Breaking: Justice Scalia has died

Perhaps Obama should nominate Ron Reagan Jr.

Make the Republicans go on record rejecting a Reagan.

The GOP should scream, "No!" before Obama has the chance to open his pie hole.......and then cave like they always do.
the repub traitors been screaming no since Obama was elected .....Hope I'm still alive when they're relegated to the shitbowl of history
Stop being a dupe and stop believing the lies of the Left. The Rs have given BO everything he wants and more...and they will likely continue this trend by approving his SC nominee...who will likely be a socialist anti-American radical.

i tend to agree with you on that
I beg to differ..............the precedent was Set during Reagan with the Dems...........

Well, no, it wasn't. If you are referring to Bork, the fact is, Bork got a hearing. Bork got a vote. And when he got a vote, SIX Republicans voted against him because his views were so extreme as to be out of the mainstream. Reagan learned a lesson, nominated Anthony Kennedy, and got him appointed, in an election year.

So, uh, no, the precedent you cite doesn't really apply.
Obama's selections where purely political...........Not by their abilities. .
again, you guys threw all standards out the window when you nominated "Uncle Thomas".
Who WON on that issue........................
Why there he is on the lower right.

I realize that you can't follow your own crazy arguments, so let me diagram it for you.

You: "You can't appoint someone without qualifications for political reasons."

Me : "you did EXACTLY that when Bush appointed Thomas"

You: "Yes, we did! We totally won that issue."

Me: Yes, you did. You won the issue that the President can appoint whatever completely totally unqualified hack he wants to the Supreme Court. And now Obama is President.

Incidentally, I don't think that Obama will appoint someone who is completely unqualified and kind of stupid like Thomas is. He'll probably appoint someone who has been confirmed by Republicans a bunch of times for other posts and has received a lot of GOP accolades for fairness. don't have the votes...........


Me..........your side did this under Reagan


You don't have the votes.

Me- your concession is duly noted, you don't need to change the subject.
I beg to differ..............the precedent was Set during Reagan with the Dems...........

Well, no, it wasn't. If you are referring to Bork, the fact is, Bork got a hearing. Bork got a vote. And when he got a vote, SIX Republicans voted against him because his views were so extreme as to be out of the mainstream. Reagan learned a lesson, nominated Anthony Kennedy, and got him appointed, in an election year.

So, uh, no, the precedent you cite doesn't really apply.
How about the other stalling tactics...........Judicial committees.............and the Filabusters..........that Reid went Nuclear on a short while back...............did so on appointments and in recess WHEN HE HAD THE VOTES............................

Same tactics can apply again.
Perhaps Obama should nominate Ron Reagan Jr.

Make the Republicans go on record rejecting a Reagan.

The GOP should scream, "No!" before Obama has the chance to open his pie hole.......and then cave like they always do.
the repub traitors been screaming no since Obama was elected .....Hope I'm still alive when they're relegated to the shitbowl of history
Stop being a dupe and stop believing the lies of the Left. The Rs have given BO everything he wants and more...and they will likely continue this trend by approving his SC nominee...who will likely be a socialist anti-American radical.
Everything gipper You know thats bs right?
It is utter nonsense. Here is a partial list of items Mr. Obama has requested from Congress since the GOP took the House back in 2010:

-- The American Jobs Act
-- The Paycheck Fairness Act
-- An increase in the minimum wage to $10.10 an hour
-- An array of gun control measures
-- Universal pre-kindergarten education
-- A week's paid sick leave for all
-- Higher tax rates on the rich
-- A new minimum tax on multinational companies
-- Overhaul and expansion of unemployment benefits

These diverse proposals have one thing in common: they went nowhere because congressional Republicans blocked them all. Of course, with Senate Democrats willing to filibuster, the President with his veto pen and plenty of votes to sustain him, the Republican agenda hasn't gone anywhere either. The House GOP hardliners like to characterize this as "surrender," but a much bet
For the record, it does us no good to speculate as to whether Scalia was murdered. After all, we have a Secretary of State who has openly violated the law with impunity and now is poised to win the Oval Office.
Hillary is very unlikely to win the presidency. I find it difficult to understand why people still think anyone that shit-stained has a chance.
Can you not read polls? No one running is more qualified than she is. It's her time, if she wants it, wake up to it.
You do realize she lost the NH primary by over 22%. She hasn't got a prayer now. Just wait till the FBI is through with her.
Obama's selections where purely political...........Not by their abilities. .
again, you guys threw all standards out the window when you nominated "Uncle Thomas".
Who WON on that issue........................
Why there he is on the lower right.

I realize that you can't follow your own crazy arguments, so let me diagram it for you.

You: "You can't appoint someone without qualifications for political reasons."

Me : "you did EXACTLY that when Bush appointed Thomas"

You: "Yes, we did! We totally won that issue."

