BREAKING: John Durham testifies before House Judiciary Committee: "The FBI was too willing to accept and use politically funded and uncorroborated"

The evidence exists, that's the thing. An indictment against Hillary Clinton when dealing with a corrupt and partisan DOJ / FBI would be unnecessarily tome consuming and expensive.

You present your evidence to the Grand Jury and have them vote a bill. This really isn't complicated.
He couldn't prove his case in the few times he could get a grand jury to indict.
let's not forget

I posted this one for the OP will he "Fake News" it? we will see :bye1:
Of course it’s fake news idiot yahoo is big tech msm stupid fuck.

Hey everyone look another sockpuppet bot. :rofl:
You present your evidence to the Grand Jury and have them vote a bill. This really isn't complicated.
He couldn't prove his case in the few times he could get a grand jury to indict.
As a legal scholar, you're lacking. Private individuals don't call Grand Juries.
You missed what the Durham report clearly showed which was the complete and utter fabrication of the Russia collusion hoax. It was a complete fraud that the Dems / Marxists pressed on with for years.

Again, 2 prosecutions, 2 acquittals. I don't really think he has a lot of credibility on this issue - or any issue frankly. Clearly a partisan hack who somehow slipped past the DOJ's radar when he was first hired.
As a legal scholar, you're lacking. Private individuals don't call Grand Juries.

Seriously, WTF Chatbot.

He was a special prosecutor. He had the ability to call a grand jury and did.

Seriously, WTF Chatbot.

He was a special prosecutor. He had the ability to call a grand jury and did.

Seriously, Chatbot. How well will that work with a corrupt FBI and DOJ concealing evidence?

Just some of what came out of testimony by Durham:

“… at almost the same time as the same FBI was opening a case on Trump under false pretenses, it was closing its investigation on Clinton’s mishandling of classified materials with no charges.

In the report, Durham called the treatment of Democrat Clinton and Republican Trump "markedly different," which is a nice way of saying it stinks to high heaven.

Put bluntly, according to Durham, the FBI had ample evidence to believe that the dirt dug up on Trump was coming from Clinton’s camp, that it was opposition research, not the product of a legitimate investigation, but they didn’t care.”

Just some of what came out of testimony by Durham:

“… at almost the same time as the same FBI was opening a case on Trump under false pretenses, it was closing its investigation on Clinton’s mishandling of classified materials with no charges.

Weirdbeard could talk all day, but at the end of the day, he put his crap in front of a jury, and they rejected it.
And he didn't even TRY to trot this nonsense in front of a Grand Jury regarding Hillary, Comey, et. al.
I get it a nutter Nuthin' burger with too many onions
that are yella.Like the way Pops Biden gave the FBI a
" Stand Down " order about son Hunter.Not to Look
at his Laptop.Not to Investigate { But lie and say they are }.
Making room for an historic " Sweetheart deal ". No Jail
time and reduced charges.Making it some Misdemeanor.
Where even Hunter manages to have his alimony
greatly reduced from $ 20,ooo per month to $ 5,ooo.
I mean,even his Monthly Burisma Holdings salary was
over $ 80,ooo.
Smarmy creatures.
Weirdbeard could talk all day, but at the end of the day, he put his crap in front of a jury, and they rejected it.
And he didn't even TRY to trot this nonsense in front of a Grand Jury regarding Hillary, Comey, et. al.

Well, Chatbot, you’re not willing to acknowledge that the corrupt, Dem / Marxist controlled FBI and DOJ flunkies are going to do what is necessary to obstruct any evidence that might be presented to a Grand Jury.
Durham got no convictions,
and Hunter Biden only got a slap on the wrist.

It must suck to be you, trying to accomplish in the courts what you can't at the ballot box.
The left pushed the ballot box into the court's, and so it was that they already had the court's ready for the incoming cases that knowingly would erupt over the alleged election fraud to come...... Can we say that it seems to have been an elaborate plan in which has been perfectly executed by the leftist ??? And hey I am impressed that it actually worked like it did.

Now comes the political payback.
The left pushed the ballot box into the court's, and so it was that they already had the court's ready for the incoming cases that knowingly would erupt over the alleged election fraud to come...... Can we say that it seems to have been an elaborate plan in which has been perfectly executed by the leftist ??? And hey I am impressed that it actually worked like it did.

Now comes the political payback.
The same court that believes they can accept free vacations, houses, and grift from rightwing billionaires without reporting it on disclosure forms or taxes.

Impeachment them grifters
The actual crime.....they were all in on it....obama, biden, comey

Comey lied to the investigating agents....

In his special-counsel report, Durham had already revealed that CIA Director John Brennan briefed these four in August 2016 that Hillary Clinton planned to paint Donald Trump as linked to Russian intelligence, presumably to shift attention away from her own e-mail scandal.
DURHAM: We interviewed the first supervisor on the Crossfire investigation, the operational person. We showed him the intelligence information. He indicated he had never seen it before. He immediately became emotional, and got up and left the room with his lawyer, spent some time in the hallway, came back.

JORDAN: He was ticked off, wasn’t he? He was ticked off because this was something he should have had as an agent on the case. This was important information that the director of the FBI kept from the people doing the investigation.

DURHAM: The information was kept from them.

[URL unfurl="true"]Durham: You better believe Obama, Biden, and Comey knew that this was a Hillary dirty trick[/URL]
What crime was charged and prosecuted by Durham against those guys?

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