Breaking...Lois Lerner Held In Contempt Of Congress

How do I get one of those Contempt of Congress thingies? I would like one for my mantle.

Easy peasy, lie to them.

There are other ways to get one for your mantle:

Contempt of Congress is the act of obstructing the work of the United States Congress or one of its committees. Historically, the bribery of a senator or representative was considered contempt of Congress. In modern times, contempt of Congress has generally applied to the refusal to comply with a subpoena issued by a Congressional committee or subcommittee—usually seeking to compel either testimony or the production of documents.

It seems some people think this Lerner chick is being held in contempt for lying. But how can you lie when you refuse to testify? Hmmmmm...

Yeah, it's funny to see all of the 'Constitutionalists' who act like they are such big advocates of "The Constitution!" , suddenly want to disregard the Fifth Amendment when it comes to Ms Lerner. What a bunch of partisan HYPOCRITES! :)
The House of Representatives voted Wednesday to hold former IRS official Lois Lerner in contempt of Congress for refusing to testify about the agency’s targeting of conservative groups.
The House voted 231-187 for a resolution holding Lerner in contempt.

Lerner’s case will now be sent to the Justice Department, which then must decide whether to essentially prosecute Lerner in the case.
House GOP leaders have said Lerner’s testimony is important to fully investigate the scandal, in which IRS agents singled out Tea Party nonprofit applications for extra scrutiny.

“Thorough investigations by the Oversight and Government Reform Committee as well as the Ways and Means Committee have revealed findings that indicate that Ms. Lerner played a central role in the illegal targeting of conservative groups by the IRS,” House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, R-Va., said in a memo last month.

Last May, Lerner refused to answer questions at a hearing about IRS agents singling out Tea Party applications. She again refused to answer questions in March, citing her Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination.

The House Oversight Committee voted to hold Lerner in contempt last month. All Republicans voted in favor and all Democrats voted against.
No surprise on the partisan votes...

What do you think that the chances are that she will be prosecuted for exercising her Fifth Amendment rights?

She waived those rights when she made her big I'm innocent but...speech. And she won't be prosecuted for taking the fifth she will be prosecuted for why she had to plead the 5th.
Don't let the low information radical left claim that it's a 5th Amendment issue. When Ms Lerner defended herself against the charges in the first hearing it nullified her attempt to hide behind the 5th Amendment.

A witness can invoke the 5th Amendment any time. There is no time limit, there is no exclusion unless offered immunity in a grand jury.

Guess what?
The House on Wednesday passed a resolution calling on Attorney General Eric Holder to appoint a special counsel for the Internal Revenue Service investigation.
The resolution, passed 250-168, came minutes after the House voted to hold former IRS official Lois Lerner in contempt of Congress. Twenty-six Democrats voted in favor of it!!!!

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.) said that appointing a special counsel was necessary to ensure a fair investigation of the agency's scrutiny of conservative nonprofits applying for tax-exempt status.

"The administration cannot credibly investigate this matter," Goodlatte said. "The American people deserve to know who ordered the targeting, when the targeting was ordered and why."

The House Ways and Means Committee voted last month to refer Lerner to the Justice Department for criminal prosecution. The Justice Department has not moved on the referral, however.

Republicans have taken particular issue that one of the key Justice Department lawyers on the IRS case has given thousands of dollars to Democratic causes.
"If we don't have a conflict of interest here, I don't know where we do," said Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio).

Subversive Democrats said that the vote, like the contempt proceedings, was a political stunt aimed at galvanizing the GOP base ahead of the midterm elections.
"This hallowed institution must not be turned into a campaign arm of either political party. And that's what the House Republicans are exactly doing here," said Rep. Sandy Levin (D-Mich.)

"This is the House of Representatives. Not a political circus," Levin said.

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (Dimwit-Texas) said that House Republicans did not have to resort to a full House vote to request a special counsel.

"Rather than simply writing a letter to the attorney general asking him to appoint a special counsel, which is the time-honored way to do this, the House leadership has resorted to using a resolution that is subject to floor debate and of course C-SPAN coverage, but has no real legal effect," Jackson Lee said, (but she believes that the astronauts planted an American flag on MARS!!!!!)

Read more: House passes resolution calling for IRS special counsel | TheHill
They've voted on many bills...why don't you have your hackles up against Dingy Harry Reid for sitting on them all? Hmm?

Get lost son...some criminal Democrats are being looked at and HARD...and that IS about time. Shove off.:eusa_hand:

Yes of course. How could I forget. They voted to repeal Obamacare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare.

That's right folks 54 bills, maybe a couple more, to repeal Obama have gone to the Senate. Fucking great Rep. Boenher. Your country couldn't function without you. Actually, when can we get rid of you. Rid as in out of office, I could care less what he does in retirement. He can lobby for any mega-corporation he chooses to.

