BREAKING: John Durham testifies before House Judiciary Committee: "The FBI was too willing to accept and use politically funded and uncorroborated"



Durham goes 0 for 2 in criminal trials, and then in his final report blames the juries for his absolute fucking failure to bring enough evidence for a conviction. Typical MAGA-tard response: if you fail to present evidence and convince a judge or a jury, then it's not ever MAGA-tard's fault, the justice system is just too woke and too rigged against MAGA.

There's a name for your condition, MAGA-tards. It's called schizophrenia. See a shrink. Get some meds.
Everyone now knows for sure, Schaffer and Hillary are fucking lying hacks. Democrats are reaping what they sowed.
Except it wasn't...was it? :)
I get it a nutter Nuthin' burger with too many onions
that are yella.Like the way Pops Biden gave the FBI a
" Stand Down " order about son Hunter.Not to Look
at his Laptop.Not to Investigate { But lie and say they are }.
Making room for an historic " Sweetheart deal ". No Jail
time and reduced charges.Making it some Misdemeanor.
Where even Hunter manages to have his alimony
greatly reduced from $ 20,ooo per month to $ 5,ooo.
I mean,even his Monthly Burisma Holdings salary was
over $ 80,ooo.
Good thing Durham testified. Clear the air, so to speak.

Schiff, a former impeachment manager against Trump, questioned Durham about whether President Trump flaunted information that was released by Russian hackers during the 2016 election. Durham repeatedly insisted he had no knowledge of the matter. But in the midst of the exchange, Durham clearly stated he doesn’t doubt the validity of evidence showing Russia was trying to help Trump—something many Republicans have vehemently denied.

“I don’t think there’s any question that Russians intruded into—hacked into the systems, they released information,” Durham said.

“And that was helpful to the Trump campaign, right?” Schiff asked.

After trying to deflect the question, Durham agreed the Russians had been helpful to the Trump campaign.

THIS IS GETTING BRUTAL :itsok: :funnyface::happy-1::badgrin:


......opposition research such as the Steele Dossier."

Like we told you you all Russia Collusion was a myth in regards to Trump.

The leftist deep state had to get Trump before he destroyed their agenda, and everyone even the deep state knew it. So they embarked on a mission with every asset they had to try and take their arch enemy Trump down. Schumer's favorite words in that interview was that the "Intel communities had 6 ways to Sunday to take a person down if you challenged them", and he was referring to the bull in their China shop named Trump.

They constantly exposed themselves with their own mouths, and then had to play ignorant when called out on it.

The agenda is in full blossom, but they will tell you that you are a conspiracy nut if you say that you are watching it take place in real time.

Thanks Durham, but we knew it, and you confirmed it.
Durham goes 0 for 2 in criminal trials, and then in his final report blames the juries for his absolute fucking failure to bring enough evidence for a conviction. Typical MAGA-tard response: if you fail to present evidence and convince a judge or a jury, then it's not ever MAGA-tard's fault, the justice system is just too woke and too rigged against MAGA.

There's a name for your condition, MAGA-tards. It's called schizophrenia. See a shrink. Get some meds.
You gonna blame the jury if Trump gets acquitted? (If it goes that far)
If he gets acquitted, no.

If there's one or two holdout jurors in the face of the evidence, I'll certainly blame those jurors.
A $10 bill slipped to Schiff and he’ll be glad to phony-up evidence the two holdouts are Russian agents.
......opposition research such as the Steele Dossier."

Like we told you you all Russia Collusion was a myth in regards to Trump.

Except Weird Beard Duuurham wasn't able to prove any of this in a court of law. He's 0-2 on the minor players and never got anywhere near indicting Hillary, Obama, Comey or anyone else involved in this "Conspiracy".

So for those keeping track, the Russians really did interfere in the 2016 election, and Donald Trump really did encourage them to do so. "Russia, if you're listening!"

Any sensible person at the FBI would have taken claims of Russian Collusion seriously under those circumstances.
Except Weird Beard Duuurham wasn't able to prove any of this in a court of law. He's 0-2 on the minor players and never got anywhere near indicting Hillary, Obama, Comey or anyone else involved in this "Conspiracy".

So for those keeping track, the Russians really did interfere in the 2016 election, and Donald Trump really did encourage them to do so. "Russia, if you're listening!"

Any sensible person at the FBI would have taken claims of Russian Collusion seriously under those circumstances.
Except it was a humiliating embarrassment for the Dems / Marxists to try defending their fraud only to be shown as utter buffoons when the Durham report showed unequivocally the fraud was doomed from Hillary Clinton’s lies forward.
Except it was a humiliating embarrassment for the Dems / Marxists to try defending their fraud only to be shown as utter buffoons when the Durham report showed unequivocally the fraud was doomed from Hillary Clinton’s lies forward.

Uh, Durham got no convictions... so how did he prove his case, exactly?

The only thing he really "proved" is the FBI should have maybe gone through a few extra steps before launching an investigation. Woooooo...
I just can't get worked up about that.
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Uh, Durham got no convictions... so how did he prove his case, exactly?

The only thing he really "proved" is the FBI should have maybe gone through a few extra steps before launching an investigation. Woooooo...
I just can't get worked up about that.
Ofc you can't. :itsok:
Ofc you can't.

No, I really can't.

Especially since some of the other Special Prosecutors/independent Counsels who really messed up people's lives.

Remember Ken Starr. Spent 70 million dollars and 5 years trying to prove Clinton did something dirty on Whitewater, ended up proving he lied about getting a blow job.
Or Lawrence Walsh, who couldn't get North and Poindexter because Congress granted them immunity, but went after Cap Weinberger, the one guy in the room who said selling weapons to Iran was a terrible idea.
Or Patrick Fitzgerald, who couldn't prove anyone actually outed Valerie Plame (because her name was already in the public domain as a CIA employee) but went after Scooter Libby for not remembering a conversation the same way that Tim Russert remembered it.

Durham couldn't even meet the low standards of those clowns.

......opposition research such as the Steele Dossier."

Like we told you you all Russia Collusion was a myth in regards to Trump.

'Russian Collusion' was a HILLARY HOAX that became the basis for TREASON.

It wasn't even a 'Conspiracy Theory' - It was a LIE ... and the Democrats knew it.
Russian Collusion' was a HILLARY HOAX that became the basis for TREASON.

It wasn't even a 'Conspiracy Theory' - It was a LIE ... and the Democrats knew it.

Durham got no convictions,
and Hunter Biden only got a slap on the wrist.

It must suck to be you, trying to accomplish in the courts what you can't at the ballot box.

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