Breaking: Justice Scalia has died

Scalia was an "originalist". The liberal judges brought us dead babies, skyrocketing health costs, and men staring at little girls in the ladies room. So much for human reasoning.
This certainly brightened up my otherwise cold, dull day!


The first thing that struck me the moment I read the news was: there will be liberals celebrating his death. Sure enough, this post.

Nyvin, you're a real asshole you know that?

I'm surprised that the first thing that struck you wasn't a feeling of remorse for his death.

l lied. No I'm not surprised.
How lucky is Obama? Now everything he wants to do will be approved by Roberts and the court. bush/rubio, even if elected will nominate another roberts, cruz is unelectable.
Fuck! Now Obama gets to appoint another one! Fuck!
we can drag out the confirmation...then vote it down.

do tell what other presidents have been denied a justice a year before he will no longer be president?

we'll wait. although we do know you wingers couldn't care less what gets appointed.

just keep going for that G-d guns and gays, baby!
the bottom line jillian is these repub scum will stop at nothing in their attempts to tear america down

that's true of a lot of them....not all.

why sink to their level?
Why sink to their level ?? you make a good point Jillian but dems have taken the high road imo for a long time now If these slime want to play in the mud it's time we play their game and beat them at it No more Mr nice guy
Democrats have never taken the high road.

Your party would be destroyed in an instant if the GOP ever coordinated attacks against Democrats using Alinsky tactics and the standard Democrat playbook.
Sad , RIP.

Yeah, the guy was a walking argument as to why we need to set term limits on these guys. Especially his bizarre rantings during the UT Affirmative Action case.

I guess i'm sorry the guy's dead, but frankly, given all the truly awful decisions he was responsible for - Bush v. Gore, Citizen's United, Heller - I for one will be happy to see some sanity return to SCOTUS.
Sad , RIP.

Yeah, the guy was a walking argument as to why we need to set term limits on these guys. Especially his bizarre rantings during the UT Affirmative Action case.

I guess i'm sorry the guy's dead, but frankly, given all the truly awful decisions he was responsible for - Bush v. Gore, Citizen's United, Heller - I for one will be happy to see some sanity return to SCOTUS.
almost got roe vs wade reversed,,,pos
"I never wanted to see anybody die, but there are a few obituary notices I have read with pleasure" -- Clarence Darrow

Sure, Scalia was a nice guy. Despite being opposed on every issue, he and Justice Ginsberg were close friends. If she thought he was a quality person, I'll trust her judgement.

However, his decisions did grievous harm to the nation and the world. I take pleasure in knowing that many millions of people will no longer be harmed by Scalia's decisions. It's not his death that pleases me, it's that he's no longer capable of harming so many people. I'd have been just as happy if he retired.

While the court is shorthanded, some 5-4 decisions will now go 4-4. Ties mean that the lower court ruling is upheld.

So, for example, the SC was planning to soon hear a case on the Clean Power Act concerning regulation of greenhouse gas emissions, and it was anticipated the SC would overturn it 5-4. That won't happen now. With a 4-4 tie, the new law will be upheld.

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