How dare the Repubs side with the majority who still want it repealed.

The majority want to keep it, and the super majority want it made better.
Yes of course. How could I forget. They voted to repeal Obamacare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare.

That's right folks 54 bills, maybe a couple more, to repeal Obama have gone to the Senate. Fucking great Rep. Boenher. Your country couldn't function without you. Actually, when can we get rid of you. Rid as in out of office, I could care less what he does in retirement. He can lobby for any mega-corporation he chooses to.

How dare the Repubs side with the majority who still want it repealed.

The majority want to keep it, and the super majority want it made better.

Having spoken she was not entitled to the protection of the 5th.

Libs are such dummies.


Since the House Committee MAKES the law, and since it has voted that Lerner has violated her 5th amendment right, THEY have the power to hold former IRS official Lois Lerner in contempt of Congress for refusing to testify about the agency's targeting of conservative organizations.
How do I get one of those Contempt of Congress thingies? I would like one for my mantle.

Easy peasy, lie to them.

There are other ways to get one for your mantle:

Contempt of Congress is the act of obstructing the work of the United States Congress or one of its committees. Historically, the bribery of a senator or representative was considered contempt of Congress. In modern times, contempt of Congress has generally applied to the refusal to comply with a subpoena issued by a Congressional committee or subcommittee—usually seeking to compel either testimony or the production of documents.

It seems some people think this Lerner chick is being held in contempt for lying. But how can you lie when you refuse to testify? Hmmmmm...

Her statement "I did not do anything wrong" is a lie.
Don't let the low information radical left claim that it's a 5th Amendment issue. When Ms Lerner defended herself against the charges in the first hearing it nullified her attempt to hide behind the 5th Amendment.

A witness can invoke the 5th Amendment any time. There is no time limit, there is no exclusion unless offered immunity in a grand jury.

Guess what?

She may not make a blanket statement of innocence, and then refuse to defend her assertions. You're simply wrong. As usual.
No surprise on the partisan votes...

What do you think that the chances are that she will be prosecuted for exercising her Fifth Amendment rights?

She waived those rights when she made her big I'm innocent but...speech. And she won't be prosecuted for taking the fifth she will be prosecuted for why she had to plead the 5th.

Are you telling me that when one is being 'interviewed' by the police or any such authority, that they can't claim their innocence and then 'plead the Fifth' ?

"At the White House, Deputy Press Secretary Dan Howard said, "We would prefer that everyone tell what they know." However, he added that every American citizen has the right to take the Fifth Amendment. "That's something the Administration cannot do anything about. We cannot revoke the constitutional rights of our citizens."
North Takes Fifth Amendment in Testimony to Senate Panel : Claimed Protection at Least 40 Times, One Source Says - Los Angeles Times

10 Times the Fifth Amendment Has Been Used Before Congress -

Republican Senator: Invoking The Fifth Amendment Is Evidence of Guilt
Having spoken she was not entitled to the protection of the 5th.

Libs are such dummies.

LOL, please show me the case law that supports your assertion. Are you stating that if you are before Congress or before the authorities and they ask you if you are 'Rabbi' and you say yes, and then they proceed to ask you about a crime that you allegedly committed, that you can't invoke the Fifth Amendment at any time?
As much as I absolutely despise that bitch I can't approve of this move.
We hold baseball players in contempt, presidents and just about anyone else who is deemed a miscreant. Thing is over half of congress fit this description.

Our government already has too much damn power over our lives. Now they're getting in the habit of punishing everyday Americans.

If that bitch did something wrong charge her criminally and stop wasting my god damn tax dollars on stupid shit.

Congress IS NOT the long arm of the law and they need to stop acting like it.

Now before all you conservatives get on the hate grampa train let me state that I think that **** is up to her eyeballs in illegal activities but congress is not the place to deal with it. Charge her, jail her & try her. But stop wasting my fucking money on pointless servings of red meat for my consumption. I already know the fix was in for conservatives so I don't need some stupid fucking politician to put on a fucking parade to get my support.
So when does she get tied to a jail cell bed????

Likely never. This isn't about justice anymore.

The IRS breaks the fucking law and we send some twit to jail for lying to the other fucking twits on capital hill. And in the end NOTHING CHANGES

stupid dog and pony show.
What do you think that the chances are that she will be prosecuted for exercising her Fifth Amendment rights?

She waived those rights when she made her big I'm innocent but...speech. And she won't be prosecuted for taking the fifth she will be prosecuted for why she had to plead the 5th.

Are you telling me that when one is being 'interviewed' by the police or any such authority, that they can't claim their innocence and then 'plead the Fifth' ?

Have you ever heard of this line? "You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law".

She didn't remain silent or stick to asserting the 5th, she chose to speak and opened the doors to more questioning.

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