Breaking: Intel Agencies ***REFUSED*** To Show up At Congress Hearing...WTF?

Trump said he also knows more about ISIS than the military too.

He knows more than the generals. He has a secret plan to defeat Isis. He knows more than 17 Intelligence Agencies. What a guy!

Well according toe NewsMax, Comey called Trump to assure him that there is no evidence to prove that Russia hacked the elections... and that the director of National Intelligence agrees with him...

Comey to Trump: The Russians Didn't Influence the Election

HOWEVER, the FBI is about to get their asses handed to them over how they handled Weiner's laptop. They waited over two weeks to report that Huma had emails on it, which lead to Comey sending out his letter just a week before the election. And the FBI has failed to cooperate with requests as to what was going on with it. It is being reported that they are about to get investigated for trying to turn the election against Clinton as a way to get back at her for her not getting indicted for her server.

This is going to get real fucking messy...

Comey...the guy that tried to throw the election with an baseless announcement of reopening the Clinton investigation. That Comey?

Comey's job was to announce they were investigating, and then clear Clinton of all wrong doing days before the election and wave her into the throne room.

He did it, it just didn't work out the way they expected.

mmmmm don't think so. If that were his job I think he wouldn't have said anything in the first place...would have worked much better....

yeeeeessssss........because the Clinton machine made sooooo many brilliant tactical decisions........
So when Obama says hes a better briefer you think that means he thinks he's better at knowing more than the briefer.

That explains it, just like I said. You're mixing shit up

The one with the most information is the better briefer. That's why it is his job to brief the POTUS. Do you believe Obama meant that he has a better voice? Pronounces the words better? lol

I believe he meant he knows more than the intelligence briefer. People can read it for themselves or listen to the audio.

He said he would be a better briefer not that he knows more than the briefer before the briefer gets the brief. Trump said he knows more than the generals not he's a better briefer.

Of course to you its all the same and if definitions dont match you'll twist into knots saying its the same thing. Funny part about this whole thing is this. Since you believe they are saying the same thing Are you saying Obama and Trump are wrong? Or just Obama?

Funny, I was just about to comment on your pretzel twisting. If Trump had said those exact words Obama used, I am certain you would be calling him out.

I didn't say either of them was "wrong," just that they are both pompous asses (or something to that effect ... narcissistic maybe).

Yeah I thought so. Everyone you guys are asked your opinion after 20 posts about how Obama is bad then the fall back position is you don't have a position.

Now I know not to take you seriously. I complained from the start that BOTH presidential candidates were shit. I've been angry about having to vote for Trump and not hidden it. My position is that Trump is a jackass ... and so is Obama. That's not "no position."
Nobody takes cc seriously.
The one with the most information is the better briefer. That's why it is his job to brief the POTUS. Do you believe Obama meant that he has a better voice? Pronounces the words better? lol

I believe he meant he knows more than the intelligence briefer. People can read it for themselves or listen to the audio.

He said he would be a better briefer not that he knows more than the briefer before the briefer gets the brief. Trump said he knows more than the generals not he's a better briefer.

Of course to you its all the same and if definitions dont match you'll twist into knots saying its the same thing. Funny part about this whole thing is this. Since you believe they are saying the same thing Are you saying Obama and Trump are wrong? Or just Obama?

Funny, I was just about to comment on your pretzel twisting. If Trump had said those exact words Obama used, I am certain you would be calling him out.

I didn't say either of them was "wrong," just that they are both pompous asses (or something to that effect ... narcissistic maybe).

Yeah I thought so. Everyone you guys are asked your opinion after 20 posts about how Obama is bad then the fall back position is you don't have a position.

Now I know not to take you seriously. I complained from the start that BOTH presidential candidates were shit. I've been angry about having to vote for Trump and not hidden it. My position is that Trump is a jackass ... and so is Obama. That's not "no position."

I'll just post what you said and I'll let you do your English tutor thing to explain where there is any mentire that both were shit. Ready?

Hillary sold Russia 20% of our uranium.
She should be shot for treason.

Won't work bud. This is about how you don't think our Intel community know more than Donald "anyone but Putin" Trump is right.
Yeah, that's why the FBI and Obama were kept in the dark.

Repeat after me: Trump knows more than our US Intelligence Agencies. Everyone is lying except Trump.

Just like Obama, hypocrite.

Obama: I’m a better intelligence briefer than my intelligence briefers - AEI

You are just being a jerk. I do not have to repeat what an ass Trump is to point out your hypocrisy. Ive said it often enough since about March to verify if you cared to. My statement specifically said they were just alike. By definition, that indicates one is no better than the other. I get paid to tutor comprehension. I don't owe it free to some nobody partisan on an anonymous message board. If you feel that gives you a "win," I am adult enough to not care. If you actually give a crap about my opinion, it is not difficult to check and see what it is before declaring you know. Your general knee-jerk response to being called out for your partisan BS is not my problem. A search of my posting history will yield results of my defense of Obama on some issues and my disdain for Trump overall. As long as I've been here, it is not too tedious, as my post count is rather low, comparatively.

