Breaking: Justice Scalia has died

there is to much time, if the republicans "block" the nomination whoever they might chose if they win the election will never have the country's respect as an impartial or even legitimate jurist.

but then the con's stole the 2000 election, started an illegal war and drove the country into a depression so they already have no moral standings to lose anyway ... and now having an opportunity to follow an honest course still never occurs to them.

More Republican Obstructionism --- our way or noway
there is to much time, if the republicans "block" the nomination whoever they might chose if they win the election will never have the country's respect as an impartial or even legitimate jurist.

but then the con's stole the 2000 election, started an illegal war and drove the country into a depression so they already have no moral standings to lose anyway ... and now having an opportunity to follow an honest course still never occurs to them.

morality and republicans will never meet
In addition, some people - me included - do not want Congress to "do their job" if that means approving policy recommendations of Obama. In this sense, Congressional obstructionism is a good thing, and it is something that is a valid check on Art. I power as contemplated by the Framers.

The problem with most of you leftists is that you are woefully uneducated.
Your conclusion is politically biased, and certainly cannot be found within Article I [Legislative Branch], your braggadocio of things Constitutional notwithstanding. The role of the Senate in the conformation of nominees for SCOTUS can only be found in Article II § 2, Cls. 2 [Executive Branch], which clearly states;

"He [President, sic] shall have power...and he shall nominate, and by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, shall appoint ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls, judges of the Supreme Court... ."

The purpose of that Article, Section and Clause was to keep politics, in the form of factionalism and cronyism, out of the process not to inculcate it into the process as an obstruction to or upon presidential power as you imply being a Legislative check as such. Basing an up or down vote by the Senate solely on partisanship or any form of obstructionist conduct by any faction of the Senate was certainly NEVER a part of original intent by the framers of that Contract!
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Hillary Clinton @HillaryClinton

Obama is president until Jan. 20, 2017. It's his job to nominate a justice, the Senate has a responsibility to vote.

11:04 AM - 14 Feb 2016
So now you get to block Congress from doing anything and the court from doing anything

That leaves........Obama as the only game in town
He can do what he wants with executive orders and a 4-4 court can't tell him otherwise
AND with the man the pubs call a swing voter kennedy, it might be 5-3
Even a 4-4 tie could leave Obama's executive orders remaining.

No. That assumes that the lower courts would side with Obama!
That's why I said, "could".

Well, I could win the lottery this week, but I won't if I never buy a ticket!
And the chances of that are ... ?
I had him picked as my first choice too with that confirmation vote to the DC Circuit of 97-0. My second choice would be Jane Kelly in the Eighth Circuit. 49 years old and was confirmed by the Senate about five years ago with a 96-0 vote. Putting another woman on the Court would be more representative of the National demographics, also.

Even a GOP dominated Senate couldn't find a logical flaw given their recent past approvals of both.

It would be difficult for Republicans to justify rejecting a nominee whom they have already given unanimous consent to, but that doesn't mean they won't do it.
I concur. That's why I inserted the qualifier, "logical flaw". That the partisan hacks in the GOP will do exactly what partisan hacks do regardless of stripe is a given, me thinks.
He and Alito were probably the two most conservative judges on the court.
who choose another superme... ?
just obama?

The president presents a nominee and the U.S Senate votes yay or nay.
most of the time the president get's his way.

Bork???? the woman that Bush nominated????????. NO, the president does not always get his way and obozo will not be allowed to put another raving liberal on the court.
Why not Red? How long have republicans held the advantage for?? A new broom sweeps clean A dem on the SC will ""make America great again""
You can't grow a gun in your backyard, dumbass.
AND with the man the pubs call a swing voter kennedy, it might be 5-3
Even a 4-4 tie could leave Obama's executive orders remaining.

No. That assumes that the lower courts would side with Obama!
That's why I said, "could".

Well, I could win the lottery this week, but I won't if I never buy a ticket!
And the chances of that are ... ?

