BREAKING...Maddow: we've got Trump's tax returns!

bulldyke madcow FAIL

Hey, Jimmy boy, your first article you can't read unless you subscribe to the WSJ. Nothing proved there. Your second and third articles didn't say anything about any earlier tax returns or seeing the 2005 tax returns, other than today.

You need to vette your sources a little better, because they're becoming your worst enemy.
A return that is 12 years old isn't much to look at. What is surprising to me that his income is only showing 150 million yet he has repeatedly stated his net worth is around 10 BILLION????? Hmmm.

So more recent tax returns are what is needed to determine which foreign countries hold him hostage right now.
Personal vs Corporate income...are you that stupid?
You own a business.

As a matter of fact I did for over 30 years and was a sub-S corporation. So yeah you're right what the 1040 form is--is his personal income derived from all his business's and again in 2005 he is reporting an income of only $150 million, meaning all the business's he owned in 2005 only produced a 150 million personal income for him? That surprises me. Especially when he claims to have a net worth of 10 billion.

But also Foreign investments would be shown on the K-1 & that would be attached to his 1040, and a list of those business's and how much income or loss was produced by them. As we see it's just the simple 1040 form and it's 12 YEARS OLD, it's worthless.

It doesn't tell us where his foreign investments are at. I could care less how much he earned, or paid in taxes, I want to know about these foreign investments and assets, and where they're at.

Hey, Jimmy boy, your first article you can't read unless you subscribe to the WSJ. Nothing proved there. Your second and third articles didn't say anything about any earlier tax returns or seeing the 2005 tax returns, other than today.

You need to vette your sources a little better, because they're becoming your worst enemy.

I see them just fine.

Just like a liberal, you think I am responsible for your personal failures.

Taint so, bro.
Instead of Geraldo's EMPTY Vault,
We can now talk anout Rachel Madcow's Empty BOX!

Trump paid more in taxes than MSNBC!


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