Breaking: Justice Scalia has died

"I never wanted to see anybody die, but there are a few obituary notices I have read with pleasure" -- Clarence Darrow

Sure, Scalia was a nice guy. Despite being opposed on every issue, he and Justice Ginsberg were close friends. If she thought he was a quality person, I'll trust her judgement.

However, his decisions did grievous harm to the nation and the world. I take pleasure in knowing that many millions of people will no longer be harmed by Scalia's decisions. It's not his death that pleases me, it's that he's no longer capable of harming so many people. I'd have been just as happy if he retired.

While the court is shorthanded, some 5-4 decisions will now go 4-4. Ties mean that the lower court ruling is upheld.

So, for example, the SC was planning to soon hear a case on the Clean Power Act concerning regulation of greenhouse gas emissions, and it was anticipated the SC would overturn it 5-4. That won't happen now. With a 4-4 tie, the new law will be upheld.

I know there is a Virginia redistricting court ruling that was appealed to the SC. It looks like the Dem-friendly map is assured now.

This one came totally unexpected. Didn't like his views, but he was respected by the other justices and was a good man

RIP Scalia
Some of the more popular quotes from Scalia about gays:

Scalia asked the attorney fighting the Texas law. "Does that make flagpole sitting a fundamental right?"

Scalia argued that moral objections to homosexuality were sufficient justification for criminalizing gay sex.

Laws banning homosexual sex are like laws banning murder and like laws banning child pornography, incest and bestiality.

Like his "flagpole sitting" comment, this remark goes far beyond the law in expressing Scalia's basic animus towards same-sex couples, implying that what they experience together cannot even properly be considered love.

Here are the 7 worst things Antonin Scalia has said or written about homosexuality

And what about his rulings. That's a different thread.

At least where he's gone, it's not cold.


What an absolute asshole.
Kudos to the FEW liberals who are not dancing on Scalia's grave, Doc, Candy, rightwinger, and a big FUCK YOU to the POSs who are.
Antonin Scalia Fast Facts
Updated March 4, 2015

Antonin Scalia – Justice Antonin Scalia was appointed by President Ronald Reagan in 1986 to fill the seat vacated by Justice William Rehnquist when he was elevated to chief justice. A constitutional originalist -- and a colorful orator -- Scalia is a member of the court's conservative wing. He is currently the court's longest-serving justice.

Antonin Scalia Fast Facts -
WAS and not soon enough
Citizens United is now in real jeopardy. You can bet the Kock brothers are already on the phone to all Republicans "if you keep Obama from appointing anyone new I will promise you unlimited funding".

Republicans cannot postpone an appointment for a year. If they can then this form of government serves no purpose according to the Constitution. It is specifically written to prevent one interested party in taking over and controlling government at the expense of all other parties.

This will turn into a Constititonal crisis if Republicans try to usurp the president's powers 'just 'cuz they want to'.

Who are the Kock brothers? Do they own some chicken company?
I don't see why you leftists are so upset about Republicans blocking any potential appointments. Why shouldn't we leave it to the next President to decide? Are you that scared of losing?

Why should they? The president appoints judges, period. Advise and consent of the Senate, but that means they have to have VALID reasons to block the appointments.

But even if they do, the fact is, you'll have a court with four liberals, one moderate and three knuckle-draggers, so even that's still a win. THat SCOTUS Decision everyone hoped would gut public sector unions? That's done.

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