Breaking...Lois Lerner Held In Contempt Of Congress

it's a good start. Now if they give her 10 years, and the ones she rats on 20 years each, we'll be making some progress.
And I'll be willing to bet it leads to Obama himself.

It should be interesting unless Democrats find a way to boycott it.

If found in contempt of Congress, the likely next step for Lerner refers the U.S. Attorney to convene a grand jury, NBC News reports, to determine whether she should be criminally charged for refusing to testify before House committees.

House GOP expected to vote ex-IRS official in contempt of Congress | MSNBC

After all Obama and his administration have had to date 76 lawless actions:

Republican Sen. Ted Cruz released a definitive list Wednesday of 76 “lawless” Obama administration actions and abuses of power.

Here are eight, for starters:

1. “Obama implemented portions of the DREAM Act by executive action”

2. “Ended some terror asylum restrictions”

3. “Recognized same sex marriage in Utah despite a Supreme Court stay on a court order allowing the institution”

4. “Illegally revealed the existence of sealed indictments in the Benghazi investigation”

5. “Illegally delayed Obamacare verification of eligibility for healthcare subsidies”

6. “Ordered Boeing to fire 1,000 employees in South Carolina and shut down a new factory because it was non-union”

7. “Terminated the pensions of 20,000 non-union Delphi employees in the GM bankruptcy.”

8. “Government agencies are engaging in ‘Operation Choke Point,’ where the government asks banks to ‘choke off’ access to financial services for customers engaging in conduct the Administration does not like—such as ‘ammunition sales.’”

See the full report: Cruz Releases Definitive List of 76 'Lawless' Obama Actions | The Daily Caller
Now who's REALLY "shredding the constitution"?

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Face it folks. Lois Lerner is a criminal. I hope she rats on everyone involved including those responsible in the Whitehouse.
The House voted on something?!? Well, it is about time! What important piece of legislation did they finally get around to voting on? Oh.... :mad:
They've voted on many bills...why don't you have your hackles up against Dingy Harry Reid for sitting on them all? Hmm?

Get lost son...some criminal Democrats are being looked at and HARD...and that IS about time. Shove off.:eusa_hand:

Yes of course. How could I forget. They voted to repeal Obamacare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare and repeal ObamaCare.

That's right folks 54 bills, maybe a couple more, to repeal Obama have gone to the Senate. Fucking great Rep. Boenher. Your country couldn't function without you. Actually, when can we get rid of you. Rid as in out of office, I could care less what he does in retirement. He can lobby for any mega-corporation he chooses to.

How dare the Repubs side with the majority who still want it repealed.
of COURSE it leads to BHO, or at least, to his chief of staff, and SHE'LL snitch on plenty more that DOES directly implicate him. :)
it's a good start. Now if they give her 10 years, and the ones she rats on 20 years each, we'll be making some progress.
And I'll be willing to bet it leads to Obama himself.

It should be interesting unless Democrats find a way to boycott it.

If found in contempt of Congress, the likely next step for Lerner refers the U.S. Attorney to convene a grand jury, NBC News reports, to determine whether she should be criminally charged for refusing to testify before House committees.

House GOP expected to vote ex-IRS official in contempt of Congress | MSNBC

After all Obama and his administration have had to date 76 lawless actions:

Republican Sen. Ted Cruz released a definitive list Wednesday of 76 “lawless” Obama administration actions and abuses of power.

Here are eight, for starters:

1. “Obama implemented portions of the DREAM Act by executive action”

2. “Ended some terror asylum restrictions”

3. “Recognized same sex marriage in Utah despite a Supreme Court stay on a court order allowing the institution”

4. “Illegally revealed the existence of sealed indictments in the Benghazi investigation”

5. “Illegally delayed Obamacare verification of eligibility for healthcare subsidies”

6. “Ordered Boeing to fire 1,000 employees in South Carolina and shut down a new factory because it was non-union”

7. “Terminated the pensions of 20,000 non-union Delphi employees in the GM bankruptcy.”

8. “Government agencies are engaging in ‘Operation Choke Point,’ where the government asks banks to ‘choke off’ access to financial services for customers engaging in conduct the Administration does not like—such as ‘ammunition sales.’”

See the full report: Cruz Releases Definitive List of 76 'Lawless' Obama Actions | The Daily Caller
Obama is the next one to be called into account.
How do I get one of those Contempt of Congress thingies? I would like one for my mantle.

Easy peasy, lie to them.

There are other ways to get one for your mantle:

Contempt of Congress is the act of obstructing the work of the United States Congress or one of its committees. Historically, the bribery of a senator or representative was considered contempt of Congress. In modern times, contempt of Congress has generally applied to the refusal to comply with a subpoena issued by a Congressional committee or subcommittee—usually seeking to compel either testimony or the production of documents.

