BREAKING! It's Over: Biden Received 'Laundered' Chinese Money Disguised As Loan Repayment

Well, maybe not Hunter. He got that $2 million dollar IRS bill.
So he had income the government had reports on, that he failed to report.
you make a lot of piss poor excuses that dont make sense,,
Because I don't know. You don't know. You're taking business deals with Chinese companies and trying to make it sinister. Let me see your 401K. Are any of the companies you invest in doing business with, wait for it, Russia?
no they dont,,

face it youre trying to gaslight us with made up bullshit,,
What do you mean they don't. Why did Hunter Biden owe $2 million.
Because the government knew how much money he was making, and from where, and that he failed to report it on his taxes.

Think for once. That's what all those suspicious bank reports are for.
Because I don't know. You don't know. You're taking business deals with Chinese companies and trying to make it sinister. Let me see your 401K. Are any of the companies you invest in doing business with, wait for it, Russia?
you may not know,, but I know a lot,, and what I know demands a deeper investigation and accounting for a lot of money to the bidens family from foreign countries,,,,
The banks flag any large funds transfer. It's up to the feds to determine if it's money laundering. And I assume the Bidens taxes were in order, and they accounted for the money they made, and the taxes due on it.
You do know why this news broke today? Because today Trump's kids testify against him.
You do know why this news broke today? Because today Trump's kids testify against him.
Well, just Eric and Don Jr.
Ivankas testimony was put off until next week, because she had a scheduling conflict.

I wonder if daddy is going to threaten any of the witnesses.
no they dont,,

face it youre trying to gaslight us with made up bullshit,,
They know exactly whee Hunters money came from

The Yale-educated lawyer, businessman, and investor had an income of $4.4 million those two years

Biden’s earnings came from several sources, including the prominent Washington, D.C., law firm Boies Schiller Flexner, outside legal work, his own businesses, Rosemont Seneca investment management firm, and Owasco holding company. He also earned money from Ukrainian energy giant Burisma, Chinese investment and energy companies, and an unidentified “Romanian” business.
Just like the last admin.

They impeached the last guy with innuendos twice.
Uh-huh sure. Why didn't McConnell allow witnesses to testify in the first Senate trial?

Furthermore after a lengthy explanation of his reasoning in not convicting Trump in the Senate after Jan 6th, he went on to say:

"Indeed, Justice Story specifically reminded that while former officials were not eligible for impeachment or conviction, they were – and this is extremely important – "still liable to be tried and punished in the ordinary tribunals of justice."

Put anther way, in the language of today: President Trump is still liable for everything he did while he was in office, as an ordinary citizen, unless the statute of limitations has run, still liable for everything he did while in office, didn't get away with anything yet – yet.

We have a criminal justice system in this country. We have civil litigation. And former presidents are not immune from being held accountable by either one."

Representative James Comer......has found another smoking water-pistol.

(not mine, I stole it.)

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