Breaking: Justice Scalia has died

I don't see why you leftists are so upset about Republicans blocking any potential appointments. Why shouldn't we leave it to the next President to decide? Are you that scared of losing?
If this happened in the last year of Bush's term, you would insist he had the right to point the next Supreme Court Justice.
Citizens United is now in real jeopardy. You can bet the Kock brothers are already on the phone to all Republicans "if you keep Obama from appointing anyone new I will promise you unlimited funding".

Republicans cannot postpone an appointment for a year. If they can then this form of government serves no purpose according to the Constitution. It is specifically written to prevent one interested party in taking over and controlling government at the expense of all other parties.

This will turn into a Constititonal crisis if Republicans try to usurp the president's powers 'just 'cuz the want to'.
^ that
I don't see why you leftists are so upset about Republicans blocking any potential appointments. Why shouldn't we leave it to the next President to decide? Are you that scared of losing?
ummm..... the Courts are already over worked as it is hon, in no small part due to conz blocking judicial appts
Citizens United is now in real jeopardy. You can bet the Kock brothers are already on the phone to all Republicans "if you keep Obama from appointing anyone new I will promise you unlimited funding".

Republicans cannot postpone an appointment for a year. If they can then this form of government serves no purpose according to the Constitution. It is specifically written to prevent one interested party in taking over and controlling government at the expense of all other parties.

This will turn into a Constititonal crisis if Republicans try to usurp the president's powers 'just 'cuz they want to'.
Suddenly you care about the Constitution...............with the pen and the phone man.
Time for leftists to celebrate, so their America-hating commie dictator in the White House can try to appoint another America-hating commie to the SCOTUS
Maybe he'll appoint a Muslim for the sake of diversity.

Or a transgender

A half negro, Hispanic transgender homosexual Muslim!

It's easy to see there's no prejudice or bias at this forum. SUUUUCK THIS!!!!!!!

That's the kind of logic that turds like you use to make decisions.
Scalia was easily one of the most powerful and influential right-wing individuals in the country, especially in the legal sphere. Consequently, he was responsible for many decisions that adversely affected many of the most vulnerable populations in the U.S. And he took pride in those decisions.

Why should liberals of all people be expected to pay any respect to someone like that?

Which decisions are those?
Citizens United is now in real jeopardy. You can bet the Kock brothers are already on the phone to all Republicans "if you keep Obama from appointing anyone new I will promise you unlimited funding".

Republicans cannot postpone an appointment for a year. If they can then this form of government serves no purpose according to the Constitution. It is specifically written to prevent one interested party in taking over and controlling government at the expense of all other parties.

This will turn into a Constititonal crisis if Republicans try to usurp the president's powers 'just 'cuz they want to'.

And you are happy about the first amendment being in jeopardy. How messed up is that? Why should politicians be able to tell us we can't run ads against them criticizing them?
I don't see why you leftists are so upset about Republicans blocking any potential appointments. Why shouldn't we leave it to the next President to decide? Are you that scared of losing?

Why elect Presidents for 4 years if you only want them to be able to do their jobs for 3?

Why do you think you should be able to ignore the will of the Senate?
this just in from NBC: Democratic Boob Debbie Wasserman has just called Prez Obama and offered to fill the seat until we have a new judge.

Supreme Court Justice Ramen Noodle Head? Nah....
my question is :
cruz said it for this case( replacement scalia ) or

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