Me: Yes, you did. You won the issue that the President can appoint whatever completely totally unqualified hack he wants to the Supreme Court. And now Obama is President.

Incidentally, I don't think that Obama will appoint someone who is completely unqualified and kind of stupid like Thomas is. He'll probably appoint someone who has been confirmed by Republicans a bunch of times for other posts and has received a lot of GOP accolades for fairness. don't have the votes...........


Me..........your side did this under Reagan


You don't have the votes.

Me- your concession is duly noted, you don't need to change the subject.
Your side has used these tactics.........time and time again..................

Perhaps a dose of your own medicine is needed.............
I am not a foreigner and was born in the USA to a USN capitan and have a far better understanding of American politics and simple reality than you Joey. In fact, getting as far from that shit hole you live in would probably be one of the best things you could do for your obvious pathologies.

The nominee to fill Scalia's seat will not be selected by Obama. Get over it. Whining is not going to make a difference

Uh, guy, never happened in all of history, and it won't happen this time. Obama will get his SCOTUS appointment...

Maybe you'd be better off commenting on Czech politics.... you'd sound less stupid.
For the record, it does us no good to speculate as to whether Scalia was murdered. After all, we have a Secretary of State who has openly violated the law with impunity and now is poised to win the Oval Office.
Hillary is very unlikely to win the presidency. I find it difficult to understand why people still think anyone that shit-stained has a chance.
Can you not read polls? No one running is more qualified than she is. It's her time, if she wants it, wake up to it.
You do realize she lost the NH primary by over 22%. She hasn't got a prayer now. Just wait till the FBI is through with her.
You really don't read the polls, do you?

RealClearPolitics - Democratic Primary Polls
You do realize she lost the NH primary by over 22%. She hasn't got a prayer now. Just wait till the FBI is through with her.

Again, lots of people have lost NH and won the presidency. Including Obama, Bush-43 AND Bill Clinton (Or we will be calling him Clinton-42 vs. Clinton-45)

So again, you really don't know what you are talking about.
For the record, it does us no good to speculate as to whether Scalia was murdered. After all, we have a Secretary of State who has openly violated the law with impunity and now is poised to win the Oval Office.
Hillary is very unlikely to win the presidency. I find it difficult to understand why people still think anyone that shit-stained has a chance.

there are a lot of blind followers out there
Jon I have reward money handy if that person turns up

i cut my post off too short

and was just back on my way to edit that post

which i was going to add

there are a lot of blind followers out there

take that eddiew for example
jon We're gonna win win win ""I'm gonna make America great again "" lol
The Super Delegates will ensure Bernie doesn't get the nod........the primaries are nothing more than a show.

On the will of the people when the votes come in..............that is simply a prediction and holds no water. My opinion is different.

What will ensure Bernie doesn't get the nod is he will win very few primaries after NH. And he'll probably be out of money in a month.
Very sad. Scalia seemed like the only one on the court who still cared about America and the Constitution. Now Hussein has a chance to stick another Anti-American Communist Globalist in there. This is a very sad day for America. R.I.P. Antonin Scalia.
Perhaps Obama should nominate Ron Reagan Jr.

Make the Republicans go on record rejecting a Reagan.

The GOP should scream, "No!" before Obama has the chance to open his pie hole.......and then cave like they always do.
the repub traitors been screaming no since Obama was elected .....Hope I'm still alive when they're relegated to the shitbowl of history
Stop being a dupe and stop believing the lies of the Left. The Rs have given BO everything he wants and more...and they will likely continue this trend by approving his SC nominee...who will likely be a socialist anti-American radical.
Are these lies Gipper?..
It is utter nonsense. Here is a partial list of items Mr. Obama has requested from Congress since the GOP took the House back in 2010:

-- The American Jobs Act
-- The Paycheck Fairness Act
-- An increase in the minimum wage to $10.10 an hour
-- An array of gun control measures
-- Universal pre-kindergarten education
-- A week's paid sick leave for all
-- Higher tax rates on the rich
-- A new minimum tax on multinational companies
-- Overhaul and expansion of unemployment benefits

These diverse proposals have one thing in common: they went nowhere because congressional Republicans blocked them all. Of course, with Senate Democrats willing to filibuster, the President with his veto pen and plenty of votes to sustain him, the Republican agenda hasn't gone anywhere either. The House GOP hardliners like to characterize this as "surrender," but a much bet
How about the other stalling tactics...........Judicial committees.............and the Filabusters..........that Reid went Nuclear on a short while back...............did so on appointments and in recess WHEN HE HAD THE VOTES............................

Same tactics can apply again.

And they can get away with that sort of shit when people aren't paying attention... but when they are, Senators are going to get a lot of angry calls about why they are playing the fool.

