BREAKING...Maddow: we've got Trump's tax returns!

So leaks are good only when it hurts your political opponent. :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

Leaks aren't always illegal. Sometimes, whistleblowers aren't breaking the law, just loyalty.

The left has condemned WikiLeaks and Snowden because they hurt the Dems. Charges can and will be filed on Snowden if he ever leaves his safe space.

Maddow would be in violation of the law for hacking the IRS, which is likely the only way to get the returns. Serious stuff, for sure.

She didn't hack the IRS. Someone mailed the pages to someone else. She did nothing wrong, nor did NBC.

Guaranteed Rush will laugh his ass off tomorrow..........
That's cool. I laugh my ass off everytime I listen to Pumpkin-head. Especially when he goes into his "baby voice".

I don't expect that Mr. Talent on loan from GAAAAWWWWD will be able to pull a recent K-1 form out of his ass to prove that Trump has no Foreign conflicts of interest? Do you?
Trump sons open Dubai golf club as namesake now US president
Trump's Hotels In China Could Be A Conflict For The President-Elect
Donald Trump's Investments In India To Impact US Foreign Policy: Report
Donald Trump's Many Conflicts of Interest: From His Hotels to Family Ties (Photos)


Who knows maybe he'll finally discuss what Article 1 Section 9 of the Constitution is, if Limbaugh knows it?

"Never in American history has a president-elect presented more conflict of interest questions and foreign entanglements than Donald Trump. Given the vast and global scope of Trump’s business interests, many of which remain shrouded in secrecy, we cannot predict the full gamut of legal and constitutional challenges that lie ahead. But one violation, of constitutional magnitude, will run from the instant that Mr. Trump swears he will “faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.” While holding office, Mr. Trump will receive—by virtue of his continued interest in the Trump Organization and his stake in hundreds of other entities—a steady stream of monetary and other benefits from foreign powers and their agents."
The Emoluments Clause: Its text, meaning, and application to Donald J. Trump | Brookings Institution

Article I, Section 9 of the Constitution provides as follows: “No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.”

You have elected a President that can easily be held hostage by foreign countries. Putting these assets in his kids name does NOT release him of responsibility of the Emoloment clause in the Constitution, as he will protect those assets under any circumstance. Which produces a NATIONAL SECURITY THREAT.

But you dumbass's didn't demand that he release his income tax returns, did you?

Why would he even want to discuss article one unless he was talking about a member of CONGRESS? It is not in ANY way applicable to the EXECUTIVE BRANCH of the government.
I don't read looney toon posts from Lefties more than 1 paragraph long.

They are empty and devoid of substance like Rachel Madcow's Empty Box!

What an awesome night watching Liberals Melt!

BTW Shitstain Lefties.

Another of your Obama Phuck Up Illegals (5 of them) kidnapped a girl beat her half to death then shot her in the back of the head as she plead for her life for looking at them funny!

But you are all creaming your jeans over Rachel Madcow's Empty Vault like that's News?
So leaks are good only when it hurts your political opponent. :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

Leaks aren't always illegal. Sometimes, whistleblowers aren't breaking the law, just loyalty.

The left has condemned WikiLeaks and Snowden because they hurt the Dems. Charges can and will be filed on Snowden if he ever leaves his safe space.

Maddow would be in violation of the law for hacking the IRS, which is likely the only way to get the returns. Serious stuff, for sure.

She didn't hack the IRS. Someone mailed the pages to someone else. She did nothing wrong, nor did NBC.

Wrong, possession of stolen financial documents is a felony. Releasing the documents without written signed authorization is a Felony, ask the people who work in your doctors office about personal documents, apparently a kindergartner knows more than you do about it. Maybe you would like the fact that you had the crabs and the clap released to all of your potential sex partners.
I don't read looney toon posts from Lefties more than 1 paragraph long.

They are empty and devoid of substance like Rachel Madcow's Empty Box!

What an awesome night watching Liberals Melt!

BTW Shitstain Lefties.

Another of your Obama Phuck Up Illegals (5 of them) kidnapped a girl beat her half to death then shot her in the back of the head as she plead for her life for looking at them funny!

But you are all creaming your jeans over Rachel Madcow's Empty Vault like that's News?


Trump's tax returns in full form...:biggrin:
So leaks are good only when it hurts your political opponent. :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

Leaks aren't always illegal. Sometimes, whistleblowers aren't breaking the law, just loyalty.

