BREAKING: John Durham testifies before House Judiciary Committee: "The FBI was too willing to accept and use politically funded and uncorroborated"

Well actually, Chatbot, the Grand Jury didn’t get to see evidence buried by the Corrupt Dem / Marxist Biden lackeys.

Really, who prevented them from seeing it? If Durham had the evidence, he could have presented it.. He didn't.

More from Durham investigation;

“In the report, Durham called the treatment of Democrat Clinton and Republican Trump "markedly different," which is a nice way of saying it stinks to high heaven.

In short, "I couldn't win a single court case, couldn't get my grand jury to indict most of the people I accused of stuff, and my only accomplishment after spending 6 Million dollars was to get one guy to cop to changing wording on a warrant application, and that was detected by IG Horowitz, not me. But I'm going to get up here in front of Congress and try to justify my expenditures."

Maybe we need to investigate Durham for fraud. Six million dollars spent and nothing to show for it?
Really, who prevented them from seeing it? If Durham had the evidence, he could have presented it.. He didn't.

In short, "I couldn't win a single court case, couldn't get my grand jury to indict most of the people I accused of stuff, and my only accomplishment after spending 6 Million dollars was to get one guy to cop to changing wording on a warrant application, and that was detected by IG Horowitz, not me. But I'm going to get up here in front of Congress and try to justify my expenditures."

Maybe we need to investigate Durham for fraud. Six million dollars spent and nothing to show for it?
The Durham report made repeated references to failures, ineptitude and willful negligence on the part of the FBI flunkies to actually do their job.

“It is the Office’s assessment that the FBI discounted or willfully ignored material information that did not support the narrative of a collusive relationship between Trump and Russia,” Durham wrote.

“Similarly, the FBI Inspection Division Report says that the investigators ‘repeatedly ignore[d] or explain[ed] away evidence contrary to the theory the Trump campaign… had conspired with Russia… It appeared that … there was a pattern of assuming nefarious intent,'” he added.

“An objective and honest assessment of these strands of information should have caused the FBI to question not only the predication for [the investigation], but also to reflect on whether the FBI was being manipulated for political or other purposes. Unfortunately, it did not.”

Maybe we should bill the Biden administration for the $30 million dollars that Schiff and the Dems / Marxists wasted on the phony Russia collusion fraud.
The Durham report made repeated references to failures, ineptitude and willful negligence on the part of the FBI flunkies to actually do their job.

Yes, that's what you do when you are a failure... blame EVERYONE ELSE.

I'm sure you have a lot of experience with that, Chatbot.
Maybe we should bill the Biden administration for the $30 million dollars that Schiff and the Dems / Marxists wasted on the phony Russia collusion fraud.

That investigation produced actual convictions, including Flynn, Manafort, Papdoplous, etc.

This is why Trump had to issue a bunch of "Pardons" at the end of his presidency, in case anyone's memories got better in jail.
That investigation produced actual convictions, including Flynn, Manafort, Papdoplous, etc.

This is why Trump had to issue a bunch of "Pardons" at the end of his presidency, in case anyone's memories got better in jail.
Oh, yes. There were convictions based upon a completely fraudulent Russia collusion scam perpetuated by the Dems / Marxists.

Really, Chatbot. Do you proofread the nonsense you post?
Yes, that's what you do when you are a failure... blame EVERYONE ELSE.

I'm sure you have a lot of experience with that, Chatbot.
Yes, Chatbot. You make phony claims about about phony Russia collusion hoaxes to defend your TDS.
"People get phone calls all the time from individuals who claim to have information like that," Durham said, dismissing the situation.

"Are you really trying to diminish the importance of what happened here?" Schiff asked in response, surprised that Durham found the meeting, which indicated to Moscow that Trump's camp was receptive to Russian election intervention, unimportant.

"The more complete story is that they met, and it was a ruse, and they didn't talk about Mrs. Clinton," Durham answered, repeating a claim from the Trump camp when the meeting was revealed in 2017."

"But the report from special counsel Robert Mueller indicates that the Russian Counsel, lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya, did discuss Clinton. According to the report, Veselnitskaya had stated the Ziff brothers, owners of an American family investment broke Russian laws and donated profits to the Clinton Campaign or the DNC even though no evidence of wrongdoing was found. She also claimed the firm had participated in tax evasion and money laundering in both the U.S. and Russia."

