Breaking: Justice Scalia has died

He and Alito were probably the two most conservative judges on the court.
who choose another superme... ?
just obama?

The president presents a nominee and the U.S Senate votes yay or nay.
most of the time the president get's his way.

Bork???? the woman that Bush nominated????????. NO, the president does not always get his way and obozo will not be allowed to put another raving liberal on the court.
Why not Red? How long have republicans held the advantage for?? A new broom sweeps clean A dem on the SC will ""make America great again""

wonder how many gun loving lefties are out there that would fear another libtard getting on the SC
Note to the GOP, ask yourselves if you are honoring Justice Scalia by disabling the court he served for 30 years because you refuse to do your job of Advise and Consent, the original intent of the Constitution?
Advise is a given...consent is not. Nominate someone who gives a tranny the ability to shit where she wants, gets a hell no!
So far they aren't even offering a vote. Justice Scalia would not be pleased as that wasn't the Original Intent, now was it?
who choose another superme... ?
just obama?

The president presents a nominee and the U.S Senate votes yay or nay.
most of the time the president get's his way.

Bork???? the woman that Bush nominated????????. NO, the president does not always get his way and obozo will not be allowed to put another raving liberal on the court.
Why not Red? How long have republicans held the advantage for?? A new broom sweeps clean A dem on the SC will ""make America great again""

wonder how many gun loving lefties are out there that would fear another libtard getting on the SC
I agree..............that could be used to get votes away from the Dems................Just show people like this.......

All we can do now is stall and make sure an appointment gets held off till after the Election. And also pray we get a Pro-America/Pro Constitution President elected. This country can't afford to have another Big Government Globlalist Supreme Court Justice.
If you do, with 24 Senate seats to defend, you lose...

Had he not been confirmed in an election year, you might have had a chance. Now, none.

roughly at 1/2 the people in country dont support your position --LOL
who choose another superme... ?
just obama?

The president presents a nominee and the U.S Senate votes yay or nay.
most of the time the president get's his way.

Bork???? the woman that Bush nominated????????. NO, the president does not always get his way and obozo will not be allowed to put another raving liberal on the court.
Why not Red? How long have republicans held the advantage for?? A new broom sweeps clean A dem on the SC will ""make America great again""

wonder how many gun loving lefties are out there that would fear another libtard getting on the SC
They see America as merely another State in a 'Global Community.'
How very odd, since that's exactly what it is...

They don't represent the World's interests. They represent Americans and their Constitution. They're not the UN.
Nope, but the rest of the world matters and sometimes their laws are better than ours. Use what works, not just what you yourself invented. Think beyond your own tiny spot on earth.

"Those ______s have cars, but we're Americans, so we'll stick with horses" is no way to approach life.

How the rest of the world views anything is irrelevant. Supreme Court Justices represent America and its Constitution. The Big Government Globalists don't have America's best interests in mind. They don't feel any real allegiance to the country or the Constitution. We definitely don't need more of them serving on our Supreme Court.
All we can do now is stall and make sure an appointment gets held off till after the Election. And also pray we get a Pro-America/Pro Constitution President elected. This country can't afford to have another Big Government Globlalist Supreme Court Justice.
If you do, with 24 Senate seats to defend, you lose...

Had he not been confirmed in an election year, you might have had a chance. Now, none.

roughly at 1/2 the people in country dont support your position --LOL
Roughly half isn't enough to win an election.
The president presents a nominee and the U.S Senate votes yay or nay.
most of the time the president get's his way.

Bork???? the woman that Bush nominated????????. NO, the president does not always get his way and obozo will not be allowed to put another raving liberal on the court.
Why not Red? How long have republicans held the advantage for?? A new broom sweeps clean A dem on the SC will ""make America great again""

wonder how many gun loving lefties are out there that would fear another libtard getting on the SC
I agree..............that could be used to get votes away from the Dems................Just show people like this.......

Fuck! Now Obama gets to appoint another one! Fuck!
we can drag out the confirmation...then vote it down.

Interim Appointment coming up if Senate blocks vote.

There is no such thing as an "interim appointment".

Have a nice day!
I could be wrong ( it happens and I have two ex-wives to prove it ) but I believe there HAVE BEEN Interim Appointments made to the Supreme Court before.

One thing I do know for damn sure.

Republicans DO NOT HAVE A RIGHT TO A PERMANENT SUPREME COURT MAJORITY and other Presidents have made nominations during their last term.

There is NOTHING in the Constitution that says you get to call a " time out " on nominations until you can get one of your guys in the Presidency again.

The Founding Fathers < wanted > the majority of the Supreme Court to change from time to time to reflect the changing political philosophies as time went on.

Otherwise they could have specified only 4 justices or any even number and specified they had to be from the same party --- THEY DIDN'T.

The president presents a nominee and the U.S Senate votes yay or nay.
most of the time the president get's his way.

Bork???? the woman that Bush nominated????????. NO, the president does not always get his way and obozo will not be allowed to put another raving liberal on the court.
Why not Red? How long have republicans held the advantage for?? A new broom sweeps clean A dem on the SC will ""make America great again""

wonder how many gun loving lefties are out there that would fear another libtard getting on the SC

All we can do now is stall and make sure an appointment gets held off till after the Election. And also pray we get a Pro-America/Pro Constitution President elected. This country can't afford to have another Big Government Globlalist Supreme Court Justice.
Yes we've done so well with the idiot thomas and others you really feel the need to go down the same track? That light you see isn't the end of the tunnel ,,,it's a train coming your way
They see America as merely another State in a 'Global Community.'
How very odd, since that's exactly what it is...