The left has condemned WikiLeaks and Snowden because they hurt the Dems. Charges can and will be filed on Snowden if he ever leaves his safe space.

Maddow would be in violation of the law for hacking the IRS, which is likely the only way to get the returns. Serious stuff, for sure.

She didn't hack the IRS. Someone mailed the pages to someone else. She did nothing wrong, nor did NBC.

Wrong, possession of stolen financial documents is a felony. Releasing the documents without written signed authorization is a Felony, ask the people who work in your doctors office about personal documents, apparently a kindergartner knows more than you do about it. Maybe you would like the fact that you had the crabs and the clap released to all of your potential sex partners.

NO. I showed you the law for reporters. It isn't the same as it is for you and I.

Easy question, did Woodward and Bernstein go to jail? NO, they didn't. Stop before you keep making a fool of yourself. Just go and do a Google search for Reporter's privilege and Journalistic Shield Laws. You have no clue what the fuck you are talking about. Hell if you watched the show they even explained it to you. It would have only been illegal if they had asked someone to steal the information and give it to them, and they didn't.
So leaks are good only when it hurts your political opponent. :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

Leaks aren't always illegal. Sometimes, whistleblowers aren't breaking the law, just loyalty.

The left has condemned WikiLeaks and Snowden because they hurt the Dems. Charges can and will be filed on Snowden if he ever leaves his safe space.

Maddow would be in violation of the law for hacking the IRS, which is likely the only way to get the returns. Serious stuff, for sure.

She didn't hack the IRS. Someone mailed the pages to someone else. She did nothing wrong, nor did NBC.

Wrong, possession of stolen financial documents is a felony. Releasing the documents without written signed authorization is a Felony, ask the people who work in your doctors office about personal documents, apparently a kindergartner knows more than you do about it. Maybe you would like the fact that you had the crabs and the clap released to all of your potential sex partners.

NO. I showed you the law for reporters. It isn't the same as it is for you and I.

Easy question, did Woodward and Bernstein go to jail? NO, they didn't. Stop before you keep making a fool of yourself. Just go and do a Google search for Reporter's privilege and Journalistic Shield Laws. You have no clue what the fuck you are talking about. Hell if you watched the show they even explained it to you. It would have only been illegal if they had asked someone to steal the information and give it to them, and they didn't.

Mad Cow maybe immune. But we are going to find the government employee who released them.

And he/she will pay.

The Russians shouldn't scare anyone as much The Democrat Party.

Tax rates for top presidential candidates.

Sanders 13%
Clinton 17 %
Obama 19%
Trump 25%

America is laughing at you Lefty.

And they are more concerned about your felonies and your criminal and unethical behavior than they are Putin.

You guys keep digging a hole that you may never extricate yourself from.

The Public trusts the President more than they trust Madcow. That's got to make you feel good, right?

Makes me laugh.


Percentage is based on tax brackets. Sanders makes by FAR the lowest amount than any other person on that list. Good thing you left that part out eh?

US Senator base salary is $174,000

That falls under 28% tax bracket. How much did he paid again?
So leaks are good only when it hurts your political opponent. :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

Leaks aren't always illegal. Sometimes, whistleblowers aren't breaking the law, just loyalty.

The left has condemned WikiLeaks and Snowden because they hurt the Dems. Charges can and will be filed on Snowden if he ever leaves his safe space.

Maddow would be in violation of the law for hacking the IRS, which is likely the only way to get the returns. Serious stuff, for sure.

She didn't hack the IRS. Someone mailed the pages to someone else. She did nothing wrong, nor did NBC.

Wrong, possession of stolen financial documents is a felony. Releasing the documents without written signed authorization is a Felony, ask the people who work in your doctors office about personal documents, apparently a kindergartner knows more than you do about it. Maybe you would like the fact that you had the crabs and the clap released to all of your potential sex partners.

NO. I showed you the law for reporters. It isn't the same as it is for you and I.

Easy question, did Woodward and Bernstein go to jail? NO, they didn't. Stop before you keep making a fool of yourself. Just go and do a Google search for Reporter's privilege and Journalistic Shield Laws. You have no clue what the fuck you are talking about. Hell if you watched the show they even explained it to you. It would have only been illegal if they had asked someone to steal the information and give it to them, and they didn't.

Mad Cow maybe immune. But we are going to find the government employee who released them.

And he/she will pay.


Might not have even been someone in the government. There are some circumstances where Trump has to release his past tax returns, like when he submitted to get a gambling license. The leak could have come from that.

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