucking messy...

Comey...the guy that tried to throw the election with an baseless announcement of reopening the Clinton investigation. That Comey?
Yeah, that's why the FBI and Obama were kept in the dark.

Repeat after me: Trump knows more than our US Intelligence Agencies. Everyone is lying except Trump.

Trump said he also knows more about ISIS than the military too.

He knows more than the generals. He has a secret plan to defeat Isis. He knows more than 17 Intelligence Agencies. What a guy!

Well according toe NewsMax, Comey called Trump to assure him that there is no evidence to prove that Russia hacked the elections... and that the director of National Intelligence agrees with him...

Comey to Trump: The Russians Didn't Influence the Election

HOWEVER, the FBI is about to get their asses handed to them over how they handled Weiner's laptop. They waited over two weeks to report that Huma had emails on it, which lead to Comey sending out his letter just a week before the election. And the FBI has failed to cooperate with requests as to what was going on with it. It is being reported that they are about to get investigated for trying to turn the election against Clinton as a way to get back at her for her not getting indicted for her server.

This is going to get real fucking messy...

Comey...the guy that tried to throw the election with an baseless announcement of reopening the Clinton investigation. That Comey?

Comey's job was to announce they were investigating, and then clear Clinton of all wrong doing days before the election and wave her into the throne room.

He did it, it just didn't work out the way they expected.
Repeat after me: Trump knows more than our US Intelligence Agencies. Everyone is lying except Trump.

Trump said he also knows more about ISIS than the military too.

He knows more than the generals. He has a secret plan to defeat Isis. He knows more than 17 Intelligence Agencies. What a guy!

Well according toe NewsMax, Comey called Trump to assure him that there is no evidence to prove that Russia hacked the elections... and that the director of National Intelligence agrees with him...

Comey to Trump: The Russians Didn't Influence the Election

HOWEVER, the FBI is about to get their asses handed to them over how they handled Weiner's laptop. They waited over two weeks to report that Huma had emails on it, which lead to Comey sending out his letter just a week before the election. And the FBI has failed to cooperate with requests as to what was going on with it. It is being reported that they are about to get investigated for trying to turn the election against Clinton as a way to get back at her for her not getting indicted for her server.

This is going to get real fucking messy...

Comey...the guy that tried to throw the election with an baseless announcement of reopening the Clinton investigation. That Comey?

Comey's job was to announce they were investigating, and then clear Clinton of all wrong doing days before the election and wave her into the throne room.

He did it, it just didn't work out the way they expected.

mmmmm don't think so. If that were his job I think he wouldn't have said anything in the first place...would have worked much better....
Trump said he also knows more about ISIS than the military too.

He knows more than the generals. He has a secret plan to defeat Isis. He knows more than 17 Intelligence Agencies. What a guy!

Well according toe NewsMax, Comey called Trump to assure him that there is no evidence to prove that Russia hacked the elections... and that the director of National Intelligence agrees with him...

Comey to Trump: The Russians Didn't Influence the Election

HOWEVER, the FBI is about to get their asses handed to them over how they handled Weiner's laptop. They waited over two weeks to report that Huma had emails on it, which lead to Comey sending out his letter just a week before the election. And the FBI has failed to cooperate with requests as to what was going on with it. It is being reported that they are about to get investigated for trying to turn the election against Clinton as a way to get back at her for her not getting indicted for her server.

This is going to get real fucking messy...

Comey...the guy that tried to throw the election with an baseless announcement of reopening the Clinton investigation. That Comey?

Comey's job was to announce they were investigating, and then clear Clinton of all wrong doing days before the election and wave her into the throne room.

He did it, it just didn't work out the way they expected.

mmmmm don't think so. If that were his job I think he wouldn't have said anything in the first place...would have worked much better....

That was exactly what his job was.
I disagree. In context, he listed all the things he was better at than the professionals, including intelligence briefing.

Briefing not knowing more. I guess to an English tutor like yourself those are the same thing but for the purposes of comparison they arent

The one doing the briefing is the one with more knowledge. That's why he's briefing the other one ... to inform. The context of the quote also reinforces my position. He is listing all the things he's better at than his professional advisors, speech writers, etc.

