BREAKING...Maddow: we've got Trump's tax returns!



Trump is still dividing the country...and Hannity is an asshole

The democrats didn't start this, Trump did..

Donald Trump Acknowledges Not Paying Federal Income Taxes for Years

Donald J. Trump explicitly acknowledged for the first time during Sunday’s debate that he used a $916 million loss that he reported on his 1995 income tax returns to avoid paying personal federal income taxes for years.
All of this from the media shows a very serious effort to undermine democracy and the Will of the People. There is a combined effort to "get him" and it won't bode well for these outlets and their advertisers who are wondering just what they are sponsoring.

Never has a witch hunt been so sustained, so deliberate and ultimately so wrong headed.
And so unsuccessful.

Never have we seen so many morons try so hard to commit so many crimes to try do so much damage and fail so miserably!
Looks like we owe that dumb bitch a bit of gratitude for proving Trump has paid more than his fair share in taxes. lol :2up:
Rachel "blinky" mad cow has shit for brains... and people that watch her show are worse off yet
So, Trump paid a 24% federal tax rate in 2005 in addition to an Alternative Minimum Tax of $31 million.

I'd like to see his recent tax returns.

Again, what is important is where his foreign investments are at. We know the Trump empire has expanded into several foreign countries including China. They just opened up a new Golf Course in Dubai. We don't know if he has Russian assets, or banking investments there, and it's because we don't have recent income tax returns (the full return) not just 2 pages of the 1040 form. That doesn't tell you anything about foreign assets and investments. And the K-1 form is normally attached to the 1040 form, which would show all investments foreign and in country, and that's not even included in this 2005 return.
Trump's Hotels In China Could Be A Conflict For The President-Elect
Trump sons open Dubai golf club as namesake now US president
Donald Trump's Investments In India To Impact US Foreign Policy: Report

IOW--we still don't know what his FOREIGN conflicts of interest are. But you're right he was able to write off some 900 million in loss's but it wasn't his loss, it was the banks loss via some loop-hole. What year was that? If it happened after 2005, then it's fairly reasonable to assume that if he was only making 150 million a year that would have taken care of any subsequent income gain or liability for Federal income taxes for several years until that loss had run it's ground.
You need to shove your socialism up your ass

Trump is still dividing the country...and Hannity is an asshole

The democrats didn't start this, Trump did..

Donald Trump Acknowledges Not Paying Federal Income Taxes for Years

Donald J. Trump explicitly acknowledged for the first time during Sunday’s debate that he used a $916 million loss that he reported on his 1995 income tax returns to avoid paying personal federal income taxes for years.

No, you stupid motherfucking sore losers are the ones dividing the country.

You lost. Get behind DJT to make our country great again.

But the swamp dwellers - the demo_rats who constitute the great majority of federal employees ignored 26 USC 6103 and criminally disclosed his returns.



Trump is still dividing the country...and Hannity is an asshole

The democrats didn't start this, Trump did..

Donald Trump Acknowledges Not Paying Federal Income Taxes for Years

Donald J. Trump explicitly acknowledged for the first time during Sunday’s debate that he used a $916 million loss that he reported on his 1995 income tax returns to avoid paying personal federal income taxes for years.

Yes, Trump is dividing the country. He's separating the ticks on the of society from their hosts. The ticks are whining like a class full of petulant spoiled children.

I think a new dance will be created in 2017 to honor The Democrat Party.

It'll be called "The Butt Hurt Dance"!
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Keep in mind that Rachel only has TWO pages of Trump's 2005 tax return.
Washington Redskin
Why don't you take your Rachel "blinky" mad cow and shove it up your fucking ass you fucking drunk ass Indian
Since President Trump Took Office Democrats have committed 15 felonies to try to get him, and have found nothing.

They will find jail cells I guess their little treasure hunt will not be entirely unsuccessful.

Trump is still dividing the country...and Hannity is an asshole

The democrats didn't start this, Trump did..

Donald Trump Acknowledges Not Paying Federal Income Taxes for Years

Donald J. Trump explicitly acknowledged for the first time during Sunday’s debate that he used a $916 million loss that he reported on his 1995 income tax returns to avoid paying personal federal income taxes for years.

