Breaking: IRS Whistleblower and Entire Team Abruptly Removed from Hunter Biden Investigation at Request of Merrick Garland

More Bullshit from supporters of Chris Wray and homO....
Truth, isn't bullshit.

Your conspiracies and accusations that you regurgitate, mindlessly, without any research are the problem.... Y'all should be ashamed of yourselves for not ever using your God given brain for reasoning, for discerning fact from fiction, instead of simply being .... parrots of propaganda, conspiracies, and lies imo.
Even Steve Bannon knows Durham, with his unfettered access as an appointed special counsel, found NOTHING criminal done... He brought no charges for what he was appointed to do...epic failure by Durham....after $6 million and almost 4 years. No Hillary, no strzok, no crossfire hurricane FBI investigators... Zip, Nada, Zilch.

Longtime Trump ally Steve Bannon harshly criticized the Durham report for not recommending criminal charges after his investigation into the FBI's Trump-Russia probe, blasting the special counsel's conclusions as an "epic failure."

On a Tuesday episode of his podcast Bannon's War Room, Bannon said Special Counsel Robert Durham's report was an "epic failure" because Durham failed to bring convictions after a three-and-a-half-year investigation.

"Where are the charges? [Special Counsel Robert Durham] had all access. He had an unlimited budget. He'd spent six million dollars. He had four years. Where's the beef?" Bannon asked.
Duh. The IRS supervisor over Hunter investigation leaked tax information on Hunter, which is illegal. That is why he was removed.

Hunter's Irs problem involved two years, 2014 and 15 taking $30,000 in expense deductions, that may have been illegal. Shoot, that is pennies.... the Or a is debating whether a tone not the presidents son would be charged for something so small for a MEGA million dollar business, and not just to have to pay a penalty plus the less than $10,000 tax owed.

It's a N.Y. Times article, y'all won't read, so I didn't bother to post the link but you can find it, if you wish
That may be the stated excuse, but doubtful it’s the real reason.

For instance, I assume that a new team is taking over, right? No? Article didn’t say?

Because if not, just one more step in corruption…
Which they will be unable to do:

Budget proposals go through various stages in Congress, including review and revisions in different committees and subcommittees. Both the House and Senate must pass the budget, and any differences between their versions must be reconciled in a conference committee. Once both chambers agree on a final version, it's sent back to the President for approval or veto.

Ahh, that pesky little word, 'veto', which is the province of the President.

And who is the president? Hmmmm?

And that's assuming the dems in congress and the senate agree on the 'final version', which, if it means cutting the DOJ's budget, they most certainly will not, so it wouldn't even get out of committee. You're not thinking things through, Try a little harder, next time, okay?

And, by the way, why should Garland, who has bigger fish to fry, want to cooperate with the morons in the GOP run congress? Clearly they are engaged in tit-for-tat political theatre, can't stand the fact that their guy, Trump, is being investigated, found liable for sex crimes, 34 felony counts, they can't stand it and now they are trying desperately to find something, anything, on Joe Biden, why should Garland give a crap about those clowns?
That's rich. Considering the fact that two impeachments and the Jan 6th hearings were nothing but political theater, as well as setting us up for show trials designed to prosecute political opponents with fabricated evidence. A trend that has spread to the courts where local DAs refuse to prosecute real crimes and only go after People who do the right thing.

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That's rich. Considering the fact that two impeachments and the Jan 6th hearings were nothing but political theater, as well as setting us up for show trials designed to prosecute political opponents with fabricated evidence. A trend that has spread to the courts where local DAs refuse to prosecute real crimes and only go after People who do the right thing.

Horseshit, and your tweet just repeats it.

Hardly, the impeachments were based on solid evidence.

"President Trump is practically, and morally responsible for provoking the events of the day [Jan 6], no question about it. The people that stormed this building believed they were acting on the wishes and instructions of their President. And, having that belief was a foreseeable consequence of the growing crescendo of false statements, conspiracy theories, and reckless hypole, which the defeated President kept shouting into the largest megaphone on planet earth". --Mitch McConnell

"A mob was assaulting the capitol in HIS name, these criminals were carrying HIS banners, hanging on HIS lies, and screaming their loyalty to HIM" --Mitch McConnell

And what were those false statements, conspiracy theories and reckless hyperbole? They were the falsehoods that Trump repeated over and over and over again at every rally, using the 'largest megaphone on planet earth' that DEMOCRATS STOLE THE ELECTION, and he stated it many months prior to the first ballot being cast which culminated in a juggernaut of rage the direct and foreseeable result of which was the attack on the capitol building.

