Breaking: Justice Scalia has died

Obama will choose either a fascist or a socialist.

Comrade Sanders brought the "liberals" out of the closet.
If it were remotely possible for a Socialist judge to be seated, which it is not, unless you are among the wealthy class you would benefit from such an appointment. It's too bad you don't realize that or understand why.
Fuck! Now Obama gets to appoint another one! Fuck!
we can drag out the confirmation...then vote it down.

do tell what other presidents have been denied a justice a year before he will no longer be president?

we'll wait. although we do know you wingers couldn't care less what gets appointed.

just keep going for that G-d guns and gays, baby!
Well....the longest period from nomination to confirmation in the last 50 years is 107 days.....

From March 1st to December 31st 2016 is 305 days.

Think the Republicans can hold out that long? hahaha

Well you dems loved that nuke option, how does it look now?

With one less rightwing nut on the Court, the GOP Senate is welcome to hold out as long as they want.

yep 4-4 will stop the bullshit they've been passing
Never Forget Scalia Inflicted "Dog Death Afternoon 43" on a hapless Nation that had voted Gore POTUS...thus he is "Unforgiven"

Still whining about Gore losing the election fair and square?

Are you happy that we got an unnecessary war out of it?
Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed(Officially acknowledged) In U.S. War And Occupation Of Iraq 4,801
Cost of War in Iraq & Afghanistan
The last time there was a vacancy during a presidential election year was 1968, when Earl Warren decided to retire and Lyndon Johnson tried to elevate Abe Fortas to fill his seat.

A great political firestorm occurred. It was decided that whoever was elected in November would appoint the successor.

Nixon ended up appointing Warren Burger to replace Earl Warren.
Ah, so dreaming for someone's death is acceptable but cheering it once it happens, that's taboo?

Need a tissue?

obama can choose next .......?
is it true?

He nominates and then Congress has to confirm the person he nominated.

obama can choose liberal or not ?
based on your experience?

Obama will choose either a fascist or a socialist.

Comrade Sanders brought the "liberals" out of the closet.



you're mentally ill

do they give you day passes or do you write while chained to your bed?
Well....the longest period from nomination to confirmation in the last 50 years is 107 days.....

From March 1st to December 31st 2016 is 305 days.

Think the Republicans can hold out that long? hahaha

Well you dems loved that nuke option, how does it look now?

With one less rightwing nut on the Court, the GOP Senate is welcome to hold out as long as they want.

yep 4-4 will stop the bullshit they've been passing

but it won't get rulings on the big cases that are before the court.
While I have disagreed with Scalia more often than any other SCOTUS Justice, I nevertheless thought he was a brilliant legal mind, and an engaging and acerbic writer in his opinions.

No liberals should cheer for his death - his arguments and opposition were worthy opponents in the political arena, and served to strengthen my own opinions with legitimate challenges to overcome.

Rest in Peace.

"Mere factual innocence is no reason not to carry out a death sentence properly reached" -Scalia

Yeah....screw that. Him being dead will do this country a lot of good. I'm happy with that.

His death won't do any "good".
Fuck! Now Obama gets to appoint another one! Fuck!
we can drag out the confirmation...then vote it down.

do tell what other presidents have been denied a justice a year before he will no longer be president?

we'll wait. although we do know you wingers couldn't care less what gets appointed.

just keep going for that G-d guns and gays, baby!
the bottom line jillian is these repub scum will stop at nothing in their attempts to tear america down

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