Breaking: Justice Scalia has died

America needs a "sane" black justice on the court.
Loretta Lynch was recently put through the nomination process and passed with flying colors. If Republicans try to block her nomination it would be for purely partisan reasons and anger both woman and people of color. Denying Lynch could cause Republicans to lose control of the Senate and even be a major influence on the Presidential election.
The country is really fucked if another progressive gets on the court...
More reason to nominate the only electable republican, Trump. Cruz has no chance of expanding the rep vote in november
Fuck! Now Obama gets to appoint another one! Fuck!
we can drag out the confirmation...then vote it down.

do tell what other presidents have been denied a justice a year before he will no longer be president?

we'll wait. although we do know you wingers couldn't care less what gets appointed.

just keep going for that G-d guns and gays, baby!
the bottom line jillian is these repub scum will stop at nothing in their attempts to tear america down

that's true of a lot of them....not all.

why sink to their level?
Why sink to their level ?? you make a good point Jillian but dems have taken the high road imo for a long time now If these slime want to play in the mud it's time we play their game and beat them at it No more Mr nice guy
Time for leftists to celebrate, so their America-hating commie dictator in the White House can try to appoint another America-hating commie to the SCOTUS
Maybe he'll appoint a Muslim for the sake of diversity.

Or a transgender

A half negro, Hispanic transgender homosexual Muslim!

It's easy to see there's no prejudice or bias at this forum. SUUUUCK THIS!!!!!!!
anybody promise you a rose garden??

Ouch. Now Obama will appoint someone to replace Angry-Von-right-wing with a moderate, or 'gulp', 'librel'.

Conservative suicide watch has gone on high alert.

And yes, I am sorry to hear he died, I don't wish death on him. 79 is a pretty good long life.
You do realize that Newton was very right wing by today's standards,right?

Be sure to let the people with cat avatars know that cats really can't type and post to threads.

Really? My cat used to walk across the keyboard while I was typing just to irritate me and often stepped on the "enter" key.

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