The odds of me winning the lottery next week are about the same as a lower court siding with Obama on a blatantly unconstitutional executive order. He gets smacked by the courts so often I wonder if he is a masochist. After all, he did marry a woman built like she could play linebacker for the Bears.
who choose another superme... ?
just obama?

The president presents a nominee and the U.S Senate votes yay or nay.
most of the time the president get's his way.

Bork???? the woman that Bush nominated????????. NO, the president does not always get his way and obozo will not be allowed to put another raving liberal on the court.
Why not Red? How long have republicans held the advantage for?? A new broom sweeps clean A dem on the SC will ""make America great again""
You can't grow a gun in your backyard, dumbass.

I can build one in my garage with the right tools and equipment.

The "El Presidente" suite where Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was found dead at Cibolo Creek Ranch the day following his passing at the West Texas Resort ranch that stretches over 30,000 acres, February 14 , 2016 in Shafter, Texas.

Photo by Matthew Busch/Getty Images

"The death certificate for Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia will list myocardial infarction, or a heart attack, as the cause of death, Presidio County Judge Cinderela Guevara tells ABC Dallas affiliate WFAA. Scalia’s body was taken to an El Paso funeral home overnight, where it is likely to stay until Monday, when it is expected to be flown to northern Virginia.

Guevara recounted to WFAA how she found out about Scalia’s death through a spotty cell phone connection, which is hardly uncommon in Far West Texas. She pronounced Scalia dead over the phone at 1:52 p.m. on Saturday. “As part of my investigation, one of the things I did ask the sheriff and the U.S. Marshal: 'Were there any signs of foul play?' And they said, ‘absolutely not.’ At that time, I still wanted to be careful, and asked them if [Scalia’s] physician would call me.” The doctor called Guevara on Saturday evening and told him the late justice suffered from several chronic ailments."

Judge: Scalia Died of a Heart Attack

The "El Presidente" suite where Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was found dead at Cibolo Creek Ranch the day following his passing at the West Texas Resort ranch that stretches over 30,000 acres, February 14 , 2016 in Shafter, Texas.

Photo by Matthew Busch/Getty Images

"The death certificate for Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia will list myocardial infarction, or a heart attack, as the cause of death, Presidio County Judge Cinderela Guevara tells ABC Dallas affiliate WFAA. Scalia’s body was taken to an El Paso funeral home overnight, where it is likely to stay until Monday, when it is expected to be flown to northern Virginia.

Guevara recounted to WFAA how she found out about Scalia’s death through a spotty cell phone connection, which is hardly uncommon in Far West Texas. She pronounced Scalia dead over the phone at 1:52 p.m. on Saturday. “As part of my investigation, one of the things I did ask the sheriff and the U.S. Marshal: 'Were there any signs of foul play?' And they said, ‘absolutely not.’ At that time, I still wanted to be careful, and asked them if [Scalia’s] physician would call me.” The doctor called Guevara on Saturday evening and told him the late justice suffered from several chronic ailments."

Judge: Scalia Died of a Heart Attack
Now off my list of places to stay. Still, dying your sleep? Not a bad way to go. R.I.P., Justice Scalia...
Justice Scalia is dead and Clarence Thomas is feeling "none too well"

Be afraid be very afraid............

It's ridiculous that these people should be able to die before losing their job.
I didn't know RBG was good buds with Scalia, or else I would have held her in much lower regard. But that goes to show it's about their club, a club that's a bubble inside the Beltway, and due to such partisanship, certainly NOT about the law or Constitution.

The "El Presidente" suite where Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was found dead at Cibolo Creek Ranch the day following his passing at the West Texas Resort ranch that stretches over 30,000 acres, February 14 , 2016 in Shafter, Texas.

Photo by Matthew Busch/Getty Images

"The death certificate for Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia will list myocardial infarction, or a heart attack, as the cause of death, Presidio County Judge Cinderela Guevara tells ABC Dallas affiliate WFAA. Scalia’s body was taken to an El Paso funeral home overnight, where it is likely to stay until Monday, when it is expected to be flown to northern Virginia.

