Breaking: Justice Scalia has died

Sure, and George Zimmerman is doing time in the big house. The next president is going to nominate and get the next SCJ confirmed. Obama doesn't have a chance of getting a liberal in there. Time is against him and the last mid-term has consequences. Read 'em and whine.

Ain't gonna happen, guy. You work on the assumption guys like John McCain and Lindsey Grahmn aren't going to recognize their hypocrisy when they insisted that Bush should be able to appoint his judges but Obama can't appoint his.

If you weren't a foreigner, you'd understand American politics better.
I am not a foreigner and was born in the USA to a USN capitan and have a far better understanding of American politics and simple reality than you Joey. In fact, getting as far from that shit hole you live in would probably be one of the best things you could do for your obvious pathologies.

The nominee to fill Scalia's seat will not be selected by Obama. Get over it. Whining is not going to make a difference
The timing could not be worse for the GOP, but the court cannot be left deadlocked for more than a year simply because the GOP is being childish. Doing so would clearly show that the GOP is only too happy to damage the country to get their way. Refusing to govern in a presidential election year, with 24 GOP Senate seats to defend would be a huge mistake. If they do, and they might, they will lose the Senate, lose the White House, and lose the chance to name the next SC Justice.
Put the shoe on the other foot....same smell. Obabble can appoint anyone he wants. Senate can vote down appointment at their will.
Switch the parties and the advice would be the same - do not block the process, people already think the government doesn't work so don't prove it. With only eight on the court, when deadlocked, no work can be done and all the lower court decisions stand. A terrible idea, a partisan childish act that would haunt the GOP and kill their chances for the White House.

Translation: Wah let us have our way!!!!!"

Government doesn't work anyway you fool, it's broken
For the record, it does us no good to speculate as to whether Scalia was murdered. After all, we have a Secretary of State who has openly violated the law with impunity and now is poised to win the Oval Office.
She not only shouldn't be in the Oval Office, but should not even be able to get a Security Clearance anymore.
For the record, it does us no good to speculate as to whether Scalia was murdered. After all, we have a Secretary of State who has openly violated the law with impunity and now is poised to win the Oval Office.
Hillary is very unlikely to win the presidency. I find it difficult to understand why people still think anyone that shit-stained has a chance.
Sure, and George Zimmerman is doing time in the big house. The next president is going to nominate and get the next SCJ confirmed. Obama doesn't have a chance of getting a liberal in there. Time is against him and the last mid-term has consequences. Read 'em and whine.

Ain't gonna happen, guy. You work on the assumption guys like John McCain and Lindsey Grahmn aren't going to recognize their hypocrisy when they insisted that Bush should be able to appoint his judges but Obama can't appoint his.

If you weren't a foreigner, you'd understand American politics better.
I am not a foreigner and was born in the USA to a USN capitan and have a far better understanding of American politics and simple reality than you Joey. In fact, getting as far from that shit hole you live in would probably be one of the best things you could do for your obvious pathologies.

The nominee to fill Scalia's seat will not be selected by Obama. Get over it. Whining is not going to make a difference

obama will select one or several to fill his seat

the nominee that will fill his seat might not be chosen by obama
The timing could not be worse for the GOP, but the court cannot be left deadlocked for more than a year simply because the GOP is being childish. Doing so would clearly show that the GOP is only too happy to damage the country to get their way. Refusing to govern in a presidential election year, with 24 GOP Senate seats to defend would be a huge mistake. If they do, and they might, they will lose the Senate, lose the White House, and lose the chance to name the next SC Justice.
Put the shoe on the other foot....same smell. Obabble can appoint anyone he wants. Senate can vote down appointment at their will.
Switch the parties and the advice would be the same - do not block the process, people already think the government doesn't work so don't prove it. With only eight on the court, when deadlocked, no work can be done and all the lower court decisions stand. A terrible idea, a partisan childish act that would haunt the GOP and kill their chances for the White House.

Translation: Wah let us have our way!!!!!"

Government doesn't work anyway you fool, it's broken
The Wah is the GOP. Obama still holds the White House, for nearly a year. He can do what Reagan did, get what the Senate granted Reagan, a new SC Justice.

That sucks for the GOP but that's life in the big city.
EOs have always been constitutional. At least they are when a Republican is president
Not when they openly violate our laws..............Amnesty for illegals is certainly against the are other EPA laws just overturned by SCOTUS
That's why we have courts

Just because something is not conservative, does not make it unconstitutional
Obama's selections where purely political...........Not by their abilities. If they were chosen without taking in their views on politics you would not see the splits in decisions time and time again.

His 2 new appointees should have not ruled in Obamacare when they had ties to the process.
Get real

All selections are political......Thomas's wife gets paid to fight Obamacare
And that was what the Founders Envisioned.............and exactly why the President needs confirmation by the Senate....................Checks and Balances............No free ride................and they will use this check to block any nomination before next year.
They can vote yes or no

That is their job. Stalling a nomination indefinitely is not constitutional. Neither is leaving an eight judge court for 16 months
For the record, it does us no good to speculate as to whether Scalia was murdered. After all, we have a Secretary of State who has openly violated the law with impunity and now is poised to win the Oval Office.
Hillary is very unlikely to win the presidency. I find it difficult to understand why people still think anyone that shit-stained has a chance.
The Dems understand the MOB rule..............They control population centers and start out the gate with an advantage because of the same...........Do not under estimate their tactics..............they have used them before.
For the record, it does us no good to speculate as to whether Scalia was murdered. After all, we have a Secretary of State who has openly violated the law with impunity and now is poised to win the Oval Office.
Hillary is very unlikely to win the presidency. I find it difficult to understand why people still think anyone that shit-stained has a chance.
Can you not read polls? No one running is more qualified than she is. It's her time, if she wants it, wake up to it.
Not when they openly violate our laws..............Amnesty for illegals is certainly against the are other EPA laws just overturned by SCOTUS
That's why we have courts

Just because something is not conservative, does not make it unconstitutional
Obama's selections where purely political...........Not by their abilities. If they were chosen without taking in their views on politics you would not see the splits in decisions time and time again.

