Breaking: Justice Scalia has died

They see America as merely another State in a 'Global Community.'
How very odd, since that's exactly what it is...

They don't represent the World's interests. They represent Americans and their Constitution. They're not the UN.
Nope, but the rest of the world matters and sometimes their laws are better than ours. Use what works, not just what you yourself invented. Think beyond your own tiny spot on earth.

"Those ______s have cars, but we're Americans, so we'll stick with horses" is no way to approach life.

So just chuck the Constitution? Is that what you're proposing, you frikken Nazi?
Republicans claim to LOVE the Constitution.

UNLESS it doesn't call for things to be done THEIR WAY

Then they want to wipe their ass with it

Bush even said " it's just a fuckin' piece of paper " when it got in his way.

Bush was a RINO. Nothing in the Constitution says the Senate has to give Obama his choice of justices.
Not yet but I've seen the interviews...............they say it's spot on..............why the wait from the onset..........those that fought there say they went without does that back up the WH.
You're in for a surprise then ... they neither blame the administration nor blame the administration for the meme about an anti-Muslim video.
I've shown the video's saying different.


So now you're saying the movie is wrong? You were just saying how accurate it is.


DIversion.............nice the video.........tell me about the video..............From the ones that said they didn't do so....................

Huh? What diversion?? YOU introduced the movie, 13 Hours, into this thread. YOU touted it as being extremely accurate.

Now you're running away from it because you learn it didn't blame the Obama administration.


Still dancing I see..........the video I showed proves they pushed the video..........the people who fought there say you are wrong as they went against the orders and went to the embassy anyway.
Why you ask ?? outside of the 2 elections where obama kicked repub ass it was lack of dem participation We won't make that mistake again ,,sass Get ready for another asskickin

You twit, dems got shellacked in the last two...why? Try to be honest with yourself for once. Just posting "repubs suck" isn't anything. Get some substance

Dems didn't get shellacked in the last two elections. Just the last one.

Imbecile... two elections ago, Democrats gained seats in the House, gained seats in the Senate, held onto control of the Senate, and won the presidency.

Seriously, WTF is wrong with you? :cuckoo:

Let's just let her answer the question, which I'll repeat:

Which two elections are you talking about, Sassy?

I've already stated what elections, if you can't keep pace go find a slower paced thread. But I'll help you out, when Ears took office who controlled both the House and who controls them?
They don't represent the World's interests. They represent Americans and their Constitution. They're not the UN.
Nope, but the rest of the world matters and sometimes their laws are better than ours. Use what works, not just what you yourself invented. Think beyond your own tiny spot on earth.

"Those ______s have cars, but we're Americans, so we'll stick with horses" is no way to approach life.

How the rest of the world views anything is irrelevant. Supreme Court Justices represent America and its Constitution. The Big Government Globalists don't have America's best interests in mind. They don't feel any real allegiance to the country or the Constitution. We definitely don't need more of them serving on our Supreme Court.
Some people, not you, can keep more than one thing in their minds at the same time. America is not the only country that matters, even to Americans.

America is the only country that matters to rational Americans.
Nope. Rational people don't care only about themselves, and their nation. They know other people exist, and are equally important. Infants, like you, not so much.

Wrong, they aren't equally important. Are the children of some welfare queen living in a different state as equally as important as your own kids? Only an utter fool would say yes.

You're a moron.
You twit, dems got shellacked in the last two...why? Try to be honest with yourself for once. Just posting "repubs suck" isn't anything. Get some substance

Dems didn't get shellacked in the last two elections. Just the last one.

Imbecile... two elections ago, Democrats gained seats in the House, gained seats in the Senate, held onto control of the Senate, and won the presidency.

Seriously, WTF is wrong with you? :cuckoo:

Let's just let her answer the question, which I'll repeat:

Which two elections are you talking about, Sassy?

I've already stated what elections, if you can't keep pace go find a slower paced thread. But I'll help you out, when Ears took office who controlled both the House and who controls them?
The Dems lost the House in one election cycle.
The Dems lost the Senate in another one.
That s the risk you take

Given the weak field of Republicans and current red/blue electoral votes you have to consider the possibility of a Hillary or even worse for you Bernie Sanders winning

Do you take Obamas moderate or Hillary's liberal judge?
Weak Republican field?! Hell, their not the ones with the convict and the communist.
Did you watch the Republican debate last night?? Those clowns were all but throwing pies in each others' faces. :eusa_doh:
Post 1021 video.

DId you watch it.................
I've already seen it. It dorsn't prove what you think it does.

Don't you know this has already been investigated some 8 times by the GOP? And the conclusion was that the Obama administration initially blamed the anti-Muslim video because our intelligence community was feeding them that information.