Durham got owned. Jeez. In any other political environment, he'd be in a pot of hot water right now for conducting an overtly political hit job of an investigation...and having absolutely ZERO to show for it.
The Mueller Report didn’t state that. It stated it couldn’t reach a conclusion because of administration stonewalling.

Just like Mueller said.
July 25, 2019 - Mueller testimony before congress.

Second, the investigation did not establish that members of the Trump campaign conspired with the Russian government in its election interference activities. We did not address collusion, which is not a legal term; rather we focused on whether the evidence was sufficient to charge any member of the campaign with taking part in a criminal conspiracy, and there was not.
Oh, yes. There were convictions based upon a completely fraudulent Russia collusion scam perpetuated by the Dems / Marxists.
Except Mueller made his case in front of Juries.
Durham could not.
Yes, that's what you do when you are a failure... blame EVERYONE ELSE.

I'm sure you have a lot of experience with that, Chatbot.
Attacking the messenger eh ?

Why not use your so called highly tuned leftist intellect in order to evaluate the content of the report, otherwise instead of acting like a loser by attacking the messenger ????

Oh that's right you are a loser by way of your historical content found on this site, and so it is that all you have is this attacking of the messenger in lock step with the rest of the knucklehead leftist on this site.
Except Mueller made his case in front of Juries.
Durham could not.
Rebuff the undisputable evidence spoken in each statement after statement concerning key area's and facts if you can or maybe get someone who will help you if need be.. 😂
Oh, yes. There were convictions based upon a completely fraudulent Russia collusion scam perpetuated by the Dems / Marxists.

Really, Chatbot. Do you proofread the nonsense you post?

some collusion, so not totally fraudulent.

some collusion, so not totally fraudulent.
Otherwise just a smidgen, otherwise just a fraction enough in order to blow it up into the biggest get Trump scam in the history of this country eh ?

Could have done the same to any politician who spoke or had any job required relations with any foreign countries or dignitaries.
Except Mueller made his case in front of Juries.
Durham could not.
Except Mueller did not conclude that Trump or anyone involved in his campaign colluded with Russia. That being the biggest fail for the Dems / Marxists because it completely gutted the fraud they perpetrated.
Attacking the messenger eh ?

Why not use your so called highly tuned leftist intellect in order to evaluate the content of the report, otherwise instead of acting like a loser by attacking the messenger ????

Oh that's right you are a loser by way of your historical content found on this site, and so it is that all you have is this attacking of the messenger in lock step with the rest of the knucklehead leftist on this site.

Um, Durham spent 6 million dollars and didn't get ONE conviction. This is where he has no credibility at all. He didn't even try to get an indictment of Hillary, Comey, or anyone else he said was an instigator of this. He went after lower level players for process crimes, and got slapped down hard by juries who only took a few hours to deliberate.

Rebuff the undisputable evidence spoken in each statement after statement concerning key area's and facts if you can or maybe get someone who will help you if need be..
You don't seem to get how evidence works.
It's not up to me to DISPROVE facts, it's up to Durham to prove them. Which he didn't.
Um, Durham spent 6 million dollars and didn't get ONE conviction. This is where he has no credibility at all. He didn't even try to get an indictment of Hillary, Comey, or anyone else he said was an instigator of this. He went after lower level players for process crimes, and got slapped down hard by juries who only took a few hours to deliberate.

You don't seem to get how evidence works.
It's not up to me to DISPROVE facts, it's up to Durham to prove them. Which he didn't.
He proved them, but you can't except it.
He proved them, but you can't except it.

Well, no, he didn't "prove" anything. In fact, his investigation turned up no new information that wasn't already in the IG Horowitz report.

He just tried to state the chain of events in a more sinister way then they already were.
Well, no, he didn't "prove" anything. In fact, his investigation turned up no new information that wasn't already in the IG Horowitz report.

He just tried to state the chain of events in a more sinister way then they already were.
Whose the more sinister, you leftist here or Durham ? I think you all have proved to be the most sinister by attacking the messenger's while staying way clear of the messages.
Rebuff the undisputable evidence spoken in each statement after statement concerning key area's and facts if you can or maybe get someone who will help you if need be.. 😂
Uh...there's no indisputable "evidence". Durham wasted 6M dollars on two "convictions" that were tossed. He has ZERO to show for his efforts. That's worse than embarrassing. That's grounds for banishment! :auiqs.jpg:

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