Breaking: Justice Scalia has died

Obama's selections where purely political...........Not by their abilities. If they were chosen without taking in their views on politics you would not see the splits in decisions time and time again.

His 2 new appointees should have not ruled in Obamacare when they had ties to the process.

again, you guys threw all standards out the window when you nominated "Uncle Thomas".
Who WON on that issue........................


Why there he is on the lower right.
I didn't watch the have your own problems.........a candidate under FBI investigation and another that proposes 19 Trillion in new taxes over 10 years.
Classified and above Top Secret e mails.
Benghazi rules down with facts ...facts are a liberal scheme

Endorsed by those who actually fought there...........Not by the cover up machine............arms for ISIS........arms for about gun running to Syria ending up in the hands of the enemy........................hmmm
Fictional movies are one thing but Facts
Boo Boo stop using facts ...facts are irrelevant....Republicans
There is nothing fictional about the movie...............the only fiction is that a video caused it.
What are the facts.................................

The Senate is controlled by the GOP.........
The Dems don't have the votes for confirmation.......
The appointment can't be done without the Senate.........

Except there are a lot of otherwise sensible Republican senators who know that there's no precedent for denying a president the right to appoint a justice, nor would they want to be the ones to create it. Also, the problem of a deadlocked SCOTUS for over two years is unacceptable.
The timing could not be worse for the GOP, but the court cannot be left deadlocked for more than a year simply because the GOP is being childish. Doing so would clearly show that the GOP is only too happy to damage the country to get their way. Refusing to govern in a presidential election year, with 24 GOP Senate seats to defend would be a huge mistake. If they do, and they might, they will lose the Senate, lose the White House, and lose the chance to name the next SC Justice.
Except there are a lot of otherwise sensible Republican senators who know that there's no precedent for denying a president the right to appoint a justice, nor would they want to be the ones to create it. Also, the problem of a deadlocked SCOTUS for over two years is unacceptable.
It's been done but the last time it came up Reagan got Kennedy. That looks very bad for the GOP.
Not when they openly violate our laws..............Amnesty for illegals is certainly against the are other EPA laws just overturned by SCOTUS

well, won't see that bullshit happening anymore now that Scalia is taking a dirt nap.
Only if you win the WH...............your candidates are a little Shakey..............Hillary may very well need the Super Delegates to win the game. They are in her pocket...........why even vote.................
Sure, and George Zimmerman is doing time in the big house. The next president is going to nominate and get the next SCJ confirmed. Obama doesn't have a chance of getting a liberal in there. Time is against him and the last mid-term has consequences. Read 'em and whine.

Ain't gonna happen, guy. You work on the assumption guys like John McCain and Lindsey Grahmn aren't going to recognize their hypocrisy when they insisted that Bush should be able to appoint his judges but Obama can't appoint his.

If you weren't a foreigner, you'd understand American politics better.
How much will the Dems bribe them for their vote this time.................
What are the facts.................................

The Senate is controlled by the GOP.........
The Dems don't have the votes for confirmation.......
The appointment can't be done without the Senate.........

Except there are a lot of otherwise sensible Republican senators who know that there's no precedent for denying a president the right to appoint a justice, nor would they want to be the ones to create it. Also, the problem of a deadlocked SCOTUS for over two years is unacceptable.
I beg to differ..............the precedent was Set during Reagan with the Dems...........
Obama's selections where purely political...........Not by their abilities. .
again, you guys threw all standards out the window when you nominated "Uncle Thomas".
Who WON on that issue........................
Why there he is on the lower right.

I realize that you can't follow your own crazy arguments, so let me diagram it for you.

You: "You can't appoint someone without qualifications for political reasons."

Me : "you did EXACTLY that when Bush appointed Thomas"

You: "Yes, we did! We totally won that issue."

Me: Yes, you did. You won the issue that the President can appoint whatever completely totally unqualified hack he wants to the Supreme Court. And now Obama is President.

Incidentally, I don't think that Obama will appoint someone who is completely unqualified and kind of stupid like Thomas is. He'll probably appoint someone who has been confirmed by Republicans a bunch of times for other posts and has received a lot of GOP accolades for fairness.
The timing could not be worse for the GOP, but the court cannot be left deadlocked for more than a year simply because the GOP is being childish. Doing so would clearly show that the GOP is only too happy to damage the country to get their way. Refusing to govern in a presidential election year, with 24 GOP Senate seats to defend would be a huge mistake. If they do, and they might, they will lose the Senate, lose the White House, and lose the chance to name the next SC Justice.
Put the shoe on the other foot....same smell. Obabble can appoint anyone he wants. Senate can vote down appointment at their will.
Obama's selections where purely political...........Not by their abilities. .
again, you guys threw all standards out the window when you nominated "Uncle Thomas".
Who WON on that issue........................
Why there he is on the lower right.

I realize that you can't follow your own crazy arguments, so let me diagram it for you.

You: "You can't appoint someone without qualifications for political reasons."

Me : "you did EXACTLY that when Bush appointed Thomas"

You: "Yes, we did! We totally won that issue."

Me: Yes, you did. You won the issue that the President can appoint whatever completely totally unqualified hack he wants to the Supreme Court. And now Obama is President.

Incidentally, I don't think that Obama will appoint someone who is completely unqualified and kind of stupid like Thomas is. He'll probably appoint someone who has been confirmed by Republicans a bunch of times for other posts and has received a lot of GOP accolades for fairness. don't have the votes...........


