BREAKING! It's Over: Biden Received 'Laundered' Chinese Money Disguised As Loan Repayment

So the Bidens for services from March 2016, got paid over a year and a half later?
The timing just doesn't hold up.
you should consider the wole picture instead of focusing on a singular event,,

what about the 30 million that was flagged as money laundering that went to the rest of the biden family??

and thats the low number,, some say its as high as 60 million,,
And there's no proof he didn't.

In fact, there is proof, the check says it was a loan repayment.
Tard noggin
The check does not say that
The memo line does
You are yet another feeling non thinker who wishes that the memo line creates confirmation
It's was just a matter of time, and they'll find more.

Unless you're a fucking moron, you know Joe peddled his position to enrich his family. Try to deny it, feel free, I think we'd all like to hear it.

The major thing is, they have to locate areas where the Biden syndicate fucked up. It doesn't help Biden's justice departments have PROVED time and again to interfere with that process.
The innuendos never stop do they? Not going impeach good old Joe with innuendos. Well it might have been a loan repayment but is might also be a nefarious plot to launder Chinese money too.

Get um Cowboy.

Just like the last admin.

They impeached the last guy with innuendos twice.
you should consider the wole picture instead of focusing on a singular event,,

what about the 30 million that was flagged as money laundering that went to the rest of the biden family??

and thats the low number,, some say its as high as 60 million,,
So if it's 10% for the "big guy" you're over $5 million dollars short on evidence.
He's busted. The Usurper is a blatant crook. Not even Louisiana's former crooked democrat Governor Edwin Edwards would attempt to align himself with the communists to do something like this. He had patriotism. Biden is oblivious to patriotism.

Haha - yeah... NO.
Not even close.
If it was shown, with absolutely zero doubt - 100% surety - ON VIDEO - Biden taking a bribe - himself... nothing would happen. And Democrats would vote for him just that same. 100%.
They don't care. At all. Not even a little bit.

And then we don't have Republicans in Washington with an ounce of backbone and willingness to work together. FFS - they couldn't even appoint a speaker!!!

Biden could very well be the most corrupt President in U.S. history - there is an actual chance and reasonable possibility this is true. But it doesn't matter anymore. The media would ignore it. The FBI is equally corrupt - so nothing is going to happen there.

The only thing that is over - is a government that looks out for us.
Even a little bit.
so he would hand you 200K in cash?? that requires an IRS document of money transfer,,

and we arent talking about you,,
Happens all the time with family. I get that. What I don't get is why a billionaire would give a Supreme Court justice a loan that size then forgive it. And then the Justice doesn't report it or pay taxes on the gift.

You must be outraged at that. I would expel Biden, Trump and Clarence if you would go along.

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