Breaking: Justice Scalia has died

There is no way a replacement will be approved by the Senate in Obamas' term.

This should make the elections even more exciting.
I wouldn't be too sure about that. If it becomes clear to republicans, that Clinton is likely to be the next president, they may just be able to negotiate with Obama to get a more acceptable nominee than wait for Clinton to make a nomination. You have a much more liberal court now with Scilia gone and there are some important cases going to be coming up over the next year.

Republicans are playing a dangerous game

If they hold out for a Scalia type conservative, they may end up with a young liberal who will torment them for decades

Obama will be forced to nominate a moderate. Hillary will be able to trot out Liberal after Liberal until they get confirmed
Our Republic is in severe jeopardy today because of Justice Scalia's death yesterday. And no autopsy makes it worse.
I believe Obama will appoint Scalia's successor, and that McConnell and the Senate will confirm anyone Obama wants, including the odious Eric Holder.

Imagine a 5-4 Supreme Court decision interpreting the 2nd Amendment to ban the mere possession of handguns. It could happen. MILLIONS of us would not comply, of course. Any attempt to force us would lead to mass death.

But this one event, Scalia's death, could be the inflection point of the downfall of the American Republic, and quite possibly the traceable initiation of the 2nd American Civil War.
Well, I could win the lottery this week, but I won't if I never buy a ticket!
And the chances of that are ... ?

The odds of me winning the lottery next week are about the same as a lower court siding with Obama on a blatantly unconstitutional executive order. He gets smacked by the courts so often I wonder if he is a masochist. After all, he did marry a woman built like she could play linebacker for the Bears.
I count two EO's overturned by the Judiciary. Immigration and recess appointments.

Good! You can count to two. Maybe next week we will try for three!
And 4-4 ties can still benefit Obama.
Congress won't do anything
Repblicans need SCOTUS to invalidate Obama executive orders
4-4 ties won't do it

indeed they should lesson the risk of the prezbo trying it

wouldnt be the first time the prezbo has tried to call the recess

however there is a Pro Forma Sessions--Agreement in place covering the period in you are ranting about
Try reading their own goddamn calendar. Stop imposing reality and instead start dealing with it.
There is no reason for Republicans to take the President's inventory over the death of Justice Scalia. For God's Sake; grow up! The man's body isn't even buried yet!
Please let us try to absorb the significance of the man's tenure at SCOTUS. Political affiliation has nothing to do with how must of us feel about him. And Ted: "Please allow his family and the country to mourn." You proclaim to be a "Believer." Please act like one! You too, Mitch!
And the chances of that are ... ?

The odds of me winning the lottery next week are about the same as a lower court siding with Obama on a blatantly unconstitutional executive order. He gets smacked by the courts so often I wonder if he is a masochist. After all, he did marry a woman built like she could play linebacker for the Bears.
I count two EO's overturned by the Judiciary. Immigration and recess appointments.

Good! You can count to two. Maybe next week we will try for three!
And 4-4 ties can still benefit Obama.
Congress won't do anything
Repblicans need SCOTUS to invalidate Obama executive orders
4-4 ties won't do it

The first court to hear the case is NOT the Supreme Court. Their decision will hold.
There is no way a replacement will be approved by the Senate in Obamas' term.

This should make the elections even more exciting.
I wouldn't be too sure about that. If it becomes clear to republicans, that Clinton is likely to be the next president, they may just be able to negotiate with Obama to get a more acceptable nominee than wait for Clinton to make a nomination. You have a much more liberal court now with Scilia gone and there are some important cases going to be coming up over the next year.

Republicans are playing a dangerous game

If they hold out for a Scalia type conservative, they may end up with a young liberal who will torment them for decades

Obama will be forced to nominate a moderate. Hillary will be able to trot out Liberal after Liberal until they get confirmed

hillary will be president of cell block c by that time

LOL this is very telling...Republicans booing the Facts LOL

GOP candidate Ted Cruz was called out by CBS debate moderator John Dickerson for saying, incorrectly, that no Supreme Court justices were confirmed in election years for 80 years.

Dickerson pointed out that Justice Anthony Kennedy, who was nominated by President Ronald Reagan in 1987, was confirmed in 1988, which was an election year.