Me..........your side did this under Reagan


You don't have the votes.
how's president romney doing?

he he he

Who controls the Senate? he he he he. Dumbasses

Ask us again on a Wednesday in November....Dumbass.

--LOL nice try

Well, it's all that will matter; is it not?

If the Senate can mute public opinion for 11 months and keep the number of functional branches of the Federal Government to 2 (if you count Congress as "functional" which it clearly isn't)...the next President will have to either:

get their selection through the Senate which will either be controlled by the Dems or have a fillibuster that will derail any hawkish conservative that a GOP president will nominate.

get their selection through the Senate which will either be controlled by the Dems or hae a filibuster by the GOP that will derail any flaming liberal that a DEM president nominates....

Unless the Dems get a filibuster proof majority. which probably won't happen (but it did in 2008 as you recall under the same circumstances; an energized Democratic Party set to make history with a Presidential First; a GOP that is confused, confounded, seen as hateful, bitter, divisive, and above all else; bigoted...

More and more Its as if the Gods themselves have gone out of their way to install Secretary Clinton in the Oval.

Something else to consider....

Lets say that Mitch and Grassley and that doofus out of Texas (not Cruz, the other doofus) Cornyn keep refusing to have hearings....for 11 months. HRC and your President will be able to effectively make the case of the GOP being the "party of no" all during the contest.

The Super PACs and the other non-affiliated entities can really go to town on the Congress since Hillary is 2 degrees removed; they won't have to mention her name at all to paint whomever the GOP nominee is as a member of this regrettable band of legislators.

blah blah blah

the last couple of elections has been dominated by the right

all the way down to the dog catcher
Judicial Watch Asks Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan to Directly Address Obamacare Recusal Controversy - Judicial Watch

Emails previously obtained by Judicial Watch suggest that, during Justice Kagan’s tenure as Solicitor General, the Office of the Solicitor General had been more involved in the legal defense of the PPACA than had previously been disclosed. Late last year, another set of records were produced that included an email showing what appeared to be then-Solicitor General Kagan’s excitement and support for the passage of the PPACA.

In the letter, Mr. Fitton notes, “The failure of the Justice department to produce requested records in a timely manner, the dribbling out of requested records over time, the redaction and withholding of other records, and the refusal to respond to requests for records and information from several members of Congress have contributed to the substantial impression that additional details about your tenure as Solicitor General and the enactment and subsequent legal defense of the PPACA are being withheld from the American people. However, [as] the Court ultimately rules on the various legal challenges to the PPACA, it would be extraordinarily unfortunate if the Court’s decision were overshadowed by controversy over your participation in the matter. It would leave a cloud hanging over the Court’s decision and could undermine public confidence in the impartiality and integrity of the Court as an institution.”

You were saying Joe.
The timing could not be worse for the GOP, but the court cannot be left deadlocked for more than a year simply because the GOP is being childish. Doing so would clearly show that the GOP is only too happy to damage the country to get their way. Refusing to govern in a presidential election year, with 24 GOP Senate seats to defend would be a huge mistake. If they do, and they might, they will lose the Senate, lose the White House, and lose the chance to name the next SC Justice.
Put the shoe on the other foot....same smell. Obabble can appoint anyone he wants. Senate can vote down appointment at their will.
Switch the parties and the advice would be the same - do not block the process, people already think the government doesn't work so don't prove it. With only eight on the court, when deadlocked, no work can be done and all the lower court decisions stand. A terrible idea, a partisan childish act that would haunt the GOP and kill their chances for the White House.
Just a reminder the Cloture rules requiring 60 votes to end debate in the Senate still applies for SCOTUS nominees. Yes Harry Reid dropped the nuke for executive appointments but exempted SCOTUS nominees. If 40 GOPers stand strong the nightmare of Obama getting to replace Scalia shall not pass.
in that case you will be needing the same 40 to block Hilary from that same choice, that is if there are still 40 republicans in the Senate after November ...

Hillary can't nominate anyone from prison.

Mexican drug lords find it easy to run operations while in prison. Why can't Hillary do the same thing?
It's against the law for a convicted felon to hold a federal office.

maybe not if obama gets to pick the new SC justice

For the record, it does us no good to speculate as to whether Scalia was murdered. After all, we have a Secretary of State who has openly violated the law with impunity and now is poised to win the Oval Office.
The timing could not be worse for the GOP, but the court cannot be left deadlocked for more than a year simply because the GOP is being childish. Doing so would clearly show that the GOP is only too happy to damage the country to get their way. Refusing to govern in a presidential election year, with 24 GOP Senate seats to defend would be a huge mistake. If they do, and they might, they will lose the Senate, lose the White House, and lose the chance to name the next SC Justice.
Put the shoe on the other foot....same smell. Obabble can appoint anyone he wants. Senate can vote down appointment at their will.
Switch the parties and the advice would be the same - do not block the process, people already think the government doesn't work so don't prove it. With only eight on the court, when deadlocked, no work can be done and all the lower court decisions stand. A terrible idea, a partisan childish act that would haunt the GOP and kill their chances for the White House.

But the federal government does not work. Congress only has a 13% approval rating, the country is divided, debt is the largest in human history, and we are poised to embrace full blown socialism which will further rape the economy and future of our children.

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