You disagree. You think I'm stupid for disagreeing with you, and I think your position is purely partisan-based. -shrug-

So when Obama says hes a better briefer you think that means he thinks he's better at knowing more than the briefer.

That explains it, just like I said. You're mixing shit up

The one with the most information is the better briefer. That's why it is his job to brief the POTUS. Do you believe Obama meant that he has a better voice? Pronounces the words better? lol

I believe he meant he knows more than the intelligence briefer. People can read it for themselves or listen to the audio.

He said he would be a better briefer not that he knows more than the briefer before the briefer gets the brief. Trump said he knows more than the generals not he's a better briefer.

Of course to you its all the same and if definitions dont match you'll twist into knots saying its the same thing. Funny part about this whole thing is this. Since you believe they are saying the same thing Are you saying Obama and Trump are wrong? Or just Obama?

Funny, I was just about to comment on your pretzel twisting. If Trump had said those exact words Obama used, I am certain you would be calling him out.

I didn't say either of them was "wrong," just that they are both pompous asses (or something to that effect ... narcissistic maybe).
Repeat after me: Trump knows more than our US Intelligence Agencies. Everyone is lying except Trump.

Just like Obama, hypocrite.

Obama: I’m a better intelligence briefer than my intelligence briefers - AEI

Too bad you see those 2 things as being the same. You failed English.

I tutor English but nice try. Too bad you don't have a problem with your side's narcissistic assholes. You'd have at least some credibility then.

You can teach english but saying that Trump saying he knows more than the Generals is the same as Obama saying he's a better briefer is the same thing shows either you dont understand or you're purposefully lying

Intelligence briefers give the POTUS information he is not aware of and offer recommendations. Obama's claim that he is better at it than actual intelligence agents is comparable.

Not in any way comparable.
Obama has eight years of intelligence briefing experience. Trump had no experience with anything military when he made those statements.
From your article:

In response to Fox News' initial report, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), which oversees all 17 U.S. intelligence agencies, issued a statement claiming that lawmakers from both parties have received "extensive, detailed classified and unclassified briefings ... since last summer and have continued to do so after Election Day."

"Last week, the President ordered a full Intelligence Community review of foreign efforts to influence recent Presidential elections – from 2008 to present," the statement added. "Once the review is complete in the coming weeks, the Intelligence Community stands ready to brief Congress—and will make those findings available to the public consistent with protecting intelligence sources and methods. We will not offer any comment until the review is complete."


What part doesn't make sense?
I don't care if they just got out of the shower, they report to the people, so when we say jump, their only response is how high and how far. they've been getting briefed the whole time and didn't tell the people they work for, as you said. And because they didn't attend ONE with 13 Republicans and 9 Democrats classified on the Intel committee suddenly all the other briefings don't count or never happened. How low will you go?






The NSA is the only one? Says you. Which doesn't count for shit.






WTF is up with the giant fonts? :laugh: Ahh, nuts jobs, gotta love them! :happy-1:
Too bad you see those 2 things as being the same. You failed English.

I tutor English but nice try. Too bad you don't have a problem with your side's narcissistic assholes. You'd have at least some credibility then.

You can teach english but saying that Trump saying he knows more than the Generals is the same as Obama saying he's a better briefer is the same thing shows either you dont understand or you're purposefully lying

Intelligence briefers give the POTUS information he is not aware of and offer recommendations. Obama's claim that he is better at it than actual intelligence agents is comparable.

He didnt say he knew more and thats where your comparison fails

I disagree. In context, he listed all the things he was better at than the professionals, including intelligence briefing.

No. The context is a two term president and all of the experience that entails and a presidential candidate who didn't have two hours of any govt experience.

Too bad you see those 2 things as being the same. You failed English.

I tutor English but nice try. Too bad you don't have a problem with your side's narcissistic assholes. You'd have at least some credibility then.