Guevara recounted to WFAA how she found out about Scalia’s death through a spotty cell phone connection, which is hardly uncommon in Far West Texas. She pronounced Scalia dead over the phone at 1:52 p.m. on Saturday. “As part of my investigation, one of the things I did ask the sheriff and the U.S. Marshal: 'Were there any signs of foul play?' And they said, ‘absolutely not.’ At that time, I still wanted to be careful, and asked them if [Scalia’s] physician would call me.” The doctor called Guevara on Saturday evening and told him the late justice suffered from several chronic ailments."

Judge: Scalia Died of a Heart Attack
How could he? He didn't have one.

The "El Presidente" suite where Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was found dead at Cibolo Creek Ranch the day following his passing at the West Texas Resort ranch that stretches over 30,000 acres, February 14 , 2016 in Shafter, Texas.

Photo by Matthew Busch/Getty Images

"The death certificate for Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia will list myocardial infarction, or a heart attack, as the cause of death, Presidio County Judge Cinderela Guevara tells ABC Dallas affiliate WFAA. Scalia’s body was taken to an El Paso funeral home overnight, where it is likely to stay until Monday, when it is expected to be flown to northern Virginia.

Guevara recounted to WFAA how she found out about Scalia’s death through a spotty cell phone connection, which is hardly uncommon in Far West Texas. She pronounced Scalia dead over the phone at 1:52 p.m. on Saturday. “As part of my investigation, one of the things I did ask the sheriff and the U.S. Marshal: 'Were there any signs of foul play?' And they said, ‘absolutely not.’ At that time, I still wanted to be careful, and asked them if [Scalia’s] physician would call me.” The doctor called Guevara on Saturday evening and told him the late justice suffered from several chronic ailments."

Judge: Scalia Died of a Heart Attack
How long before this is monetized in some way?
if there are only 8 justices and there is a 4/4 tie, then the lower court ruling becomes law. Not having the 9th justice will not stop the country.
Not true.

If there is a 4/4 split the lower court ruling is allowed to stand, however it is only applicable to that case and in that jurisdiction. Tie decisions to not set national precedence.

so let me get this straight ,,,it could be 4-4 all the way to nov ,,say trump wins and dems turn down all his choices ?? and the same for hill if repubs turn down all her choices What then ??

It has nothing to do with Trump or Hillary.

If there are an even number of Justices and they are evenly split, then yes the lower court ruling remains the final ruling for that case. If there is a split in the circuit courts, then the split remains in effect until the SCOTUS accepts a future case on the same issue and supplies a ruling that sets precedent across the numerous appeals courts.


The "El Presidente" suite where Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was found dead at Cibolo Creek Ranch the day following his passing at the West Texas Resort ranch that stretches over 30,000 acres, February 14 , 2016 in Shafter, Texas.

Photo by Matthew Busch/Getty Images

"The death certificate for Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia will list myocardial infarction, or a heart attack, as the cause of death, Presidio County Judge Cinderela Guevara tells ABC Dallas affiliate WFAA. Scalia’s body was taken to an El Paso funeral home overnight, where it is likely to stay until Monday, when it is expected to be flown to northern Virginia.

Guevara recounted to WFAA how she found out about Scalia’s death through a spotty cell phone connection, which is hardly uncommon in Far West Texas. She pronounced Scalia dead over the phone at 1:52 p.m. on Saturday. “As part of my investigation, one of the things I did ask the sheriff and the U.S. Marshal: 'Were there any signs of foul play?' And they said, ‘absolutely not.’ At that time, I still wanted to be careful, and asked them if [Scalia’s] physician would call me.” The doctor called Guevara on Saturday evening and told him the late justice suffered from several chronic ailments."

Judge: Scalia Died of a Heart Attack
How could he? He didn't have one.

Women and minorities should be dancing in the streets right now.