Here's the real problem Republicans have. 24 of them are up for re-election this year. The last thing any of them want is to be the subject of that clip of 2006 insisting the President has a right to appoint judges and in 2016 insisting he doesn't.

You guys shot your wad on this issue with Reagan and Bush appointing some real knuckle-draggers to the court. You really can't get away with it now.
Very sad. Scalia seemed like the only one on the court who still cared about America and the Constitution. Now Hussein has a chance to stick another Anti-American Communist Globalist in there. This is a very sad day for America. R.I.P. Antonin Scalia.
SAD? The SOB tried to destroy the dem party
For the record, it does us no good to speculate as to whether Scalia was murdered. After all, we have a Secretary of State who has openly violated the law with impunity and now is poised to win the Oval Office.
Hillary is very unlikely to win the presidency. I find it difficult to understand why people still think anyone that shit-stained has a chance.
Can you not read polls? No one running is more qualified than she is. It's her time, if she wants it, wake up to it.
You do realize she lost the NH primary by over 22%. She hasn't got a prayer now. Just wait till the FBI is through with her.
She walked out of NH with more delegates...........Super Delegates..............
Perhaps Obama should nominate Ron Reagan Jr.

Make the Republicans go on record rejecting a Reagan.

The GOP should scream, "No!" before Obama has the chance to open his pie hole.......and then cave like they always do.
the repub traitors been screaming no since Obama was elected .....Hope I'm still alive when they're relegated to the shitbowl of history
Stop being a dupe and stop believing the lies of the Left. The Rs have given BO everything he wants and more...and they will likely continue this trend by approving his SC nominee...who will likely be a socialist anti-American radical.
Everything gipper You know thats bs right?
It is utter nonsense. Here is a partial list of items Mr. Obama has requested from Congress since the GOP took the House back in 2010:

-- The American Jobs Act
-- The Paycheck Fairness Act
-- An increase in the minimum wage to $10.10 an hour
-- An array of gun control measures
-- Universal pre-kindergarten education
-- A week's paid sick leave for all
-- Higher tax rates on the rich
-- A new minimum tax on multinational companies
-- Overhaul and expansion of unemployment benefits

These diverse proposals have one thing in common: they went nowhere because congressional Republicans blocked them all. Of course, with Senate Democrats willing to filibuster, the President with his veto pen and plenty of votes to sustain him, the Republican agenda hasn't gone anywhere either. The House GOP hardliners like to characterize this as "surrender," but a much bet
Perhaps Obama should nominate Ron Reagan Jr.

Make the Republicans go on record rejecting a Reagan.

The GOP should scream, "No!" before Obama has the chance to open his pie hole.......and then cave like they always do.
the repub traitors been screaming no since Obama was elected .....Hope I'm still alive when they're relegated to the shitbowl of history
Stop being a dupe and stop believing the lies of the Left. The Rs have given BO everything he wants and more...and they will likely continue this trend by approving his SC nominee...who will likely be a socialist anti-American radical.
Everything gipper You know thats bs right?
It is utter nonsense. Here is a partial list of items Mr. Obama has requested from Congress since the GOP took the House back in 2010:

-- The American Jobs Act
-- The Paycheck Fairness Act
-- An increase in the minimum wage to $10.10 an hour
-- An array of gun control measures
-- Universal pre-kindergarten education
-- A week's paid sick leave for all
-- Higher tax rates on the rich
-- A new minimum tax on multinational companies
-- Overhaul and expansion of unemployment benefits

These diverse proposals have one thing in common: they went nowhere because congressional Republicans blocked them all. Of course, with Senate Democrats willing to filibuster, the President with his veto pen and plenty of votes to sustain him, the Republican agenda hasn't gone anywhere either. The House GOP hardliners like to characterize this as "surrender," but a much bet
You can cite minor differences, but on the big issues the parties align. We have had one party rule for a long time.

Sadly dupes like you continue to believe the lies of the DNC, elites, and MSM, which are designed to divide us while they enrich and empower themselves.

If only dupes on both sides would wake up and stop this divisiveness and unite against the dividers.
How about the other stalling tactics...........Judicial committees.............and the Filabusters..........that Reid went Nuclear on a short while back...............did so on appointments and in recess WHEN HE HAD THE VOTES............................

Same tactics can apply again.

And they can get away with that sort of shit when people aren't paying attention... but when they are, Senators are going to get a lot of angry calls about why they are playing the fool.

Here's the real problem Republicans have. 24 of them are up for re-election this year. The last thing any of them want is to be the subject of that clip of 2006 insisting the President has a right to appoint judges and in 2016 insisting he doesn't.

You guys shot your wad on this issue with Reagan and Bush appointing some real knuckle-draggers to the court. You really can't get away with it now.
oh but they'll try joe Remember not one of them born who doesn't speak out of both sides of their mouths

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