His 2 new appointees should have not ruled in Obamacare when they had ties to the process.
Get real

All selections are political......Thomas's wife gets paid to fight Obamacare
And that was what the Founders Envisioned.............and exactly why the President needs confirmation by the Senate....................Checks and Balances............No free ride................and they will use this check to block any nomination before next year.
They can vote yes or no

That is their job. Stalling a nomination indefinitely is not constitutional. Neither is leaving an eight judge court for 16 months
Perhaps you can take that up with the Supreme Court with only 8 Justices sitting.........Perhaps.........and that process can be drawn out for a couple of years.
For the record, it does us no good to speculate as to whether Scalia was murdered. After all, we have a Secretary of State who has openly violated the law with impunity and now is poised to win the Oval Office.
Hillary is very unlikely to win the presidency. I find it difficult to understand why people still think anyone that shit-stained has a chance.

there are a lot of blind followers out there
Perhaps Obama should nominate Ron Reagan Jr.

Make the Republicans go on record rejecting a Reagan.

The GOP should scream, "No!" before Obama has the chance to open his pie hole.......and then cave like they always do.
the repub traitors been screaming no since Obama was elected .....Hope I'm still alive when they're relegated to the shitbowl of history
Only if you win the WH...............your candidates are a little Shakey..............Hillary may very well need the Super Delegates to win the game. They are in her pocket...........why even vote.................

I really don't think Sanders will go the distance, to be honest. But compared to the hot mess the GOP has, where you have TWO candidates the leadership doesn't want - Cruz and Trump. Hillary is in much better shape than you are.
For the record, it does us no good to speculate as to whether Scalia was murdered. After all, we have a Secretary of State who has openly violated the law with impunity and now is poised to win the Oval Office.
Hillary is very unlikely to win the presidency. I find it difficult to understand why people still think anyone that shit-stained has a chance.

there are a lot of blind followers out there
Jon I have reward money handy if that person turns up
Not when they openly violate our laws..............Amnesty for illegals is certainly against the are other EPA laws just overturned by SCOTUS
That's why we have courts

Just because something is not conservative, does not make it unconstitutional
Obama's selections where purely political...........Not by their abilities. If they were chosen without taking in their views on politics you would not see the splits in decisions time and time again.

His 2 new appointees should have not ruled in Obamacare when they had ties to the process.
Get real

All selections are political......Thomas's wife gets paid to fight Obamacare
And that was what the Founders Envisioned.............and exactly why the President needs confirmation by the Senate....................Checks and Balances............No free ride................and they will use this check to block any nomination before next year.
They can vote yes or no

That is their job. Stalling a nomination indefinitely is not constitutional. Neither is leaving an eight judge court for 16 months
The Senate can do what it wants. Ask Teddy...the Olympic swimmah....
Perhaps Obama should nominate Ron Reagan Jr.

Make the Republicans go on record rejecting a Reagan.

The GOP should scream, "No!" before Obama has the chance to open his pie hole.......and then cave like they always do.
the repub traitors been screaming no since Obama was elected .....Hope I'm still alive when they're relegated to the shitbowl of history
Stop being a dupe and stop believing the lies of the Left. The Rs have given BO everything he wants and more...and they will likely continue this trend by approving his SC nominee...who will likely be a socialist anti-American radical.
Only if you win the WH...............your candidates are a little Shakey..............Hillary may very well need the Super Delegates to win the game. They are in her pocket...........why even vote.................

I really don't think Sanders will go the distance, to be honest. But compared to the hot mess the GOP has, where you have TWO candidates the leadership doesn't want - Cruz and Trump. Hillary is in much better shape than you are.
The Super Delegates will ensure Bernie doesn't get the nod........the primaries are nothing more than a show.

On the will of the people when the votes come in..............that is simply a prediction and holds no water. My opinion is different.
For the record, it does us no good to speculate as to whether Scalia was murdered. After all, we have a Secretary of State who has openly violated the law with impunity and now is poised to win the Oval Office.
Hillary is very unlikely to win the presidency. I find it difficult to understand why people still think anyone that shit-stained has a chance.

there are a lot of blind followers out there
Jon I have reward money handy if that person turns up

i cut my post off too short

and was just back on my way to edit that post

which i was going to add

there are a lot of blind followers out there

take that eddiew for example
Perhaps Obama should nominate Ron Reagan Jr.

Make the Republicans go on record rejecting a Reagan.

The GOP should scream, "No!" before Obama has the chance to open his pie hole.......and then cave like they always do.
the repub traitors been screaming no since Obama was elected .....Hope I'm still alive when they're relegated to the shitbowl of history
Stop being a dupe and stop believing the lies of the Left. The Rs have given BO everything he wants and more...and they will likely continue this trend by approving his SC nominee...who will likely be a socialist anti-American radical.
They capitulated on the budget............yes indeed they refused to stand on the ceiling.

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