You can teach english but saying that Trump saying he knows more than the Generals is the same as Obama saying he's a better briefer is the same thing shows either you dont understand or you're purposefully lying

Intelligence briefers give the POTUS information he is not aware of and offer recommendations. Obama's claim that he is better at it than actual intelligence agents is comparable.

Not in any way comparable.
Obama has eight years of intelligence briefing experience. Trump had no experience with anything military when he made those statements.

His quote was from 2008 and in response to him skipping more than half of his intelligence briefings.
I tutor English but nice try. Too bad you don't have a problem with your side's narcissistic assholes. You'd have at least some credibility then.

You can teach english but saying that Trump saying he knows more than the Generals is the same as Obama saying he's a better briefer is the same thing shows either you dont understand or you're purposefully lying

Intelligence briefers give the POTUS information he is not aware of and offer recommendations. Obama's claim that he is better at it than actual intelligence agents is comparable.

He didnt say he knew more and thats where your comparison fails

I disagree. In context, he listed all the things he was better at than the professionals, including intelligence briefing.

No. The context is a two term president and all of the experience that entails and a presidential candidate who didn't have two hours of any govt experience.

Did you click the link? The context is NOT a two term president vs a incoming POTUS.

"The White House takes pride in the fact that Obama’s PDB is “not briefed to him” – because, they say, he is “among the most sophisticated consumers of intelligence on the planet.” "
Yeah, that's why the FBI and Obama were kept in the dark.

Repeat after me: Trump knows more than our US Intelligence Agencies. Everyone is lying except Trump.

Trump said he also knows more about ISIS than the military too.

He knows more than the generals. He has a secret plan to defeat Isis. He knows more than 17 Intelligence Agencies. What a guy!

Well according toe NewsMax, Comey called Trump to assure him that there is no evidence to prove that Russia hacked the elections... and that the director of National Intelligence agrees with him...

Comey to Trump: The Russians Didn't Influence the Election

HOWEVER, the FBI is about to get their asses handed to them over how they handled Weiner's laptop. They waited over two weeks to report that Huma had emails on it, which lead to Comey sending out his letter just a week before the election. And the FBI has failed to cooperate with requests as to what was going on with it. It is being reported that they are about to get investigated for trying to turn the election against Clinton as a way to get back at her for her not getting indicted for her server.

This is going to get real fucking messy...

Comey...the guy that tried to throw the election with an baseless announcement of reopening the Clinton investigation. That Comey?

Yep. He's trying to save his ass now that Trump won.
Too bad you see those 2 things as being the same. You failed English.

I tutor English but nice try. Too bad you don't have a problem with your side's narcissistic assholes. You'd have at least some credibility then.

You can teach english but saying that Trump saying he knows more than the Generals is the same as Obama saying he's a better briefer is the same thing shows either you dont understand or you're purposefully lying

Intelligence briefers give the POTUS information he is not aware of and offer recommendations. Obama's claim that he is better at it than actual intelligence agents is comparable.

Not in any way comparable.
Obama has eight years of intelligence briefing experience. Trump had no experience with anything military when he made those statements.

His quote was from 2008 and in response to him skipping more than half of his intelligence briefings.

My bad.
Briefing not knowing more. I guess to an English tutor like yourself those are the same thing but for the purposes of comparison they arent

The one doing the briefing is the one with more knowledge. That's why he's briefing the other one ... to inform. The context of the quote also reinforces my position. He is listing all the things he's better at than his professional advisors, speech writers, etc.

You disagree. You think I'm stupid for disagreeing with you, and I think your position is purely partisan-based. -shrug-

So when Obama says hes a better briefer you think that means he thinks he's better at knowing more than the briefer.

That explains it, just like I said. You're mixing shit up

The one with the most information is the better briefer. That's why it is his job to brief the POTUS. Do you believe Obama meant that he has a better voice? Pronounces the words better? lol

I believe he meant he knows more than the intelligence briefer. People can read it for themselves or listen to the audio.

He said he would be a better briefer not that he knows more than the briefer before the briefer gets the brief. Trump said he knows more than the generals not he's a better briefer.

Of course to you its all the same and if definitions dont match you'll twist into knots saying its the same thing. Funny part about this whole thing is this. Since you believe they are saying the same thing Are you saying Obama and Trump are wrong? Or just Obama?

