Breaking: Justice Scalia has died

It is said if one cannot say anything good about the dead one should say nothing at all.

Okay. Scalia is dead and that's good. Now we can be rid of the yoke of that goddam right-wing Court on the Nation's neck!

Good news!
Party at the White House!

Does anyone know how he was murdered?
Their not dead, dumbass...but I can dream

Ah, so dreaming for someone's death is acceptable but cheering it once it happens, that's taboo?

Need a tissue?

obama can choose next .......?
is it true?

He nominates and then Congress has to confirm the person he nominated.

obama can choose liberal or not ?
based on your experience?

Obama will choose either a fascist or a socialist.

Comrade Sanders brought the "liberals" out of the closet.


While I have disagreed with Scalia more often than any other SCOTUS Justice, I nevertheless thought he was a brilliant legal mind, and an engaging and acerbic writer in his opinions.

No liberals should cheer for his death - his arguments and opposition were worthy opponents in the political arena, and served to strengthen my own opinions with legitimate challenges to overcome.

Rest in Peace.

i don't cheer for anyone's death. but when i was in law school people laughed at the idea of "originalism" because it didn't comport with anything from marbury v madison on down.

he should rest in peace. i'm grateful he'll never get to issue another decision. as i said, i'd have preferred he retired and lived a long life hunting
Well....the longest period from nomination to confirmation in the last 50 years is 107 days.....

From March 1st to December 31st 2016 is 305 days.

Think the Republicans can hold out that long? hahaha

Well you dems loved that nuke option, how does it look now?
While I have disagreed with Scalia more often than any other SCOTUS Justice, I nevertheless thought he was a brilliant legal mind, and an engaging and acerbic writer in his opinions.

No liberals should cheer for his death - his arguments and opposition were worthy opponents in the political arena, and served to strengthen my own opinions with legitimate challenges to overcome.

Rest in Peace.

"Mere factual innocence is no reason not to carry out a death sentence properly reached" -Scalia

Yeah....screw that. Him being dead will do this country a lot of good. I'm happy with that.
Well....the longest period from nomination to confirmation in the last 50 years is 107 days.....

From March 1st to December 31st 2016 is 305 days.

Think the Republicans can hold out that long? hahaha

Well you dems loved that nuke option, how does it look now?

With one less rightwing nut on the Court, the GOP Senate is welcome to hold out as long as they want.
Left loons cheer death...easy to see their priorities, eh? The man isn't even cold yet
Oh don't pretend the right loons wouldn't be saying the same if it had been one of the liberal judges :lol:

I don't have issues with justices, as long as the bench is somewhat evenly split it's all good. Although after Robert's sellout I might have a white wine and reflect ;)

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