Breaking: Justice Scalia has died

Very sad. Scalia seemed like the only one on the court who still cared about America and the Constitution. Now Hussein has a chance to stick another Anti-American Communist Globalist in there. This is a very sad day for America. R.I.P. Antonin Scalia.
SAD? The SOB tried to destroy the dem party

I hadn't noticed that. To me, he was the last true American on the court. Most of the others are Big Government Globalists who don't hold any real allegiance to America and the Constitution.

They see America as merely another State in a 'Global Community.' If another Big Government Globalist gets in there, the country is over. I do think this is a very bad day for America.
How about the other stalling tactics...........Judicial committees.............and the Filabusters..........that Reid went Nuclear on a short while back...............did so on appointments and in recess WHEN HE HAD THE VOTES............................

Same tactics can apply again.

And they can get away with that sort of shit when people aren't paying attention... but when they are, Senators are going to get a lot of angry calls about why they are playing the fool.

Here's the real problem Republicans have. 24 of them are up for re-election this year. The last thing any of them want is to be the subject of that clip of 2006 insisting the President has a right to appoint judges and in 2016 insisting he doesn't.

You guys shot your wad on this issue with Reagan and Bush appointing some real knuckle-draggers to the court. You really can't get away with it now.
I think you under estimate the people of this country..........your side has and you see the red across the land.................You need a mud fight to win.................we not so much.................

The people have shown their disdain of Obama in the last just haven't noticed...............Stone walling Obama on the selection will actually spur up support for our side.......................You just don't get it.............

We have more to lose in the Senate..........standard election cycle odds...................will you capitalize or not..........Perhaps you may lose Reid's stomping ground to even the score.

The Super Delegates will ensure Bernie doesn't get the nod........the primaries are nothing more than a show.

On the will of the people when the votes come in..............that is simply a prediction and holds no water. My opinion is different.

What will ensure Bernie doesn't get the nod is he will win very few primaries after NH. And he'll probably be out of money in a month.
It's a couple of dancing chickens on the stage and nothing more.......Hillary has been set in stone since day one.................
Scalia was easily one of the most powerful and influential right-wing individuals in the country, especially in the legal sphere. Consequently, he was responsible for many decisions that adversely affected many of the most vulnerable populations in the U.S. And he took pride in those decisions.

Why should liberals of all people be expected to pay any respect to someone like that?
Does that include the ones at PP who were harvested for body parts? GFY, scumbag.
I see that RW greeting is still out there.
McConnell correctly pointed out that the next President should get to pick the SCOTUS judge

I think you meant "incorrectly". Article 2 Section 2 says the President shall nominate, not the "next president shall nominate".

And I noticed during the debate last night that Cruz said the same thing, but when asked at what point in a Cruz presidency would the line be drawn and would Cruz promise not to appoint a Justice after that time.

Cruz didn't answer and dodged.

he was domocrat or republican?

He and Alito were probably the two most conservative judges on the court.
who choose another superme... ?
just obama?

The president presents a nominee and the U.S Senate votes yay or nay.
most of the time the president get's his way.

Bork???? the woman that Bush nominated????????. NO, the president does not always get his way and obozo will not be allowed to put another raving liberal on the court.
Scalia was easily one of the most powerful and influential right-wing individuals in the country, especially in the legal sphere. Consequently, he was responsible for many decisions that adversely affected many of the most vulnerable populations in the U.S. And he took pride in those decisions.

Why should liberals of all people be expected to pay any respect to someone like that?
Does that include the ones at PP who were harvested for body parts? GFY, scumbag.
I see that RW greeting is still out there.
Booby loves the "Good For You" tag line...lmbbffao!
How about the other stalling tactics...........Judicial committees.............and the Filabusters..........that Reid went Nuclear on a short while back...............did so on appointments and in recess WHEN HE HAD THE VOTES............................

Same tactics can apply again.

And they can get away with that sort of shit when people aren't paying attention... but when they are, Senators are going to get a lot of angry calls about why they are playing the fool.

Here's the real problem Republicans have. 24 of them are up for re-election this year. The last thing any of them want is to be the subject of that clip of 2006 insisting the President has a right to appoint judges and in 2016 insisting he doesn't.

You guys shot your wad on this issue with Reagan and Bush appointing some real knuckle-draggers to the court. You really can't get away with it now.
I think you under estimate the people of this country..........your side has and you see the red across the land.................You need a mud fight to win.................we not so much.................

The people have shown their disdain of Obama in the last just haven't noticed...............Stone walling Obama on the selection will actually spur up support for our side.......................You just don't get it.............

We have more to lose in the Senate..........standard election cycle odds...................will you capitalize or not..........Perhaps you may lose Reid's stomping ground to even the score.