It backs the families of the fallen.
It backs the rhetoric that they played the video card.

It disproves your original point that they didn't blame a video...........

They did it in the coffin ceremony...............It's crystal clear.........
Again .... 8 GOP-led investigations later, we learned the administration was being told the video was the catalyst by our intelligence community. I know reality bites you but you're stuck with it.
You twit, dems got shellacked in the last two...why? Try to be honest with yourself for once. Just posting "repubs suck" isn't anything. Get some substance

Dems didn't get shellacked in the last two elections. Just the last one.

Imbecile... two elections ago, Democrats gained seats in the House, gained seats in the Senate, held onto control of the Senate, and won the presidency.

Seriously, WTF is wrong with you? :cuckoo:

Let's just let her answer the question, which I'll repeat:

Which two elections are you talking about, Sassy?

I've already stated what elections, if you can't keep pace go find a slower paced thread. But I'll help you out, when Ears took office who controlled both the House and who controls them?

No, that really doesn't help. Which two elections are you talking about?
They don't represent the World's interests. They represent Americans and their Constitution. They're not the UN.
Nope, but the rest of the world matters and sometimes their laws are better than ours. Use what works, not just what you yourself invented. Think beyond your own tiny spot on earth.

"Those ______s have cars, but we're Americans, so we'll stick with horses" is no way to approach life.

How the rest of the world views anything is irrelevant. Supreme Court Justices represent America and its Constitution. The Big Government Globalists don't have America's best interests in mind. They don't feel any real allegiance to the country or the Constitution. We definitely don't need more of them serving on our Supreme Court.
Some people, not you, can keep more than one thing in their minds at the same time. America is not the only country that matters, even to Americans.

America is the only country that matters to rational Americans.

you wouldn't have a clue what is rational.

you only know you sit in your little basement hating anyone who isn't a white christian male.

I don't necessarily hate them, but that doesn't mean I want to import them into my country. The theory that everyone is entitled to come to America is utter baloney. The theory that every culture is equally deserving of respect is also horseshit.
You are so sure of her winning via the liberal population enclaves...............

Me..........Not so much...............depends on who goes against her................will they take the gloves off and get in the mud...................

We know that is where she thrives and it is part of your normal strategy.........Perhaps you haven't had the right one in the Mud with you yet..................
That s the risk you take

Given the weak field of Republicans and current red/blue electoral votes you have to consider the possibility of a Hillary or even worse for you Bernie Sanders winning

Do you take Obamas moderate or Hillary's liberal judge?
Weak Republican field?! Hell, their not the ones with the convict and the communist.
Did you watch the Republican debate last night?? Those clowns were all but throwing pies in each others' faces. :eusa_doh:
Post 1021 video.

DId you watch it.................
I've already seen it. It doesn't prove what you think it does.

Don't you know this has already been investigated some 8 times by the GOP? And the conclusion was that the Obama administration initially blamed the anti-Muslim video because our intelligence community was feeding them that information.

Same reason bush invaded Iraq. But I'd say that was a much bigger deal.

The question is did they lie because an election was coming? I can't imagine the Republicans doing something like that. Lol
Dems didn't get shellacked in the last two elections. Just the last one.

Imbecile... two elections ago, Democrats gained seats in the House, gained seats in the Senate, held onto control of the Senate, and won the presidency.

Seriously, WTF is wrong with you? :cuckoo:

Let's just let her answer the question, which I'll repeat:

Which two elections are you talking about, Sassy?

I've already stated what elections, if you can't keep pace go find a slower paced thread. But I'll help you out, when Ears took office who controlled both the House and who controls them?

No, that really doesn't help. Which two elections are you talking about?

Stop playing your little game, it's childish.
You're in for a surprise then ... they neither blame the administration nor blame the administration for the meme about an anti-Muslim video.
I've shown the video's saying different.


So now you're saying the movie is wrong? You were just saying how accurate it is.


DIversion.............nice the video.........tell me about the video..............From the ones that said they didn't do so....................

Huh? What diversion?? YOU introduced the movie, 13 Hours, into this thread. YOU touted it as being extremely accurate.

Now you're running away from it because you learn it didn't blame the Obama administration.


Still dancing I see..........the video I showed proves they pushed the video..........the people who fought there say you are wrong as they went against the orders and went to the embassy anyway.

How many times must I repeat this...? The story of the video came from our intelligence community. :eusa_doh:
Weak Republican field?! Hell, their not the ones with the convict and the communist.
Did you watch the Republican debate last night?? Those clowns were all but throwing pies in each others' faces. :eusa_doh:
Post 1021 video.

DId you watch it.................
I've already seen it. It dorsn't prove what you think it does.

