BREAKING...Maddow: we've got Trump's tax returns!

I wonder what reaction Maddow would have if her taxes are leaked. I wonder what loopholes she exploited and how much she earned as a two bit communist reporter.

Who knows what might be leaked int he coming months....

Maddow is embarrassing. NBC is garbage.

Another thing that blew up in the loon's faces.

Simply hilarious, for the last year they claimed Trump paid no taxes...then find out he paid 38 mil. HAHAHAHA.....priceless
Maddow has one saving grace...
You can't lose any credibility when you have none.

She thought she had a winner....and finally got that long sought after weiner
Now that she has her Capone's cave she and Giraldo should get together.
God, how I hate Geraldo...a true POS.
This is the Equivalent of Geraldo opening Al Capone's Vault!

Phucking AWESOME Entertainment watching Lefty lose his freaking mind.

Anyone who gives raunchy madcow any credibility are damn fools.

Anybody who gives Rachel Maddow a copy of Trumps tax return, if they worked for the IRS broke the law, but Maddow has no criminal liability.

Unless she asked for it. But modern printers and copiers leave a micro signature, the FBI can trace where the copies came from.

Then you have folks like this one.

NYT Kristof Solicits Felony: Asks IRS to Leak Trump's Tax Records

NYT Kristof Solicits Felony: Asks IRS to Leak Trump's Tax Records

Unfortunately , the FBI can not be trusted.

You mean keep
Committing felonies Comrades, right?

Why worry about The Russians and our elections and wild and unsupported accusations when we Have The Democrat Party Trying to Subvert Democracy and The Rule of Law.

So wait... You ASSHOLES committed a Felony to get your hands on a 10 year old tax return and Found NOTHING?

So you pivot to "Trump leaked his own Tax Returns?"


Do you listen to yourselves?


Phucking Hysterical!

What's next Lefty? Leaking Stealth Fighter Secrets?

The word is out that these were probably leaked by Trump to distract from the healthcare bullshit they are trying to pass..we shall see...
Stay focused democrats

Nothing illegal about media reporting what was found in their mailbox..

This would be so if an IRS agent was leaking it...

So fail!

It's an absolutely Hilarious Fail again for The Left!

But the Felonies are serious, and The Deep State Left will continue to commit Crimes Against The United States until they are all rooted out and locked up!

Thank you again for all the pants splitting laughter you Leftist assholes have provided in 2016 & more
to come in 2017.

My hat is off to you for your comedy of errors.

The sad part is that you are willing to destroy America and commit any crime necessary to stop you from finally having to admit you lost.

We are laughing at your misfortune and anticipating your arrests, and looking forward to a further diminishment of your crumbling party.

Never have so many morons tried so hard to do so much wrong and fail so miserably

Here's to The Left for working so hard to make sure they obtain irrelevancy.

Thank You Looney Tunes!

This is the Equivalent of Geraldo opening Al Capone's Vault!

Phucking AWESOME Entertainment watching Lefty lose his freaking mind.

You can't make up your mind. Either someone committed this serious felony... or it is something that didn't matter. You're having a mental meltdown.
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There was nothing in Al Capone's vault. There was something in these two pages.
Yeah, information everyone has aleady known about for the past twelve years, Einstein.

Twitter Just SHREDDED Rachel Maddow Over Trump Tax Return 'Story'

Op-Ed: Donald Trump just got a nice victory, thanks, of all people, to Rachel Maddow

Report: Trump’s 2005 Taxes Revealed


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