Breaking: Justice Scalia has died

Citizens United is now in real jeopardy. You can bet the Kock brothers are already on the phone to all Republicans "if you keep Obama from appointing anyone new I will promise you unlimited funding".

Republicans cannot postpone an appointment for a year. If they can then this form of government serves no purpose according to the Constitution. It is specifically written to prevent one interested party in taking over and controlling government at the expense of all other parties.

This will turn into a Constititonal crisis if Republicans try to usurp the president's powers 'just 'cuz they want to'.

Who are the Kock brothers? Do they own some chicken company?
They are harmless...
You can bet every Republican candidate is right now filming ads that will put the fear of Satan into every conservative about 'the end of Christianity' and 'this is the most important election ever..."

You know, the same old shit they scare them with every election. They'll just be alot more ads.
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fatehame salavat
I sense they do not want "some Negro President" selecting a Supreme Court ain't proper......

I SENSE THEY DO NOT WANT A CLOSET SOCIALIST FROM SELECTING A SUPREME COURT NOMINEE......IT AIN'T PROPER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
^ lolibertarian pussy wearing out the Caps key (Trump jargon ;) )
While I have disagreed with Scalia more often than any other SCOTUS Justice, I nevertheless thought he was a brilliant legal mind, and an engaging and acerbic writer in his opinions.

No liberals should cheer for his death - his arguments and opposition were worthy opponents in the political arena, and served to strengthen my own opinions with legitimate challenges to overcome.

Rest in Peace.

"Mere factual innocence is no reason not to carry out a death sentence properly reached" -Scalia

Yeah....screw that. Him being dead will do this country a lot of good. I'm happy with that.

Go to hell asswipe.
The Republican Senate better deny every last Obama nominee.
That won't work, the people won't stand for it

If they reject the first nominee, they will have a hard time rejecting the second

You really think people will have a hard time letting the new president pick the next justice? It seems only fair
I don't see why you leftists are so upset about Republicans blocking any potential appointments. Why shouldn't we leave it to the next President to decide? Are you that scared of losing?

Why elect Presidents for 4 years if you only want them to be able to do their jobs for 3?
Obabble has proven he couldn't do the job for seven...why expect any difference?
Schumer has to threaten the full nuclear option to move McConnell on Supreme Court nomination

Schumer needs to issue this threat now, while it can still credibly be made: If McConnell doesn’t act on a nomination this year and Democrats fail to retake the Senate, then McConnell can simply delay forever. Republicans would certainly prefer a court split between four liberal and four conservative justices to one with a liberal majority.

But McConnell has to fear the possibility of losing his majority leader’s gavel—the Senate playing field doesn’t favor the GOP this year. And if he also fears Schumer will get rid of the filibuster even for Supreme Court nominations, then he’ll be motivated allow Obama to name a replacement for Scalia now. This way, McConnell would have more leverage. If waits, he risks winding up in the minority and having Schumer run roughshod over him. McConnell’s smart enough to know what the better choice is, and that’s acting now.

But to push him into action, Schumer has to prove he's ready to enter the launch codes and press the big red button.


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