Don't you know this has already been investigated some 8 times by the GOP? And the conclusion was that the Obama administration initially blamed the anti-Muslim video because our intelligence community was feeding them that information.

It backs the families of the fallen.
It backs the rhetoric that they played the video card.

It disproves your original point that they didn't blame a video...........

They did it in the coffin ceremony...............It's crystal clear.........
Again .... 8 GOP-led investigations later, we learned the administration was being told the video was the catalyst by our intelligence community. I know reality bites you but you're stuck with it.
Yet Obama and Hillary later stated they didn't really say it was a video.
LBJ. He nominated Abe Fortas and he was never confirmed.
Did you get corrected yet?
I don't have the patience to read another 327 posts past your post #700, but you were WRONG;
LBJ's nomination of Abe Fortas was confirmed by the Senate.
However, Abe was not elevated to Chief justice.

Be careful; your sloppy inaccurate comments may discredit ALL your claims, as happens to witnesses in courts of law.
Ironic coming from a moron like you.
You twit, dems got shellacked in the last two...why? Try to be honest with yourself for once. Just posting "repubs suck" isn't anything. Get some substance

Dems didn't get shellacked in the last two elections. Just the last one.

Imbecile... two elections ago, Democrats gained seats in the House, gained seats in the Senate, held onto control of the Senate, and won the presidency.

Seriously, WTF is wrong with you? :cuckoo:

Let's just let her answer the question, which I'll repeat:

Which two elections are you talking about, Sassy?

I've already stated what elections, if you can't keep pace go find a slower paced thread. But I'll help you out, when Ears took office who controlled both the House and who controls them?
The question is which you will avoid is DID repubs gain or lose seats 2 elections ago
The Republican Senate better deny every last Obama nominee.

Damn straight. Nothing like galvanizing Democrats to not only win the White House but to also take back the Senate. I'm getting my checkbook out for every close Senate race.
Wouldn't surprise me one bit if this stunt costs Republicans the Senate. Many people will be pissed if the Senate shirks its responsibility to advise and consent the president's nominees.
They will be far more pissed if the Senate allows Obama to install another political hack like Kagan and that Beaner, both of which have absolutely no business being on the Court.

Wake up, honey. America is fed up with Obama's partisan leftist bullshit.
The Dems will suddenly be for the Constitutionalist for this selection even though they have gone against it time and time again with their pen and phone. Amnesty for illegals and Sanctuaries.............

Just another election with their standard tactics.

They will be thwarted on getting the nomination. The only question is on what they gain from tactics they will use over it. If the tables were turned they would do the same and have in the past done the exact same thing. Showing that history of their tactics could level the playing field.
EOs have always been constitutional. At least they are when a Republican is president
Not when they openly violate our laws..............Amnesty for illegals is certainly against the are other EPA laws just overturned by SCOTUS
You made SPECIFIC assertions, therefore, if you are honest and informed, you can easily provide SPECIFIC corroboration of your claims.

I challenge you to cite the SPECIFIC EO number from the Disposition Table, the SPECIFIC action taken, which SPECIFICALLY allowed amnesty and cite the SPECIFIC statute(s) that you claim was/were violated.
Supreme Court Will Rule On Obama’s Executive Order On Immigration
No Oops about it. Even your "bottom of the class" citation has it wrong, Eagle! The Oops is yours! YOU MADE SPECIFIC CLAIMS. I have relisted below, in simpler terms for you, items, which when responded to accurately, will bury your assertions. Give it another shot.

I'll bet you won't reply with anything but deflection and perhaps spiced with a little ad hominem. Here's a hint for you though and your GOP neoconservative brethren inside the echo chamber; learn the fucking difference between an Executive Order and an Executive action! The ball is in your court now so you can Man-Up to your claims or weasel out by the usual methods noted above!

1. What is the SPECIFIC EO number from the Disposition Table you claimed existed?
2. What SPECIFIC action was taken under the ALLEGED EO was taken as you claimed?
3. What portion of the ALLEGED EO SPECIFICALLY allowed amnesty as you claimed?
4. What SPECIFIC statutes were violated as you claimed?

Dems didn't get shellacked in the last two elections. Just the last one.

Imbecile... two elections ago, Democrats gained seats in the House, gained seats in the Senate, held onto control of the Senate, and won the presidency.

Seriously, WTF is wrong with you? :cuckoo:

Let's just let her answer the question, which I'll repeat:

Which two elections are you talking about, Sassy?

I've already stated what elections, if you can't keep pace go find a slower paced thread. But I'll help you out, when Ears took office who controlled both the House and who controls them?
The question is which you will avoid is DID repubs gain or lose seats 2 elections ago

Who controls what Eddie? You loon's silly deflection is just that, silly deflection and I have little patience for such nonsense

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