Funny, I was just about to comment on your pretzel twisting. If Trump had said those exact words Obama used, I am certain you would be calling him out.

I didn't say either of them was "wrong," just that they are both pompous asses (or something to that effect ... narcissistic maybe).

Yeah I thought so. Everyone you guys are asked your opinion after 20 posts about how Obama is bad then the fall back position is you don't have a position.
The one doing the briefing is the one with more knowledge. That's why he's briefing the other one ... to inform. The context of the quote also reinforces my position. He is listing all the things he's better at than his professional advisors, speech writers, etc.

You disagree. You think I'm stupid for disagreeing with you, and I think your position is purely partisan-based. -shrug-

So when Obama says hes a better briefer you think that means he thinks he's better at knowing more than the briefer.

That explains it, just like I said. You're mixing shit up

The one with the most information is the better briefer. That's why it is his job to brief the POTUS. Do you believe Obama meant that he has a better voice? Pronounces the words better? lol

I believe he meant he knows more than the intelligence briefer. People can read it for themselves or listen to the audio.

He said he would be a better briefer not that he knows more than the briefer before the briefer gets the brief. Trump said he knows more than the generals not he's a better briefer.

Of course to you its all the same and if definitions dont match you'll twist into knots saying its the same thing. Funny part about this whole thing is this. Since you believe they are saying the same thing Are you saying Obama and Trump are wrong? Or just Obama?

Funny, I was just about to comment on your pretzel twisting. If Trump had said those exact words Obama used, I am certain you would be calling him out.

I didn't say either of them was "wrong," just that they are both pompous asses (or something to that effect ... narcissistic maybe).

Yeah I thought so. Everyone you guys are asked your opinion after 20 posts about how Obama is bad then the fall back position is you don't have a position.

Now I know not to take you seriously. I complained from the start that BOTH presidential candidates were shit. I've been angry about having to vote for Trump and not hidden it. My position is that Trump is a jackass ... and so is Obama. That's not "no position."
So when Obama says hes a better briefer you think that means he thinks he's better at knowing more than the briefer.

That explains it, just like I said. You're mixing shit up

The one with the most information is the better briefer. That's why it is his job to brief the POTUS. Do you believe Obama meant that he has a better voice? Pronounces the words better? lol

I believe he meant he knows more than the intelligence briefer. People can read it for themselves or listen to the audio.

He said he would be a better briefer not that he knows more than the briefer before the briefer gets the brief. Trump said he knows more than the generals not he's a better briefer.

Of course to you its all the same and if definitions dont match you'll twist into knots saying its the same thing. Funny part about this whole thing is this. Since you believe they are saying the same thing Are you saying Obama and Trump are wrong? Or just Obama?

Funny, I was just about to comment on your pretzel twisting. If Trump had said those exact words Obama used, I am certain you would be calling him out.

I didn't say either of them was "wrong," just that they are both pompous asses (or something to that effect ... narcissistic maybe).

Yeah I thought so. Everyone you guys are asked your opinion after 20 posts about how Obama is bad then the fall back position is you don't have a position.

Now I know not to take you seriously. I complained from the start that BOTH presidential candidates were shit. I've been angry about having to vote for Trump and not hidden it. My position is that Trump is a jackass ... and so is Obama. That's not "no position."

I'll just post what you said and I'll let you do your English tutor thing to explain where there is any mentire that both were shit. Ready?

Doesnt matter how many people you try to hide behind. All the Intel agencies can't be wrong and the only person who is right is Donald "it was anyone EXCEPT the Russians" Trump is right.
Hillary sold Russia 20% of our uranium.
She should be shot for treason.

Won't work bud. This is about how you don't think our Intel community know more than Donald "anyone but Putin" Trump is right.
Yeah, that's why the FBI and Obama were kept in the dark.

Repeat after me: Trump knows more than our US Intelligence Agencies. Everyone is lying except Trump.

Just like Obama, hypocrite.

Obama: I’m a better intelligence briefer than my intelligence briefers - AEI

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