As far as your snide "Go," I invite you to read what you quoted me saying, "Just like Obama, hypocrite." That means they are just alike in this regard IMO. It stands on its own despite your pretzel twisting. I will just let it stand, as is.
You are just being a jerk. I do not have to repeat what an ass Trump is to point out your hypocrisy.

Well I'm sorry I made you say you complained from the start about Trump. All I did was quote your first message that didn't show what you claimed. My fault.
Julian Assange himself stated on Hannity's radio show today that the leak came from people from hilary's campaign.....
Intel panel nixes briefing on alleged Russian interference in US election after resistance

The House Intelligence Committee abruptly canceled a briefing set for Thursday on alleged Russian interference in the U.S. election, after intelligence agencies refused to provide representatives for the session,

Folks this provides prima facie evidence that the motherfuckers have NO EVIDENCE that Russia interfered in our election

The sons-of-bitches are bluffing


We knew this already... didn't we, I know I did anyway.
Well, they have but a few days to come up with
a hail Mary, help me Jesus biggie to influence electors.
Intel panel nixes briefing on alleged Russian interference in US election after resistance

The House Intelligence Committee abruptly canceled a briefing set for Thursday on alleged Russian interference in the U.S. election, after intelligence agencies refused to provide representatives for the session,

Folks this provides prima facie evidence that the motherfuckers have NO EVIDENCE that Russia interfered in our election

The sons-of-bitches are bluffing


We knew this already... didn't we, I know I did anyway.
Well, they have but a few days to come up with
a hail Mary, help me Jesus biggie to influence electors.

The Democrat Media Complex has failed or refused to

1- stress the fact that the NSA is the ONLY entity which can determine if there is a HACKER AND A HACKEE - all the agencies get their raw date from the NSA

2- disclose that the intel agencies REFUSED TO TESTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY at the Federal Court Pennsylvania Recount Hearing

3- the intel agencies refused to appear and testify UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY at the congressional hearing

Last edited:
Intel panel nixes briefing on alleged Russian interference in US election after resistance

The House Intelligence Committee abruptly canceled a briefing set for Thursday on alleged Russian interference in the U.S. election, after intelligence agencies refused to provide representatives for the session,

Folks this provides prima facie evidence that the motherfuckers have NO EVIDENCE that Russia interfered in our election

The sons-of-bitches are bluffing


They're pleading the 5th.....
Intel panel nixes briefing on alleged Russian interference in US election after resistance

The House Intelligence Committee abruptly canceled a briefing set for Thursday on alleged Russian interference in the U.S. election, after intelligence agencies refused to provide representatives for the session,

Folks this provides prima facie evidence that the motherfuckers have NO EVIDENCE that Russia interfered in our election

The sons-of-bitches are bluffing


They're pleading the 5th.....

Yep, in essence.

But the Democrat Media Complex's intent is to see if they can get the EC voters to change their vote by creating the impression that DJT 's election is somehow invalid.

False Flag Election Fraud

Okay, now it’s getting ridiculous. It’s pretty much being reported as a fact that Russia “hacked” the election. Excuse me, but even if they hacked into the Democratic Party computer, that’s not “hacking the election” itself. The Democratic Party are NOT the election, as much as they appear to think they were/are. What’s going on here? Have the Democrats run out of options to contest the election, so now they’re going to climb into the time machine and resurrect the Watergate Scandal?

How Come No One Involved in the Russian Hacking Conspiracy Talked?

The FBI says that the claims attributed to the CIA would not stand up in court. So what are the claims all about? Who is behind them? Are there elements within the CIA committing treason by working against president-elect Trump? Are there elements in the US Congress committing treason by trying to sway electors with fake news resting on unattributed claims that the Russians, not the American people, elected Trump? Why these claims in the absence of proof?

What we are experiencing in the delegitimization of Donald Trump is an extraordinary rejection of democracy by elements in the government and by the presstitutes.

How Come No One Involved in the Russian Hacking Conspiracy Talked?

The FBI says that the claims attributed to the CIA would not stand up in court. So what are the claims all about? Who is behind them? Are there elements within the CIA committing treason by working against president-elect Trump? Are there elements in the US Congress committing treason by trying to sway electors with fake news resting on unattributed claims that the Russians, not the American people, elected Trump? Why these claims in the absence of proof?

What we are experiencing in the delegitimization of Donald Trump is an extraordinary rejection of democracy by elements in the government and by the presstitutes.

I still think Benghazi was due to a disgusting video.....

False Flag Election Fraud

Okay, now it’s getting ridiculous. It’s pretty much being reported as a fact that Russia “hacked” the election. Excuse me, but even if they hacked into the Democratic Party computer, that’s not “hacking the election” itself. The Democratic Party are NOT the election, as much as they appear to think they were/are. What’s going on here? Have the Democrats run out of options to contest the election, so now they’re going to climb into the time machine and resurrect the Watergate Scandal?

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