But it's not just the attack on the capitol, it's the overall scheme as laid out in the Eastman Memo. It started when Trump declared that 'Democrats stole the election" long before the first ballot was cast, which caused a juggernaut of rage which led to the attack. It's about the fake electors, it's about the massive plan to object to certification in the key states and to get Pence to return the uncertified votes back to the states in the join session in order to delay overall certification long enough to throw the vote for prez to the house, where republicans had a two state majority or prevent Biden from getting 270 electors by a plethora of objections made during the Joint Session, which would also force a house vote for president.

It's about a massive conspiracy to overturn the election.. It's about Trump, and his co-conspirators, Bannon, Flynn, Giuliani, Eastman, Clark, et al, who executed this plan, it's about a conspiracy to prevent the peaceful transfer of power and delay the Joint Session of Congress in such a way or to make enough objections to prevent Biden from achieving his 270 elector minimum so as to force a house vote for president, noting that Republicans have a two state advantage. It's about a conspiracy to thwart the will of the people. Google 'Eastman Memo" wikipedia

His impeachment was just, and the only reason he wasn't convicted was due to the spineless cowards in the Republican senate, who wouldn't even allow a trial to hear the evidence, they were afraid of Trump's mean tweets being primaried by his base, noting that both Cheney and Kinzinger were primaried and voted out because they had the guts to stand up to Trump.
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Horseshit, and your tweet just repeats it.

Hardly, the impeachments were based on solid evidence.

"President Trump is practically, and morally responsible for provoking the events of the day [Jan 6], no question about it. The people that stormed this building believed they were acting on the wishes and instructions of their President. And, having that belief was a foreseeable consequence of the growing crescendo of false statements, conspiracy theories, and reckless hypole, which the defeated President kept shouting into the largest megaphone on planet earth". --Mitch McConnell

"A mob was assaulting the capitol in HIS name, these criminals were carrying HIS banners, hanging on HIS lies, and screaming their loyalty to HIM" --Mitch McConnell

And what were those false statements, conspiracy theories and reckless hyperbole? They were the falsehoods that Trump repeated over and over and over again at every rally, using the 'largest megaphone on planet earth' that DEMOCRATS STOLE THE ELECTION, and he stated it many months prior to the first ballot being cast which culminated in a juggernaut of rage the direct and foreseeable result of which was the attack on the capitol building.

But it's not just the attack on the capitol, it's the overall scheme as laid out in the Eastman Memo. It started when Trump declared that 'Democrats stole the election" long before the first ballot was cast, which caused a juggernaut of rage which led to the attack. It's about the fake electors, it's about the massive plan to object to certification in the key states and to get Pence to return the uncertified votes back to the states in the join session in order to delay overall certification long enough to throw the vote for prez to the house, where republicans had a two state majority or prevent Biden from getting 270 electors by a plethora of objections made during the Joint Session, which would also force a house vote for president.

It's about a massive conspiracy to overturn the election.. It's about Trump, and his co-conspirators, Bannon, Flynn, Giuliani, Eastman, Clark, et al, who executed this plan, it's about a conspiracy to prevent the peaceful transfer of power and delay the Joint Session of Congress in such a way or to make enough objections to prevent Biden from achieving his 270 elector minimum so as to force a house vote for president, noting that Republicans have a two state advantage. It's about a conspiracy to thwart the will of the people. Google 'Eastman Memo" wikipedia

His impeachment was just, and the only reason he wasn't convicted was due to the spineless cowards in the Republican senate, who wouldn't even allow a trial to hear the evidence, they were afraid of Trump's mean tweets being primaried by his base, noting that both Cheney and Kinzinger were primaried and voted out because they had the guts to stand up to Trump.
Hunter Biden is a private citizen who used government property in his shady business dealings.

Which government property is that, exactly?
That he flew with his dad once on Air Force 2? Um, sorry, that happens all the time.