No, you stupid motherfucking sore losers are the ones dividing the country.

You lost. Get behind DJT to make our country great again.

But the swamp dwellers - the demo_rats who constitute the great majority of federal employees ignored 26 USC 6103 and criminally disclosed his returns.


So leaks are good only when it hurts your political opponent. :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

Leaks aren't always illegal. Sometimes, whistleblowers aren't breaking the law, just loyalty.

The left has condemned WikiLeaks and Snowden because they hurt the Dems. Charges can and will be filed on Snowden if he ever leaves his safe space.

Maddow would be in violation of the law for hacking the IRS, which is likely the only way to get the returns. Serious stuff, for sure.
Keep in mind that Rachel only has TWO pages of Trump's 2005 tax return.
Washington Redskin
Why don't you take your Rachel "blinky" mad cow and shove it up your fucking ass you fucking drunk ass Indian

So you are trying to intimidate to get a point across..?

Come on Rustic , stop with the insults..

And Lakhota is a man older than you..
Since President Trump Took Office Democrats have committed 15 felonies to try to get him, and have found nothing.

They will find jail cells I guess their little treasure hunt will not be entirely unsuccessful.

Trump is still dividing the country...and Hannity is an asshole

The democrats didn't start this, Trump did..

Donald Trump Acknowledges Not Paying Federal Income Taxes for Years

Donald J. Trump explicitly acknowledged for the first time during Sunday’s debate that he used a $916 million loss that he reported on his 1995 income tax returns to avoid paying personal federal income taxes for years.

No, you stupid motherfucking sore losers are the ones dividing the country.

You lost. Get behind DJT to make our country great again.

But the swamp dwellers - the demo_rats who constitute the great majority of federal employees ignored 26 USC 6103 and criminally disclosed his returns.



Claim that Trump isn't really rich: DEBUNKED. Claim that Trump doesn't pay taxes: DEBUNKED. Thanks Rachel Maddow.

Guaranteed Rush will laugh his ass off tomorrow..........
That's cool. I laugh my ass off everytime I listen to Pumpkin-head. Especially when he goes into his "baby voice".

I don't expect that Mr. Talent on loan from GAAAAWWWWD will be able to pull a recent K-1 form out of his ass to prove that Trump has no Foreign conflicts of interest? Do you?
Trump sons open Dubai golf club as namesake now US president
Trump's Hotels In China Could Be A Conflict For The President-Elect
Donald Trump's Investments In India To Impact US Foreign Policy: Report
Donald Trump's Many Conflicts of Interest: From His Hotels to Family Ties (Photos)


Who knows maybe Limbaugh will finally discuss what Article 1 Section 9 of the Constitution is, if he knows what it is?-LOL

"Never in American history has a president-elect presented more conflict of interest questions and foreign entanglements than Donald Trump. Given the vast and global scope of Trump’s business interests, many of which remain shrouded in secrecy, we cannot predict the full gamut of legal and constitutional challenges that lie ahead. But one violation, of constitutional magnitude, will run from the instant that Mr. Trump swears he will “faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.” While holding office, Mr. Trump will receive—by virtue of his continued interest in the Trump Organization and his stake in hundreds of other entities—a steady stream of monetary and other benefits from foreign powers and their agents."
The Emoluments Clause: Its text, meaning, and application to Donald J. Trump | Brookings Institution

Article I, Section 9 of the Constitution provides as follows: “No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.”

You have elected a President that can easily be held hostage by foreign countries. Putting these assets in his kids name does NOT release him of responsibility of the Emoloment clause in the Constitution, as he will protect those assets under any circumstance. Which produces a NATIONAL SECURITY THREAT.

But you dumbass's didn't demand that he release his income tax returns, did you?


While Republicans may not be interested in this, you can be assured that Democrats will be when they take over in 2018. They will be in charge of the Ways & Means committee and we'll finally get to see all of Trump's recent returns and those K-1 sheets that are attached to his 1040 forms, (if he's not impeached before 2018.)
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