“But Kennedy was confirmed in ’88,” Dickerson pointed out.

Cruz then paused and said, incorrectly, “No, Kennedy was confirmed in ’87.”

After Dickerson said he wanted to get the facts straight for the audience, the audience began booing.
They lie so easily.

indeed they should lesson the risk of the prezbo trying it

wouldnt be the first time the prezbo has tried to call the recess

however there is a Pro Forma Sessions--Agreement in place covering the period in you are ranting about
Try reading their own goddamn calendar. Stop imposing reality and instead start dealing with it.

dude another poster on here already posted their own wording calling it a pro forma sessions

god you are stupid
There is no way a replacement will be approved by the Senate in Obamas' term.

This should make the elections even more exciting.
I wouldn't be too sure about that. If it becomes clear to republicans, that Clinton is likely to be the next president, they may just be able to negotiate with Obama to get a more acceptable nominee than wait for Clinton to make a nomination. You have a much more liberal court now with Scilia gone and there are some important cases going to be coming up over the next year.

Republicans are playing a dangerous game

If they hold out for a Scalia type conservative, they may end up with a young liberal who will torment them for decades

Obama will be forced to nominate a moderate. Hillary will be able to trot out Liberal after Liberal until they get confirmed

How will they end up with a young liberal if they refuse to confirm them?

You libs never make any sense because you don't put any thought into anything.
(Senate - February 12, 2016)

Text of this article available as:
Formatting necessary for an accurate reading of this text may be shown by tags (e.g., <DELETED> or <BOLD>) or may be missing from this TXT display. For complete and accurate display of this text, see the PDF.

[Page S887]
From the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office []


Mr. McCONNELL. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that when the
Senate completes its business today, it adjourn, to then convene for
pro forma sessions only, with no business being conducted, on the
following dates and times, and that following each pro forma session,
the Senate adjourn until the next pro forma session: Monday, February
15, at 11 a.m.; Thursday, February 18, at 9 a.m.; I further ask that
when the Senate adjourns on Thursday, February 18, it next convene at 3
p.m., Monday, February 22, unless the Senate receives a message from
the House that it has adopted S. Con. Res. 31, and that if the Senate
receives such a message, it stand adjourned until 3 p.m., Monday,
February 22; that following the prayer and pledge, the morning hour be
deemed expired, the Journal of proceedings be approved to date, and the
time for the two leaders be reserved for their use later in the day; I
ask that following the prayer and pledge, Senator Coons be recognized
to deliver Washington's Farewell Address; further, that following the
reading of Washington's Farewell Address, the Senate be in a period of
morning business until 5:30 p.m., with Senators permitted to speak
therein for up to 10 minutes each.
The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tempore. Without objection, it is so

Congressional Record Senate Articles
The odds of me winning the lottery next week are about the same as a lower court siding with Obama on a blatantly unconstitutional executive order. He gets smacked by the courts so often I wonder if he is a masochist. After all, he did marry a woman built like she could play linebacker for the Bears.
I count two EO's overturned by the Judiciary. Immigration and recess appointments.

Good! You can count to two. Maybe next week we will try for three!
And 4-4 ties can still benefit Obama.
Congress won't do anything
Repblicans need SCOTUS to invalidate Obama executive orders
4-4 ties won't do it

The first court to hear the case is NOT the Supreme Court. Their decision will hold.
That's assuming lower courts rule against Obama's executive orders.

indeed they should lesson the risk of the prezbo trying it

wouldnt be the first time the prezbo has tried to call the recess

however there is a Pro Forma Sessions--Agreement in place covering the period in you are ranting about
Try reading their own goddamn calendar. Stop imposing reality and instead start dealing with it.

dude another poster on here already posted their own wording calling it a pro forma sessions

god you are stupid
I don't care what was posted, asswipe, their own calendar says they are recessed.

indeed they should lesson the risk of the prezbo trying it

wouldnt be the first time the prezbo has tried to call the recess

however there is a Pro Forma Sessions--Agreement in place covering the period in you are ranting about
Try reading their own goddamn calendar. Stop imposing reality and instead start dealing with it.