It seems some people think this Lerner chick is being held in contempt for lying. But how can you lie when you refuse to testify? Hmmmmm...

I guess she pleaded the fifth so she wouldn't have to lie. It will be interesting to see if she is willing to do the perp walk to protect the administration.
Breaking...Lois Lerner Held In Contempt Of Congress

She belongs in jail along with 3/4 of Owe Bama's gang of thieves and liars. Owe Bama should be impeached and deported back to Kenya.
To target tax payers for political purposes when they pay your lucrative salary is criminal

There is no evidence to support this claim, which is why she is not being charged with that crime.

Nice try, though!

She basically told Congressional weenies to fuck off, and they don't like that. Like you, the weenies are going to see a crime even when there isn't one there. She would have been stupid to help them.
You can't tell congress to " fuck off " without consequence!

You don't invoke your 5th amendment privileges after a lengthy proclamation of innocence unless your guilty! The bitch should be 100% transparent - she is sworn to it as a public employee. If you want a government that serves the people, you must hold them to the highest scrutiny!
Face it folks. Lois Lerner is a criminal. I hope she rats on everyone involved including those responsible in the Whitehouse.
She isn't going to say anything her attorney advises her against.

How did we wind up with so much corruption--voting from ineligible voters who are not citizens, massive doubld-digit voting by individuals near universities pushing Alinsky method in their History Departments, organizing university pupils to harass conservative guest speakers through denying them free speech, secrecy everywhere, attacks on conservatives through the IRS, attacks on the nuclear family, attacks on the founders, attacks on Christianity and individual Christians by emboldened atheists, corruption of Hollywood stars to engender hatred against fiscally conservative Americans by any means possible, and the proffering of pseudo science from the Bully Pulpit, who didn't learn a lesson from Gore's papers being banned throughout Europe since it carries over 600 lies in it targeting children in schools in Europe.

How does Obama think he's going to pull this latest treasury-depleting enviro-smarm off? :evil:
How do I get one of those Contempt of Congress thingies? I would like one for my mantle.

Easy peasy, lie to them.

There are other ways to get one for your mantle:

Contempt of Congress is the act of obstructing the work of the United States Congress or one of its committees. Historically, the bribery of a senator or representative was considered contempt of Congress. In modern times, contempt of Congress has generally applied to the refusal to comply with a subpoena issued by a Congressional committee or subcommittee—usually seeking to compel either testimony or the production of documents.

It seems some people think this Lerner chick is being held in contempt for lying. But how can you lie when you refuse to testify? Hmmmmm...

Whoever thinks she's in contempt for lying is wrong. Contempt is the charge for refusing to answer questions. Perjury is lying under oath.
The House of Representatives voted Wednesday to hold former IRS official Lois Lerner in contempt of Congress for refusing to testify about the agency’s targeting of conservative groups.
The House voted 231-187 for a resolution holding Lerner in contempt.

Lerner’s case will now be sent to the Justice Department, which then must decide whether to essentially prosecute Lerner in the case.
House GOP leaders have said Lerner’s testimony is important to fully investigate the scandal, in which IRS agents singled out Tea Party nonprofit applications for extra scrutiny.

“Thorough investigations by the Oversight and Government Reform Committee as well as the Ways and Means Committee have revealed findings that indicate that Ms. Lerner played a central role in the illegal targeting of conservative groups by the IRS,” House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, R-Va., said in a memo last month.

Last May, Lerner refused to answer questions at a hearing about IRS agents singling out Tea Party applications. She again refused to answer questions in March, citing her Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination.

The House Oversight Committee voted to hold Lerner in contempt last month. All Republicans voted in favor and all Democrats voted against.
No surprise on the partisan votes...

What do you think that the chances are that she will be prosecuted for exercising her Fifth Amendment rights?
^Idiot post is Idiotic.

Dude, you are foaming at the mouth and got this kind of wacked out look in your eye. Get a hold of yourself. Obama is not the anti-Christ. Stay off YouTube for a few days.
Dude? YOU don't know my fucking habits. Look in my eye? YOU don't know who I am. Shove off loser.:eusa_hand:

I have read enough of your post to get a pretty good idea. I would give you a full profile but that would be a little harsh. (Those were capital 'I's in case YOU didn't notice.)
The only ‘contempt’ in this case is that of Congressional republicans’ for the Fifth Amendment.

And members of the partisan right in Congress are indeed deserving of contempt.
The only ‘contempt’ in this case is that of Congressional republicans’ for the Fifth Amendment.

And members of the partisan right in Congress are indeed deserving of contempt.

Doesnt look that way, does it?
Lerner is now in contempt of Congress. Of course she can avoid all the hassle and just testify. Which is the point of all this.
What is she hiding, btw?

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