The reality is, you want to single out Hunter for doing business in China when our whole freaking system is doing business in China. Trump had his freaking MAGA Hats made in China, and you guys never saw the irony.

Which government property is that, exactly?
That he flew with his dad once on Air Force 2? Um, sorry, that happens all the time.

The reality is, you want to single out Hunter for doing business in China when our whole freaking system is doing business in China. Trump had his freaking MAGA Hats made in China, and you guys never saw the irony.

At least Trump had a describable business there…
Our system of "justice" including the IRS is

its because the IRS investigation is characterized as "years long", meaning that they should have found something by now. How much taxpayer dollars wasted on this?

David Weiss is still overseeing investigations into Hunter, without any restrictions.
At least Trump had a describable business there…
Desirable for who?
The deal that Hunter was involved in was to generate more clean energy. This is kind of something we all want. We all want more energy and we want it to be cleaner. We want china to invest m ore in the US.

Better than making cheap hats for the dupes.
Congress can begin by passing a Bill cutting funds by 15% to the IRS, DoJ and FBI.
Then hear the screams.

Isn't it funny how the New Right tards project their own beliefs and flaws onto the Left?

I'm sure the one percent would LOVE for the IRS to be made smaller.
Duh. The IRS supervisor over Hunter investigation leaked tax information on Hunter, which is illegal. That is why he was removed.

Hunter's Irs problem involved two years, 2014 and 15 taking $30,000 in expense deductions, that may have been illegal. Shoot, that is pennies.... the Or a is debating whether a tone not the presidents son would be charged for something so small for a MEGA million dollar business, and not just to have to pay a penalty plus the less than $10,000 tax owed.

It's a N.Y. Times article, y'all won't read, so I didn't bother to post the link but you can find it, if you wish

All false
Factually false.
Bidens corrupt DOJ stepped in and removed them.

Stop relying on Pravda.
Education of the voters is the best bet. Hunter Biden's investment in Metabiota links to their collecting of a PEDV coronavirus in Cambodia. PEDV was GoF-manipulated for furin cleavage in the Chinese communist labs @ Hauzhong in 2015 (Chan and Ridley, "Viral"

Metabiota's Cambodian PEDV virus report came from workers @ Metabiota, Nanaimo. British Columbia. Not far away on the mainland, the Miss Universe Indigene-Czech tranny's flesh was mutilated, and Barbara Walters interviewed this tranny in a 2012 video in which she also mentions Trump's penis.
Even Steve Bannon knows Durham, with his unfettered access as an appointed special counsel, found NOTHING criminal done... He brought no charges for what he was appointed to do...epic failure by Durham....after $6 million and almost 4 years. No Hillary, no strzok, no crossfire hurricane FBI investigators... Zip, Nada, Zilch.

Longtime Trump ally Steve Bannon harshly criticized the Durham report for not recommending criminal charges after his investigation into the FBI's Trump-Russia probe, blasting the special counsel's conclusions as an "epic failure."

On a Tuesday episode of his podcast Bannon's War Room, Bannon said Special Counsel Robert Durham's report was an "epic failure" because Durham failed to bring convictions after a three-and-a-half-year investigation.

"Where are the charges? [Special Counsel Robert Durham] had all access. He had an unlimited budget. He'd spent six million dollars. He had four years. Where's the beef?" Bannon asked.

That's what you think that Bannon was saying?
Damn you stupid.
Desirable for who?
The deal that Hunter was involved in was to generate more clean energy. This is kind of something we all want. We all want more energy and we want it to be cleaner. We want china to invest m ore in the US.

Better than making cheap hats for the dupes.
Learn to read first off....I said discernable....

able to be perceived by a sense (such as sight or smell) or by the mind : capable of being discerned

The rest of your post is complete crap...And being investigated as we type here....We'll have to wait for the conclusion of that investigation....But what you're trying to do is cover for the corruption that I believe will be exposed...

The rest of your post is complete crap...And being investigated as we type here....We'll have to wait for the conclusion of that investigation....But what you're trying to do is cover for the corruption that I believe will be exposed...

Guy, you've been going on about this for nearly four years now, ever since Trump got caught with his dick out trying to shake down Zelensky.

the only thing you've been able to prove is that Hunter (who again, is a private citizen, not a government official) has taken some really unflattering selfies.

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