dude another poster on here already posted their own wording calling it a pro forma sessions

god you are stupid
I don't care what was posted, asswipe, their own calendar says they are recessed.

there is no help for you

they have a pro forma agreement they are not considered in recess

i posted a link from the congressional record

indeed they should lesson the risk of the prezbo trying it

wouldnt be the first time the prezbo has tried to call the recess

however there is a Pro Forma Sessions--Agreement in place covering the period in you are ranting about
Try reading their own goddamn calendar. Stop imposing reality and instead start dealing with it.

dude another poster on here already posted their own wording calling it a pro forma sessions

god you are stupid
I don't care what was posted, asswipe, their own calendar says they are recessed.

who cares dumbass

you are making yourself look stupid

they say they are not in recess

so they are not

so fuck you

(Senate - February 12, 2016)

Text of this article available as:
Formatting necessary for an accurate reading of this text may be shown by tags (e.g., <DELETED> or <BOLD>) or may be missing from this TXT display. For complete and accurate display of this text, see the PDF.

[Page S887]
From the Congressional Record Online through the Government Publishing Office []


Mr. McCONNELL. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that when the
Senate completes its business today, it adjourn, to then convene for
pro forma sessions only, with no business being conducted, on the
following dates and times, and that following each pro forma session,
the Senate adjourn until the next pro forma session: Monday, February
15, at 11 a.m.; Thursday, February 18, at 9 a.m.; I further ask that
when the Senate adjourns on Thursday, February 18, it next convene at 3
p.m., Monday, February 22, unless the Senate receives a message from
the House that it has adopted S. Con. Res. 31, and that if the Senate
receives such a message, it stand adjourned until 3 p.m., Monday,
February 22; that following the prayer and pledge, the morning hour be
deemed expired, the Journal of proceedings be approved to date, and the
time for the two leaders be reserved for their use later in the day; I
ask that following the prayer and pledge, Senator Coons be recognized
to deliver Washington's Farewell Address; further, that following the
reading of Washington's Farewell Address, the Senate be in a period of
morning business until 5:30 p.m., with Senators permitted to speak
therein for up to 10 minutes each.
The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tempore. Without objection, it is so


Congressional Record Senate Articles
I count two EO's overturned by the Judiciary. Immigration and recess appointments.

Good! You can count to two. Maybe next week we will try for three!
And 4-4 ties can still benefit Obama.
Congress won't do anything
Repblicans need SCOTUS to invalidate Obama executive orders
4-4 ties won't do it

The first court to hear the case is NOT the Supreme Court. Their decision will hold.
That's assuming lower courts rule against Obama's executive orders.

Anyone with a room temp IQ can see that Obama is an ignoramus when it comes to the Constitution.
There is no way a replacement will be approved by the Senate in Obamas' term.

This should make the elections even more exciting.
I wouldn't be too sure about that. If it becomes clear to republicans, that Clinton is likely to be the next president, they may just be able to negotiate with Obama to get a more acceptable nominee than wait for Clinton to make a nomination. You have a much more liberal court now with Scilia gone and there are some important cases going to be coming up over the next year.

Republicans are playing a dangerous game

If they hold out for a Scalia type conservative, they may end up with a young liberal who will torment them for decades

Obama will be forced to nominate a moderate. Hillary will be able to trot out Liberal after Liberal until they get confirmed

hillary will be president of cell block c by that time

You guys have been threatening that for 25 years

Hard to convict on conspiracy theories
There is no way a replacement will be approved by the Senate in Obamas' term.

This should make the elections even more exciting.
I wouldn't be too sure about that. If it becomes clear to republicans, that Clinton is likely to be the next president, they may just be able to negotiate with Obama to get a more acceptable nominee than wait for Clinton to make a nomination. You have a much more liberal court now with Scilia gone and there are some important cases going to be coming up over the next year.

Republicans are playing a dangerous game

If they hold out for a Scalia type conservative, they may end up with a young liberal who will torment them for decades

Obama will be forced to nominate a moderate. Hillary will be able to trot out Liberal after Liberal until they get confirmed

hillary will be president of cell block c by that time

You guys have been threatening that for 25 years

Hard to convict on conspiracy theories

it is not me threatening it

looks like the fbi is heating the pot up

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