They don't represent the World's interests. They represent Americans and their Constitution. They're not the UN.
Nope, but the rest of the world matters and sometimes their laws are better than ours. Use what works, not just what you yourself invented. Think beyond your own tiny spot on earth.

"Those ______s have cars, but we're Americans, so we'll stick with horses" is no way to approach life.

How the rest of the world views anything is irrelevant. Supreme Court Justices represent America and its Constitution. The Big Government Globalists don't have America's best interests in mind. They don't feel any real allegiance to the country or the Constitution. We definitely don't need more of them serving on our Supreme Court.
Some people, not you, can keep more than one thing in their minds at the same time. America is not the only country that matters, even to Americans.
Fuck! Now Obama gets to appoint another one! Fuck!
we can drag out the confirmation...then vote it down.

Interim Appointment coming up if Senate blocks vote.

There is no such thing as an "interim appointment".

Have a nice day!
I could be wrong ( it happens and I have two ex-wives to prove it ) but I believe there HAVE BEEN Interim Appointments made to the Supreme Court before.

One thing I do know for damn sure.

Republicans DO NOT HAVE A RIGHT TO A PERMANENT SUPREME COURT MAJORITY and other Presidents have made nominations during their last term.

There is NOTHING in the Constitution that says you get to call a " time out " on nominations until you can get one of your guys in the Presidency again.

The Founding Fathers < wanted > the majority of the Supreme Court to change from time to time to reflect the changing political philosophies as time went on.

Otherwise they could have specified only 4 justices or any even number and specified they had to be from the same party --- THEY DIDN'T.


You're daft
he was domocrat or republican?

He and Alito were probably the two most conservative judges on the court.
who choose another superme... ?
just obama?

The president presents a nominee and the U.S Senate votes yay or nay.
most of the time the president get's his way.

Bork???? the woman that Bush nominated????????. NO, the president does not always get his way and obozo will not be allowed to put another raving liberal on the court.
Why not Red? How long have republicans held the advantage for?? A new broom sweeps clean A dem on the SC will ""make America great again""

the court has been balanced with Kennedy as the swing vote. another lib will tilt it to the left and the country as a free democratic republic will be over. The GOP controls the senate, its an election year. Obozo will not be allowed to put another lib on the court.
All we can do now is stall and make sure an appointment gets held off till after the Election. And also pray we get a Pro-America/Pro Constitution President elected. This country can't afford to have another Big Government Globlalist Supreme Court Justice.
If you do, with 24 Senate seats to defend, you lose...

Had he not been confirmed in an election year, you might have had a chance. Now, none.

roughly at 1/2 the people in country dont support your position --LOL
Roughly have isn't enough to win an election.

all the way down to the dog catcher across this country has turned to the right

less and less people buy into your bullshit by the day
LMAO @ Warren, Biden, about appointing someone that actually has judicial experience? You left loons need help

Fat Irish Sow, you guys put Clarence "Uncle" Thomas on the Court with NO Judicial experience.

Awww It's middle school Joey and his middle school antics.....gfy old man
And that RW greeting again...they are greeting everyone these days.
ask sassy if thomas has a brother Maybe judicial experience lol runs in the family?
LMAO @ Warren, Biden, about appointing someone that actually has judicial experience? You left loons need help

Fat Irish Sow, you guys put Clarence "Uncle" Thomas on the Court with NO Judicial experience.

Awww It's middle school Joey and his middle school antics.....gfy old man
And that RW greeting again...they are greeting everyone these days.
ask sassy if thomas has a brother Maybe judicial experience lol runs in the family?

Grow up Edward....really.
Fuck! Now Obama gets to appoint another one! Fuck!
we can drag out the confirmation...then vote it down.

Interim Appointment coming up if Senate blocks vote.

There is no such thing as an "interim appointment".

Have a nice day!
I could be wrong ( it happens and I have two ex-wives to prove it ) but I believe there HAVE BEEN Interim Appointments made to the Supreme Court before.

One thing I do know for damn sure.

Republicans DO NOT HAVE A RIGHT TO A PERMANENT SUPREME COURT MAJORITY and other Presidents have made nominations during their last term.

There is NOTHING in the Constitution that says you get to call a " time out " on nominations until you can get one of your guys in the Presidency again.

The Founding Fathers < wanted > the majority of the Supreme Court to change from time to time to reflect the changing political philosophies as time went on.

Otherwise they could have specified only 4 justices or any even number and specified they had to be from the same party --- THEY DIDN'T.


You're daft

you said it brother
Citizens United is now in real jeopardy. You can bet the Kock brothers are already on the phone to all Republicans "if you keep Obama from appointing anyone new I will promise you unlimited funding".

Republicans cannot postpone an appointment for a year. If they can then this form of government serves no purpose according to the Constitution. It is specifically written to prevent one interested party in taking over and controlling government at the expense of all other parties.

This will turn into a Constititonal crisis if Republicans try to usurp the president's powers 'just 'cuz the want to'.
^ that
As we have seen with this Congress and Republicans over the last seven years ---




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