BREAKING: John Durham testifies before House Judiciary Committee: "The FBI was too willing to accept and use politically funded and uncorroborated"

I know, right? As much as they tried to defend their Russia collusion fraud. Durham exposed their lies.
The lies were exposed practially every night by some Host
at Fox { Try Hannity }.But what about the penalty for Framing
a Presidential Candidate and then keeping up the heat
for a couple more years.In the long and short of it this
Bearded Durham was a complete waste of time.
Plus he took his sweet time.Mark levin has written
a few books and does 3 hrs. on radio weekdays.In the
same span of years.
How many Innocent victims were targetted,hounded,prosecuted
and jailed by Mueller and his 18 dastardly Prosecutors.
How did he show that?

He admitted under questioning that Russia did seek to influence our 2016 election in favor of the former 1-term fuckup.
Oh you mean like Obama did in Egypt when the Muslim brotherhood took over the presidency until the Egyptian military ended that bull shite ? Cry me a river with your hypocritical tears.
Durham prosecuted what crime successfully?
Are being retarded on purpose? The point of this was to find out the truth about "Russia collusion"

What they found was

* Hillary Clinton used campaign funds to buy the Steele Dossier
* Dems pushed this nonsense for years
* Adam Schiff used his position on Intel Committee to also push these lies and he knew they were lies

There was collusion. Russia, Wikileaks, Seth Rich put out cables from inside the DNC showing how they rigged the primaries. All the collusion came from Hillary and the DNC with help from their propaganda arm the media

Reeeeeee all you want you support the party of crime
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All you shitlibs saying Schiff got Durham listen to the exchange

Also includes Schiff getting pranked by Russian comedians for the same thing he accused Don Jr of doing LOL
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Well, Chatbot, you’re not willing to acknowledge that the corrupt, Dem / Marxist controlled FBI and DOJ flunkies are going to do what is necessary to obstruct any evidence that might be presented to a Grand Jury.

What evidence didn't the GJ get to not see, Chatbot?
There's an old saying in the law, that you can get a Grand Jury to indict a Ham Sandwich, but there has to be some meat on the sandwich.
"People get phone calls all the time from individuals who claim to have information like that," Durham said, dismissing the situation.

"Are you really trying to diminish the importance of what happened here?" Schiff asked in response, surprised that Durham found the meeting, which indicated to Moscow that Trump's camp was receptive to Russian election intervention, unimportant.

"The more complete story is that they met, and it was a ruse, and they didn't talk about Mrs. Clinton," Durham answered, repeating a claim from the Trump camp when the meeting was revealed in 2017."

"But the report from special counsel Robert Mueller indicates that the Russian Counsel, lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya, did discuss Clinton. According to the report, Veselnitskaya had stated the Ziff brothers, owners of an American family investment broke Russian laws and donated profits to the Clinton Campaign or the DNC even though no evidence of wrongdoing was found. She also claimed the firm had participated in tax evasion and money laundering in both the U.S. and Russia."

"People get phone calls all the time from individuals who claim to have information like that," Durham said, dismissing the situation.

"Are you really trying to diminish the importance of what happened here?" Schiff asked in response, surprised that Durham found the meeting, which indicated to Moscow that Trump's camp was receptive to Russian election intervention, unimportant.

"The more complete story is that they met, and it was a ruse, and they didn't talk about Mrs. Clinton," Durham answered, repeating a claim from the Trump camp when the meeting was revealed in 2017."

"But the report from special counsel Robert Mueller indicates that the Russian Counsel, lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya, did discuss Clinton. According to the report, Veselnitskaya had stated the Ziff brothers, owners of an American family investment broke Russian laws and donated profits to the Clinton Campaign or the DNC even though no evidence of wrongdoing was found. She also claimed the firm had participated in tax evasion and money laundering in both the U.S. and Russia."


Schiff got pranked by two Russian Comedians for doing the same shit he accused Don Jr of doing, the same shit he grilled Durham about

You absolute moron

And it's on the video I posted above

What evidence didn't the GJ get to not see, Chatbot?
There's an old saying in the law, that you can get a Grand Jury to indict a Ham Sandwich, but there has to be some meat on the sandwich.
Well actually, Chatbot, the Grand Jury didn’t get to see evidence buried by the Corrupt Dem / Marxist Biden lackeys.

More from Durham investigation;

“In the report, Durham called the treatment of Democrat Clinton and Republican Trump "markedly different," which is a nice way of saying it stinks to high heaven.

Put bluntly, according to Durham, the FBI had ample evidence to believe that the dirt dug up on Trump was coming from Clinton’s camp, that it was opposition research, not the product of a legitimate investigation, but they didn’t care.

In another stunning revelation, we learned that the original head of Crossfire Hurricane, as the probe into Trump was known, was never shown key information that pointed to the Clinton campaign as the source. Apparently, upon learning this, that agent, Joe Pientka, was absolutely furious. Who wouldn’t be?

This all came around the time, as you might remember, that FBI employees and star-crossed lovers Peter Stzrok and Lisa Page were texting love notes about how they would never let Trump become president.”

That’s right, Chatbot. At every step, the hack Dems / Marxists have obstructed, lied and falsified whatever information was expedient to the Biden politburo.
"People get phone calls all the time from individuals who claim to have information like that," Durham said, dismissing the situation.

"Are you really trying to diminish the importance of what happened here?" Schiff asked in response, surprised that Durham found the meeting, which indicated to Moscow that Trump's camp was receptive to Russian election intervention, unimportant.

"The more complete story is that they met, and it was a ruse, and they didn't talk about Mrs. Clinton," Durham answered, repeating a claim from the Trump camp when the meeting was revealed in 2017."

"But the report from special counsel Robert Mueller indicates that the Russian Counsel, lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya, did discuss Clinton. According to the report, Veselnitskaya had stated the Ziff brothers, owners of an American family investment broke Russian laws and donated profits to the Clinton Campaign or the DNC even though no evidence of wrongdoing was found. She also claimed the firm had participated in tax evasion and money laundering in both the U.S. and Russia."

Smokescreen. The Russian hoax has been exposed. You're too late.
I think we need to subpoena the texts of every Republican in Congress and their staffers and we'd find out just how many of them were horrified at the notion of Trump as their nominee.
Just like what a Marxist socialist deep state 2023 Democrat would say, otherwise violate Americans right to privacy without producing a warrant or without probable cause eh... So you aren't a young person of the sixties are you ? No, because at least they believed more in being anti-big government/anti-big brother after what the government done to them during Vietnam.

Cause it's 1,2,3 what are we fighting for, don't ask me I don't give a dam, the next stop is Vietnam, and it's 5,6,7 open up the pearly Gates, cause I don't know why, I wonder why, whoopee we're all gonna die.

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