BREAKING...Maddow: we've got Trump's tax returns!

The Donald paid $38, 435.451.00 in Taxes in 2005.

There is NOTHING in the illegally obtained return to discredit DJT. NOTHING

Are you happy now, BITCH.



Yeah, he paid 24% tax rate.

Well that certainly proves the Russians colluded with him to steal the election

So you want your cake and eat it too? If someone showed you records that Trump just started dealing big time with the Russians in 2014 you'd say it was no big deal because Trump didn't have deep enough connections for them to want him as President. Then if you show he has connections with Russians going back several years you say it is no big deal because why didn't they get him to run for President way back then?

You've just got excuses for all occasions right?

Your stupid hunt for something has failed at every turn. Your agenda has failed at every turn, your actions have failed at every turn, your ideas have failed at every turn, yet you think you are superior and intellectual, you mind is failing at every turn, all of you liberals need to be interred at a maximum security mental hospital.
Anyone who gives raunchy madcow any credibility are damn fools.

Anybody who gives Rachel Maddow a copy of Trumps tax return, if they worked for the IRS broke the law, but Maddow has no criminal liability.

Oh yes she does there are laws against her even HAVING the records much less releasing them. Any possession of any criminally obtained item is in fact a crime, All of the attempts and requests to obtain them are in fact criminal conspiracy. It is high time they were treated as such, and the people behind all of it were arrested and convicted of their crimes.
The Donald paid $38, 435.451.00 in Taxes in 2005.

There is NOTHING in the illegally obtained return to discredit DJT. NOTHING

Are you happy now, BITCH.



Yeah, he paid 24% tax rate.

Well that certainly proves the Russians colluded with him to steal the election

So you want your cake and eat it too? If someone showed you records that Trump just started dealing big time with the Russians in 2014 you'd say it was no big deal because Trump didn't have deep enough connections for them to want him as President. Then if you show he has connections with Russians going back several years you say it is no big deal because why didn't they get him to run for President way back then?

You've just got excuses for all occasions right?

Your stupid hunt for something has failed at every turn. Your agenda has failed at every turn, your actions have failed at every turn, your ideas have failed at every turn, yet you think you are superior and intellectual, you mind is failing at every turn, all of you liberals need to be interred at a maximum security mental hospital.

I'm not a liberal...and all I'm doing is repeating right back at him his own statements. All it is excuse after excuse after excuse after excuse after excuse after excuse....
Does Donald Trump pay any income taxes at all? we'll find out!

James Stewart wrote about Trump’s taxes, and compared him with Mitt Romney, who was criticized in 2012 for paying just $4.9 million in federal income tax. “No one should be surprised, though, if Donald J. Trump has paid far less—perhaps even zero federal income tax in some years,” Stewart wrote. “Indeed, that’s the expectation of numerous real estate and tax professionals I’ve interviewed in recent weeks.” These experts explained to Stewart that the federal tax code is so generous to real-estate developers—so stuffed with deductions, credits, and loopholes they can exploit—that it may well have allowed Trump to bring his taxable income down to nothing, or next to nothing. Which might help explain why he is so reluctant to release his tax returns.

We know for sure that Trump does everything he can to avoid sending money to the I.R.S. In May, he told ABC News’s George Stephanopoulos, “I fight very hard to pay as little tax as possible.”

Yeah....this thread is dead....

BREAKING: MSNBC Reveals Trump's 2005 Tax Returns. And It's an EPIC FAIL.

"You know you are desperate for ratings when you are willing to violate the law to push a story about two pages of tax returns from over a decade ago," the statement read. After making sure everyone knows that Trump was "one of the most successful businessmen in the world," the White House revealed that he paid $38 million in taxes "even after taking into account large scale depreciation for construction, on an income of more than $150 million, as well as paying tens of millions of dollars in other taxes, such as sales and excise taxes and employment taxes," adding "and this illegally published tax return proves just that."
Intetesting it's revealed Trump paid 38 million in taxes on an income of 150 million.

So much for that left loon BS Trump paid no taxes.

Fucking retards
Does it matter?

Again your party's Felonies and Seditious acts and violations of privacy are accomplishing nothing.

And a 10 year old tax return? You committed a Felony to get your hands on that?

He paid $38 Million in taxes... And exactly how stupid does that make you look now?

Since Trump was elected The Deep State Obama Clinton Moles have Committed 15 Felonies and accomplished nothing.

Not 1 crime committed by the president or his staff. Nothing...

Is it worth it when they start sending your Seditious Felon Heros to prison?
Eventually they will find them.

And when they start singing some people in high places are going to take some big falls.

America is looking at your party as fanatics and unamerican, I I have to agree with them.

But I'll continue to applaud your theatre of "crash and burn."

The Russians shouldn't scare anyone as much The Democrat Party.

Tax rates for top presidential candidates.

Sanders 13%
Clinton 17 %
Obama 19%
Trump 25%

America is laughing at you Lefty.

And they are more concerned about your felonies and your criminal and unethical behavior than they are Putin.

You guys keep digging a hole that you may never extricate yourself from.

The Public trusts the President more than they trust Madcow. That's got to make you feel good, right?

Makes me laugh.


Percentage is based on tax brackets. Sanders makes by FAR the lowest amount than any other person on that list. Good thing you left that part out eh?
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Trump is still the king...... they can't say he didn't pay taxes..........:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
I wonder what reaction Maddow would have if her taxes are leaked. I wonder what loopholes she exploited and how much she earned as a two bit communist reporter.

Who knows what might be leaked in the coming months....
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Well that certainly proves the Russians colluded with him to steal the election

So you want your cake and eat it too? If someone showed you records that Trump just started dealing big time with the Russians in 2014 you'd say it was no big deal because Trump didn't have deep enough connections for them to want him as President. Then if you show he has connections with Russians going back several years you say it is no big deal because why didn't they get him to run for President way back then?

You've just got excuses for all occasions right?

Till you have some evidence to believe otherwise, why should we accept this conspiracy nonsense?

It doesn't matter if there is 5 railroad cars full of evidence, Trumpbots will never turn on him.

But does it matter to you Socialist Cocksuckers that there is no evidence of anything?

"No" evidence? You are really going to go there? :uhoh3:

Trump can't even get his shit straight on when he's met Putin and talked to him. One interview he says he knows him very well and talked to him, then in a debate he says he's NEVER talked to him...

Poor Trumpbots, it's so sad to watch him lead you around like little puppies ignorant of the world around you.

Hey.....Trump has got some personality disorders, Andrew Jackson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Winston Churchill did too.

Thing is, a majority in a majority of States didn't think his Issues were as bad as those of the Craven Pathological Liar, Coat-Tail-Riding, Incompetent, Gross Bitch he ran against.

We wanted him to Piss off Socialist Cocksuckers and he is doing a hellava job. Did you see that E/O going after the Bloated Federal Bureaucracy. He is going to get the Federal Government Employees off their Porn Sites and into a Real Job.

Love the Donald!

Someone in the IRS must have leaked them specifically to her. Probably a fan of hers that wants to see her get the credit. Hopefully Trump gets his lawyers going on this right away.
what are his lawyers going to do? Don't you really want to see just what his relation with Russia is?
Wow, you really drink the kool-aid, don't you?

The left has made up this fiction about how the tax returns are the smoking gun that Trump has a relationship with Russia. Do you realize that such a statement is a political charge without merit or proof?

If the courts allow this to be release, I intend to rub it in every one's nose if it turns out to be just a normal business tax return.

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