Breaking: Justice Scalia has died

There is no way a replacement will be approved by the Senate in Obamas' term.

This should make the elections even more exciting.
I wouldn't be too sure about that. If it becomes clear to republicans, that Clinton is likely to be the next president, they may just be able to negotiate with Obama to get a more acceptable nominee than wait for Clinton to make a nomination. You have a much more liberal court now with Scilia gone and there are some important cases going to be coming up over the next year.
The Republican Senate better deny every last Obama nominee.

Damn straight. Nothing like galvanizing Democrats to not only win the White House but to also take back the Senate. I'm getting my checkbook out for every close Senate race.
Wouldn't surprise me one bit if this stunt costs Republicans the Senate. Many people will be pissed if the Senate shirks its responsibility to advise and consent the president's nominees.

I guess the historic bitch slapping voters put on Democrats hasn't sunk in yet, the people are fed up with the left and rejected them in an historic blow out election.
In an off year, low turn out election. That won't be the case this year. Especially if voters feel like the GOP is intentionally obstructing the process of picking a new SC justice for political reasons.

Look how the electorate made Reid pay for his obstructionism.

Voters want Congress to do their job.
I can't imagine anything uniting Democrats more than the thought of a Donald Trump nominating Supreme Court Justices.
The Republican Senate better deny every last Obama nominee.

Damn straight. Nothing like galvanizing Democrats to not only win the White House but to also take back the Senate. I'm getting my checkbook out for every close Senate race.
Wouldn't surprise me one bit if this stunt costs Republicans the Senate. Many people will be pissed if the Senate shirks its responsibility to advise and consent the president's nominees.

I guess the historic bitch slapping voters put on Democrats hasn't sunk in yet, the people are fed up with the left and rejected them in an historic blow out election.
In an off year, low turn out election. That won't be the case this year. Especially if voters feel like the GOP is intentionally obstructing the process of picking a new SC justice for political reasons.

Look how the electorate made Reid pay for his obstructionism.

Voters want Congress to do their job.
I can't imagine anything uniting Democrats more than the thought of a Donald Trump nominating Supreme Court Justices.
maybe cruz nominating a supreme court justice.
Oh yeah. Obama's got a pen so he can nominate. Still, he doesn't have enough votes in the Senate so he can't confirm.

Too Bad!

That assumes all 54 senators are going to buck tradition and block his nominee. The last time that happened was when John Tyler was President.

Nope. Obama will get his nominee. Liberal Supreme Court, baby. Good bye Heller, Good Bye Citizens United.
You're assuming the nomination gets out of the judicial committee and it's schedule for floor debate and a vote.
Obama will nominate an Hispanic or Black woman, I'm hoping. That will put so much pressure on McConnell, the GOP candidates . . . and Democratic voters to show up in November.
Why choose?

Obama should nominate a woman so that Republicans piss off women voters when they reject her for no valid reason.

Then he should nominate a Latino so that Republicans piss off hispanic voters when they reject him for no valid reason.

Then he should nominate a black so that Republicans piss off black voters when they reject him/her for no valid reason.

Then he should nominate a gay so that Republicans piss off gay voters when they reject him/her for no valid reason.

How many demographics can Obama get Republicans to inspire to vote Democrat in November?

Obama can use Republican obstructionism against them and make this election the biggest turnout ever. And of course, big turnouts favor Democrats.
That's why I said, "could".

Well, I could win the lottery this week, but I won't if I never buy a ticket!
And the chances of that are ... ?

The odds of me winning the lottery next week are about the same as a lower court siding with Obama on a blatantly unconstitutional executive order. He gets smacked by the courts so often I wonder if he is a masochist. After all, he did marry a woman built like she could play linebacker for the Bears.
I count two EO's overturned by the Judiciary. Immigration and recess appointments.

Good! You can count to two. Maybe next week we will try for three!
And 4-4 ties can still benefit Obama.
Ignore is a proper term for the nominations from Obama.............

go for it eagle ,,guarantee hills presidency
Take that bet to Vegas then.
don't like flying just keep fn'ing over the people and see how far you republicans will go
Your side has it down to an art form............we are just learning from your own tactics..............Please give us the Dem playbook so we can study more.

indeed they should lesson the risk of the prezbo trying it

wouldnt be the first time the prezbo has tried to call the recess

however there is a Pro Forma Sessions--Agreement in place covering the period in you are ranting about

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