Dems need a mud fight to win??? Eagle where you been?? Repubs have been throwing the kitchen sink at Obama and dems for over 7 years now
How about the other stalling tactics...........Judicial committees.............and the Filabusters..........that Reid went Nuclear on a short while back...............did so on appointments and in recess WHEN HE HAD THE VOTES............................

Same tactics can apply again.

And they can get away with that sort of shit when people aren't paying attention... but when they are, Senators are going to get a lot of angry calls about why they are playing the fool.

Here's the real problem Republicans have. 24 of them are up for re-election this year. The last thing any of them want is to be the subject of that clip of 2006 insisting the President has a right to appoint judges and in 2016 insisting he doesn't.

You guys shot your wad on this issue with Reagan and Bush appointing some real knuckle-draggers to the court. You really can't get away with it now.
I think you under estimate the people of this country..........your side has and you see the red across the land.................You need a mud fight to win.................we not so much.................

The people have shown their disdain of Obama in the last just haven't noticed...............Stone walling Obama on the selection will actually spur up support for our side.......................You just don't get it.............

We have more to lose in the Senate..........standard election cycle odds...................will you capitalize or not..........Perhaps you may lose Reid's stomping ground to even the score.

Dems need a mud fight to win??? Eagle where you been?? Repubs have been throwing the kitchen sink at Obama and dems for over 7 years now
he was domocrat or republican?

He and Alito were probably the two most conservative judges on the court.
who choose another superme... ?
just obama?

The president presents a nominee and the U.S Senate votes yay or nay.
most of the time the president get's his way.

Bork???? the woman that Bush nominated????????. NO, the president does not always get his way and obozo will not be allowed to put another raving liberal on the court.
Why not Red? How long have republicans held the advantage for?? A new broom sweeps clean A dem on the SC will ""make America great again""
They see America as merely another State in a 'Global Community.'
How very odd, since that's exactly what it is...

They don't represent the World's interests. They represent Americans and their Constitution. They're not the UN.
Nope, but the rest of the world matters and sometimes their laws are better than ours. Use what works, not just what you yourself invented. Think beyond your own tiny spot on earth.

"Those ______s have cars, but we're Americans, so we'll stick with horses" is no way to approach life.
All we can do now is stall and make sure an appointment gets held off till after the Election. And also pray we get a Pro-America/Pro Constitution President elected. This country can't afford to have another Big Government Globalist Supreme Court Justice.
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he was domocrat or republican?

He and Alito were probably the two most conservative judges on the court.
who choose another superme... ?
just obama?

The president presents a nominee and the U.S Senate votes yay or nay.
most of the time the president get's his way.

Bork???? the woman that Bush nominated????????. NO, the president does not always get his way and obozo will not be allowed to put another raving liberal on the court.
Why not Red? How long have republicans held the advantage for?? A new broom sweeps clean A dem on the SC will ""make America great again""
How about the other stalling tactics...........Judicial committees.............and the Filabusters..........that Reid went Nuclear on a short while back...............did so on appointments and in recess WHEN HE HAD THE VOTES............................

Same tactics can apply again.

And they can get away with that sort of shit when people aren't paying attention... but when they are, Senators are going to get a lot of angry calls about why they are playing the fool.

Here's the real problem Republicans have. 24 of them are up for re-election this year. The last thing any of them want is to be the subject of that clip of 2006 insisting the President has a right to appoint judges and in 2016 insisting he doesn't.

You guys shot your wad on this issue with Reagan and Bush appointing some real knuckle-draggers to the court. You really can't get away with it now.
I think you under estimate the people of this country..........your side has and you see the red across the land.................You need a mud fight to win.................we not so much.................

The people have shown their disdain of Obama in the last just haven't noticed...............Stone walling Obama on the selection will actually spur up support for our side.......................You just don't get it.............

We have more to lose in the Senate..........standard election cycle odds...................will you capitalize or not..........Perhaps you may lose Reid's stomping ground to even the score.

Dems need a mud fight to win??? Eagle where you been?? Repubs have been throwing the kitchen sink at Obama and dems for over 7 years now

not really

folks like cruz talk tough

but he is part of the Mitch McConnell establishment show
Note to the GOP, ask yourselves if you are honoring Justice Scalia by disabling the court he served for 30 years because you refuse to do your job of Advise and Consent, the original intent of the Constitution?
Advise is a given...consent is not. Nominate someone who gives a tranny the ability to shit where she wants, gets a hell no!
All we can do now is stall and make sure an appointment gets held off till after the Election. And also pray we get a Pro-America/Pro Constitution President elected. This country can't afford to have another Big Government Globlalist Supreme Court Justice.
If you do, with 24 Senate seats to defend, you lose...

Had he not been confirmed in an election year, you might have had a chance. Now, none.

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