The "El Presidente" suite where Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was found dead at Cibolo Creek Ranch the day following his passing at the West Texas Resort ranch that stretches over 30,000 acres, February 14 , 2016 in Shafter, Texas.

Photo by Matthew Busch/Getty Images

"The death certificate for Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia will list myocardial infarction, or a heart attack, as the cause of death, Presidio County Judge Cinderela Guevara tells ABC Dallas affiliate WFAA. Scalia’s body was taken to an El Paso funeral home overnight, where it is likely to stay until Monday, when it is expected to be flown to northern Virginia.

Guevara recounted to WFAA how she found out about Scalia’s death through a spotty cell phone connection, which is hardly uncommon in Far West Texas. She pronounced Scalia dead over the phone at 1:52 p.m. on Saturday. “As part of my investigation, one of the things I did ask the sheriff and the U.S. Marshal: 'Were there any signs of foul play?' And they said, ‘absolutely not.’ At that time, I still wanted to be careful, and asked them if [Scalia’s] physician would call me.” The doctor called Guevara on Saturday evening and told him the late justice suffered from several chronic ailments."

Judge: Scalia Died of a Heart Attack
How could he? He didn't have one.

Women and minorities should be dancing in the streets right now.
Save it, boys, for later. Few deserve to have people dance on their graves, and he wasn't one of them.
a recess appointment can only be done WHEN THE SENATE HAS DECLARED ITSELF IN RECESS. The GOP controls the senate, they will not declare a recess as long as this remains unsettled.

I was listening to the news today and learned something interesting.

The Senate is currently in recess and is not scheduled to return until February 22nd. So the reality is that Obama could appoint a recess appointment now before the Senate returns to session.

(McConnell saying there will be no nominations accepted could bite him in the ass.)

a recess appointment can only be done WHEN THE SENATE HAS DECLARED ITSELF IN RECESS. The GOP controls the senate, they will not declare a recess as long as this remains unsettled.

I was listening to the news today and learned something interesting.

The Senate is currently in recess and is not scheduled to return until February 22nd. So the reality is that Obama could appoint a recess appointment now before the Senate returns to session.

(McConnell saying there will be no nominations accepted could bite him in the ass.)

Not so fast. I thought so too, but two days ago, as I saw this morning, the Senate had filed this adjournment resolution calling them in every three days -- to strike a gavel, say two words, and walk out, denying him that option.

(As some have stated here, "SCOTUS struck down all recess appointments." incorrectly, as you know -- It had to do with the sham of calling pro-forma sessions - and what actually constituted a recess. Less than three days? Nope. He can't. Up to ten days in recess? Yes.)

Is a recess appointment to the Court an option? (UPDATED)
By Lyle Denniston on Feb 14, 2016 at 12:24 am

UPDATED Sunday 8:48 a.m. The Senate is currently in recess until February 22. The recess began on Friday. Whether this opens an opportunity for a recess appointment depends upon how Senate leaders interpret an adjournment resolution approved last Friday. That will determine whether it will meet for brief activity during the recess, which could close that opportunity.


The Constitution not only assigns to the president the task of making nominations to the Supreme Court, setting off Senate review that may or may not result in approval, but it also gives the Chief Executive the opportunity to fill a vacancy on the Court temporarily, bypassing the Senate initially, if a nominee languishes in the Senate without final action."

However, Fox News says he could do it:

Obama has rare parliamentary window to make recess appointment to succeed Scalia | Fox News
He's just another Supreme Court justice who died, and as I said, watch the Repubtibums play politics with his death.
The way Obama has been going after our guns.....I predicted a few years ago that Scalia would probably be killed in a car accident or die of natural causes during Obama's second term.

I never thought it would actually happen......
thomas is next in line,,,,,and btw no ones taking your guns away ,,,that's republican clap trap or in french bullshit
I remember they said the same exact Bull Shit when it was suggested that Obama would grant amnesty to illegals and give them free benefits, including health care.

And yet he's doing it.

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