Breaking: Justice Scalia has died

Ouch. Now Obama will appoint someone to replace Angry-Von-right-wing with a moderate, or 'gulp', 'librel'.

Conservative suicide watch has gone on high alert.

And yes, I am sorry to hear he died, I don't wish death on him. 79 is a pretty good long life.
You do realize that Newton was very right wing by today's standards,right?
While I have disagreed with Scalia more often than any other SCOTUS Justice, I nevertheless thought he was a brilliant legal mind, and an engaging and acerbic writer in his opinions.

No liberals should cheer for his death - his arguments and opposition were worthy opponents in the political arena, and served to strengthen my own opinions with legitimate challenges to overcome.

Rest in Peace.

"Mere factual innocence is no reason not to carry out a death sentence properly reached" -Scalia

Yeah....screw that. Him being dead will do this country a lot of good. I'm happy with that.

His death won't do any "good".

you don't think he's perverted our body of law?
Fuck! Now Obama gets to appoint another one! Fuck!
we can drag out the confirmation...then vote it down.

do tell what other presidents have been denied a justice a year before he will no longer be president?

we'll wait. although we do know you wingers couldn't care less what gets appointed.

just keep going for that G-d guns and gays, baby!
the bottom line jillian is these repub scum will stop at nothing in their attempts to tear america down

that's true of a lot of them....not all.

why sink to their level?
Cruz is already on it...keep Obabble out of the's for the next president. Obabble deserves no consideration..he has been an utter failure as president.
I am sad to see him go. He is easily one of my favorites.

This is going to make this election brutal. Hopefully the Republicans in the Senate will have the political will to block Obama appointments we have a new president

Ouch. Now Obama will appoint someone to replace Angry-Von-right-wing with a moderate, or 'gulp', 'librel'.

Conservative suicide watch has gone on high alert.

And yes, I am sorry to hear he died, I don't wish death on him. 79 is a pretty good long life.
You do realize that Newton was very right wing by today's standards,right?

Be sure to let the people with cat avatars know that cats really can't type and post to threads.
We Can't let this arrogant Kenyan Uppity Negro be carrying out his Constitutional duties now can we ...............

Sad and scary because of who Obama will choose to replace him.

It's incredible the way he was known for upholding the constitution considering that it should be the main goal of all the justices. We know that some are there to legislate from the bench despite what the constitution says.

I hope a thorough autopsy is done and that they check for every possible cause, including things like succinylcholine. Just saying, because this was unexpected and too convenient at the current time.
BREAK OUT THE BOTTLE bring on the crowd ,,,,Drinks are on me Cheney thomas next A triple header

bad karma little boy

you just give the rightwingnuts an excuse to spew..... not that they really need one. but it's probably bad form to dance on anyone's grave
Dance ?? I'm doing my best to stay alive long enough to piss on gwb's grave
Time for leftists to celebrate, so their America-hating commie dictator in the White House can try to appoint another America-hating commie to the SCOTUS
Maybe he'll appoint a Muslim for the sake of diversity.

Or a transgender

A half negro, Hispanic transgender homosexual Muslim!

It's easy to see there's no prejudice or bias at this forum. SUUUUCK THIS!!!!!!!
Scalia was easily one of the most powerful and influential right-wing individuals in the country, especially in the legal sphere. Consequently, he was responsible for many decisions that adversely affected many of the most vulnerable populations in the U.S. And he took pride in those decisions.

Why should liberals of all people be expected to pay any respect to someone like that?
Just imagine the political fight that is coming.

Politically, a big fight will benefit the Democrats tremendously.
Not really.

yes, really. you underestimate the rage democrats would feel if we're denied our appointment.

we'll come out of the woodwork to vote. the GOP does very badly when turnout is high.

which it will be.
The Democrats only have about 20 years until they don't exist anymore regardless, they are truly finished.

Mindlessly hating white people and Christians is not working for Hillary and the Democrat establishment anymore, so they will have no choice but to embrace all the positions that they have vehemently denied embracing since the McCarthy era.
Scalia was easily one of the most powerful and influential right-wing individuals in the country, especially in the legal sphere. Consequently, he was responsible for many decisions that adversely affected many of the most vulnerable populations in the U.S. And he took pride in those decisions.

Why should liberals of all people be expected to pay any respect to someone like that?
Does that include the ones at PP who were harvested for body parts? GFY, scumbag.

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