BREAKING: Judge Cannon asks defense to raise possible grand jury abuse by Jack Smith for conducting nearly all of the investigation in DC

There it isā€¦.right thereā€¦.ā€™Go along with what we want, or we will destroy you!ā€™ā€¦..Fucking communistā€¦
No. You hold everyone the same in the eyes of the law. You don't try and litigate the case for the defendant (who just happened to nominate you for the job you hold). That's what he has a defense team for.
No. You hold everyone the same in the eyes of the law. You don't try and litigate the case for the defendant (who just happened to nominate you for the job you hold). That's what he has a defense team for.
Bull freaking shitā€¦.the contrast of how you and the media reports on Chutney, or whatever her name is, or if sheā€™s even a ā€œsheā€, and how her rulings so far are stacking up, as well as how Garland is approaching things, itā€™s clear that thereā€™s two tiered justiceā€¦.commie.
Bull freaking shitā€¦.the contrast of how you and the media reports on Chutney, or whatever her name is, or if sheā€™s even a ā€œsheā€, and how her rulings so far are stacking up, as well as how Garland is approaching things, itā€™s clear that thereā€™s two tiered justiceā€¦.commie.
The fact that you lash out and flail tells me you have nothing substantive to defend your savior with.
Donald Trump made all of his own problems. He is under indictment because of his ACTIONS.
And for some reason, you can't reconcile that and move on.
Yes, there is a two tiered justice system. And Donald Trump has taken advantage of that for his entire
adult life. Well, the wheels of justice grind slowly...but they are grinding..and catching up to him.

Bout time. :)
The fact that you lash out and flail tells me you have nothing substantive to defend your savior with.
Donald Trump made all of his own problems. He is under indictment because of his ACTIONS.
And for some reason, you can't reconcile that and move on.
Yes, there is a two tiered justice system. And Donald Trump has taken advantage of that for his entire
adult life. Well, the wheels of justice grind slowly...but they are grinding..and catching up to him.

Bout time. :)
So, just throw the entire thing in the trash to ā€˜get Trumpā€™ā€¦.I got itā€¦And thatā€™s why pure scum like you are a danger to the United States. Comrade.

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